Topic: Need OSx help  (Read 1944 times)

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Need OSx help
« on: July 26, 2008, 09:31:28 pm »
my sister bought an Apple IMAC, imac8.1, with OSx Leopard Edition.. Leopard 10.5.4

She also got Satellite for internet with Dial-up as a back-up.. Satellite company : wildblue salellite

Satellite company says she is online, however she can not connect via satellite.. she can't see any site..

Her Satellite company does not know the OS and she has tried Peak 8 support and they walked her through a setup for the service, however it did not help.

They installed a box for her satellite.. though I do not know if it has a built in router..

She wants to know if anyone here has had a similar experience and if so how can she get online with the Satellite? DSL and Cable where she lives is not an option and she is tired of viewing the web at 48K dial up.

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Re: Need OSx help
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 03:28:19 pm »
Sattelite, yes, but Macs. Man sorry bro, I have no idea. The box, that my company gave me (Hughesnet now) was just a cable modem, don't know if they gave her a router also or not.
 Might try hooking up a WinPc and seeing if that connects, If so, through on a router to the mac, and see if you can go that way. Sorry I can't help, but I have no idea when it comes to macs.

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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: Need OSx help
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2008, 03:47:38 pm »
Shoot, I have no experience with satellite, however, I will drop this message on a mac board and see if I can get an educated response.  In the mean time, could you help me understand how a satellite connection works here?  I would assume that she is using ethernet to plug into some kind of "modem" that communicates to the satellite equipment.  I'd offer to try to help troubleshoot this over screen sharing, but on a 56k I doubt it would work well at all.

I'll try to get back to you tonight on this issue, but have some things I need to take care of before I head home for the day.

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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Need OSx help
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2008, 07:18:24 pm »
Basically Ethernet card to Modem to satellite dish.. the specs on the cable modem do not say anything about a router, however that doesn't mean that one isn't built in..

The main problem is the configuration set up in Leopard.. it is different from the regular OSx .. even though is is still OSx.. sort of like Vista to XP.. both are windows, Vista is built on XP, but the controls are different and has different functionality in the OS..That is how Leopard is to OSx.

I live over 90 miles away from her so I haven't actually had in person time with the machine..

If it was Windows, all I would have to do is disconnect the Modem and the ethernet cable, unistall the ethernet card.. restart the machine, reinstall the ethernet card, restart the machine, and plug the modem back in and reconnect the cable.. and Windows would Auto Configure for the Satellite connection.. and bam back online..

My sister tried that with Leopard, but the OS did not reset or auto configure the connection..

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Re: Need OSx help
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2008, 09:30:22 pm »
Basically Ethernet card to Modem to satellite dish.. the specs on the cable modem do not say anything about a router, however that doesn't mean that one isn't built in..

The main problem is the configuration set up in Leopard.. it is different from the regular OSx .. even though is is still OSx.. sort of like Vista to XP.. both are windows, Vista is built on XP, but the controls are different and has different functionality in the OS..That is how Leopard is to OSx.

I live over 90 miles away from her so I haven't actually had in person time with the machine..

If it was Windows, all I would have to do is disconnect the Modem and the ethernet cable, unistall the ethernet card.. restart the machine, reinstall the ethernet card, restart the machine, and plug the modem back in and reconnect the cable.. and Windows would Auto Configure for the Satellite connection.. and bam back online..

My sister tried that with Leopard, but the OS did not reset or auto configure the connection..

I'm trying to picture what you're saying, but one thing confuses me- an ethernet card?  the iMac is an all in one machine with no card slots- ethernet is standard and built on to the board.  Been this way since the iMac was first introduced 10 years ago.

I got a response from one of the forums I check out and got a response from someone I've encountered who seems very knowledgeable.  here is what he said:

"What does it show for connection status in the network preference pane?

Is she using ethernet to connect to the satellite modem?

If the company thinks she is connected then they can 'see' her modem so it is likely something at her end but satellite connections can be pretty flaky (latency and weather conditions mostly)."

If you would like, you can cut out the middleman and visit the forum yourself at  I started the thread in the Network/Internet Stuff forum with the title "Connecting an iMac via satellite?."  I think you may have to register to post though.

You're right, the interface has changed for network prefs in Leopard compared to Tiger.  the differences are difficult to go over without seeing it for yourself.  If you like, for this particular issue or future reference I would be willing to screen share with you using NTCremote or some other remote system to help you get familiarized with the OS, or you could do this with your sister's computer when you get it up and running, since tech support from 90 miles away sure can be a pain. 

I have yet to see an issue like this be a matter of drivers being installed properly, it's always been an issue of having the network setting input properly according to the ISP's instructions.  You'll need to know what those settings are and walk her through the different panes looking for the issue.   In the mean time, if you are trying to navigate the network pane blind, in order to double check the information she has input, here are some screen shots of my network controls for ethernet- the first pic is the network pane, from there is selected "Advanced" (I use leopard, BTW).


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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: Need OSx help
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2008, 09:32:11 pm »

But tell me, can you heal what father's done?
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Re: Need OSx help
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2008, 11:41:27 pm »
Check the proxy server and DNS server settings.  That's the likely culprit if they're seeing her logged in but she can't resolve any names.  Might also try going to an IP address instead of a URL and see what happens.
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