Newest off the wall idea so you can tell me I suck . . .
First premise, in ISC Invasion, the Disengagement rule will be applied to the SHIP, not the pilot. We will have as full of an OOB as possible. Get kicked out in a Sparrowhawk, come back in a Firehawk. Get killed in a G-CM, have your race leader assign you another one and you can got back into the hex. The Attrition will be of an empires shipyards, not it’s space.
In a 3v3 situation it is quite possible, even with meticulously crafted fleeting rules, to have a situation where 3 good pilots can put together a fleet that just can’t be beaten (I-BBZ, I-CATZ, I-CATZ fits that category). In traditional D2 you could fight around this, attack where they aren’t. But in this style of a server you don’t really have that option, engaging the enemy is the only way to win.
So what can you do in this situation? How do you win the un-winnable scenario? Do what Kirk did, cheat!
Well, Kirk didn’t really cheat in the Kobiashi Maru, he just reprogrammed the simulation so that victory is possible. That’s what we have to do, “re-program” the nature of D2 so that a 3-ship Uber-fleet is beatable in a war of attrition. How do you do that? It’s easy; remove one of the least realistic parts of D2: instant repair!
Insta-repair quite frankly is really silly. When ships in the Trek/SFB universe get F’d up it takes months to fix, not just pressing a button. Repair will no longer be available at starbases, since this isn’t possible it will be stopped by setting the prices for repair as prohibitively high. This will be a turn-based campaign and real-repairs of a ship will require taking it off the frontline and it will need to spend some time in dry-dock and it will cost something in production points (to be determined . . .).
At bases you will still be able to buy drones, shuttles, fighters (making carries worth their weight in gold, PFs will be handled differently), marines, mines, and spare parts to repair yourself in combat, but it won’t be the same. Your “7th shield” won’t come back. Hull, Excess Damage, Labs, Control Stations, ain’t reparable via the engineering panel. Even if you have all of your weapons and power systems working a ship held together with chewing-gum and duct tape is going to start falling apart quickly once it starts taking damage. CA ships and bigger are going to be rare so once they start taking serious damage from a few fights it will behoove an admiral to take that ship off the line.
So how does this balance out the 3-ship ubber-fleet? CLs are going to be plentiful, these will make up of the ships in a fleet. Suicide runs add up! If you loose five D5 hulls to get a CCZ taken off the line it’s worth it! Fighters, PFs, attrition units will be able to do the same. I also think the first fleets to attack hexes will be CL/CW fleets as it just makes sense to start an invasion of a hex with the war cruisers. Why risk damaging an expensive ship on the AI?
Questions? Comment? Demands that I take my meds?