Topic: Read This Before You Let Your Kids Swim in the Lake This Year  (Read 4329 times)

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Re: Read This Before You Let Your Kids Swim in the Lake This Year
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2008, 12:03:18 am »
No, we prefer open season on deer. Beshides, my granpa used to cook roadkill.

Yeah, but has one of YOUR relatives ever been arrested by a game warden for shooting a mechanical decoy deer?  And then been more proud of the 200 yard shot than embarrassed by getting arrested?


You shot Sparky???  YOU SHOT SPARKY?!?!?!?!?!   :'( :'( :'(

Oh well, he was past warranty and rusting up anyway.

No, my cousin's husband, actually.   If it had been me & one of my... weapons, there wouldn't be enough pieces left to qualify as evidence.  My... arsenal.. is for killing... varmints..typically varmints who.. er that might be equipped to shoot back.. so bigger is better..

I really miss my sweetie though.  Miss Nineteen... Although.. she was a chain smoker..but her daughter, XM307 is HOT!

Mmmmm....chain and alluring.   *growls in a low tone and reaches for some Barry White*
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