I could go with the Star Bases having era accurate drones.. .. Battle Stations having a 50/50 chance of having era accurate drones... and base stations having slow drones as well as asteroid bases.
as for the 1 in 3 ships having era accurate drones.. I agree with that...
For the ED scripts.. those are the communities puppies.. the HC scripts are for a custom Campaign that I am going to host 1 time only and then after that, the HC server will be running for fun between major campaigns..
Currently I am trying to get scripts, test ideas, test scripts, test server settings, test map settings, etc.. I am trying to push the server kit in a way it hasn't been pushed before... At the same time, I want people to fear the AI and have a chance of losing to the AI, unlike the current scripts we use on the servers today..
As for the repulsor.. You do have a point.. However what Dizzy and I were discussing if a player taking a Mirak ship.. Z-DE.. loads up an SP and a lvl 1 tractor.. zipps in and grabs a ship.. he can nail it with 12 drones in 55 seconds and the AI can't do anything about it.. WW won't launch and PD can't compensate for it.. Having the AI set with a lvl 2 repulsor, or even having the script enable a lvl 2 repulsor after the phaser capacitor charges would change how mission are run to some extent... plus it would give the AI a chance to fight back.
Now if Dave can get the scripts to recognize when a player is taking a ship with a drone control of >6, and generate escorts for the enemy, then I would rather go that way as you suggest.. but if that isn't possible, then some alternative needs to be done.
If Dave can randomize fighter load outs, then that would be fantastic for the HC scripts.. for the general D2 ED scripts.. the community can debate over that..
If Dave can't randomize the fighters, then I would suggest for the HC server to go with the best of the middle class of fighters available.
I would prefer the loadout be randomized on the AI, this way, you may get 3 carriers, and you will have a chance of having early era fighters, mid era fighters and late era fighters.. and no telling what the AI has until they are launched.. then you will have to change yo fight to killing fighters first and then dealing with the carriers...
but again, as dizzy stated, it depends on what Dave can and can't do in the scripts.