I'm a bit of a fan of ad-hoc starships, freighters and auxilaries. You know, the rear line and fringe edges of the warfront vessels that free up proper warships for the exciting stuff.
SFB makes good use of them to spice up scenarios and campaigns, therfore so do we in our LAN campaigns here. They're also cheap on BPV.
I can have 2 x AuxCVA for the cost of a real CVA. OK, an AuxCVA is just a large freighter fitted with launch tubes, drone racks and stuff, dog slow and handles like a Cadalac, but it is still fun to fly. The Klingon AuxCVA carries more fighters than a D7V so guess what we tend to prefer....
So I say lets give a well deserved round of applause to those modellers who bother to create the freighter models that make convoy attack or convoy defence missions that much more diverse and colourful.
There are a lot of vacancies for models for SFB plus other commerce, ad hoc warships and other interesting vessels still needed in game.
Mine Laying freighters (F-MS, K-MS, L-MS, F-ML, H-ML, G-ML, etc.) with mine racks visible. have massive explosion value when things go wrong.
Auxilary Carriers with launch tubes / rails, drone racks visible, etc.
Survey Freighters.
Barges (civilian lesser tugs).
Tankers (F-AK, K-AK, H-AK, G-AK, etc.)
And then there is the need for commerce facilities (as scenario raid objectives) such as refineries, container depots (where containers and pods await collection / pick up), etc.
All props needed for games.