Topic: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race  (Read 22199 times)

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #40 on: November 23, 2007, 02:26:47 am »

St. Lucia is a quiet city. Touristy, but not overly so. On the ocean, but not prone to fierce storms. Most towns in Larryia love it when the Road Racers blast through. St. Lucia can't wait for it to be over. The sooner the racers zip through the town, get onto the Lucia Narrows Bridge (longest suspension bridge in the world) and off the South Island entirely, the happier the people in St. Lucia are.

Krazy Red Karver doesn't give a damn what makes the people in St. Lucia happy. There's not much he gives a damn about right now at all. His purple Camaro roars into the sleepy town, narrowly missing other cars and occasional pedestrians. Linda protests loudly and incessantly. Karver doesn't respond, except for an occasional mean-spirited laugh when she gets lively enough.

Toomblee's Silver Bullet isn't too far behind the road-raging Karver. She would like to pass him, of course, but senses that now is still not the time. Lots of anger. Lots of bad magic. She keeps her distance from the old Camaro, but the madman DOES clear a wonderful path. She zips through the empty streets he inevitably leaves behind, happy at the absence of obstacles.

Behind her, Lynn Cutter is doing precisely the same thing, edging a little closer to the Silver Bullet. The little cat toy on her dashboard starts to squawk though, giving warning.

"Police are chasing somebody, coming in from the west side of town. Looks like they'll hit the bridge the same time everyone else does."

Forewarned, the Larryian cowgirl starts watching sideroads, alert to danger. She has a feeling that the racers behind her aren't so well informed. Might be a good time to lose them.

The Murdermobile chases Cutter's taillights around sharp St. Lucia corners, over slight hills, down a tree-lined boulevard. Clarissa is less focused than she was on Kell's Vektor a few miles back, but she's got her eyes locked on the 1980 Camaro ahead of her. Nero is still grinning at her.

About thirty seconds behind the Murdermobile is St. Lucia's worst nightmare. Dietrich Kell, Laura Blair, Duncan Hawke, Lena van Der Prutt and Prince George von Brightonburg are roaring in, tangled up in a knot none have managed to unravel yet. The gaggle of heavy-horsepower cars swing and block and bump all over the highway. Civilian traffic dodges this way and that. A few go off the road when hasty evasions prove impossible.

Normally, Wade Gree might be in trouble in St. Lucia. The mega-booster for his car's stereo system violated several St. Lucia city ordinances. Right now, of course, his thumping hip-hop...he hasn't fiddled with the CD changer, finding that the music sort of fits this the least of the sleepy town's worries. He watches the wad of cars up ahead contend for position and chuckles to himself.

Karver zips through town with little trouble. He's out in front, with no one save the weird little Ponkapaugi critter close enough to bother him. The purple Camaro loses some of it's bullet-like speed as he negotiates a few street corners, travels up, then down the little hills that add to St. Lucia's postcard charm. He doesn't slow down enough to suit Linda.

"Is this race all you care about?!?" She demands. "Why won't you TALK to me?"

Karver snarls, and pulls onto the Lucia Narrows bridge, over a mile of straight road, and punches the accelerator. Hard G-forces press Karver, his wife, back into their seats. Linda falls silent.

Toomblee isn't too far behind the racing Camaro. The Silver Bullet pulls eases onto the bridge. Ahead of her, Karver's purple ride bulls people out of the way, sideswipes a van from the local Civics Center, and leaves the Kobald an utterly unimpeded path. She giggles and bounces as her racer accerlerates. The madman certainly cleared a wonderful path!

Cutter can see the Ponkapaugi's little car zip onto the bridge, but even over the roaring of her engine, she can hear sirens. She pushes her Camaro past it's 'cruising speed'. Behind her the Murdermobile does the same.

Clarissa and Nero can hear the sirens too. The bridge spires loom ahead. The redhead gives up on passing Cutter for now, keeping an eye out for whatever is headed their way. So does Nero.

"There." The Goth says, pointing. Several roads lead to the bridge, and coming down one is an entire wolf pack of blue-striped St. Lucian police cars, lights flashing, sirens blaring. There's still a few moments before the constabulary reaches the bridge ramp. Cutter and the Murdermobile both take advantage, zipping onto the mighty span just ahead of the pursuit train.

The posse of competing racers not far behind them isn't so lucky. Dietrick Kell is the first to sight the wolf pack of approaching police. He hits the gas, trying to beat them onto the bridge. Laura Blair, running alongside this and unable to see the cops, figures this is another attempt to leave her behind and edges the Vektor over, not quite trying to run Kell off the road. This also prevents Hawke, Van der Prutt, or Brightonburg from zipping past them and onto the bridge. The police cars and the five racers merge violently, vehicles swerving and tires squealing. Ahead of the mess, the wildly painted Subaru the Police are chasing accelerates, pulling away from lawmen and racers alike.

Wade Gree is faced with a wall of cars, some with flashing lights, some with 'exempt from traffic laws for the duration' race tags. He can't get past them, he notes, as they're veering all over the six lanes of the massive bridge. He waits, keeps pace.

Krazy Red Karver, on the other hand, is building his lead. He's crossed the mile-long-or-more bridge in around thirty seconds. He zooms off the other end of the span, through Saveall's Rest, the smaller sister town to St. Lucia. His lead grows.

Toomblee is having trouble keeping up with the Larryian, but she's doing her best. Cutter isn't far behind the Kobald. They exit the bridge only a few seconds ahead of the Murdermobile, which is steadily gaining on Cutter's Camaro.

Dietrich Kell is swearing and yelling. It's understandable. His plans have been upset. The Lucian Straights bridge is a mile long and straight. He'd planned on using it to pull away from his competitors, to accelerate up to something close to what his car is capable of. The police are impeding him.

His eyes note, suddenly, the bridge's wide 'breakdown' lane. Wild Arse shortcuts seem to be working for everyone else, they can work for him. He veers into the lane and accelerates, pulling alongside, then ahead, of the howling police cars. He almost clips a car that'd pulled over to the let the emergency vehicle's by, but that too gives him an idea. Cars were pulling over for the cops, which meant they might as well be pulling over for him. The low-slung supercar roars, picks up speed, as her driver laughs.

Duncan Hawke and Lena van der Prutt exchange a glance. There's more than an agreement on tactics in the smoldering stare, but both get the message anyway. They have to wait. Plenty of civilian cars are in the breakdown lane now, but there's finally the glimmer of a chance. The DB9 and the XK repeat Kell's manuever, accelerating in an effort to catch the Kieric and his supercar.

Laura Blair tries to follow them, but the St. Lucian police are irritated now. A white-and blue prowl car blocks her, and suddenly the cops devote two cars toward sealing off the breakdown lane. It doesn't help them catch the Subaru they were chasing, and is the primary reason for a week-long rash of vandalism directed at the department, for in Larryia, interfering with the race is a serious faux pas, but it does make them feel better for a moment. Blair curses the cops and their mothers.

Behind her, Brightonburg is more circumspect. If impeding a couple of cars helped them catch the outlaw, so be it.

Gree, who's situation hasn't changed due to the cops, doesn't really care.

Karver, meanwhile, is doing something no one has managed to do, save Hawke the day before: Grabbing distance and expanding his lead. He can see Toomblee and Cutter in the rear-view mirror, but they're shrinking. He passes out of Saveall Heights, and the road starts to incline a bit. It's hill country for the rest of the leg.

"Don't you even want to know who it was?" His wife demands.

For the first time since her dramatic revelation, Krazy Red Karver looks at his wife. His teeth are bared in a sadistic grin.

"Sure." He says.

Toomblee notes the madman drawing further away. She'd have to catch up. Not now. Later, the race passed into the mountains. She'd be in the best possible territory then. She'd be faster. Already, the road is begining to undulate, up a hill, down a smaller one.

Cutter is more worried about the car behind her than the ones in front. The big, black Bel-Air is close on her bumper now. She can see the redhead driving it clearly enough to note the blue eyes and glasses. Cutter's mouth quirks slightly. Kinda hot, that little redhead. She blocks as the Murdermobile tries to slip by on the inside of a curve, pulls away, slightly, as the two Chevy's roar up a hill.

Murdermobile and Camaro top the crest of the hill. The downhill run isn't as steep, and not terribly long. The big Gothwagon accelerates, with surprising ease.

"We got the weight advantage! Go!" Nero shouts. Clarissa stomps on the pedal, turns slightly. The Murder pulls alongside the Camaro despite Cutter's attempts to block. There's not much downhill left. Still, cowgirl and co-ed match gazes for a moment.

"Something really familiar about that woman..." Clarissa muses.

"Pass her!"

Clarissa blinks, her concentration back on the road. Inches by inches, the Murdermobile pulls ahead of the Camaro, completing the pass just as the road becomes level, then uphill once again.

Kell is off the bridge, drawing well ahead of his nearest competitor. He sees a car up ahead. Though for a moment he thinks it's a racer, the shape is wrong, and so is the distance...the ones ahead of him have more of a lead. It's the Subaru the police were chasing, he realizes.

The Subaru doesn't slow down, but the Vektor is moving at an impressive clip. He draws alongside soon enough. The Kieric can't help but notice the blue paint job, the 'xTI' logo on the front bumper, and the fanciful jungle scene, complete with leaping Jaguar, airbrushed down the side.

The Kieric chuckles. The Subaru's driver turns his head. His expression, concealed by blue tinted glass, is unreadable.

There's a flash of motion from a side road, a howl of sirens. The Subaru veers off onto another road, a Chevy Corvette in police colors with 'Interceptor' written across the back in hot, close pursuit. Kell notes that the Subaru's license plate reads 'DACZAR', and that Duncan Hawke's Aston Martin is coming up fast from astern.

The Devon's Islander has a welcome tug in his belly. He's back in the groove, and if he can pass Kell, he can move back towards the lead. His deep-green DB9 is on the Vektor in a heartbeat, but the Kieric isn't an easy mark. The black car slides across the road and back again, cutting off the naval commander's attempts to pass. They don't bump and scrape like the Larryian drivers. Their mutual school of racing is a less physical one, more akin to fencing than hacking at someone with a battle axe. For a few, too-brief moments, both drivers feel at home.

Duchess van Der Prutt isn't a fencer. She was close enough to see Hawke move up on Kell, but she doesn't pursue. She turns, heading onto the same side-road the Subaru had ducked down, and accelerates. The road isn't gravel, but it's got a gentler incline and cuts off the main highway not far ahead. She grins. Above her, to the left, she can see glimpses of Kell's Vektor, Hawke's DB9. The road begins to curve upward...not far now...

Prutt blasts onto the highway close enough to Kell that the Kieric is forced to swerve to avoid her. His tires taste gravel, and with a sudden grip of fear, the Kieric driver realizes his car is spinning. He turns opposite the spin, let's the car do what it wants. When the violence of the motion has reduced and the hood pointed the right way, he gives it some gas. The Vektor slides, almost effortlessly, back onto the highway. He's lost speed though, and can't keep Hawke from slipping by.

The Kieric snarls and pursues.

The herd of police cars chasing the Subaru isn't giving up, but word that the Regional PD is on their quarry's tail means they're not directly chasing anymore. As they zip down the highway, still doing their best to impede Blair, Brightonburg, and Gree, they get the word to disperse to cover avenues of escape and such. The posse begins to disperse.

Laura Blair hits the gas, but she's badly placed to get by quickly, and long seconds pass before she can scoot by the cops. Brightonburg is in a similar situation.

Wade Gree is not, and more importantly, no one's really noticed him. The Supra leaps forward, cuts past a police car that had been intent on blocking Blair but which hadn't paid much mind to the rice-burning street racer, and begins to accelerate away from the cops and the other racers.

Blair sees the Wellutrian's sudden charge, and finally bulls her way past an uncooperative cop. The Charger roars, the tone changing with each rapid shift of gears, and soon the midnight blue muscle car is even with Gree's wildly painted tuner. Blair tries to pass, but the Wellutrian slides into her lane, edging her over. She gives up the attempt only to make another, which Gree blocks with more uncharacteristic aggression.

Gree smiles with satisfaction. He might not be getting many moments, but he knows how to capitalize when he does get them.

The Charger and the Supra weave and duck, looking for an advantage as Brightonburg's tiny racer advances on them. The Prince shakes his head at his ill fortune, but knows he's only a long sprint away from his previous top five standing. He looks for a good chance to slip by Gree and Blair. Soon he might very well be challenging the leaders. He wonders idly who's in first at the moment.

"The Prince." Linda Karver confesses. "I slept with Prince Brightonburg."

Krazy Red Karver looks back toward the road. There's homicide behind his smile.

The racer's tear into Norlan Heights, the next checkpoint, near sunset.


Krazy Red Karver is in 1st place, and strengthening his lead! Can raw skill maintain what road rage has given him after the layover? Only time will tell.

Toomblee and Clarissa and Nero are tied for 2nd!

Lynn Cutter is in 3rd place, probably noting that Toomblee's car might fit in the Murdermobile's trunk.

Lena van Der Prutt and Duncan Hawke are exchanging smoldering glances while tied for 4th place, while in 5th place, Kell rolls his eyes at them.

Laura Blair and Wade Gree are tied for 6th! Will the Wellutrian hold onto his looked-for advance, or will the hot-tempered Larryian run him off the road?

Prince Brightonburg is in 7th, and though unaware of the potential trouble he's in, should likely be thanking his lucky stars he's not in 2nd.


Hope the cameo was enjoyed. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #41 on: November 23, 2007, 10:21:35 pm »
First: Thanks for the cameo. It was well enjoyed. Doesn't seem to far off; seeing as my current Subaru ('88 POS model) is light blue, with a paw-printed steering wheel cover and blue tinted sunglasses in the glove box. I can't say I've been chased by the cops, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Second: Had I actually placed bets way back when, and the race stopped right now, I'd get my money back, and then some.

Third: I really want to find out the details about KRK's wifey and the prince; not so much the actual act, but something more like when and why (I can only guess last layover).

Can KRK keep the lead? Possibly, so long as the car holds out. Been pushin it really hard of late.

Will the Wellutrian hold onto his looked-for advance, or will the hot-tempered Larryian run him off the road? Banking on the "run off the road" scenario... the kind that somehow, when its all over, puts the duo tied again... like pushed off the road and down a hill that happens to wind up back on the same road, just a tad further down. They are entering hill country, yeah?

I foresee bad things for the Prince. Something tells me he'll be trailing for a while.

Czar "Stupid cops, WRX's ain't for kids" Mohab

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #42 on: November 23, 2007, 10:37:12 pm »
Heh... Go back and read the first layover. Knowing what you know now, it should be pretty obvious. ;D
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Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #43 on: November 23, 2007, 10:42:43 pm »
Kinda figured. Wasn't sure.

Czar "Bad Prince, bad!" Mohab
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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #44 on: November 24, 2007, 02:58:05 am »
First: Thanks for the cameo. It was well enjoyed. Doesn't seem to far off; seeing as my current Subaru ('88 POS model) is light blue, with a paw-printed steering wheel cover and blue tinted sunglasses in the glove box. I can't say I've been chased by the cops, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Enjoyed writing it as well.

Third: I really want to find out the details about KRK's wifey and the prince; not so much the actual act, but something more like when and why (I can only guess last layover).

Yup.  Kieran pointed out the little hints I planted.  More of the possible motivations will be shown in a giant vignette I'm currently editing, sent to me by KRK's controller. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #45 on: November 24, 2007, 10:12:43 pm »
Giant? It only took like an hour and a half...

--thu guv!
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #46 on: November 25, 2007, 01:05:04 am »
Compare it to Brightonburgs. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #47 on: November 25, 2007, 09:14:57 pm »

'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #48 on: January 17, 2008, 02:52:59 am »

The distant peak of Mt. Mifune is visible in the distance as the racers zoom into Norlan Heights, and on a clear day, you can still see the ocean from the quiet mountain town.

The view is, in fact, one of the reasons the town is here. It was originally the site of a medical retreat, a cool, airy place in the hills suitable for long recovery of one's health or mind. Despite being utterly dissimilar to the busy and tourist-infested Ft. Solastis, it's often considered a sister town: It's named for a companion of the same legendary warrior-healer that the Fort was named for.

Norlan Heights is still quiet, and there's still a medical retreat. It's not as prudish or conservative as St. Lucia, there's just something about the town that promotes relaxation, meditation, which might be the reason it hosts, in addition to the hospice, the main school of Iron Spirit, an 'internal' martial art popular in Larryia. No one with good sense starts a fight fight in Norlan Heights.

Krazy Red Karver has lost his sense, but he has no intentions of starting a fight fight. He's thinking more of crowbars, ball bats, or bike chains, all smashing into various parts of Prince George von Brightonburg. In the passenger seat of the Camaro, Linda Karver is genuinely scared. She's never known Red to be particularly violent, but there's something very very dark about his mood right now. She's unfastening her safety harness before the purple pony car rumbles into the Breeze Resort's parking garage.

Red thinks he knows why his wife is so eager to get out, but he doesn't stop her. Instead, as the slim blonde jogs over to the nearest race official, he calmy removes his own harness, and lets out a long breath. Somewhere, under all his anger and emotional turmoil, lies the knowledge that he's in first place with a significant lead.

The significant lead is probably why what happens next is not talked about in the news tonight. Karver has arrived sooner than expected, and the press has yet to be admitted into the garage area. They don't see several race security men come over, talking calmly to Red, and then escorting him out of garage. They don't hear Linda Karver imploring a higher official to take him out of the race. They don't hear the official steadfastly refuse; The race's overseers will keep peace during the layover, but the personal lives of the racers are their own business. Linda looks disappointed rather than worried.

The drama has been swept under the rug when Toomblee and the Murdermobile arrive, so close together their positions might be simultaneous. Toomblee hops out of the Silver Bullet almost immediately and begins to fret it's needs. Clarissa and Nero get out just as quick, but spend a little time hollering, cheering, hugging, and dancing. They've made the single biggest advance today, and they know it.

Lynn Cutter's Camaro rumbles in not long after, and the Larryian cowgirl can't help but grin at her competitor's enthusiasm. She fully intends on passing them tomorrow, but their exuberance gives her a little charge.

Duchess Van der Prutt and Duncan Hawke slide into the garage almost side by side. Their exotic cars find the designated spots and the drivers emerge to tend their vehicles, still exchanging the occasional smoldering glance.

Kell isn't too far behind the pair, and while he's fuming at being passed a couple of times, he still knows he's in fifth place. Considering how well he advanced earlier today, he's not too unhappy about his position...especially since there's at least one Vektor-friendly leg tomorrow.

It's a few more minutes before Laura Blair and Wade Gree arrive. Neither driver seems to be paying the other much attention. Those taking note of small details, however, notice a different look than they're used to seeing on Gree's face. Perhaps the rookie has found his race legs.

Bringing up the rear--at least as far as the big ten are concerned--is Prince von Brightonburg. He's in seventh, with all the other major competitors ahead of him, but the nobleman still seems in a jolly mood. Perhaps it's the idea of another night of revelry...with a little less experimentation with hard liquor...and enjoyment of the race. Perhaps it's the fact that, of all the race legs, the next will probably be the one best suited to his car.

Since the Karver situation is a personal matter, Race security doesn't inform the Prince of the Karver situation. They leave that to Linda. Curiously, she never quite makes her way over to the Prince...

Cars are oiled, re-tired, tended. The garage is locked and put under guard. Racers make their way into the hotel, and toward whatever nightly activities they're planning...


At the player's discretion. Have fun! Strongly encourage contributions on this one. Got a couple of doozies already...
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #49 on: January 17, 2008, 09:24:04 pm »
Glad to see that this has made its way back into the spotlight. Almost forgot all about it.

One thing, having never been in, seen, or heard of one, what is a "fight fight"?

Czar "Go black(?) team! WOO HOO!!" Mohab
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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #50 on: January 17, 2008, 09:48:56 pm »

One thing, having never been in, seen, or heard of one, what is a "fight fight"?

That, great Czar, is a typo.*eyeshift*
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #51 on: January 18, 2008, 12:11:26 am »
Posted on behalf of George von Brightonburg's player

Prince George was getting used to the mountain peak, it reminded him of the Brightonburgian Duchy of Cornwallsburg,and it did not suit him, Brightonburgers are sea-level people, Brightonburg City from where he was born,and most of the high noble Brightonburg family was born,did not care for the mountains.

And Norlan Heights was such a place for him, never the less, they were many a fine lass here at this lay over,and he never slept alone if he anything to say about it.

In his mind,a womb is a womb is a womb, and so the Prince hit the pub, first speaking to his mechanic.

"I am off to Breeze Resort , Alex, make sure the car is in proper order, must see what is out in the pubs tonight, I think, I will find me that scary looking goth girl, never shagged nothing that thin before."

"Sire," asked Alex " is there a female you wont shag?"

"Over 60, or over 200 pounds my dear Alex " as Prince George flash a devilish grin " I may try to sleep with every female in the race, just because I can"

"Now make sure my car purs like a kitten Alex, I think I shall wear one of my full dress uniforms out at the pub, they dress so plain in this country" smiled Prince George.

Posted on behalf of Toomblee's player

Toomblee stares suspiciously at the bed. The rules say stay in the room. Kobalds like rules, but these are silly. She sighs and stretches out on the floor, but the carpet dust smells nasty and she doesn't like the look of under the bed at all. She sighs, as usual, this is not going to work. She gets up and slips from her room. A few swift, furtive steps and she is in the stairwell. Things are much better there, she hops up to the railing and slides down. There's some complicated maneuvering to get around the landings, but the challenge is fun in a way and she's feeling better when she reaches the sub basement.

To a kobald, a sub-basement is a place of infinite promise, you can only go down from there, and if you are a Kobald, that is a good thing. Other people don't always see it that way, however. Still, for Toomblee the sub-basement had infinite promise, like the access hatch to the conduits. She stuck her fingers into the prybar holes and pulled the casing free, then she slithered down into the space and pulled the lid after her. There are many fine reasons to be small, power conduits were several of them. She saw in the dark perfectly well, after all, the one thing underground had in plenty was dark. She trotted through the conduit, hunched over as she headed for the safety of her car. She made the turns easily, unerringly as she headed to the garage.

She popped up out of the conduit a few blocks from the garage. She wiggled out and caught the manhole cover before it could make an ungodly racket. She trotted lightly to the garage and slipped inside. There was security, a ton of it, but they never saw or heard her move. No one ever did.

She slid through the dark garage full of sleeping cars. The drivers always had access to their own cars of course, and hers wasn't locked at all, of course, hers didn't need to be. She covered it with lightning bugs when she left it, and those packed a powerful wallop.

The bugs flickered dangerously as she approached the car, then calmed to let her slide inside. She relaxed as the solid metal body closed around her, encasing her in the promise of speed. She closed her eyes.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #52 on: March 14, 2008, 11:33:09 am »
Posted on behalf of Krazy Red Karver's player and one half of the Clarissa/Nero team...

Red Karver buried his head in his hands and rested nearly the full weight of his aching body upon the polished, smooth table at the furthest, darkest corner of the bar. Well…the table was not nearly so ill lit as he would have liked it to be. The bar was almost garishly lit, being more of a cocktail lounge than a real, seedy dive…

But still…he could imagine. Hell, he wasn’t even in the corner of the damn place! That damn Brightonburg was! Brightonburg…


A few people looked up at Karver’s lightly voiced exclamation. Some of the lounge’s patrons had already gotten used to it. He’d been here ever since the racers had pulled in this evening. Yeah, he’d driven the balls off his car today… That accomplishment and his likable standing in the race hadn’t elevated his mood any. If anything, it had worsened it.

He’d only performed so damn well because he’d been truly pissed. Pissed off at his wife…over her betrayal! Angry, driven to the point of near homicidal rage when she’d admitted to sleeping…

…with another man.

How could she? His sweet Linda, his angel—No…she hadn’t been that in years… Not since he’d gotten back into racing. Had she ever been?

Karver had had his opportunities to sleep around. Particularly in the early days, before she became so damn horrible. Groupies and race fans had been everywhere. Even after his retirement…he’d had his chance. He’d sat on the hood of his pickup for hours talking to that leggy, blonde named Nikki after their shift at that crappy restaurant… He’d been offered the chance to toss his vows aside. He’d turned it down.

Linda had gone ahead and done it anyway. After all the nagging, the jealousy that erupted when he even tried talking to another woman… She’d been the first to f**k another person. Had she done it before, he wondered…

Even his performance in the very thing he loved the most was tainted now. Tainted with the knowledge that’d he’d never have done so well had she not been sitting there beside him, so smug and arrogant, reveling in her admission to him of her infidelity… watching him… Well…at least he’d scared the smug right off of her, the lousy bitch.

“Bitch!” He shouted this time, much more vehement with his tiny, scotch scratched voice. Several of the drinkers nearest him got up and moved away. He didn’t give a damn. To hell with the race anyways…

Karver’s blood-shot eyes scowled over Brightonburg’s direction. The arrogant foreigner didn’t even know… He was wrapped up in his own life, unknowing of the ruin in Red’s. Ruin he’d helped create…

Had the prince…duke…or whatever the hell that guy was even know who it had been he was banging that night? Last night? Less than 24 damn hours ago…when he’d had his hands all over her and his...

Red looked away. He had too. He couldn’t touch that p*i*k. But if he kept on staring at the goofy looking bastard, he’d be over there pounding his face into—

‘Pounding what into gravy?’ His wife’s voice echoed uninvited in his mind. Her mocking, condescending tone always irked him. Made him feel less of a man. Less than human… ‘Go ahead and try to beat him down, Red. You couldn’t whip your way out of a wet paper bag. He’ll hand you your ass on a plate.’

“I’ll show you a beatin’…” Red mumbled to the voice in his mind as he was beginning to rise from his wooden seat.
“I’ll pound yer lil’ fornicatin’ royal stud flat…”

Red’s bleary eyes came upon the visage of an angel.

He knew her from the race. That long red hair. The soft, supple face and caring, shining china-blue eyes… The C cups. She was from that one car… the ’57 Chevy Bel-Air. License plate said: MURDR1…

“Clar…Clarissa.” He stammered.

She was standing there, before his small table, a look of concern on her unlined face, two big books held cradled in her hands. Was she a student? Was he racing college kids now? Damn she looked hot in that form-fitting turquoise T-shirt...

She was a great looking woman…barely more than a little girl, really. She had the ample bosom of a larger girl's, and had deliciously wide, round hips. She guarded those in denim tonight. Her jeans were not nearly so tight as her shirt. They were probably her comfortable pants… The fierce lighting of this establishment made it possible to get a faint look at the outline of a dark-colored bra through the fabric of her clothing.

Clarissa tossed a lock of lustrous red hair over her shoulder and tilted her face a bit. “You alright, Red?”

“You…know my name?” He asked in subtle shock. His butt was now firmly back on the chair, his jaw trying not to sag at the sight of this woman. She knew who he was…wasn’t he just a washed up has-been?

“Who doesn’t know Krazy Red Karver?” She asked as though his question was ludicrous. He leaned back and she sat down across from him.

Karver shrugged in answer to her question.

“Figured I’m ‘bout used up, darlin’. Didn’t think anyone remembered the name any more…”

“My dad was a big fan of yours when you hit the Rally circuit. He followed your Corley Series runs and he really thought you had a chance to win the championship back in ’97.”

Red laughed despite himself.

“I did too. Came in second in the points…”

‘Second place is the first loser, Big Red…’ That voice scoffed again. Red blinked hard, trying to block it out. He looked back to Clarissa.

Claire was looking at him almost in understanding.

“Are you okay. You look like you’re in pain…”

“Yeah…you could say that.”

The urge to come blurting out with the whole sordid tale rushed to the forefront of his mind. The need to tell someone everything! To get it out there and maybe find a sympathetic ear…

But, then, that would look truly pathetic, wouldn’t it? Yeah…the wife would eat that up tomorrow. Red looked anew at the redhead.

“Darlin’… I’ve had a bad day.”

“When I was walking past you, I was like someone was banging cymbals in my ears. I looked right down at you and they stopped.” She told him. Maybe that would all make sense when he sobered up… Maybe next Tuesday…

“Do you wanna talk about it?” She asked further.

“No… That’s the last damn thing I want to do right now.” He told her. Her sensuous mouth…those big, beautiful lips that looked like they’d give a great b—She frowned in a way that said she wanted to help but didn’t know how. He dragged forth another glass which had been sitting on the table untouched when he arrived four hours prior.

“Tell ya what… Le’s just have a drink. A toast to the race…” He tried to edit out the sarcasm, but it was obvious she noticed. “And to…past second place finishes.”

Clarissa looked at the glass like it was venomous. He fell instantly in love with her innocent demeanor. Her apparent naivete. He wanted to take her to his room…make love to her on top of his wife’s belongings. Was she a virgin perhaps? He’d never been with one… His wife certainly hadn’t qualified…

Red tried to look harmless.

“If you don’t wanna drink, we can get ya a pop.”

“No!” She almost shouted back, so abrupt was her response. “Whiskey…Scotch is fine! I just…don’t drink much. But the race today…”

She was exhilarated with the memory of driving today. He’d been surprised to glimpse her form sitting behind the wheel when they’d taken off this morning. That other chick had been nearly passed out on the bench seat beside her. She’d done pretty damn good. Even gotten one over on…him.

Red’s eyes burned back over to Brightonburg’s table. The nobleman had two women talking to him right now. Jealousy and memories of a time when he’d attracted multiple ladies to seek out his company rushing into his brain.
Red poured the two drinks, no more than a shot-worth going into Claire’s. He wanted to bed her down, but wasn’t going to stoop to getting her sloshed to achieve it. He doubted Brightonburg had needed it to get Linda in the sack and out of her drawers…

Claire looked dubiously at her swill as she sat with it raised in mock salute. Red raised his to match and grinned amid his unshaven face. “Here’s to racin’!”

As Red tilted his drink back and let it pour, a pale, long arm snaked in and armor clad fingers snatched the whiskey from Clarissa’s homeward driving hand. The redhead looked right in surprise as her scantily clad partner sank the shot with a sultry smile on her thin, black painted lips. The Gothic princess looked back scoldingly to her friend.

“I told you booze was no good for you, dear.”

Red looked up in morbid fascination at the queen of darkness. The Goth Chick was clad from nipple to hip in a torn, nearly see-through gown of black satin. It left almost nothing to the imagination, and in the lighting of this lounge…the imagination had plenty of help on the rest. Six-inch stilettos clad her tiny feet, their black laces twisting around and around her long, ghoulishly white legs and over the hole-filled black fish-net stockings she’d belted on beneath what little consisted of her skirt. Her chest all but spilled out of the slit she’d cut in the front of her gown, and the mid-part of a shiny black bra shone from beneath the material, straining to keep her triple D’s in check. The girl looked unbalanced. Like her massive boobs would topple her. She barely had hips, though what he’d seen of her rump was nice enough. Black lined her eyes and flared out into Cleopatra-style accents at the outer corners. Her long, jet hair hung straight from her scalp to the small of her back and she looked at the bottle on the table with hunger in her cosmetically assisted green eyes.

The Goth took a deep breath, enjoying the widening of Karver’s eyes as her chest swelled. Clarissa sat back, arms crossed with a slight pout to her full lips as she stared up at the newcomer.

“It was just a toast. You can hardly talk, Nero!”

Nero? What the hell kind of name was that?

Nero wiped at the curve of her black lips with the edge of the glass as she sat down. “Who’s talking about what? I just wanted a drink.”

Nero made a show of parting her legs, showing Red her lack of underwear and the lengths to which she went to reduce aerodynamic drag about her lower half, and also withdrawing the silver flask strapped to the inside of her thin thigh. She sparkled a grin at both her drinking partners and poured the contents of the container into both the available glasses. “This’ll have more kick than what’s stocked in this place.”

Red stared at the clear liquor dubiously. The burn of what he’d already drank was nothing more than a dim memory. He leaned his neck back and sucked this new concoction down. It burned like race fuel. It kicked like a Nitris Injector. He couldn’t tell what the hell it was. Karver slammed a fist down on the table top.


“sh*t!” Coughed Clarissa.

Nero made a disgusted face as she stared at the offending flask she herself had drank directly from. Her red haired companion looked back plaintively.

“What the hell was that, Nero?”

The Goth shrugged, throwing the canister over her shoulder, hitting a busboy in the back. “f**k if I know. But I ain’t never buying it again!”

The Goth chick’s hands, both of them, were clad in polished silver armor, hooked and clawed at the ends of her thumbs, pinkies and ring fingers. She tapped those now on the table and looked at Red with idle boredom apparent on her face. At least, that’s what it looked like… But she wasn’t rolling her eyes and looking away like Linda would have by now.

Nero looked back to her friend.
“Finished reading?”
“No…got too crowded to concentrate. Left the Ipod in the garage and they locked it down before I realized…”

Nero reached into her gown’s top, right beneath a massive breast, and produced a tiny Ipod and it’s little head phones. “I noticed, babe. I snuck in there and got it for you.”

Red’s eyes bounded in shock.

“How the—“ Red glanced about to make sure his out burst went unnoticed. Thankfully, everyone in the bar was used to him spouting loudly by now. He lowered his voice several octaves. “They have guards to make sure we don’t tamper with our engines unattended…” The rule was more intended to keep a driver away from everyone ELSE’S vehicles while the race officials were not present.

Nero shrugged with lack of passion.

“A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, my man.” She tilted her head much in the fashion Red had seen Claire perform. The Goth’s hair spilled onto her right shoulder and hid her bosom. He only then realized how much he’d been looking. He looked back to the equally appealing, but much safer looking Clarissa. He began to realize her didn’t have a chance in hell of bedding this girl. Now that her disdainful, obnoxious friend had shown up, the Goth would ensure another night of pleasuring himself in the bathroom while Linda slept.

Nero glanced at Clarissa once more.

“You’re behind ‘cause of this race."

Claire nodded eagerly.

“You’re right. I’ve been cramming, but it all just bounces around in my head without music. Now I can get some work done. You comin’ to bed…or…whatever?”

“Not yet.”

“’kay…” Clarissa stood up and hefted the two books she carried. Advanced Physics and Trigonometry. Only now did Red notice the slim glasses case also held in her hand. She was a book worm. Paired with a Goth bitch. What the hell?

“Night, y’all.” Claire bid them, then left the two of them alone.

Nero looked at Red dangerously.

“You were tryin’ to bag my friend you old fart!”

“I was not!” Karver sputtered, stunned and pondering the idea of stomping out of here. But…the only place he had to go was to the room where his wife waited… “It was just a friendly gesture! A toast! I wasn’t gonna get ‘er drunk!”

Not that I wouldn’t like to, he added in his mind.

Nero didn’t seem convinced.

“You didn’t have the pope’s chance in hell of getting my Claire drunk, old-timer. But you were movin’ in. I know all the moves, a*sho*e!”

Red waved in the air futilely, trying to stave off her anxt.

“Hey, even if I was, she’s free, white an’ twenty-one, right? She can do whatever she wants…” A thought came to Red Karver’s mind just then, one that almost made him blush and made him all the more aroused. “You guys aren’t…you know…”

“You were hoping we were gay!” Nero spat back, “<bleep!> no, she ain’t!”


“And no matter what her age, I’m not gonna let a married bastard like you try and take advantage of my friend. You so much as look at her again and I’ll have your eyes as mirror ornaments!”

Karver just sat there, staring back at the woman who’d threatened him. He glanced at the long, sharpened knives on her finger armor. The thought of what this slutty looking tart might do to him got his blood to boiling. She had that unhealthy… ‘I shouldn’t sleep with this girl’ feel to her.

And that made Red Karver suddenly want to screw the living hell out of her. Linda would be incensed.

Nero was no longer glaring at him. Her look was measuring and almost interested. “What the hell was with all that driving today?”

“Got pissed.” He answered.

“At who?”

“Don’t you mean ‘why’?”

“Nothing happened for there to be a ‘why’.” She replied. “So I’m asking ‘who’.”

Karver was silent. Why the hell should he tell her?

He did anyway. It needed to be said…to SOMEONE.

“My wife.”

Nero smiled a closed-lip smile of pure acid.

“She screwin' around on ya’?”

It needed to be said. He looked to the woodgrain of the tabletop, ashamed to even admit it. “Yeah…”



“Las’ night?”

Karver’s eye turned darkly to Brightonburg as the noble stood and stepped out of the lounge, laughing with the two girls he was leading out. Hate brimmed in his soul.

Nero followed his gaze and looked back just as quick, stunned and incredulous. Those were two expressions he’d have been sure he’d never have seen on this woman.

“That <bleep!>?”

Red nodded, again staring down, embarrassed beyond measure. “Him.”

Nero looked on the retreating backside of the Brightonburg noble. “That piece of <bleep!>…”

The devilish look that took over Nero’s face was one that sent chills up the middle-aged racer’s spine. “Come with me.”


The garage was unlit as the two tip-toed their way through the echoey cavern full of vehicles. The security outside had been supposed as fool-proof. There were no camera’s in this section of the garage. With all of the guards outside, no one had believed them necessary.

Nero had found them a way back in. The Hotel’s dumb-waiters serviced this section. This garage had once been a wide pool house with a veranda meant for enclosed outdoor eating with a view of Mt. Mifune. The pool was long since filled in, the walls reinforced and the tables and finery abolished. But the dumb-waiter remained.

This ‘garage’ was primarily a storage section now, but was far enough removed from the public that it could serve easily as a garage and afford the drivers a protected way to and from their cars, away from the fans. Fans were cool. But the term was derived from fanatic. Sometimes fans showed a driver the root form of that word…

Nero and her giddy, balding charge paused in front of several cars before they settled in front of Brightonburg’s rig. Both leered in the filtered moonlight and leered down at the defenseless vehicle beneath their steely gaze.

“So…” Red paused…at a complete loss. “What do we do to it?”

“We can’t screw it up.” Nero stated the obvious. Any real damage and there would be an investigation. An investigation would hold up the race until culprits were found.

“Think it’s got an alarm?”

Nero blatantly touched the hood of the offending car. Nothing happened. “Officials disabled the alarms while I was leaving the first time. It’s so tightly packed in here, the techs won’t be able to get around without setting something off. I imagine an alarm would be painful inside this concrete building…”

Red nodded. He didn’t have an alarm on the Camaro. He didn’t really need one, as everything inside the car was race-legal. No radio, no frills. He’d had to install a second bucket seat for his wife to ride with him.

Nero tried the door, finding it locked. A wry grin formed on her black lips as she tried again. Karver thought he saw a flash of metal or something similar just before the door popped open with a click. The interior light snapped on as Nero crawled in, inviting Red with a waggling finger.

“Get in.”

Red followed as far as the open door, but hesitated to crawl in after her. “What are you gonna do?”

“What are WE gonna do…”

* * *

Nero came crashing down atop the red faced man. His comb-over hang down comically. She grinned like a kid having just pulled a great prank.

“Alright…round two!”

* * *

Race time came once again, and found a clear-eyed Red Karver stepping proudly toward his waiting ride. His wife leaned against the fender, smudging the hell out of the wax just like he’d asked her not too time and time again. This morning, he was beyond giving a damn. He walked happily around her.

“What’s with the stupid grin?” She asked him.

“Swallowed the canary."

Red opened the driver door and arranged his pockets and the seat of his pants to climb into his car. He looked to the rear of his car, where a black Chevy waited with open doors. Clarissa was already buckled into her five-point harness. Nero leaned on her open door. She wore a simple black T shirt this morning. Her hair was pulled back into a tail. She wasn’t wearing the contacts that made her eyes super-naturally green. Her makeup was intact, but missing was the body frost that made her look like a ghost. She wore no finger armor, but her nails were long and black. Her lips were a bloody hue of red.

She blew him a kiss without hand motion, and winked at him. Red smiled back. He looked her over once again. She had been great. She looked even better to him now that she wasn’t throwing her goods into everyone’s face. Nero slid into her car and fired the engine with the bellowing roar only eight-inch headers could deliver.

Red turned back and prepared to slide into his Plum Krazy Camaro. His wife was staring at him crossly. “Just what the hell was that!?”

Red almost blanched, his heart skipping a beat at the fear of her fury. A new voice echoed across the garage, though, that made him smile…

“Why does my car smell like sweat and fornication! Alex!"

Karver grinned like a lark, sliding into the open cab.

“Never you mind, darlin’. We got a race to win.”
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #53 on: March 14, 2008, 11:44:06 am »
Posted on behalf of the other half of the Clarissa/Nero team....

Customers milled about the bookstore and attached coffee house. Their activities didn't seem to bother the curvy redhead in the big leather chair. She was fast asleep and quite oblivious to the disapproving glances of the coffee server and the frequent stares of passing males.

There was a sound that did intrude on her slumber, though. Footsteps with a certain 'click' to them. She knew they were caused by black, heeled boots on thin, pale legs. She didn't open her eyes. She'd let her booted friend speak first sometimes, just to see what she'd say.

"What was all that <bleep> about us not leaving the hotel?" Nero asked.

Clarissa opened her eyes. She was sprawled out in the coffee shop's chair, medium-red hair in disarray. A stack of books sat on the table next to her, and light-volume jazz still played through her iPod headphones. Her glasses were tilted; one half of her gothed-out friend was closer than the other.

"Well they didn't notice us leaving last night..." The redhead reminded.

"That's cuz they don't <bleeping> care." said Nero. "But those are the rules and <bleep>, right? Wasn't that what you were saying?"

Clarissa smiled serenely. Her body had been tired, worn out from hours of driving and the summer heat. She felt...better, now.

"Yeah...I know..." She looked around at the books, the three empty cups that smelled of vanilla mocha. Saxophone music was teasing her ears, and the memories of a really great dream still lingered. "But you have your adventures and I have mine...."

The Goth rolled her eyes and smiled. Clarissa laughed.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #54 on: March 25, 2008, 01:52:41 am »

Morning comes to Norlan Heights, with a dramatic sunrise over Mt. Mifune and peaceful birdsongs from the many trees. You can't really hear the birds today; there's too many people lining the streets, eager to get a good, close look at the start of the third and final day of the Transnational Road Race.

The racers pulls themselves out of their beds, make their morning preparations. Despite the idyllic surroundings there's a deep tension in the air. Today, someone wins, and lots of other folks lose. Most of the drivers are eager to get started.

Most are also a bit frustrated, for whatever forces that decide such things have made an early start impossible. A dense layer of fog has settled over Norlan Heights, and the race officials have ruled that today's leg will not start till it clears. There's some talk among the foreign drivers about this; it makes sense to them, but the Larryians have been rather fanatical about the anything goes nature of the competition. Delaying a start due to weather seems inconsistent.

The officials have their reasons. The next leg, from Norlan Heights to Lyttonfield, goes straight through mountain country. It's a dizzying spiderweb of narrow roads, ridiculously sharp curves and extreme inclines, and should a racer fail to negotiate any one of those, there's usually a long drop to the bottom of a deep canyon. This has been, historically, the single most dangerous section of the Transnational Road Race.

For several years in the mid-nineties, the leg wasn't even part of the race. One too many racers had taken a fatal plunge, and protests from various groups had pressured the race sponsors to insist on a safer route. Through those years, the racers took the freeway from Norlan Heights, which is a far longer route, circling 'round the mountains rather than traveling across them.

The leg was restored in 2000. Two years later, it claimed another driver: A racing veteran named Joseph Sykes, better known as 'Old Black Joe' due to his age, name, skin color and wardrobe selection. The leg might've been cut again, had it not been for Sykes' family's insistence that Old Black Joe would've wanted to go out in such a fashion (a claim reinforced by audio recordings: As the veteran driver's '78 Firebird flew out over Bottomless Gulch, his last words were 'Oh hell yes!')
Old Black Joe is on several of the racer's minds today. Especially the mind of Krazy Red Karver. He'd raced against Joe a time or two, back in the day. Karver wonders, maybe, if the old man had pulled a Vanishing Point. He'd been past his prime, no longer all that competitive in the sport that he loved. Karver himself has had ideas of that nature, of going out in the driver's seat by design rather than chance.

Such thoughts aren't bothering him today. Hot memories of the night before, a quiet wife, and the revving of a whole posse of engines have the Larryian driver feeling younger than he has in years. Today would be a good day.

Nearby, Toomblee is similarly convinced. Fog or no fog, she's ready for some velocity. This is her leg, she knows. The mountain roads are windy. She can't go as fast. But the roads go through the mountains. Ancient stone. Stone is her element. Stone will help her win.

Over in the Murdermobile, Clarissa and Nero banter in their usual fashion. Nero's driving today, though not for tactical reasons. It's simply her turn, and besides, the big black Gothwagon is her baby. If the pair win, it's only right that Nero be behind the Bel-Air's wheel.

Lynn Cutter adjusts her Cowboy hat and lounges in the driver's seat of her Camaro. She's studying the girls in the Murdermobile with a certain degree of interest, though who can say why?

Duncan Hawke and Lena van der Prutt aren't staring at each other this morning. This seems to require effort on their part, as mechanics and other drivers note the occasional glance, or a quick grin from one to the other. If anything happened between the Devon's Island sailor and the Brochenstein noblewoman, they've managed to keep anyone from knowing, and the charade, if it is one, continues.

Dietrich Kell could care less about inter-racer relationships. He's been keeping pace through most of the legs, neither advancing or falling back except for one incredible sprint early yesterday morning. That's dandy, as far as he's concerned, since he's kept relatively close to the leaders...but he can't settle for that today. Today he has to win. This next, mountainous leg isn't to his advantage, though. His car likes straight lines and high speeds. He has an idea, though, and smiles as he thinks about it.

Wade Gree is really in the same boat as Kell, having neither moved up or fell behind. His one real pass has him tied with the dark-haired Larryian in the car next to his, and she seems to have a temper. He'll deal with that when the time comes, he supposes.

Laura Blair does certainly have a temper, and she's giving Gree's Supra the evil eye. The Wellutrian's little tuner is better on mountain roads than her burly Charger. She'll have to be creative to get loose from him and move up. Creative...or aggressive. Bulling the little rice-rocket and it's driver around is a thought that keeps bubbling back up...

In last place among the big ten, Prince George von Brightonburg can't decide whether he's pleased or irritated with his mechanic. Obvious signs have led the Prince to believe that someone had a little fun in his vehicle last night. Alex denies any skullduggery of course, but who else could it have been? The Brightonburg nobleman ponders the issue at some length. On one hand, such hijinx could only enhance his partying reputation, but on the other, if anyone should be coupling in his car seat, shouldn't it be him? It's an issue.

There's some discussion among the race officials, some curious peering out of the garage. It's almost midmorning, but the sun has finally burned off the mist.

Karver roars out of the Breeze Resort's garage before the green flag is halfway up. There's a squeal of tires, a shift of gears as he turns onto the road, as the middle-aged driver turns onto the city streets and blazes off. Karver is not a curve-oriented driver. He knows if he wants to keep his lead today, he needs as much distance as possible before the other racers start. Tourists cheer as the purple Camaro zips by. A bevy of Karver's Kuties squeal and flash the passing car. Karver doesn't notice. He's already 'in the zone'.

Back in the garage, the countdown begins.

Minutes pass. Just how much of a lead Krazy Red Karver grabbed the day before hasn't become clearly apparent until now. Toomblee fidgets in her seat, making not a sound, but obviously eager. Finally the right Larryian gives her a signal and the Silver Bullet takes off like a rocket...with the Murdermobile almost kissing it's bumper. The roar of the big, black, Bel-Air drowns out the peaceful hum of the Ponkapaugi racer as Nero follows the kobald through Norlan Heights and onto the mountain byways.

Lynn Cutter has to wait a minute or two more, but she's not a high-stress driver. Seconds count down, and she pops in a Nightwish CD. There's a song on there appropriate to today's leg. She puts it on repeat just as she gets her signal and the blue Camaro takes off. Somewhere removed, an older gentleman eagerly watches the race on his television set, and urges his daughter to catch up with the leaders.

There's another short countdown. A half-second before the light flashes green, Duncan Hawk and Duchess van Der Prutt exchange a meaningful glance. A reporter notices. The lead story of the Larryian Investigator is being typed up about the same time the green Aston-Martin and the candy-red Jaguar launch themselves out of the garage.

Dietrich Kell's Vektor screams out of the garage only a second or two later.

Wade Gree and Laura Blair emerge from the Breeze Resort already neck in neck. Blair's decided that, if she can, she'll just out-muscle the little tuner right at the starting line. She's got the horsepower, and the plan almost works. Her midnight-blue Charger pulls ahead of the wildly painted Supra, but she knows she hasn't got quite enough distance yet. The tuner tries to slip past on the first turn. Gree doesn't quite make it, though, and the two cars are again parallel. Sprint, turn, sprint turn...the exchange continues until Norlan Heights falls behind them, and the Wellutrian dark horse and the Larryian hothead are still close enough to spit on each other.

Prince von Brightonburg gets his signal about the same time Gree and Blair pass the city limits sign, and he guns his little modified with enthusiasm. The city streets are lined with people. He waves to them, but without his usual noble verve...he's got to catch up soon, or there will be no more chances. His little racer buzzes around corners and down narrow streets until he's out of town. This has to be his day.

The drivers are being conservative today, for obvious reasons, and as the line of racers works there way into the mountains, there are few attempts to pass, to better ones position. It won't last. It's the last day, and while good sense might dictate caution, fans and even the driver's know they'll start being more aggressive soon.

It's Lena van der Prutt that notices that there seems to be a racer missing. She knows Dietrich Kell should be behind her. She doesn't give it much thought. Some of the tourists lining the street do, and the television commentators are already talking about him, for the sleek Kieric supercar and it's driver are headed away from the mountains, away from the race, really. A heliborne reporter catches sight of the Vektor pulling onto the freeway.

Kell's hand's grip his steering wheel, his blue eyes watching with worried satisfaction as his speedometer dials upward. It's a stupid plan, downright mad. It hadn't even been his idea, really. He'd simply heard one of the lesser racers mention that, were you fast enough, you might be able to get to Lyttonfield via freeway, and get ahead of the other racers. Sure, the distance was longer, but it was straight and easy, and no one would be bumping or blocking you. Kell had listened to the half-drunk fellow for a moment then had walked, excitedly, to his room. A map had been pulled out, distances measured. The math was right. If you could go fast enough, it could be done.

Cars fast enough had been in the race before. Ferrari's. Lamborgini's. But no one had tried it since the mountain route was undeniably shorter, and perhaps there was a certain allure in testing yourself against the 'Dead Man's Leg'. Still, why hadn't it been tried? Was there a reason?

There had to be, Kell worries. It was a mad plan, almost Larryian in it's temerity...but then he was in Larryia...perhaps there was something in their water. Despite himself, Kell grins.

Meanwhile, the other racers have penetrated deeply into mountain country. Karver's Camaro rounds dangerous uphill curves, throwing gravel when he strays too close to the shoulder. In the passenger seat, Linda is as white as a ghost. That suits Red fine, he's got better things to worry about than her. There's a flash of silver in his rear-view.

Toomblee is in heaven. She zips around curves as fast as her little racer can manage, accelerates up hills and does her best to manage the acceleration on the downward grades. Even better, she's catching up! She can see the madman's purple car ahead of her. She has company, though. The girls in the death car are hugging her taillights, and she can't manage to ignore them. Powerful girls. Powerful bond. Sisters? Not enough. Sisters by choice. Very worrisome. The Kobald accelerates, trying to pull away.

"Freaky little critter won't slow down!" Nero complains, taking with effort the turns Toomblee is scooting around ably. Clarissa is oddly calm. Roads like this seem normal to her. She looks out the window at the uneven terrain, the dense's the land of her birth.

Lynn Cutter isn't gaining too much ground on the Murdermobile, but she can at least see it occasionally. The bobble-kitty on the dash is quiet; her friends aren't going to distract her right now. Another well-known voice is quiet, too. There were old things in these mountains, these woods, that even it respected.

Duncan Hawke, not being of a mystical bent, respects the mountains as well. Like shoal-ridden waters, they could kill him if he's not careful. Thus, he's being careful, even forgoing the usual playtime with the Duchess. Careful observers note that he's not losing much speed, taking curves with elegant grace.

Next to Hawke, Lena van der Prutt is waiting. Finally, the side road she's waiting for comes up, and off into nowhere's-ville she goes. Mud flies, gravel crunches, and a redheaded noblewoman shouts with excitement.

Hawke almost follows her. With a shake of the head, he decides against it. He's not taking any kind of chance this leg.

Blair's deep-blue muscle car and Gree's neon-green tuner are still locked together, roaring around dangerous curves with reckless abandon. Blair's getting aggressive now, bumping and pushing the little tuner car. She isn't quite trying to run him off the road, but somewhere in the back of her mind, she knows that a crash here will likely put him out of the race. At this particular moment, few things would make her happier.

Gree is answering the Larryian's bullying with sheer evasiveness. She tries to nudge him into the guardrail, he brakes, tries to slip by on the other side. It almost works, but again, he can't quite get ahead. The Charger sideswipes him, and for a second, he's peering off the road, down the long slope into a wooded canyon. He lets off the gas, let's Blair have a momentary lead. The road's uphill grade sharpens, and suddenly he has the advantage, his lighter car pulling even with the bigger Charger once more.

Close behind, Prince von Brightonburg sees the dueling pair. He's not in a cautious mood, and slams his foot down on the accelerator. His featherweight car leaps forward, streaking uphill easily. Blair is nudging Gree over again...there's space for a pass.

Blair snarls as the Prince's tiny modified zips by, and for a heartbeat, forgets all about Gree. She gives her car what little gas she isn't already giving it, straightens her course, determined to keep pace with the rocketing nobleman.

In the dayglo Supra, Gree does not hesitate. He lets his car drift into Blair's, giving her a tap. It's enough, with her sudden course change to disorient her, and the Charger is suddenly headed for the earthen wall on the 'safe' side of the road. Blair turns, brakes, but the actions sets her car a spinnin' and the dark-haired Larryian tries desperately to stop, regain control, anything. Her eyes go wide as she sees the guardrail, the canyon. Only a wild manipulation of her steering wheel keeps her from going over the edge, but there's an ugly screech from the back end of her car which ceases only when the Charger comes to a merciful halt. Blair takes a moment to reorient herself. Her car is facing the wrong way. She hits the gas. The engine roars and there's the sound of gravel and a weird rocking. She looks out the window. A section of the guardrail is gone, and her passenger side rear tire is off the road. Disturbed gravel rolls down the canyon wall. Blair screams a curse.

Not far ahead, Gree is grinning slightly, and gaining on Brightonburg.

Far away and at much lower altitude, Dietrich Kell's Vektor blasts down open freeway. He's going fast, though not quite as fast on yesterday's sprint on the CCH. Top speed won't help him as much, with his crazy plan, as a higher speed her can sustain. He's got his car at a comfortable roar...but comfortable for the Vektor is faster than some cars can go at all. Numbers roll in his head. Will this work?

He frowns when an orange road construction sign comes into view, a line of slow-moving cars becomes visible. He takes his foot off the pedal....but a white truck with a 'follow me' sign pulls onto the road in front of him and slides onto a 'construction vehicles only' path. There's a well-tanned arm sticking out the truck window, motioning him to follow, so Kell he follows the truck past the stalled cars, the Kieric driver hears horns honking, people shouting. Stuck drivers and construction workers are giving him thumbs-ups. The Kieric blinks. The positive attention is new to him, but he doesn't know how people are talking about what he's doing, doesn't know that his risky maneuver has gotten him a little more 'over' in Larryia. He waves back, regardless. A chorus of air horns from various tractor-trailers cheers him on as he pulls back on to unobstructed freeway. The 'follow me' driver waves goodbye, and Kell guns it.

Back in the mountains, Krazy Red Karver is fighting a losing battle. The silver car chasing him is quick on the turns, and he's on the type of road that's just not suited to his skills. With each curve, Toomblee gains a little, and there's hundreds of curves on these lonely mountain roads. He gains a little distance on a straight stretch through a small town called Mt. Edna, loses it as soon as the twists and turns start again.

Toomblee can see that she's gaining, can feel the mountain giving her help. She's ecstatic. She loses no speed when turning. She's a little faster than the madman. He takes a turn too loose. She slips by him. She's in first. The little Kobald howls with delight.

Karver curses. In the passenger seat, Linda smirks. Red feels himself slipping backward towards the guy he was yesterday morning, and tries to stop the regression. A quick glance out the passenger window helps; There's a green-eyed Goth staring at him from the driver's seat of a black Bel-Air.

Nero winks to Red as the Murdermobile races alongside the Plum Krazy Camaro. Then she sticks out her tongue, making suggestions with it. Clarissa laughs and shakes her head.

Karver grins widely and hits the gas. The Murdermobile can't get ahead, but doesn't fall behind either. Clarissa decides mood music would help. She pops in a Led Zeppelin CD. There's an appropriate song on it.

Lynn Cutter zips through Mt. Edna. A trio of men, sitting on the open tailgate of a grey El Camino, toss out a few catcalls. There's three of thin, one medium, one husky. The biggest one is kind of cute. She waggles her eyebrows at him as the blue Camaro blows by. She can see the Murdermobile and Karver wrestling for position ahead. It'll be hard to get by them on this part of the race. Hoping for a convenient side road or runaway truck ramp, she keeps pace with them, takes a look in her mirror. There's a green DB9 advancing on her.

Duncan Hawke might not be taking any chances this leg, but perhaps there's something to be said for conservative driving. He's slowly gaining on Cutter, who's not far behind the leaders. He reminds himself that greater chances might be necessary later, but for now, he's in a tail chase with a knot or two of advantage: Given time, he'll pass someone.

Duchess Van Der Prutt, on the other hand, has no use for conservative. Insane is much for fun. Her mint condition Jaguar snarls down roads marked for ATV use only, through mud puddles so deep her engine almost drowns, and through deep-woods recreation areas that haven't seen use in years. She's on her way to a healthy advance when she 'rounds a corner and suddenly slams on the brakes. In the middle of her well-planned shortcut, there's the immovable bulk of a fallen oak tree. She blinks at it, notes the deep culverts on either side of the road making a turn around impossible, and begins cursing loudly and at some length in her native tongue.

She had taken such possibilities into account: Her pacenotes document an alternate route. It's a couple miles back. She pulls out her Luger and, still cursing, puts four rounds into the fallen tree, then throws her car into reverse. A few hundred yards back the way she came, there's enough room to whip the XK-E around, and she's on her way again.

Prince von Brightonburg has no need for shortcuts. His car is proving ideal for the twisty mountain roads of this area, and though he dislikes the mountains, he's beginning to wish following legs had more of them. He zips into Mt. Edna, noting the people gathered on the side of the road, watching the racers come through. He gives them his best royal wave and is rewarded with a barrage of empty beer bottles. He doesn't understand why, but does note that the projectiles have but one source: a trio of men sitting in the back of a grey El Camino. He shakes his head. There were hooligans in every country, he supposes.

Wade Gree is making good time, but not quite good enough to catch up with the Prince. He's not slipping behind though, and that's good. At least his biggest problem is out of his hair.

Laura Blair fumes and curses as she ratchets up the jack. A couple minutes of effort have raised her snared tire away from the embankment. She runs forward, puts the car in neutral. It doesn't roll forward, but she feels some give. She gets out, and, heedless of the steep slope that she has to brace her feet against, she puts her shoulder against the back end of the car. It begins to roll downhill with surprising ease, the forgotten jack falling onto the asphalt. Blair almost falls on the loose dirt of the mountainside, but keeps her footing, and manages to get herself in the driver's seat before the Charger gathers too much speed. With a squeal of tires, she's in the race again, the brawny Dodge roaring like an angry rhino.

The dark-haired Larryian narrows her eyes. She has time to make up, and a score to settle with a certain Wellutrian.

Miles pass, and slowly but surely, the racers begin to emerge from the mountains. Toomblee notes the gentler hills with some sadness, but even that can't change the fact that she's in first and going very very fast. She hasn't stopped singing since she passed Karver.

Karver and the Murdermobile are beginning to speed up, beginning to draw closer to the Silver Bullet, but neither can seem to pass the other. Not far behind, Lynn Cutter is having similar trouble getting past them. She adjusts her hat and passes the Lyttonfield checkpoint.

Duncan Hawke eyes the sides of the road, wondering from which side road the fiery Duchess will emerge from. She's nowhere to be found. He feels a little worry as he passes a sign saying 'Lyttonfield -- 1 mile'.

Prince von Brightonburg has noted the smoother terrain as well, and though he regrets no longer having a great advantage, he's confident he can speed past Hawke. The Devon's Islander is up ahead, perhaps even unaware. Brightonburg speeds up, hoping to catch Hawke's DB9 before the checkpoint, but he brakes suddenly when a low black shape rockets onto the road from the freeway.

Dietrich Kell has a very very large grin on his face as he cuts off his continental rival and accelerates. Hawke is practically alongside him, and he knows from his radio that the sailor is in 4th, with only one tied pair ahead. Kell had hoped to steal a bigger march than two spots, but he's moved up, and that's what mattered. The Kieric can't wipe the satisfaction off his face. He hits the gas as, behind him, Brightonburg struggles to keep up.

Lena van der Prutt emerges from an ill-used mountain road and sprints off down the highway. She knows she's lost some time. She thinks she's lost more than she actually has: She can see the 'Burger ahead of her and last she knew, he was in last place. Her usually happy expression tightens a bit, and the red Jaguar picks up speed.

Gree's neon-green tuner isn't far behind the Dutchess. The Wellutrian has put one overly aggressive woman behind him. It'll soon be time for another. He's not aware that a few miles behind, Laura Blair, red-faced with anger, is eating up the distance between them.

Lyttonfield passes like a quick daydream, and the next leg begins.


Toomblee is in 1st place and having the time of her life! But close behind....

....Krazy Red Karver and Clarissa and Nero jockey for 2nd place!

Lynn Cutter is in 3rd, looking for an opportunity to pounce.

Duncan Hawke is in 4th place and having to contend with Dietrich Kell, tied for the position after an incredible freeway sprint!

Prince George von Brightonburg has moved up to 5th place, regaining much of the ground lost in yesterday's reverses. Will this trend continue?

Lena van der Prutt is making good time after an unfortunate reverse, holding onto 6th place.

Wade Gree is gaining on the Dutchess and occupies the 7th position. The Wellutrian seems to be, at last, dipping into his reserves, but will that help him when...

...Laura Blair in 8th place, catches up?


The title of this leg is a 4-way reference. One is obvious, two are mentioned in the text of the leg, and the last is more of a 'titling style' thing.  While this leg is 'in the past', as far as the current status goes, I haven't gotten any correct answers.  Name one or more of the references and...erm...karma point, cameo, something. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Czar Mohab

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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #55 on: September 23, 2008, 10:03:41 pm »
He sees a car up ahead. Though for a moment he thinks it's a racer, the shape is wrong, and so is the distance...the ones ahead of him have more of a lead. It's the Subaru the police were chasing, he realizes.

The Subaru doesn't slow down, but the Vektor is moving at an impressive clip. He draws alongside soon enough. The Kieric can't help but notice the blue paint job, the 'xTI' logo on the front bumper, and the fanciful jungle scene, complete with leaping Jaguar, airbrushed down the side.

The Kieric chuckles. The Subaru's driver turns his head. His expression, concealed by blue tinted glass, is unreadable.

There's a flash of motion from a side road, a howl of sirens. The Subaru veers off onto another road, a Chevy Corvette in police colors with 'Interceptor' written across the back in hot, close pursuit. Kell notes that the Subaru's license plate reads 'DACZAR', and that Duncan Hawke's Aston Martin is coming up fast from astern.

It doesn't have jungle scenes or jaguars or 'DACZAR' vanity plates, and technically it isn't mine, but it stays in my garage and I do get to drive it. Damn fine automobile if you ask me. Please excuse the crappy cellular phone pictures in a crappily lit garage... the sun hasn't cooperated for me to get a good outside photo. The story here was part of the inspiration to help talk the wife into getting the car that she's dreamed of owning for ages.

Czar "Will there be a winner before you start the 16th annual race?" Mohab[/color]
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Re: The 15th Annual Transnational Road Race
« Reply #56 on: September 24, 2008, 12:26:01 am »
Yes, last leg is complete, just need to write it up.  And post the ones I haven't posted here yet.

And dude...that is my favorite shade of blue. Sweet ride.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight