If a Z-SSCS launches all its PF and fighters, and then has them fire their Drones at the same time as the Z-SSCS, more than 50 Drones can be launched at some poor bastard enemy.... which apparently happened in a convention game, acording to the SFB website. The game lasteted one turn.
We do have the Z-SSCS in our SFC 1 LAN campaigns, though the game battles always have to start with the fighters and PFs already deployed, which was / is common in SFB games to save time.
It's kind of convenient that SFC 1 allows and recognises the Mirak (Kzinti) as an "offical" player race when tacked into the SFBSPC13.TXT Shiplist file. Alas they're only recognised in FMSE as legitimate player sides.
If he flew right into 50 drones then he's a moron, natural selection at its finest.
In SFC, fighters and PFs are so stupid that even the meanest ones are easy to kill. A few days ago I chased off a D6U in a Z-MCC+, it wasn't even difficult. This would have been IMPOSSIBLE in SFB. Just giving them Chaff would greatly increase their combat effectiveness so a carrier may actually be worth it's EP value in a strategic game.
Imagine 8 Stinger 2m fighters flying at you at speed 29 running ERATIC MANEUVERS to avoid your AMD, dropping Chaff whenever you fired drones at them, and HETing away to avoid in-coming seeking weapons. scary stuff, but such a potential for more fun developing tactics and counter tactics.
The Heavy DNs in SFC are better than the CVAs (most races, PvP . . .) whereas in F&E CVAs cost way more to build. By comparision and F-DNH costs 18 EP to build, and F-BCV costs 28 (12 for the ship, 16 for the F14s)! Which one would you rather have? Then again the fighters were much more effective in SFB, plus replacement fighters were free.