Topic: Startrek in french  (Read 1516 times)

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Offline Don Karnage

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Startrek in french
« on: August 24, 2008, 08:47:34 am »
its ben a long time since i have not view a episode of the original startrek in french, its very hard to find and the dvd pack is only in English, i don't know why its not available in french but they should make it available.

the translation is good compare to the movies when they made mistake in the translation but the original startrek is good.

i found it with emule and will keep trying to find more of it.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Startrek in french
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2008, 02:12:16 pm »
i decide to view the original and the remaster episode the doomsday machine and discover some deleted scene.

the first is when scotty says to kirk that the ship did not go without a fight.

the second one is when mc koy and the commodore beam aboard the enterprise.

the color are better on the original version, the remaster seem loosing its color.

after McKoy leave the bridge when the decker turn's around and look at the other on the bridge.

after sullu execute the order of decker to untill you see kirk fixing the view screen on the constellation

when scotty go to open a panel to take out a tool to when you see the enterprise going toward the ddm.

after sullu says that it just bounce off to when kirk try to call the enterprise.

after you see the enterprise that is going to get swallow to when kirk tell scotty to give him full power.

when sullu says that it was eating the debris to when spock says that me should beam back the captain and the others.

when decker says 'you can't release me of duty" to when  decker says "i don't recognize  you're authority".

after decker knock the security guard to when kirk give rendezvous to spock.

the part when scotty trying to fix the transporter after beaming aboard the enterprise.

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Startrek in french
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2008, 03:09:55 pm »
The deleted scenes were cut out because commercial breaks are longer today than they were in the 60's.  Some scenes had to be cut to fit it into an hour long time slot.
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