My answers to Raven's quiz:
1. A right triangle has three sides of equal length.
-false2. The speed of sound is constant.
-false3. The speed of light is constant.
-false (everyday refraction, Bose-Einstein condensates etc...) It is constant in every frame of reference in the same medium however.4. All amphibians spend at least part of their life in water.
-can't think of one that doesn't5. 1000 molecules of Iron weighs more than 1000 molecules of Zinc.
- You can't have molecules of Iron or Zinc they are elements not molecules and 1000 ATOMS of iron mass less than 1000 atoms of zinc at natural isotopic abundances6. Cartesian Geometry is named after the person who invented it
- Correct: Rene Descartes7. The Whale Shark is a mammal.
-false8. The tomato is indigenous to the North American Continent.
- True9. The Average temperature of the North Pole is Colder than that of the South Pole.
- Dunno?10. Yeast is: Bacteria, Virus, Fungus, Single-celled Animal (Choose one)
Single-celled Animal11. Sun spots are hotter then the surrounding areas of the sun.
-Dunno?Only one flawed question that I see (#5). Much better questions. Again, I get nine out of eleven, well my old analytical prof always said I was a solid "B student".