Well After haveing to walk to work for the last 6 month I finaly got a car again A 91 Buick century only thing I could aford But at leat it's a car to get me around.
Walking 3 miles each night was getting tiring espicialy since I also walk about a extra two a work cleaning floors as well. So At least I sticking to my plan this time getting each thing I need one step a time. Too bad a few that started with me did not do that, as now they are back at the shelter here in town. Funny came here with 30 people in my group but only 5 of us left, others either quit or got fired,but sinceI swiched to c shift
I got it easy, No bosses looking over my sholder and as long as I get my work done I go at my own pace, not their's.
Oh and SirGod Expect me back over there maybe by end of october, If I can get things together by then, I'll give you a call when Im heading that way. Sorry It's taking me so long to get back with you.
And the next step will be getting back on line instead of having to use the libary's computers, which arn't all that great.