Topic: "Fantasy Trek" My own creation  (Read 1510 times)

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Offline KBF-Kapact

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"Fantasy Trek" My own creation
« on: October 04, 2007, 09:24:18 pm »
folks, I am working on a PBEM..... here are the details. I'd love to have some help testing. email me,


Fantasy Trek:


In the 24th Century, the disappearance of hundreds of Klingon and Federation vessels has set the military arm of each government on edge. While the governments struggle to discover what is happening, certain rogue elements from each side take it into their own hands to abandon the hard-fought Khitomer Accords.


Independent exploration from each side has discovered a vast alternate universe co-existing with ours, containing countless planets. In this strange realm, weapons are non-functional, and a scientific and exploratory renaissance is taking place. There are even indications that the space is the creation of the omnipotent being known as Q. Now ships from both sides have discovered a way to travel into what is known informally as “Q Space”, and explore the “Q Planets” within in an effort to discover what has happened, and avert a war.


(Note: the only map I have right now is an Excel-based two-player map. I’ll remedy that once I get the rules set)



 (I can email the map and combat chart for anyone interested...)

Each player gets four rolls, one for each system. (Except in the case of stationary objects, such as bases). For each system, the maximum for each roll is as shown. For example, a frigate can have a maximum of 20 points to work with. The player can distribute those points to taste. If player one devotes (for example) ten points to offense and player two devotes six points to defense, four points of damage are recorded against player two's shields. Shields absorb five points of damage before going down. (But can regenerate one point every three turns) After that, four more points will disable ship. (These points regenerate at the same rate) Six more damage points destroy the ship. So it takes fifteen damage points to destroy a ship. In addition, a player can set aside points to reinforce shields. For example, if a ship has sixteen available points, it can use ten points for offense and defense, and add six to the shields. It will then take eleven points to bring down the shields.


After five science missions, ships automatically get 1 free point toward EW and sensors. This is to reflect the edge an experienced science officer brings in.


After five combat engagements, the extra points go toward weapons and maneuver.


No ship, regardless of the heroic name, starts out better than its peer. It's up to you to make legends and heroes.


During every turn, you can deliberately drop a ship into Q space, where the Q planets exist. Otherwise, a 1 in 16 roll drops a ship of your choice into Q space, and a Q planet mission (mission determined by dice/random number generator). Planets are neutral, they stay neutral, and there are no combat engagements in Q space.


As a surprise, after (maybe) 100 Q planet missions, normal space will expand by.... ten times?





On each turn, you may move as many ships as possible, and all facilities can operate. Just like all turn-based strategy games.


Each Fleet starts out from shipyards, except for construction, troop transports, and diplomatic (which launch from starbase).


Each ship moves one unit (square) per turn in any direction. (For example, Fed HC (heavy cruiser) Equestra: b6-b7). Note: this may be adjusted later depending on how it works.


Several ships can group and move as one fleet, by noting the fleet movement. (Fed 6th Fleet: b6-b7)


Forming a fleet counts as a single move by every ship involved. (Fed HC USS Equestra, Fed HC USS Enterprise, Fed HC USS Discovery form Fed 6th Fleet)


Ships cannot pass through enemy/non-allied space without engaging. In the case of a non-allied planet, Fed must establish diplomatic relations or conquer. Klingons must conquer. It takes two full turns to establish diplomatic relations. (So at the start of the third turn, it's allied).


Travel through nebula takes twice as long. Facilities cannot be built in nebula.


Shipyards, starbases, and defense platforms can be built anywhere. Even in enemy space. If you can defend it while it's being built, you can have it. Defense platforms are built in two turns. Shipyards are built in six. Starbases are built in ten. (As in the case of establishing diplomatic relations, the facility becomes on the next turn... i.e. the defense platform is active on the third turn)


Moderator will announce result of all combat and release updated map at the end of each turn, and before the next.


No travel off map (XX areas, and alpha/numeric tables are borders) If you do, that ship/fleet is lost for the duration of the game.






Initial Fleet Setup


One Starbase

 -Can create additional construction ships (max of six more), in two turns

 -Can create additional troop transports (max of four more), in two turns

 -Can create additional diplomatic ships (max of four more), in two turns (Federation only)


Two Shipyards

 -Each can create a heavy cruiser in four turns

 -Each can create a light cruiser in three turns

 -Each can create a frigate in two turns

 -For Federation starbase, after ten turns, they increase ship production rate by one turn


Two Troop Transports (Klingon)

  -Each can colonize/occupy one planet

  -Can refill (in 1 turn) with troops to colonize/occupy additional planets


Two Troop Transports (Federation)

  -Each can colonize/occupy one planet

  -Can refill (in 1 turn) with troops to colonize/occupy additional planets


Two Diplomatic Ships (Federation only)


  -No offensive capability

  -Carries diplomatic staff that can create alliance with neutral planet in four turns


Spy Ships (Klingon only)

  -Any existing Klingon ship can be used as a spy ship. Spy ships can cloak (from launch), but they must announce this (assuming that Federation sensors would detect this). They can be used to turn neutral planets (takes four turns once they arrive at planet) or conduct raids on outposts. (in that case, the cloaked attack adds two extra offense points... this simulates the advantage of a sneak attack)


Two Construction Ships

  -No offensive capability

  -Each can create one defensive outpost (in two turns)

  -Three can combine to create a shipyard (in six turns)

  -Six can combine to create a starbase (in ten turns)



Two Heavy Cruisers


Four Light Cruisers


Six Frigates


Thirteen Defense Platforms

General Kapact, Epetai Abukoff
VodleH Class Heavy Battlecruiser, Black Fleet Variant
"...laughing, undefeated..."
Beslan BortaS
betleH pIn'a'
Ro DoQ Vaj
Founder, Klingon Order of Scribes
Klingon Black Fleet

Ballad of House Abukoff:
Yet if my line should die,
it dies with its teeth in the enemy's throat,
it dies with its name on the enemy's tongue.
For just as mere life is not victory,
mere death is not defeat;
And in the next world I shall kill the foe a thousand times,
(from John Ford's "The Final Reflection")
IKS Ab'Qaff
"Surrender or be des-"

{sound of explosion}

Klingon Black Fleet
"...laughing, undefeated..."

Offline KBF-Kapact

  • No matter how much Paramount and Viacom abuse and neglect and generally make a bloody mess of Trek, and despite the fact that they seem to have intentionally stuck a knife in it's belly, technically they still own it.
  • Lt. Junior Grade
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  • Posts: 324
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  • Old enough to know better, but I just don't give a
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Re: "Fantasy Trek" My own creation
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2008, 11:34:55 pm »
Hey folks, I have spent almost a year refining the game from where this thread last showed it. Getting rid of the premise, concentrating on working on some combat and gameplay rules. I'm currently testing what I call multilevel play, which involves everything from fleet management to beaming over in charge of boarding parties to capture a ship, to ship to ship combat, to ship to shipyard combat. All I use are a text document, microsoft excel (or google docs if you don't have excel), and some six sided dice (or a random number generator). Here is an example of a couple of posts from my fantasy trek blog site, to explain what i'm doing.

Multilevel Update
Last night I started lining up the two fleets. The Federation fleet, rebuilt and augmented by a single captured Klingon heavy cruiser has pulled the rebuilt Klingon fleet to their side of the board. So we have the following ships facing off. USS Endeavour2, USS Gordon2, USS Genghis Khan2, USS Guadalcanal2, USS Entebbe, and USS (to reflect its capture) Chang, versus IKS Drunken Warrior2, IKS Krueg3, IKS Chang2, IKS Kor, and IKS tIQghoB.

The hope for each side is that enough ships survive to start taking out enemy shipyards. That will start to deny one side the ability rebuild their ships, and that is the key to winning the overall campaign. Of  course, once they've destroyed the enemy ships and shipyards, they'll have to occupy the enemy planet (located behind the shipyards), which has a garrison of fifty defenders.

All of this should in fact be a simple test of every form of combat operations I intended for Fantasy Trek. After that, with any luck, it will be a matter of creating scenarios and rules and guidelines to tie all of these aspects in with the ongoing storyline. Then I'll add more races' ships (Romulans, etc) and more ship classes.

and the next day....

Results of Fleet battle in multilevel play
I expected the extra ship in the Federation fleet to give them the edge over the Klingons, but in fact, that was all that saved them from a complete rout. The USS Gordon2 and the USS Chang (the captured Klingon heavy cruiser) easily destroyed the IKS Krueg3, but in every other battle, the Klingons won, and easily. The IKS Chang2 destroyed the USS Entebbe. The IKS Drunken Warrior2 destroyed the USS Endeavour2. The IKS tIQghoB destroyed the USS Guadalcanal. The IKS Kor destroyed the USS Genghis Khan. Remember, this took place with the simple combat rules and table, and with me playing both sides. So if any lurkers are reading, maybe waiting for a playable game, here is proof that a simple but playable game is here.

Tomorrow, the remaing Klingon Fleet (IKS Kor, IKS tIQghoB, IKS Drunken Warrior2, and IKS Chang2) will engage Federation survivors USS Gordon2 and USS Chang. Assuming that they win, they'll start going after Federation shipyards next, (even as construction begins on replacements for both sides) followed by occupying the Federation planet in the sector.

On the subject of shipyards: if one shipyard is destroyed, another can compensate by building two ships... but... it can still only build one at a time, and it still takes five turns to build a new ship.

Incidentally, I'm of course keeping all of the logs (dice rolls, etc) from these, which I will post at the conclusion of the campaign.

More Multilevel Surprises
Saturday night play had four Klingon heavy cruisers (IKS Chang2, IKS Drunken Warrior, IKS Kor, and IKS tIQghoB) trying to finish off the two surviving Federation heavy cruisers. (USS Chang and USS Gordon2). The Chang2 and the Drunken Warrior were lined up against the Gordon2, and the Kor and the tIQghoB were lined up against the USS Chang2.

Normally, both battles would be routs. However, (and that's why I still call this a work in progress) I thought that a lone starship deserves the opportunity to sacrifice itself for the greater good. In both battles, the Federation ship had enough of a roll to defeat one of their attackers. So I decided to allow the defender to direct all offensive points to a single attacker. That takes the game a step away from cold mathematics and a step toward real game play. Real decision making. So while the Federation fleet is now completely wiped out, heroic actions by two captains weakened the Klingons enough to stop them from destroying shipyards. The two surviving Klingon ships (the Drunken Warrior and the tIQghoB) will now have to wait for more ships to come out of the shipyards. I thought it'd be interesting to have them wait just out of weapons range and each attack a single emerging Federation ship as it launches, or even to gang up two on one. If they were each victorious in one-on-one combat, the Federation would have to wait five more turns to assemble a fleet. If they fought two-on-one, they'd risk losing a ship and having to rebuild, and allow another Federation to launch unmolested. On the other hand, if the Drunken Warrior and tIQghoB lose, the Klingon Fleet is gone, and there are five Federation starships running unopposed. In that case, the Federation fleet would most likely start eliminating Klingon shipyards.

All of this points to the real need for a single player, in this primitive stage of the game, to play as the fleet commander on both sides. In a sense, the object of this game is not to win, but to enjoy a good game. Until I make some progress on learning Java, this is single-player Fantasy Trek. To make things more interesting, one day we'll see troop ships full of boarding parties, construction ships to build more shipyards, and jamming cruisers that provide electronic warfare protection for combat ships. Sauce for the goose. And of course, different scenarios

I would greatly appreciate people having a closer look at and giving feedback...


IKS Ab'Qaff
"Surrender or be des-"

{sound of explosion}

Klingon Black Fleet
"...laughing, undefeated..."