ED Player Patrol: Asteroids; Salvage items off of an asteroid - No DV shift, payout was 175 + 100 bonus. Better, but still a little high.
ED Player Patrol: Asteroids; Board ship with security team - No DV shift. It would be cool if we had to get the team back because of the "hostilities" they encounter, then attack normally. I always capture those ships because I can't get them back.
ED Enemy Combat: Planet; Two FRD and one DEFSAT with the Planet. Planet had 5 Marines, FRD's had 7 and 6 respectively. The DEFSAT had 7 even though it's supposed to be an NT unit (probably because it was built on a Base Station frame in DH's list). Had one FFV defending, then two DD's showed up mid mission and I got an "Ambush" message. Again, neat if planned, weird if not. The reinforcements are a good plan, but the Ambush message makes me think something is odd.
I keep having things go out of sequence in the patrols. Things like the ship fires at me, then 30 seconds later I get a message that they are attacking (I just usually assume my weapons officer was in the can

) or the ship lets me pummel it to near death, then they decide to get aggressive.
In the scenarios where it turns into a combat situation can the AI be let go of your preprogrammed behavior as soon as possible after either deciding to attack or being attacked? It seems to me the wait time involved in working out the storyline is hampering the AI's ability to fight.
I have experimented using LRS as suggested and not using them. Not using them at start doesn't seem to have much of an impact (you can actually get around the not being able to target things issue and as I reported before many units appear within 100 anyway), but if you don't turn LRS on or cycle them off and on at about range 15 -20 you don't get the update messages until much later. I have learned how to get to the target pretty quickly at this point and it might be messing with the sequence timing somewhat.