FoaS Fed Fleet.
Good day, folks. I figured that I would edit this first post to better show the progress of my work. Below you will find a list of ships that are done or to be done, and its level of completion, and any notes that I feel like putting on. Completed does not include HPing, BreakModels, or Illum maps for now.
Please let me know if I have missed any canon or major fanon ships.
Create-A-Set ModulesDoor Module
releasedChair Module
releasedFederationTOSConstitution-class heavy cruiser
completedSaladin-class destroyer
90%Federation-class dreadnought
0%Mars-class battleship
0%Chicago-class light cruiser
0%Bismarck-class battlecruiser
90%Garth-class battlecruiser
0%Akula-class destroyer
0%Napoleon-class carrier
0%Kearsarge-class light cruiser
0%Chandley-class heavy cruiser
0%TMPAbbe-class missle destroyer
releasedAkula-class destroyer
completedAkyazi-class war cruiser
completedCarolina-class battleship
90%Centaur-class medium cruiser
completedChallenger-class heavy cruiser
0%Churchill-class heavy cruiser
releasedConstellation-class light carrier
completedConstitution-class heavy cruiser
completedDavids-class medium cruiser
completedExcelsior-class Prototype
releasedExcelsior-class battlecruiser
releasedExcelsior2-class heavy battlecruiser
releasedFirebrand-class corvette
completedLexington-class heavy cruiser
releasedLoknar-class light cruiser
releasedMars-class battleship
completedMidway-class carrier
completedMiranda-class light cruiser
completedNew Jersey-class battlecruiser
completedNitocris-class light cruiser
releasedOberth-class frigate
completedOkinawa-class frigate
releasedOrca-class frigate
completedSaladin-class destroyer
completedSaratoga-class light cruiser
0%Soyuz-class light cruiser
15%Star League-class dreadnought
completedThunderbolt-class gunboat
completedTrooper-class monitor
completedUlysses-class dreadnought
releasedYamato-class battleship
completedSuperlight Tug
80%Light Tug
0%Heavy Tug
0%Superheavy Tug
0%Light Freighter
0%Heavy Freighter
25%KlingonD7 (K'tinga / "Bringer of Destruction") heavy cruiser
Released?? (Vodleh / "Emperor") battlecruiser
0%D5 (??? / ???) light cruiser
0%D2 (vkarzadan / "Stingtongue") destroyer
ReleasedD9 (z'gal / "Seeker") heavy cruiser
0%D10 (Riskadh / "Qeen of Battle") battlecruiser
0%D14 (desta kar / "Stinger") destroyer
0%D18 (Laraatan / "Gull") light cruiser
ReleasedK15 (L'Rexa / "Unseen Creeper") frigate
0%K23 (talat khexesta / "Little Killer") frigate
0%F6 (??? / ???) destroyer
0%?? (K'T'Kara / ???) light cruiser
CompletedL6 (??? / "Defender") heavy cruiser
0%L9 (sivista / "Sabre") light cruiser
released?? (Qun'HoH / "Godslayer") battleship
0%B10 ('Lw chon / "Bloodstalker") battleship
0%C9 (Veqlargh 'etlh / "Demon's Blade") dreadnought
0%C7 (GhobmupwI' / "Warhammer") battlecruiser
0%?? ("Kelicos") light dreadnought
released?? ("K'nell Qul") battlecruiser
releasedRomulanTMPEagle-class heavy cruiser
30%Winged Defender heavy cruiser
20%Gladius frigate
20%Praex frigate
20%Centurion destroyer
20%Vulture dreadnaught
25%Sparrowhawk light cruiser
20%Condor battleship
20%Gallant Wing heavy cruiser
20%Stormbird (Romulan D7 conversion)
25%This only covers the big three at this time, ships for other races (retextures, remodels, kitbashes, or original models) will be forthcoming in the future.added
- a rebash of mackie's firebrand
- saratoga, because i forgot entirely about it.
Original Post
Just having some fun.
I have fully retextured most of the Canon TMP ships (all except the Constellation) and even a Fanon ship (the Lexington)
Don't ask when they will be released. I'll get to it when i get to it.
I basically wanted uniform colors on starfleet ships.

Miranda = ZambieZan with Khaliban parts
Connie = Khaliban
Star League Hull = p81 with some Khaliban parts
Oberth = p81
Excelsior = LC Amaral
Excelsior2 = LC Amaral with added parts by WileyCoyote
Lexington = WickedZombie45
Loknar is next, I think.