Topic: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)  (Read 5531 times)

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Herr Burt

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This weekend, in the midst of testing, I took a good look at my map.  I found it completely uninspiring, so I've scrapped it.  (doh!)  As I redo it, I plan to use a lot more terrain, actually hex-edit all the hexes so that they will start below maximum value, and collect economy into "lanes" between planets and bases.  This latter should actually give meaning to the terrain feature "trade route".  It might also spark some strategic operations.

In the meantime, if you want to get an idea of the *geography* of the map, you might take a look at this:

As to the starting date:

When I was discussing schedules with the other admins, I mentioned that I might be called away on a business trip and that the worst case scenario would be a start date on the 21st.  Well, guess what?  If the bloody Iraq war had happened on time then perhaps all US commercial flights would be grounded (again) and I'd get to stay home.  As it is, we are cursed to live in peaceful times and I must leave.  Damn diplomacy anyway.

Consider the worst case to have happened.  I hit the tarmac tomorrow morning and don't get back for several days.  I might could start Monday, but that is St. Patrick's day and I'll be in no condition.  I might could start Tuesday, but that is the day AFTER St. Patrick's day, and I'll be in even less condition.  Wednesday is just a plain stupid day to start a server.  So the server starts on Friday, the 21st.  Don't be late, or we cross the border without you!

The good news is that these extra days will give me a chance to hex-edit the map (once I'm sober and less homicidal) and rebuild my secondary machine so that I've got something decent to play on while the server runs on my primary machine.  This latter bit is a strictly selfish bit, but it's rather important to me.  

-Herr Burt the reluctant traveller  


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2003, 02:17:31 am »
 Ok, having the start date is great, but when will the downloads be available for us lesser literate computer types who probably need at least a day to figure out how to make stuff work right?

  Uh, J'inn asked me to post this.

The one every one wants to see


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2003, 04:20:10 am »
Excellant map! We should use it more often.


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2003, 04:37:31 am »

 Ok, having the start date is great, but when will the downloads be available for us lesser literate computer types who probably need at least a day to figure out how to make stuff work right?

  Uh, J'inn asked me to post this.

The one every one wants to see

Too bad you don't fly Hydran Chuut told me about how great that would be lmao...


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2003, 04:54:07 am »
Ok I figured it out, DOE really stands for Delay of the Eagle.....

I manage to arrange 4 days off March 14-17th in anticipation of DOE and now its bumped again....Grrrrr

Well, I guess at least I will have plenty of time for lawn maintainence, might even go and help Herr Bert with his...


I know it was planned, don't deny it Scippy you Bastard!      


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2003, 09:47:56 am »
Chuut, you and me both!

I've got the 14th 17th off as well.

Maybe we could log some nutter hours on 7.35 as a warm up?

We have a new trainee to work over, I mean work on. I'll see if I can get him there too.


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2003, 09:51:06 am »
Hasn't he been worked over enough already???

<thinks for a moment>

What am I saying??? Of course not!!


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2003, 02:59:00 pm »
A note related to maps, although not the campaign map.

Don't know if it possible but might want to consider using small mission maps in game, as recent experience on 7.35 has shown that Gorn/Rom matchs can tend to take a loooonnnngggg time with large and medium maps, which might but off a lot of people. Although, with the prevelance of fighters it might not be so bad, just food for thought.


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2003, 03:25:11 pm »
I'm fine with the larger mission maps -the longer the battle means the tougher it is - my preference.


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2003, 03:31:34 pm »

I'm fine with the larger mission maps -the longer the battle means the tougher it is - my preference.  

Being a dedicated Gorn I tend to agree. My point was really that there are a lot of folks that will be playing a plasma race for the first time and fear that much like the Hydran AI in Four Powers it could be a bit much for most.


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2003, 05:25:56 pm »

, but that is St. Patrick's day and I'll be in no condition.

A lame excuse.  St. Patrick's Day is for us Irish.  You Scots can bloody well go get your own holiday ya funny talkin' so and sos.

AND!!!   An Irishman would be able to work on anything after "the day"  hungover or not.  

And on a serious note:

What does the area of orange hexes in the middle of Fed space represent on the map?


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2003, 06:35:07 pm »
IIRC that's the Orion stronghold J'inn.

Nice map HB - feels very nostalgic



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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2003, 06:59:49 pm »
Hmmm... that looks very familiar....  Virtual Galaxy

Is your map based off of the F&E?  Our is.....  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bearslayer »

SSCF Hooch

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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2003, 07:18:20 pm »


, but that is St. Patrick's day and I'll be in no condition.

A lame excuse.  St. Patrick's Day is for us Irish.  You Scots can bloody well go get your own holiday ya funny talkin' so and sos.

AND!!!   An Irishman would be able to work on anything after "the day"  hungover or not.  

And on a serious note:

What does the area of orange hexes in the middle of Fed space represent on the map?  

I may not be a Gorn, but I am Scot, and a damn fine one too. I have serveral Highlander bag pipe CD's to prove it.



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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2003, 07:26:00 pm »



, but that is St. Patrick's day and I'll be in no condition.

A lame excuse.  St. Patrick's Day is for us Irish.  You Scots can bloody well go get your own holiday ya funny talkin' so and sos.

AND!!!   An Irishman would be able to work on anything after "the day"  hungover or not.  

And on a serious note:

What does the area of orange hexes in the middle of Fed space represent on the map?  

I may not be a Gorn, but I am Scot, and a damn fine one too. I have serveral Highlander bag pipe CD's to prove it.




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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2003, 09:06:20 pm »




, but that is St. Patrick's day and I'll be in no condition.

A lame excuse.  St. Patrick's Day is for us Irish.  You Scots can bloody well go get your own holiday ya funny talkin' so and sos.

AND!!!   An Irishman would be able to work on anything after "the day"  hungover or not.  

And on a serious note:

What does the area of orange hexes in the middle of Fed space represent on the map?  

I may not be a Gorn, but I am Scot, and a damn fine one too. I have serveral Highlander bag pipe CD's to prove it.



First, that would be "crrrrap" ... say it right, roll the Rs.

But, I figure your error was simply due to a Scott's inability to hold their hold their 'refreshments' as well as an Irishman and you simply mispoke.  No problem.    


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2003, 02:22:52 am »

Hmmm... that looks very familiar....  Virtual Galaxy

Is your map based off of the F&E?  Our is.....  

Not to be picky, but it IS the F&E map, or at least the eastern sheet.  


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2003, 03:17:56 am »
You would think with all the Scots and Irish appearing in this thread that I'd see more of them on a server during the UK evening hours


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2003, 03:26:49 am »
Well, maybe they came to the states to get away from the English....


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2003, 05:48:41 am »

Well, maybe they came to the states to get away from the English....  

Well all most its to hide the shame they feel over us beating them at football  
There is nothing worse in the world than loseing to the scot football team thankfuly that never happens often


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2003, 06:26:32 am »


Well, maybe they came to the states to get away from the English....  

Well all most its to hide the shame they feel over us beating them at football  
There is nothing worse in the world than loseing to the scot football team thankfuly that never happens often  

Such a shame, the same can't be said for the English cricket team... <snicker>


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2003, 06:50:02 am »


Well, maybe they came to the states to get away from the English....  

Well all most its to hide the shame they feel over us beating them at football  
There is nothing worse in the world than loseing to the scot football team thankfuly that never happens often  

Well I have yet to see any English football team that can compete with the NFL.....  


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2003, 07:11:15 am »
That's because NFL isn't football - it's armoured rugby with lots of resting.


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2003, 08:23:49 am »

Well, maybe they came to the states to get away from the English....  

That's just sooooo wrong. Everyone knows it was to get farther away from the French.


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Re: DOE: I have seen the map and it doth sucketh (and start dates)
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2003, 10:47:35 am »



Well, maybe they came to the states to get away from the English....  

Well all most its to hide the shame they feel over us beating them at football  
There is nothing worse in the world than loseing to the scot football team thankfuly that never happens often  

Such a shame, the same can't be said for the English cricket team... <snicker>  

Your right about that but then who the hell likes cricket its even more dull than golf