I cannot believe I just read this whole thread, hehe.

A few posts were aimed my direction, but the it's kind of hard to pick everything out but I will do my best:
1) EEK Fleeting of AI
This feature is derived from the same functionality that brings AI time warping. Fix the time warping and the AI can fleet all you want.
2) EEK Fast Droners
My missions give the drone type of the era being flown in, so the Mirak AI went from chumps (Early Era) to Champs(Late Era), and not even some expert players liked all fast drones on the AI. It's possible to get ship counts and play with missile load-outs
3) Hard missions losing players
Servers hosted a few years ago with just EEK missions were what you would now call "hardcore". People did not like getting shot up so much and definitely the majority of the playerbase want milk run missions, not hard-core. Oddly enough, SFC3 admins like them still. Probably because SFC3 is not as much a hex flipping game as the standard D2 campaign
4) Standard mission templates
We could use them. It's been a running issue for only forever and a bit. One thing I would add is that mission packs should come in 2 flavors: one with warp-outs and big maps and ones without. You can probably figure out a way for solo ships to warp out under certain conditions.
5) Terrain settings. I don't think the shipping lane feature ever worked. I had wanted EEK convoy missions restricted to shippling lanes hexes for the longest time . . .
4) Every mission scripter has their favorite style. Mine is for missions to be harder that most and to use a lot of reinforcements in-mission. One of my feature that the playerbase shot down and burned frogs in effigy over was the one were the EEK mission would count up the drones in the player's ship inventory. If it went past a certain threshold then another AI would pop up to give the droners more targets to shoot at. Mirak players were pretty insistent of me turning that feature off pretty quick.
6) Sorry, I forgot the rest. I hope this helps.