How to convey my lack of desire to be anywhere near a political rally..
I'd rather swallow hot coals...
Yeah, that'll work.
Here's a question for ya. Would you rather see Rosanne Barr in a bikini than go to a political rally, or watch Britney Spears' movie Crossroads?
And do you have any hot coals to spare??? I feel like a hot bath right now.
I'd rather watch Britney Spear's movie while getting a lapdance from Rosanne Bar in a bikini than be within 500 miles of a major party's convention. I'd rather wear a neckbrace to dinner during "free meal to starving trial lawyer" night than go to a political convention.
Sorry, all out of coals.. cooked brauts for dinner.. and afterwards, smoked me a big ole' Honduran stogey with a Cuban twist.
Dracho, I like your mental status. Would you like a managerial position within my demon organization? I'll have you as the assistant VP in charge of gruesome punishments. You'll also be in charge of the company picnics working the grills.

But, I see the logic behind the Rosanne lapdance. I wouldn't want to touch Britney with a 10 AU pole.
LOL.. the wife and I stopped at the store on the way home from work and she pointed out a picture of a rather portly Britney on one of the tabloids. The poor cashier nearly died when I said, "Well, it's official, Britney has officially moved out of the "approach her and then buy her some drinks" category, and into the "buy yourself some drinks and then approach her" category.

I'm always open to short-term contracts. I tend to avoid long-term evil contracts because from time-to-time it is required that I assist the other side to maintain balance. Keeps me employable. There is a hefty sir-charge for each minion I am required to poison at company picnics. I hate puke and poison always makes them foam and hurl, and their twitching bodies spews it everywhere.. disgusting. I am also a member of the drywaller's union, so I do not clean up any messes I make, but I can recommend some services....