Just want to know if I should spend any more effort on this. I've not finalized details yet as I want input from whomever the leadership is going to be.
I just ordered $100 of new SFB stuff so I know I'm going to be busy putting that in the SGO mod anyway 
Yes, an ISC invasion is worth exploring, though with the limited number of players available, I'd suggest limiting it to ISC vs. Gorn & Rom, followed by them and the Feds, then add Kitties and Klinks, then Lyrans and Hyrans. This limits the number of race choices in the beginning and allows players not used to playing with or against plasma(not many, I'm sure) to HAVE to use these ships. As the campaign broadens, bring in the other races. This can be a single campaign, or another J'inn mini-war campaign where we jumped from one front and two-four races to another(which were always fun: Hint, Hint! Afterall, the Four Power War is still my favorite, since I made it to Fed space first

Finally, I beg, plead, borrow and would steal if you would limit downloads, because I've managed to play on 'The Forge' with no trouble, but every single mission I flew on AOTK kicked me off the server as soon as the mission ended, and this was NOT during any time with high player numbers but when 5-6 other players were on.
One of the DL's, which I'm trying to pinpoint, connected me to a server to open the DL, Instead, it opened a Trojan Horse which took two weeks for me to fix. Needless to say, I was not happy at these occurrences...
In closing, I'm trying real hard to stay here, but if there are more downloads and whatnot, I'm giving up for good. Keep it simple. Please.