Topic: Vista Bashing: the New National Pastime?  (Read 12906 times)

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Re: Vista Bashing: the New National Pastime?
« Reply #60 on: June 26, 2008, 04:43:04 pm »
I do see how Microsoft dropped the ball. I do not agree with them removing older DirectX compatibility from Vista or the way that they are changing the networking, I do understand why they are doing it.
Well with the networking, they are just slowly removing support for IPv4 making room instead for IPv6 networking.
While of course leaving normal IPv4 compatability in place since much of the network still uses IPv4, MS is going to phase IPv4 to basic network connectivity as IPv6 takes over, they to me, have just done it too soon. IPv4 addresses are going to sooner or later run out, and I also am probably going to go nuts when I have to start setting static IPv6 addresses too.. :P
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Re: Vista Bashing: the New National Pastime?
« Reply #61 on: June 26, 2008, 08:39:25 pm »
I do see how Microsoft dropped the ball. I do not agree with them removing older DirectX compatibility from Vista or the way that they are changing the networking, I do understand why they are doing it.
Well with the networking, they are just slowly removing support for IPv4 making room instead for IPv6 networking.
While of course leaving normal IPv4 compatability in place since much of the network still uses IPv4, MS is going to phase IPv4 to basic network connectivity as IPv6 takes over, they to me, have just done it too soon. IPv4 addresses are going to sooner or later run out, and I also am probably going to go nuts when I have to start setting static IPv6 addresses too.. :P

I could blame for MS for moving too quickly on implementing IPv6 if it weren't for the fact that IPv6 was supposed to be the IP standard some years ago.

[smile]That was until it was discovered that Linux Networking Engineers could not do base 8 math.[/smile]
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Re: Vista Bashing: the New National Pastime?
« Reply #62 on: June 27, 2008, 03:42:10 pm »
That's probally because Octal (base 8 maths) has been obstelete in computing since the mid-1980's!! ;D

Put it this way.... they don't even bother to teach it at colleges and universities these days.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

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Re: Vista Bashing: the New National Pastime?
« Reply #63 on: June 27, 2008, 05:23:22 pm »
That's probally because Octal (base 8 maths) has been obstelete in computing since the mid-1980's!! ;D

Put it this way.... they don't even bother to teach it at colleges and universities these days.

That explains a thing or eight...
MCTS: SQL Server 2005 | MCP: Windows Server 2003 | MCTS: Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist | MCT: Microsoft Certified Trainer | MOS: Microsoft Office Specialist 2003 | VSP: VMware Sales Professional | MCTS: Vista

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Re: Vista Bashing: the New National Pastime?
« Reply #64 on: July 02, 2008, 01:43:59 pm »
I can remember doing it at college..... along with Thermionoc Valves, etc.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!