Topic: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing  (Read 96094 times)

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Offline Lear

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #320 on: August 03, 2008, 02:32:22 pm »
Dispatches from the front. no problems with the missions per sa,
Hardest thing I ran in to was a planet ( and the Thunder Bolt had just been waxed)
Over the planet on defence (IE Klingon hex) none of the attackers shoot at me
also drafting 3-5 enemy but none are above a CC+( once) and a couple of sun gliders
operating for the Feds with a frig escort

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #321 on: August 03, 2008, 04:10:57 pm »
Anything that says Assault in the title is an old mission and doesn't need to be reported on. Dave is working on new Assault missions. In the Planet Assault you have to let the drafting player place marines on the planet first or the credit goes to the other player.

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #322 on: August 03, 2008, 04:23:29 pm »
 updated scripts, again.. the installer is updated..

To uninstall the old installer.. go into your OP directory and find the HC_Uninstall.exe and run it.. and then you can DL and run the new installer..

Alternatively, you can just install the new scripts over the top of the old ones..

Server has already been updated with the new scripts.
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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #323 on: August 03, 2008, 04:49:29 pm »
It was the Patrol in a friendly planet hex

Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #324 on: August 03, 2008, 07:26:25 pm »
WHoopseee - I broke the base/planet combat in enemy space, dinna be surprised if they close right away with a loss.

A big family day tomorrow, so probably won't get it fixed until Tuesday


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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #325 on: August 04, 2008, 02:49:20 am »
ED Player Combat.

Roughly 7-8 Klink AIs.

2 D6K AI were still at the starting point, shields up, red alert, but didn't move, didn't even turn.

After the planet and I took out the attacking AI, I flew over to where the 2 AI ships were sitting, and just hammered at them.  The first one didn't move until it was already at nearly half hull.  The second ship didn't move until I shot at its hull a few times.
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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #326 on: August 04, 2008, 02:50:40 am »

The mission paid out 675 total prestiege, but the connection was terminated.

The termination might have caused the bug.  Not sure.
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #327 on: August 04, 2008, 03:13:09 am »
Ran the same mission again, no stalled ships.  Might have been a disconnection problem that caused the bug.

Speaking of which, was disconnected from the Hardcore server again.

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Offline Corbomite

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #328 on: August 04, 2008, 10:17:20 am »

I have some requests for the rescue/medical type scenarios (or any scenario where we don't do much except fly up and follow instructions):

All missions should give us something challenging to do, whether it be a puzzle, series of tasks or combat with a space beastie while performing a rescue. Alternatively, you could drastically lower the PP awards for the scenarios. I think 370 PP for a couple of Transporter actions is a little high. 50-100 PP is more like it.

Example: In the scenario where we scan the asteroid and find a wrecked ship to rescue we should have to scan the asteroid, establish contact with the survivors, get a message that some rogue monster (as an example, it can be a ship or weird anomaly, etc...) attacked their ship, then have the beastie show up suddenly (it was hiding behind some rock) while we try to get a rescue operation done. There needs to be some time limit set so we can't just go fight the monster and return. We need to protect or save the survivors while fending off the attack or whatever. Classic Trek!  ;)

There are still instances of ships appearing inside range 100 when we still can't target them until the script lets us. It's not really a problem, it just seems weird. Can you make it so all objects that need to be "found" are over 100 away at start? If not, it's liveable.


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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #329 on: August 04, 2008, 02:35:55 pm »
I cannot believe I just read this whole thread, hehe.  :o

A few posts were aimed my direction, but the it's kind of hard to pick everything out but I will do my best:

1) EEK Fleeting of AI
This feature is derived from the same functionality that brings AI time warping. Fix the time warping and the AI can fleet all you want.

2)  EEK Fast Droners
My missions give the drone type of the era being flown in, so the Mirak AI went from chumps (Early Era) to Champs(Late Era), and not even some expert players liked all fast drones on the AI.  It's possible to get ship counts and play with missile load-outs

3) Hard missions losing players
Servers hosted a few years ago with just EEK missions were what you would now call "hardcore". People did not like getting shot up so much and definitely the majority of the playerbase want milk run missions, not hard-core.  Oddly enough, SFC3 admins like them still. Probably because SFC3 is not as much a hex flipping game as the standard D2 campaign

4) Standard mission templates
We could use them. It's been a running issue for only forever and a bit.  One thing I would add is that mission packs should come in 2 flavors:  one with warp-outs and big maps and ones without.  You can probably figure out a way for solo ships to warp out under certain conditions.

5)  Terrain settings. I don't think the shipping lane feature ever worked. I had wanted EEK convoy missions restricted to shippling lanes hexes for the longest time . . .

4) Every mission scripter has their favorite style. Mine is for missions to be harder that most and to use a lot of reinforcements in-mission.  One of my feature  that the playerbase shot down and burned frogs in effigy over was the one were the EEK mission would count up the drones in the player's ship inventory. If it went past a certain threshold then another AI would pop up to give the droners more targets to shoot at.  Mirak players were pretty insistent of me turning that feature off pretty quick.

6) Sorry, I forgot the rest. I hope this helps.  :BoeseSmilies (71):

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #330 on: August 04, 2008, 10:12:31 pm »
Wouldn't it be a simple as a die roll for each AI ship to load fast or slow drones ? Maybe just hard code a certain AI ship/ships to carry X type drones ?

...don't blame me, I'm still learning.
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Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #331 on: August 05, 2008, 08:07:52 am »
Wouldn't it be a simple as a die roll for each AI ship to load fast or slow drones ? Maybe just hard code a certain AI ship/ships to carry X type drones ?

...don't blame me, I'm still learning.

It would be if the API Taldren provides for scripting was fully functional, but in OP it's flawed/broken in a variety of ways, resulting in some of the odd workarounds you see in the scripts.


Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #332 on: August 05, 2008, 10:59:27 am »

I have some requests for the rescue/medical type scenarios (or any scenario where we don't do much except fly up and follow instructions):

All missions should give us something challenging to do, whether it be a puzzle, series of tasks or combat with a space beastie while performing a rescue. Alternatively, you could drastically lower the PP awards for the scenarios. I think 370 PP for a couple of Transporter actions is a little high. 50-100 PP is more like it.

Example: In the scenario where we scan the asteroid and find a wrecked ship to rescue we should have to scan the asteroid, establish contact with the survivors, get a message that some rogue monster (as an example, it can be a ship or weird anomaly, etc...) attacked their ship, then have the beastie show up suddenly (it was hiding behind some rock) while we try to get a rescue operation done. There needs to be some time limit set so we can't just go fight the monster and return. We need to protect or save the survivors while fending off the attack or whatever. Classic Trek!  ;)

There are still instances of ships appearing inside range 100 when we still can't target them until the script lets us. It's not really a problem, it just seems weird. Can you make it so all objects that need to be "found" are over 100 away at start? If not, it's liveable.

Righto - I reworked the prestige award system for the non-combat scenarios, and the ship placement process. 

The instant-loss in enemy base assaults has now also been resolved ('twas a mapping screwup that caused your ship to disengage at the start of the mission).

I also reworked the AI selection mechanism to try and get a bit better variety.  (In the previous versions if you have two ships with very similar BPVs the one with the lower BPV was much less likely to ever see the light of day.)

I'll test them out today and hopefully post the updated pack tonight.

EDIT: updated version are posted, usual locations

« Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 07:24:17 pm by NuclearWessels »

Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #333 on: August 06, 2008, 07:25:49 pm »
Hardcore is updated at the links above and the server is up and running.
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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #334 on: August 06, 2008, 09:32:23 pm »
Colol - thanks Pesty.  Bugwise I think we're close, balance wise there might still be some tweaking to go.


PS - for you real ol'timers, I just managed to track down clintk!   I'm trying to encourage him to pop in for a visit.

PPS - Just for the hell of it, recompiled the beasties for EAW too.  If Strayy or anyone else running EAW servers wants a copy I'll post a pack for 'em.

ED ones
XC ones
and the EAW set
« Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 09:01:19 am by NuclearWessels »

Offline Lear

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #335 on: August 07, 2008, 08:14:08 pm »
Dispatches from the front. a Fed CVLR had just 4 fighters,(4 squadrons of 1 each)
ED patrols and battles AI still only fights the planet extremely Lt opposition.
drew 2 F-DNLs one attacked the planet the other just sat there 0 speed
and fired no weapons

Offline Corbomite

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #336 on: August 07, 2008, 08:29:01 pm »
Mission matching seems a bit lighter, but units are still appearing within 100 in the Patrol missions.

ED Enemy Patrol: Tow the derelict into the Black Hole; The PP award was 245 regular and 425 Bonus! I thought you said you lowerd them?

Offline NuclearWessels

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #337 on: August 07, 2008, 08:55:39 pm »
Mission matching seems a bit lighter, but units are still appearing within 100 in the Patrol missions.

ED Enemy Patrol: Tow the derelict into the Black Hole; The PP award was 245 regular and 425 Bonus! I thought you said you lowerd them?

Yeah, just trying to figure out what's happening there ... I think the prestige amounts are getting applied multiple times before computing the final tally (that's the current theory).  Will let you know as soon as I have a fix


Offline Corbomite

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #338 on: August 08, 2008, 08:44:08 am »
Pesty, I have noticed that the starting ships are not equal size or worth and at least one race gets a real boost. There is no need to reset the test server, but you will want to hash that out before going live. Of the four accounts I just recreated I received as starting ships:

R-SPF; Trade in Value = 2375  :huh:

F-CAR; Trade in Value = 7560

H-LC; Trade in Value = 7452

I-CV; Trade in Value = 11664  :o

Any reason you hate the Rommies and love the Frogs so much?  ;)

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Re: Hardcore Server NEW SCRIPTS testing
« Reply #339 on: August 08, 2008, 09:00:46 am »

Any reason you hate the Rommies and love the Frogs so much?  ;)

Does that even need to be justified?

The starting ships pull from BPV.
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