DH, I think it should be a balance of both..
I can't see how someone has fun flying a Z-DE in a 1 min and 10 sec mission ... The AI battles should have more substance and tactical depth..
Also I can't see the servers as being fun without PVP, which is the purpose of having VC spots on the map, which you have a very limited number of and get everyone concentrating on them..
How I can see how you could get frustrated taking an AI mission near the front lines that will tie you up for 10 to 15 min.. possibly longer.. however your opponent is in the same boat..
Last server I had some PVP, but it was limited.. either I was too slow catchig them, or when I was in a PVP match for 40 to 50 min or longer.. the hex that was Fed when I went in with a DV of 6, I came out and it was Red with a DV of 5 from everyone running mission under me..
Now if you increase the time for an AI mission, or heaven forbid having AI superior to you and you run (which with the current scripts I am testing takes approx 13 min to leave the map).. Players can't tie you up and swipe the hex you are trying to defend.. at least not running solo missions under you.. which would eat their manpower and still slow them down..
Now hitting PVP would make for a great fight and you don't have to worry if your hex is gone when you come out.. It might be a DV or 2 lower, but not flipped and run all the way up to the other side..
This would also make the campaigns last a bit longer.. not just a month.. maybe 6 weeks, thus people will have ample time to play .. many were caught going on vacation with AOTK 4 which had a good run time.. but I think having a persistent long term server, following a similar ruleset to AOTK 4 with RMs calculating VC's each week.. Having every ship kill count for VC points (to get everyone in all types of hulls trying to make points for their side) would make for a good campaign..
and the nice side of it is that is players get burnt on the D2 campaign.. they can take 2 or 3 days away, come back and not much changing.. no radical shifts of power.. maybe some shifting on the VC hexes, and maybe a push to cut a LOS.. but not like the Coalition did to the Alliance on AOTK 4.. or the way the Alliance retaliated back on the Coalition..
Radical shifts like that will make players upset and dishearten them to the point that they quit the server...
There has to be a balance in it somewhere.. I run a Z-DE and pull 2 F-CC's in a mission.. Now I am going to have to fight.. I can't plan to fire a SP at range, set tractor.. fire Missiles, grab ship with Tractor.. wait for first drone wave to hit, fire second wave, and then death drag the ship into the incoming SP missiles and then if necessary, finish enemy off with final drone wave.. You know.. 1 to 2 min missions..
With 2 F-CC's, you now have to power manage, micromanage, and use tactics to kill both ships.. or you can run.. but the 1 min 10 sec missions would be gone.. they are just monotonous and boring.. I rather have the challenge of defeating the AI which has superior numbers than to run a drone boat all server..
now VC areas, this is where PVP comes in.. to see who is going to hold the hex, who is going to play the Submarine waiting game.. these need to be pushed as well..
Now with the current scripts I have in testing from NW, it is best to fly with a wing or 2, not as a single player.. sure a single player can handle them but will take a while.. so it reinforces flying in wings and escorts and so forth.. which would almost make every PVP match a 2 vs 2 or 2 vs 3..
I just can't think of any better way to balance hex flipping, poor AI missions with PVP.. a 1 min 10 sec mission vs a 1 and 1/2 hour PVP match with 1 min and 10 sec missions playing under you for either side.. that is not balanced... an Ai mission should take about as long or half as long as a human match..
Say PVP usually lasts an hour or more.. lets say 1 hour.. a good AI battle should last 30 min.. and you should have the possibility of having your butt handed to you by the AI..
The biggest complaint of the D2 for the last 8 years is that the AI is too stupid or too easy..
Well I am trying to help balance that...
I understand that the goal is PVP, and VC's are the way to do that along with kill points for pvp.. as well as having low DV values of hexes like DV's of 3 to 5 for neutral space and 8 to 10 for planets and 12 to 15 for Homeworlds..
what this does is makes it to where if you want a hex, you have to WORK for it either against AI or PVP.. and the harder the AI, the more players will be looking for PVP.. however taking a hex against AI would be about 1 and 1/2 hours to get it to 0 (given the hex is a max 3 DV) and another 1 and 1/2 hour to get the DV built up for your side.. where PVP only battles would take 3 hours or longer to run the DV down to 0 if you are always successful..
My ideas are for balance.. I call it hardcore because servers of the past are way too easy on the AI.. with the scripts that I asked Dave to make.. It brings a challenge to the AI that has been missing from the game all along.. the balancing factor of the D2..
Imagine the horror of losing to the AI.. people here say "People just want to get on and kill things" .. I disagree.. everyone I have talked to get on the D2 to find PVP to get a challenge and bitch about how stupid or easy the AI is.. well change what they are bitching about and see how it goes.. beef the AI up to where it will smack you around and make you run like a Biatch.. those who have tried my server so far have mostly been supportive of the settings.. they know going in that the AI is no punk.. and the challenge is to jump on and beat the crap out of the AI if possible, and if others are on, get a good wing and then see what happens.. add on top of that you get a Human opponent,, then it is really on..
It is all for balancing things out.
So DH.. I am for balancing the D2 for both AI and PVP ... make it challenging, that was the original purpose of the D2 in addition to having campaigns.. the D2 is suppose to be a campaign, but the AI was inadequate to the task.. now that scripts are fixing that, and the AI having the ability to flip hexes only from a human player mission, then the server really becomes a challenge ever before you start adding in PVP or VC's..
This is what I believe people have wanted for 8 years.. it is just coming about way late in the game with a minuscule player base.. which may hve a detrimental effect on the D2.. but I still have to try it out and test it out.. and by golly, even tough it is vs AI, it is a hell of a lot of fun not knowing if my tactics will work or not.. or if I am going to get good dice rolls or bad ones... but either way, the AI is still a formidable challenge and I have to work for a win instead of cheese boat my way through the missions in 1 min and 10 sec.
Just my $.02
I expect change back.