Topic: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing  (Read 90721 times)

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Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #340 on: August 08, 2008, 09:01:42 am »
Dispatches from the front. a Fed CVLR had just 4 fighters,(4 squadrons of 1 each)
ED patrols and battles AI still only fights the planet extremely Lt opposition.
drew 2 F-DNLs one attacked the planet the other just sat there 0 speed
and fired no weapons

Argh!  Thanks Lear


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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #341 on: August 08, 2008, 07:03:00 pm »
It is not showing up in the selector screen.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #342 on: August 08, 2008, 10:50:24 pm »
I had it down for a bit.. server is back up now.
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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #343 on: August 09, 2008, 12:15:58 pm »
Interesting set up if it was intentional, otherwise it's a logic mix up:

ED Enemy Patrol: Allied ship that has been captured or mutinied... except enemy ships were spotted and it was also an ambush! The problem was that the two "enemy" ships were very far away from the rogue ship, never changed course and they didn't go above speed 9 and 4 respectively. They fought me when I approached, but it was like they had no engine or navigational control.

There are many times in these scenarios where the AI shows odd behavior. Sometimes they fire and maneuver, but don't change speed (most common), sometimes they fire and erratically change speed, but not course, sometimes they don't move and don't fire, sometimes they don't move and do fire etc...

I have also noticed that the only monster that seems to appear is the SSL. Maybe it's just my luck. Can someone else remember any other monster appearing?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 12:59:15 pm by FCM-Corbomite-XC »

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #344 on: August 10, 2008, 09:07:32 am »
Yes I have fought the Sun glider and the other one was
the 1 that had D rack (which did not fire because I was
Rommie and had nothing for it to fire at)
previous incarnations had fusion beams.

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #345 on: August 10, 2008, 11:01:53 am »
ED Player Patrol: Asteroids; Salvage items off of an asteroid - No DV shift, payout was 175 + 100 bonus. Better, but still a little high.

ED Player Patrol: Asteroids; Board ship with security team - No DV shift. It would be cool if we had to get the team back because of the "hostilities" they encounter, then attack normally. I always capture those ships because I can't get them back.

ED Enemy Combat: Planet; Two FRD and one DEFSAT with the Planet. Planet had 5 Marines, FRD's had 7 and 6 respectively. The DEFSAT had 7 even though it's supposed to be an NT unit (probably because it was built on a Base Station frame in DH's list). Had one FFV defending, then two DD's showed up mid mission and I got an "Ambush" message. Again, neat if planned, weird if not. The reinforcements are a good plan, but the Ambush message makes me think something is odd.

I keep having things go out of sequence in the patrols. Things like the ship fires at me, then 30 seconds later I get a message that they are attacking (I just usually assume my weapons officer was in the can  ;)) or the ship lets me pummel it to near death, then they decide to get aggressive.

In the scenarios where it turns into a combat situation can the AI be let go of your preprogrammed behavior as soon as possible after either deciding to attack or being attacked? It seems to me the wait time involved in working out the storyline is hampering the AI's ability to fight.

I have experimented using LRS as suggested and not using them. Not using them at start doesn't seem to have much of an impact (you can actually get around the not being able to target things issue and as I reported before many units appear within 100 anyway), but if you don't turn LRS on or cycle them off and on at about range 15 -20 you don't get the update messages until much later. I have learned how to get to the target pretty quickly at this point and it might be messing with the sequence timing somewhat.

Offline Lear

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #346 on: August 10, 2008, 03:35:13 pm »
Dispaches from the front.
ED patrol was able to fire the same S torp twice.
my SPL+ was fighting 2 F DDL+ and my torp was instantly ready
from my last shot.
a F- FFV had 4 groups of 1 fighter. although
I had seen 2 others with the right load out earlier

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #347 on: August 10, 2008, 11:01:07 pm »
Server is running very slowly.

Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #348 on: August 10, 2008, 11:21:00 pm »
ED Player Patrol: Asteroids; Salvage items off of an asteroid - No DV shift, payout was 175 + 100 bonus. Better, but still a little high.

ED Player Patrol: Asteroids; Board ship with security team - No DV shift. It would be cool if we had to get the team back because of the "hostilities" they encounter, then attack normally. I always capture those ships because I can't get them back.

ED Enemy Combat: Planet; Two FRD and one DEFSAT with the Planet. Planet had 5 Marines, FRD's had 7 and 6 respectively. The DEFSAT had 7 even though it's supposed to be an NT unit (probably because it was built on a Base Station frame in DH's list). Had one FFV defending, then two DD's showed up mid mission and I got an "Ambush" message. Again, neat if planned, weird if not. The reinforcements are a good plan, but the Ambush message makes me think something is odd.

I keep having things go out of sequence in the patrols. Things like the ship fires at me, then 30 seconds later I get a message that they are attacking (I just usually assume my weapons officer was in the can  ;)) or the ship lets me pummel it to near death, then they decide to get aggressive.

In the scenarios where it turns into a combat situation can the AI be let go of your preprogrammed behavior as soon as possible after either deciding to attack or being attacked? It seems to me the wait time involved in working out the storyline is hampering the AI's ability to fight.

I have experimented using LRS as suggested and not using them. Not using them at start doesn't seem to have much of an impact (you can actually get around the not being able to target things issue and as I reported before many units appear within 100 anyway), but if you don't turn LRS on or cycle them off and on at about range 15 -20 you don't get the update messages until much later. I have learned how to get to the target pretty quickly at this point and it might be messing with the sequence timing somewhat.

OK, I think I figured out what's been going on with the initial placements, so hopefully that's cleared up a bit.

Some of the odd AI behaviour is also due to the way the inter-team relationships are set up in mission and how they get updated, hopefully that is cleaned up a bit now too.  <crosses fingers>

I'll hack away at the testing on this a bit and hopefully release an update on Tuesday.

Post any other mission-specific oddities you run across, and I'll try to get them into the Tuesday update as well.

thanks again!

Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #349 on: August 10, 2008, 11:23:03 pm »
Dispaches from the front.
ED patrol was able to fire the same S torp twice.
my SPL+ was fighting 2 F DDL+ and my torp was instantly ready
from my last shot.
a F- FFV had 4 groups of 1 fighter. although
I had seen 2 others with the right load out earlier

Fighter loadouts should get better with the next release, but might continue to be a little odd (it should be close to the right number of fighters, maybe one or two short, but won't necessarily be divided into the same number of flights as listed in the shiplist).

The double-firing S-torps are a game bug, not one we can do much about with the scripts.


Offline Corbomite

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #350 on: August 11, 2008, 07:48:06 am »
ED Player Patrol: Planet; I have gone to desktop twice in a row now upon mission load up. I see the star field, then it crashes.

The server is still really slow so I don't know if it is that. I'll try a Combat mission.

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #351 on: August 11, 2008, 08:56:03 am »
Had one Combat mission go to desktop, then I ran the Colonization mission and it worked fine. I then ran a mission in another hex and it worked fine. I just ran two Combat and a Patrol in the Planet hex and they worked fine. Seeing as how the mission setup in a planet hex never changes as far as placement and such I'm stumped on this one. Speaking of which, does it always have to be Planet defense?

Mission matching was a little odd as far as mission type. I'm flying a CL and the two Patrol missions I ran gave me two CA's and two DNL's to fight respectively and the Combat missions gave me two FF's to fight both times. I thought the Patrols were supposed to be a bit easier compared to the Combat scripts. May have just been luck. It doesn't really matter though as the attackers ignore you completely in favor of the Planet. I noticed that the Planets in the defence scenarios always have the appropriate 30 Marines on them, so that bug only seems to affect the attacking player. It would be interesting to see what happens on each side of a draft in that mission.

Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #352 on: August 11, 2008, 10:35:16 am »

The crash on load is coming from a routine that sometimes loads extra terrain in planet hexes.  It can happen in any planet mission, but only crops up once in awhile (when it picks the bad terrain).   I'll have that cleaned up tomorrow.


Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #353 on: August 11, 2008, 02:55:48 pm »
Server should be faster now.. I cleaned up the DB and rebooted the server.
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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #354 on: August 12, 2008, 07:44:47 pm »
Dispatches from the front.
Met_EDEnemyPatrol (Ambush) arrow problem it remains.
also happened (same) patrol where Warship has authorisation to be there.
some patrols are not giving DV shifts.
Also Crim was running missions which did not show up on
MY news events and new is getting cluttered again with minor shifts.

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #355 on: August 12, 2008, 07:51:20 pm »
That's odd, the arrow has been disappearing every time for me.

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #356 on: August 13, 2008, 02:09:34 pm »
I'm sure this has been mentioned but the AI matchup is kind of rough.  Two CBs and a light cruiser against two light cruisers is a little daunting.  I got my butt kicked in short order and I'm down to an E4CR.  It's one of my favorite ships but it'll be a challenge to keep this tin can shipshape and in fighting trim.  Other than that I'm enjoying these new scripts enormously.  Dear God, the maps are huge. 
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Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #357 on: August 13, 2008, 03:00:44 pm »
That's odd, the arrow has been disappearing every time for me.

I've seen the arrows stick during some ambushes as well, will look into it.


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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #358 on: August 13, 2008, 03:36:33 pm »
I'm sure this has been mentioned but the AI matchup is kind of rough.  Two CBs and a light cruiser against two light cruisers is a little daunting.  I got my butt kicked in short order and I'm down to an E4CR.  It's one of my favorite ships but it'll be a challenge to keep this tin can shipshape and in fighting trim.  Other than that I'm enjoying these new scripts enormously.  Dear God, the maps are huge. 

LOL! Try fighting the Andromedan Dominator with the four Cobra's in it that I had on an ED Player Combat. I was in a I-CMP and if the Dominator hadn't been focused on the planet I would have died instantly. I couldn't even crack a shield on that thing at point blank range! I finally got it close enough to tractor it into the planet.

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #359 on: August 13, 2008, 03:41:12 pm »
I'm sure this has been mentioned but the AI matchup is kind of rough.  Two CBs and a light cruiser against two light cruisers is a little daunting.  I got my butt kicked in short order and I'm down to an E4CR.  It's one of my favorite ships but it'll be a challenge to keep this tin can shipshape and in fighting trim.  Other than that I'm enjoying these new scripts enormously.  Dear God, the maps are huge. 

LOL! Try fighting the Andromedan Dominator with the four Cobra's in it that I had on an ED Player Combat. I was in a I-CMP and if the Dominator hadn't been focused on the planet I would have died instantly. I couldn't even crack a shield on that thing at point blank range! I finally got it close enough to tractor it into the planet.

There's a reason why I left those in the list  :D
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