ED Enemy Patrol: Nebula; Sneak up on a base at green alert and covertly listen in on transmissions - Gave me a completed mission with 120 PP, but no DV shift. Also, I was going full speed at green alert with no LRS and when I got to range 100 and targeted a FRD (didn't see the base), I slowed to speed 10. By the time I was at range 94ish There was a message that we were detected and that the Nav officer was warping us out. Immediately after that there was a message that we had got what we needed and could leave. Did my speed trigger something or is that how it is supposed to play out?
Coolest mission idea so far

! It would be even cooler if we had to sneak up at speed 10 or less until range 50ish though.
I think I may have seen a pattern with the no DV shift missions. I think everytime you fight a pirate in a patrol mission it doesn't count towards the DV. Had three pirates and none of them had a DV shift.