In one episode Sledge turns up at the Police Station with what looks like a megaphone stuck onto the ned of his trusty gun.... he anounces that his invention is called a "Louder" and works in the opposite way to a silencer to mke a gun sound louder.... he then proceeds to demostrate it in Captain Trunk's office as cops dive for cover.
Sledge is gun mad and once returned from a 2 week vacation in Beruit.... which he decribed as his kind of city. This was in the mid 1980's....

When a neighbour refused to turn down his hi-fi, Sledge simply shot it through the wall....

Sldege once drove up and down a freeway with a "scumball bag snatcher" handcuffed outside his car, for an hour in order to let the criminal consider his crimes. Sldege said that he didn't want to make his car's interior dirty.
Seldge's favourite piece of music is the 1812 overture....

Sledge once had an attack of vertigo on seeing a picture of Mount Everest.
Sledge compains that left wing pinko bleeding heart liberals are ruining the country. He also likes shooting guns a lot..... as do certain H&S members, mentioning no names.
Sledge is a typical H&S member, come to think about it.