Its been in the low 30s oC here lately (Hamilton southern Ontario)
How to do the superscript for the o symbol.
30s [sup]o[/sup]C
If you installed it with windows, the character map will tell you... (start...all programs...accessories...system tools...character map):
and it tells me that the degree symbol is: ALT+0176 ... like so: °
I used to know a lot of them by heart, I'll never forget mu: ALT+0181 ... µ
etc... The common symbols are all in the standard fonts using the same keystrokes for the most part.
That's always the way I do it, no superscript needed.
More "ALT" symbols: © ª ® ± ¢ £ ½ etc...
We got a nice cool day here today, high of 12°C cloudy and rainy. That's my kind of weather - maritime.