Topic: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign  (Read 19183 times)

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Offline Centurus

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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2008, 07:49:14 am »
OP must hate my hull then.
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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2008, 08:33:20 am »
I got a report that my wing went rogue . . .

How often does this happen?

Actually, I've had this rogue mission 3 times last night.  Only one though had the message pop up after the ship was destroyed by the enemy before it went rogue.

The other two times when my ally went rogue, I killed it and still finished off the mission. 

Hmmm - that's definitely more than intended -- will check the settings in a bit.


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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2008, 08:37:14 am »


 I had a small wingman (who even tho was blown up, turn against me later in the mission, might want to look into that as it shouldn't have posted my wingman was turning against me when he was already dead).


Ooops!    :-[ Thanks - will insert the appropriate check before the "mutiny" occurs.


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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2008, 08:39:33 am »
Exactly how much damage are you supposed to get on those patrol/sabotage missions?

I had one, and just as I needed all my weapons for an alpha strike in a nebula, I find half my weapons are already destroyed, a quarter of my hull strength gone, and a message saying I'm the victim of sabotage.

Yeah, still screwing around with settings like that - holler with any you'd like to see scaled up/down.


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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2008, 03:58:53 pm »
They dont call him Evil Dave for nothing...

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2008, 01:39:04 am »
Now that we have updated scripts.. the installer is updated..

To uninstall the old installer.. go into your OP directory and find the HC_Uninstall.exe and run it.. and then you can DL and run the new installer..

Alternatively, you can just install the new scripts over the top of the old ones..
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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2008, 10:33:20 am »
Ah thank you for the updates :)
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2008, 10:34:19 am »
Now that we have updated scripts.. the installer is updated..

To uninstall the old installer.. go into your OP directory and find the HC_Uninstall.exe and run it.. and then you can DL and run the new installer..

Alternatively, you can just install the new scripts over the top of the old ones..

Can I ask what changes were made to the scripts?
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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2008, 12:21:54 pm »
Fixes for derelict ship in nebula .. and fix for ally ship going rogue after being destroyed ... as well as chance of ally ship going rogue.
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Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #29 on: July 23, 2008, 07:15:41 pm »
Capn Pesty,

 Something I've been meaning to ask for years- Should I be installing campaign updates over the campaign files with OP+4 selected in Mod chooser, or the campaign thats going to get updated ??

The reason I ask is I've always edited the modchooser.ini file and deleted files from the modchooser folders manually before installing campaign files (with OP+4 selected) and I didn't know if you've developed an easier procedure recently.

Thanks in advance
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2008, 07:33:13 pm »
How is the database holding up since you are using values higher than 100 per hex? Are there errors in the DB, crashes? Do you have 'broken' hexes? Have you run a DB report and gotten correct hex accounting values yet since activity and hex ownership have changed hands?

I'd be curious to know whether or not we can just assign one hex to an empire with the exact amount of Econ each empire needs and leave all the rest at 0.

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2008, 07:38:13 pm »
looks down now- no entry in the server list
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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #32 on: July 23, 2008, 07:52:12 pm »
So far I have no problems, except for maybe Orion (NPC) .. not setting up the Cartel map properly, their economy is sky high

As for the rest of the races.. economy seems to be OK

Empire Economies
          Federation:     2530
             Klingon:     2530
             Romulan:     2530
               Lyran:     2530
              Hydran:     2530
                Gorn:     2530
                 ISC:     2530
               Mirak:     2530
             Neutral:    18400
        Orion cartel:      230
      Korgath cartel:      230
        Prime cartel:      230
   TigerHeart cartel:      230
 BeastRaiders cartel:      230
    Syndicate cartel:      230
    Wyldefire cartel:      230
      Camboro cartel:      230

Max econ (for rank comparison): 18400
Ave econ (for shipyard costs):  2381

Now if I adjust each Cartel for proper space on the map, then the Orion cartel economy will be balanced.. but Orion (NPC) will have 0 Econ

I was thinking of adjusting the map for the Cartels to have 9 hexes and the NPC Orions having 8 spaces with Econ hexes.. and try to balance it out that way with the Economy..

As for DB errors, or broken hexes.. as far as the economy goes, I haven't seen any problems..

I have had 1 complaint of no DV shift on a hex that has 0 economy in neutral hex.. but I think that is either a scripting issue, or an extremely long mission run time..

The shipyards seem to be working just fine.. however I have not run a server with Economy over 250 per hex.. I am not sure where the breaking point is.
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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #33 on: July 23, 2008, 07:58:15 pm »
Server is up.. just got back. Wife told me my kid played with the PC Power button..
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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #34 on: July 23, 2008, 08:00:16 pm »
Thanks!...was just going to post about it.. 8)

Offline Centurus

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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #35 on: July 23, 2008, 08:33:56 pm »
The other night I was flying a mission against the AI.  I forgot how long I was in the mission, or what kind of mission it was.

However, when I was finished with the mission, the connection dropped and I wasn't credited for the mission.  No biggy.  Just that the server never came back up.

I assumed you might have taken the server down to install new updated scripts and such and test them, which I am still assuming you did.

In case you didn't, however, I thought I'd take this opportunity to let you know.

I haven't experienced any problems what so ever with the server really, except for a few hexes that don't want to get boosted when you run missions in them.  I think a few of them had bases in them however, so I didn't sweat it.

All I can say is that it took me a while to work a few of those hexes down towards the center of the map.  I liked flying in the nebula hex.  Didn't have to worry about shield reinforcement or scatterpacks.  Rom dreads though really hit hard in those hexes.  But I managed to learn how to kill them.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #36 on: July 23, 2008, 08:41:54 pm »
Please post empire rankings. Your econ is fubar. You wont have races show proper ships in yard and wont have all build SB's.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #37 on: July 23, 2008, 08:43:47 pm »
Well.. the DV of any hex, except for planets, have a max of 4 DV

Planets that are Core Worlds in the middle of the map have a DV of 8

Planet in the middle that is a Homeworld has a DV of 12

The rest of the hexes for the empires have a DV of 15..

"You still don't get it, do you?......That's what he does. That's all he does! You can't stop him! It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead!"

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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2008, 08:54:37 pm »
Economic Ranks (0-5)
Federation: 0.6875
Klingon: 1.6875
Romulan: 0
Lyran: 0.6875
Hydran: 0.6875
Gorn: 0
ISC: 0
Mirak: 1.6875
Orion cartel: 0
Korgath cartel: 0
Prime cartel: 0
TigerHeart cartel: 0
BeastRaiders cartel: 0
Syndicate cartel: 0
Wyldefire cartel: 0
Camboro cartel: 0
Neutral: 5

However I am using the AOTK 4 *.gf files for Economic balance.. nothing is changed except layout of map and alliances...

Like I stated, I need to adjust the Cartels section of the campaign map to bring them more in line, even though they are not playable so that NPC Orions can balance out some..

Hre are the sections of the GF files below.. as you can see, they are unchanged.

//This is where you can change the universe economy
Name = "Economy"


// This is how often the economy gets run. 10 = 10 turns
TurnFrequency                           = 1 //(2)

//These are the fields to change the ship and auction screen values

// The multipleir for the minimum bid for a ship, currently based on BPV
// note that MinimumBidFactor is similar to TradeIn
MinimumBidFactor         = 6.0

// Number of turns before a bid on a ship is closed
// zero means "no wait" (used for single-player)
TurnsUntilClose            = 1

// This is the maximum number of ships a player can buy
// should not be more than what game UI can handle
MaximumOwnedShips         = 3

// This is the number of turns a ship will stay in the auction que before being removed
MaximumAge               = 4

// ??
PlayerModifierStep            = 20

// ??
BuildBaseEconomicThreshold      = -20

// How often bases try to get built
BuildBaseFrequency            = 4

// How healthy an empire has to be to try to build a big ship
BuildBigShipEconomicThreshold   = -40

// how often the computer tries to build big ships DN, BB, CV
BuildBigShipFrequency         = 3

// Number of times the AI will try to be placed in a home hex before being placed randomly
NormalBuildTriesBeforeGiveUp   = 10

// The cost multiplier for each difficulty setting
0   = 0.9
1   = 1.0
2   = 1.0

// This is the basic chance that a ship will be made by the empire
Freighter         = 2.00
Frigate            = 0.01
Destroyer         = 0.02
LightCruiser      = 0.03
WarDestroyer      = 0.04
HeavyCruiser      = 0.05
NewHeavyCruiser      = 0.05
HeavyBattlecruiser   = 0.06
Carrier            = 0.07
Dreadnought         = 0.08
Battleship         = 0.7
BaseStation         = 0.2
BattleStation      = 0.3
StarBase         = 0.7

// This is the cost of supplies in spacedock.
// note that MinimumBidFactor is similar to TradeIn
Repair      = 3.0
TradeIn      = 6.0
Missiles   = 2.5
Fighters   = 3.2
Shuttles   = 3.0
Marines      = 4.0
Mines      = 3.0
SpareParts   = 5.0

// This is a modifier per <eClassType> for the price of a ship
// the order must match <enum eClassType>
// all types are included here, but not necessarily used
SHUTTLE               = 1.0
PF                  = 0.80
FREIGHTER            = 1.0
FRIGATE               = 1.0
DESTROYER            = 2.2
WAR_DESTROYER         = 3.2
LIGHT_CRUISER         = 3.3
HEAVY_CRUISER         = 9.0
CARRIER               = 12.0
DREADNOUGHT            = 30.0
BATTLESHIP            = 40.0
LISTENING_POST         = 1.0
BASE_STATION         = 110.0
BATTLE_STATION         = 20.0
STARBASE            = 10.0
MONSTER               = 1.0
PLANET               = 1.0
SPECIAL               = 1.0

Federation   = 0
Gorn      = -18
Hydran      = -4
ISC      = 6
Klingon      = -7
Lyran      = -2
Mirak      = -9
Romulan      = -25
Orion      = 0
OrionOrion        = 20
OrionKorgath      = 20
OrionPrime        = 20
OrionTigerHeart   = 20
OrionBeastRaiders = 20
OrionSyndicate    = 20
OrionWyldeFire    = 20
OrionCamboro      = 20
Monster      = 0

// use this to turn on/off the following behaviors 1=on 0=off




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Re: Hardcore Mini Map Campaign
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2008, 09:11:23 pm »
Neutral and Cartel rank effect empire rank. Ill post in a sec what it should be...