There was a scheme put forward by NASA, back in the 1980's, where by a large solar system orbiting space station could be built, a really big space station, which would tour the solar system rather in the same way as the old Voyager probes did. The plan was to launch and land missions, drop of satellites, etc. as it passed by the various planets. Once every so many years, it would pass close to the Earth for major servicing, crew changes and repairs. However, most of the time, it would be out on its own and only supplied by the odd supply rocket or ferry.
As for who would be best suited for possible suicide missions.... may I suggest lawyers!!

I mean, lawyers out number honest, decent human beings on this planet and are considered both a public nuisance and a hazard. Therefore they are pretty much expendable.... as colleges are churning out fresh lawyers constantly.
Also, unlike conventional astronauts, who NASA is obliged to bring back home safe and sound, lawyers can be given the old Soviet "Astrodog" treatment.... it's a win - win outcome or humanity.