I want the AI to smack people around, I want people to run from them, however I also want the missions at least somewhat winable if you use strategy and tactics as well as maybe even getting a wing to help ya out..
I don't want a situation of going against an unbeatable AI.. that ruins the balance..
Not only that...it makes fighting AI missions pointless...which would make (under this new push for PvP) being on the server with no live enemies rather pointless as well....so people will do alot of checking to see if anyone is on...rather than staying busy running missions until someone gets on...(servers with more long term players...say an hour+...tend to gather more casual players ,an hour -, than servers with only a few on at a time...even under the old system)
I also don't want people running 5 min missions.. I am aiming for missions running 15 to 30 min average.. sometimes longer depending on the odds..
You'll simply lose players...
I want planet and assaults to seem like breaking into Fort Knox with a pellet gun and you have to use your wits and skills to beat the scenario.
IIRC Base assults on AOTK(latest) were around 45 minutes with heavy iron....not a feat for the casual...
I want the missions to drive people to go for PVP...
Thus pushing another small segment away...you cant punish people into playing PvP....sure some stuff is way too easy to do...but that wont change for the aces and heavy metal flyers...you only going to raise the AI bar high enough to lose a few more players...
Currently the AI is a milk run.. OK some one just moved into the hex above me.. I don't want PVP, I want to take this hex on the map.. I can do that in 30 min with my 1:20 mission times...
And the counter for this is to sit rock in the hex and get drafted or threaten someone off by your presense..and there isnt allways a live enemy to play against anyways....turn AI missions into 30 minute chores and you'll lose quite a few people...
OOPS now the AI are monsters.. and killing the Ai may take anywhere from 10 min to 2 hours.. so now I want the PVP to get a break from the AI..
And there are people who might not want PvP...of have the time for an hour plus engagment....
However I don't want the AI so powerful that you can not win...
cool...because it would kill the game for many people...
Marstone.. keep posting suggestions.. I am attempting to go through them all ... Right now I am testing some scripts on the Hardcore server.. If you have been on there, you will notice that the ED scripts are much easier than the HC scripts.. just wait until I turn the AI back up.. the ED scripts will be almost as hard as the XC scripts..
Wait until you get the Base Assault XC scripts, or the ship yard script or the Planet Assault script, or the new planet model by I, Mudd, or the Home World Assault scripts.. plus other idea scenario scripts that I have plans for..
Hardcore is going to be Hardcore..
Thats' all well and good...but I will honeslty say....just testing these missions has turned me off ,and I doubt I'd make any serious attempt to play a hardcore server....The investment of time to pleasure ratio has gone way down...
the ED scripts will be for standard servers.. the XC scripts are being made for a custom campaign but will be a permanent part of the hardcore Fun Server.. Other servers may take advantage of some of the scripts as well in the future..
ED allready had a bunch of "stomp you into the ground" missions...we tried them out...they were deemed way too tough and too much of a chore to play through endlessly....People hung it up and stayed off...
It all depends on what we are doing now.. we are actually working to improve the Dynaverse.. much like DIP was suppose to do.. we are actually doing it here and now.
Some..including myself...do not see a simple ramp up of difficulty, hassle,and frustration to be an improvement...
It's unfortunate that combat ratings never got implemented...this rating was supposed to be read by the script and adjust difficulty higher for those with higher scores...thus the topguns would draw stiffer AI opposition than newbs
Another DV feature that never got implemented was a difficulty modifier based on a races population...A BPV adjustment accross the races shiplist IIRC...
D2 PvP has evolved from what it once was for me...AI stripping has turned fights that might be fought to a kick in the shins and a taco bell...or a plain old taco bell...( I will at least kick you in the shins before I run for dear life)....I now spend around 95% of PvP running away....At least when I used to get tossed an AI wingman I had a chance once and a while...
And as I said...I often dont have time to play a PvP when I'm on...So I play a few AI missions....go AFK..take care of something(which allways goes on as long as the kids or wife is up)...come back and bang a few more missions....
Take away short(ish) AI missions....and you've taken away just about any incentive I have to log in between work and bed unless I have uninterupted time for PvP or 15+ minute missions....(free time these days is about non-existant)...
I know I'm just one player....but every server now we lose just another player...
By the time you guys build the perfect server...you guys will be the only ones playing it...
Just my two cents....but someone had to say it...