It has been a while since I've done a review of the search engines. Good question toasty0.
I decided to do a quick survey of your links. To me one key thing is how much they send to you before you even search since I'm on dialup and don't want to wait around while things I don't need download.
Colossus - It sends me to several screens worth of country listings. No real clear statement of what its all about. I suppose I'm to pick a country? Okay I pick Canada and get more screens of information and I haven't actually done a search yet?

I didn't actually bother with a search after that.

Dogpile - sends a flash animation.

TWO orders of magnitude less results

Altavista - my old standby before Google did better searches. Still nice and clean, very little sent to me

All the Web - pretty clean interface again

Ask - again pretty clean.

slow on my test search and produced TWO orders of magnitude less in results than the others.

Live Search - pretty clean

an order of magnitude less results

yahoo - a couple of screens of stuff to download

fairly slow

but good results

For those I didn't mention the search result, they were comparable to Google in quantity and the key element at the top of the list and farily fast. a