Topic: Stargate Continuum  (Read 5870 times)

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Offline AlchemistiD

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Stargate Continuum
« on: July 30, 2008, 03:35:12 pm »
Anyone else seen it?  I thought it was a good enough movie, but the very beginning/ending were completely rushed.  It felt like it could have been 30 minutes longer and that they could have spent some more time justifying half the things that happen.  And then there's that nasty little paradox at the end.

It seemed like it would have made a better episode, much like Ark of Truth.

Offline jualdeaux

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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2008, 09:14:18 pm »
I also think that, while it was good, it was just a really good two part episode. Things were rushed to fit in the time allotted. As the tag line says,"History may never repeat itself again." So, they meant for there to be the possibility of some changes in the stargate universe. The review of the movie at gateworld has this paragraph on the final page.

What does the future hold? The film leaves a small handful of unanswered questions. What will become of Baal's host? Will he be able to come to terms with what has happened to him, or as a clone is he doomed without a symbiote or sarcophagus to sustain him? And what of Mitchell? What secrets does he hold, and how has his interference in the past manipulated things in our future? ... Is Jack's pond once again without fish?

The reviewer was at the screening with the actors/director/producer so they probably asked these very questions.

I will say the Blu-ray looked nice.
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2008, 03:08:28 pm »
I've picked it up but haven't watched it yet. 
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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2008, 01:42:26 pm »
I enjoyed it, Loved the Ending of course. Have yet to still buy The ark of Truth. Maybe next month.

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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2008, 09:38:14 pm »
Continuum Just aired on UK TV tonight... or today for you folks in the states.
I enjoyed it. All the reviews said it was more like the show rather than an actual movie. I think it gave Mitchell some good time, which I think is great. Ben Browder has always stood out as an actor for me...

Though more of Claudia Blacks cleavage would have been good too.  ;)
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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2008, 11:49:31 pm »
I  just watched it. 

I do wish they would either do time travel well or not at all. 

Now ask yourself the question if YOU were Baal and could travel back in time to whenever you wanted when would you go back to? 

Remember your earlier self is there and won't willingly be replaced. 

How would you prevent the formation of the SGC?
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2008, 06:27:45 pm »
well i would go to a time before industrialization and conquer the planet, why just stop the stargate from reaching the usa, why not preventing them from discovering it or simply going back after the bury the gate so you can take the earth and no civilization to worry about.

something i was wondering is what happen to jackson to lose a leg?, and what happen to mitchel later?, he could have let a message to himself or something else?

the jafa that follow mitchel, what happen to him?

the movie was a bit short compare to the other one.

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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2008, 10:25:55 pm »
something i was wondering is what happen to jackson to lose a leg?, and what happen to mitchel later?, he could have let a message to himself or something else?

the jafa that follow mitchel, what happen to him?

Jacksons leg was soaked in water aboard the Achilles then frozen, the result was frostbite followed by major infection and the loss of the leg. 

They don't explain in detail what happened to the "extra" Mitchel other than he became a friend of his own grandfather. 

Only Mitchel made the jump back to 1929, no Jaffa followed him.  Its not explained how he got to Earth and aboard the Achilles before Baal.  Presumably wherever the gate that led him back to 1929 was he acquired gear and went to Earth through the Antarctic gate as the Giza gate was still buried and made his way to the time and place where he could join the crew of the Achilles and get the weapons aboard her to kill Baal.

The attack on the Achilles and the presence of Mitchel should have made major changes in the past.  Just for example his own father hadn't been born yet. 

Mitchels interaction with his grandfather should have resulted in conception at a different time by a different sperm and different egg and a different child not Mitchels father.  Therefore no Mitchel and other changes should have happend.  For example along with the Stargate the Jaffa weapons and the story of the attack (they would have to explain the damage to the ship and the crate).  These things would have affected the nature of the eventual Stargate program. 

This is in part what I meant by not doing Time Travel right.  You CAN'T put things back how they were.  Tiny changes grow over time like compound interest.  Different people will be born and take different actions.  Result a whole new timeline with the original one replaced.
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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2008, 10:36:02 pm »
This is in part what I meant by not doing Time Travel right. You CAN'T put things back how they were. Tiny changes grow over time like compound interest. Different people will be born and take different actions. Result a whole new timeline with the original one replaced.
Not exactly all the time. Sometimes you going back in time was required for it to happen in the timeline you knew (i.e. The episode where they  stage the revolt  against Ra on Earth.)
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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2008, 10:38:51 pm »
well i would go to a time before industrialization and conquer the planet, why just stop the stargate from reaching the usa, why not preventing them from discovering it or simply going back after the bury the gate so you can take the earth and no civilization to worry about.

Actually 1939 is a good year for Baal but not for the way he did it. 

Consider Baal knows that in 70 years Earth if they continue on the original timeline will defeat the Goa'uld, he can take advantage of that potential to conquer the System Lords.  The only one that would be trouble would be Anubis. 

Step #1 a/ Send emissary back in time to warn Oma Desala about Anubis on Keb before Anubis deceives her.  That way Anubis does not get the advantages of having been ascended then partially descended.

Step #1 b/ Travel back to 1939, to the day the Achilles reaches port.  Take a handful of Jaffa followers well briefed on Earth and key equipment.  Take all the files acquired by Baal from The Trust.  Break out of the Achilles and establish a base of operations.

Step #2 1939-1940 Seize Seths compound for the technology base he has.  Kill Seth.

Step #3 1940 Found The Trust immediately.  Take the leaders of the Axis and Allies plus the U.S. into The Trust.  No Pearl Harbor WWII never becomes fully engaged as peace is achieved  by 1941. 

Step #4 Found the United Nations (likely about 1943) as a world government with Baal as the Secretary General

Step #5 ~1950 Free Osiris and Hathor as your minions.  Use Hathors abilities as Queen to create Jaffa and drones in the Anubis style.

Step #6 ~1965 found the SGC using the information from the original Trust to choose worlds with naquadah, trinium and other materials not available on Earth to exploit that the Goa'uld will not be visiting in the next few decades.  Take Jack O'Neill as host.  Collect the timeship.  (If Jack isn't born there will still be those with the Ancients gene to choose from).

Step #7 Use these assets to build a fleet in Sol System.

Step #8 As cloaked ships with Asgard beaming technology becomes available use them to steal gates from unused worlds and build a gate bridge to the Magellanic Clouds and create a 2nd gate network there that is not connected to the Milkyway network except at one or two secured locations (Earth and the Alpha site?).  Colonize those worlds from Earth and work at industrializing them under "Trust" control.

Step #9 Build Gate Bridge to the Pegasus galaxy and take control of Atlantis.  Use Goa'uld tech enhanced naquadah generators to power Atlantis. Stay on Atlantis, do not contact anyone outside Atlantis in the Pegasus galaxy.  One exception might be the 1 Wraith on the other planet in the Atlantea system who might be taken as a host just to see if the goa'uld could control them.  If they can be hosts work to genetically engineer a Michael style hybrid that has as many of the Wraith's advantages while also having the Ancient genes.  Result a superiour host.  Don't share the advanced host keep it for yourself.  Alternately use it to create enhanced drones.

Step # 10 Use the Ancients technology to enhance the fleet.  If Atlantis can be made to fly bring it to Earth.  If the stardrive is reliable enough first travel around Pegasus and steal as many gates as possible.  Large cloaked intergalactic freighters could be used to steal even more gates.  Some of these gates can be used to enhance the 2nd network in the Magellanic clouds and possibly other dwarf galaxies bound to the Milky Way. 

Step # 11 Pegasus gates can be used to create an "attack network" in the Milkway.  When ready to attack use the gates of the 3rd network to simultaneously hit the top System Lords with the Symbiote poison.  Consider hitting the most dangerous worlds with naquadah enhanced bombs instead.  Cloaked ships could be in place to grab the stargates from the attacked worlds.

Of course if Baal did this then SG1 would not have used an appropriate GDO signal and would have impacted the sealed iris.
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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2008, 11:19:58 pm »

This is in part what I meant by not doing Time Travel right. You CAN'T put things back how they were. Tiny changes grow over time like compound interest. Different people will be born and take different actions. Result a whole new timeline with the original one replaced.

Not exactly all the time. Sometimes you going back in time was required for it to happen in the timeline you knew (i.e. The episode where they  stage the revolt  against Ra on Earth.)

Even by the episode itself it didn't work out right. 

By the episode there were two rebellions, the 1st failed and the 2nd resulted in the gate being removed by Ra and a minor change in the timeline.  That change should have been much more major as there were people who died in the TWO rebellions that didn't die in the original ONE rebellion and likely some people lived who had died in the original unmodified history.   By the time of the SGC there should have been no people or nations in existance that were shared between the original and modified time lines.  Compound interest remember.  The extra rebellion was never erased so the compound interest effect on history should have remained.

Even the way they played it the final timeline was not the original one.  "There are no fish in my pond", yet there were when SG-1 went there for a vacation at the end of the episode.    There were still two rebellions in the past not one as in the original history.  As stated earlier those two rebellions and the SG-1 survivors who stayed there should have resulted in major changes accumulating over 5000 years.

I could point out the major changes to my family from making one change when I was a child.  Just one.  Delay one drunk driver 1 second and a life would be saved with effects cascading and growing from there.  The end result would be my family having major changes and none of my current nieces and nephews (not to mention great nieces and nephews) would exist.  Possibly I would have kids when I don't now.  Those effects would cascade out into society as the original nieces and nephews would not be there but new ones would with the end result of many relationships taking different patterns.  By now there would be effects around the world by changing one event by 1 second backward (or forward for that matter) when I was a child. 

Changing things as greatly as were done in the episode you cited or in SG Continuum should have had much more major effects as the time spans are longer (up to 5000 years longer in one case and decades longer in the other).
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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2008, 11:59:10 pm »
Imagine this scenario.

Equip the timeship with Asgard sensors and transporter.  Put the ZPM from Eqypt aboard.  Go back to the day before the ZPM was dug up and beam it aboard.  You now have 2 copies of the original ZPM.  Jump back another day and beam in a 3rd.  Repeat unitl the timeship is full.  Drop the ZPMs into a crater on the moon.  Repeat until bored and return to your own time.  You now have potentially thousands of ZPMs with minimal effect on the time line especially if you then beam one of the copies back into place an hour before it is dug up.  How many do you want to deliver to Atlantis?  How many do you want to use to enhance your warships and speed up the intergalactic drive.

You can do the same with anything you want to replicate that is small enough to be picked up that way..   Why continue to dig up naquadah or Trinium?  Put 100#s of each aboard the Time ship and take it to a useless world off the gate network and jump it a year into the past and drop off the material.  Jump to the present, beam it aboard.  Jump back an hour and beam it aboard again.  Repeat until full then return to the present and drop it off.  Repeat until the cargo vessel is full.  You could even replicate people that way.  How many Carters do you want?  You end up with 24x365x your original amount (assume 100#s of naquadah it becomes 438 tons)

You have however effectively created new mass and energy out of nothing.

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Seti Team    Free Software
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Offline jualdeaux

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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2008, 05:58:50 am »

This is in part what I meant by not doing Time Travel right. You CAN'T put things back how they were. Tiny changes grow over time like compound interest. Different people will be born and take different actions. Result a whole new timeline with the original one replaced.

Not exactly all the time. Sometimes you going back in time was required for it to happen in the timeline you knew (i.e. The episode where they  stage the revolt  against Ra on Earth.)

Even by the episode itself it didn't work out right. 

By the episode there were two rebellions, the 1st failed and the 2nd resulted in the gate being removed by Ra and a minor change in the timeline.  That change should have been much more major as there were people who died in the TWO rebellions that didn't die in the original ONE rebellion and likely some people lived who had died in the original unmodified history.   By the time of the SGC there should have been no people or nations in existance that were shared between the original and modified time lines.  Compound interest remember.  The extra rebellion was never erased so the compound interest effect on history should have remained.

Even the way they played it the final timeline was not the original one.  "There are no fish in my pond", yet there were when SG-1 went there for a vacation at the end of the episode.    There were still two rebellions in the past not one as in the original history.  As stated earlier those two rebellions and the SG-1 survivors who stayed there should have resulted in major changes accumulating over 5000 years.

I could point out the major changes to my family from making one change when I was a child.  Just one.  Delay one drunk driver 1 second and a life would be saved with effects cascading and growing from there.  The end result would be my family having major changes and none of my current nieces and nephews (not to mention great nieces and nephews) would exist.  Possibly I would have kids when I don't now.  Those effects would cascade out into society as the original nieces and nephews would not be there but new ones would with the end result of many relationships taking different patterns.  By now there would be effects around the world by changing one event by 1 second backward (or forward for that matter) when I was a child. 

Changing things as greatly as were done in the episode you cited or in SG Continuum should have had much more major effects as the time spans are longer (up to 5000 years longer in one case and decades longer in the other).

The thing that I have to challenge is your assumption that in the original time stream there was only one attempted rebellion, the one that worked. When was this said? Was only one specified any where at all? All that i can remember being said is that there was A rebellion against Ra and they buried the gate afterwards so the Goa'uld couldn't return by that method. There could have been 3 or 5 attempted rebellions until they finally got it right and kicked him off.
Only in America we use the word 'politics' to describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures'.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2008, 06:38:47 am »
how did ba'al get a phone that contact the white house?

at that time he should have to deal with anubis return.


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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2008, 12:21:09 pm »
how did ba'al get a phone that contact the white house?

at that time he should have to deal with anubis return.
well there were how many Ba'al clones living on earth for quite a while. I'm sure one of them would have managed to pick it up somewhere during their stay on Earth
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Re: Stargate Continuum
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2008, 08:10:29 am »
how did ba'al get a phone that contact the white house?

at that time he should have to deal with anubis return.

well there were how many Ba'al clones living on earth for quite a while. I'm sure one of them would have managed to pick it up somewhere during their stay on Earth

Baal controled The Trust.  The Trust was composed of highly placed businessmen.  For that group getting the Whitehouse phone number should have been easy. 

If you were Baal and operating the Trust what companies would you seek control of? 

Microsoft.  IBM.  GE, Boeing, Exxon.  AT&T.   Just to start the list.

Also Univeristies like Harvard and Oxford.  (Get the Kids and you can get the parents).  Luxury hotels and resorts frequented by the wealthy. 
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Seti Team    Free Software
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