That's Fedman. Not me. I'm not that pale and pathetic.

But you are shameless and brazen enough. 
Not really. I do my porn surfing in the privacy of my own home.
Maybe, but assuming that picture is real and not doctored, someone viewing porn where they know it will be displayed on a screen in front of them for everyone to see is really more interested in shocking people than sexual gratification. That's why I can see you doing it.
Then you know so little of me. If I wanted to shock everyone, I sure as hell wouldn't surf porn in public. That's just so tasteless and unimaginative. Trust me, if I chose to try and shock people out, there would be a great mass hysteria of people either passing out or literally going mad. Such as getting a few old friends of mine to do a Rocky Horror segment in a public park, and I'd be in full leather, singing Sweet Transvestite.
However, if I just wanted to scare people, I'd show them Stephen riding his tractor in that grass skirt of his with a caption below the picture saying, "Wouldn't you like me to ride you too?". Although, he might get some takers from gay men.