Correction.. our pilots have seen the Klingon, Gorn and Hydran BB on the server and in missions.. the Rom BB has not been fielded.. that is the one in which can be relocked if desired.
Not true. Krueg was flying it the other day. They have flown all four now.
Got a film, pics or log file ?? It's not that I don't believe you but I'm sure the opposition could counter with as many 'No he didn't' replies as you could post.
Lemme get this straight- the ONE guy who didn't misinterpret the rules is the guy who wrote them AND the guy who decides which BB to field.
Hmm, doesn't sound quite kosher. I won't speak for LK but I'm pretty sure he had no intention of activating all 4 races BB's at once if he knew how the rules were actually intended to be stated. As a neutral observer I'd say in all fairness equal VC's should be surrendered by the alliance for this 'error' in interpretation. That way all BB's will be in play and nobody will have bad feelings for DH (who knew what he intended), for Pesty (who didn't ask which race LK meant), and for LK (who took the meaning 'like AOTK3' to mean what it said).