Topic: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab  (Read 28820 times)

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Offline Centurus

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #100 on: July 07, 2008, 05:45:49 pm »
Ok.................................Getting back to reality, JFK died because Johnson basically put money on his head and wanted to be president, so you didn't know that,  to think , is Area 51 real?

Actually, the theory that LBJ was behind Kennedy's assassination is one of the most common, and personally, more credible ones.  However, there's no proof.  Granted, it makes sense in some areas, but there's no proof as of yet that it's true.

Also, there are other theories that state Kennedy was assassinated because certain people, in some theories those people were in Washington, in others just some radical nutjobs, simply didn't want a Catholic as president.  However, I don't think those particular theories are very well known.  I can't remember where I had heard the theory to be perfectly honest.

But, it's also very possible that members of both parties had him assassinated, for whatever political or personal reasons they had at the time.  It's also possible that the Russians could have had him assassinated, or some other enemy nation at the time.

Many things are possible.  Unfortunately, we don't have concrete evidence of what's actually true.  Although there are some that believe that there was a lone gunman acting on his own as history has recorded, and there's nothing wrong with that to be perfectly honest. 

But there will always be many who doubt it was so simple as that.

As for Area 51, I do believe it exists.  But that's a belief rather than a hardcore fact, unless of course you know someone who currently is assigned to Area 51.  But if you do, and you state you do, you run the risk of government involvement in the most negative ways cause they'd want to keep that covered up as much as possible.  Why else would they go through so much effort to make alot of Area 51 believers seem like screwballs that speak to God on a ham radio that doesn't work.
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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #101 on: July 07, 2008, 05:53:27 pm »
So what's the truth of the JFK assaination?

I did it.  I'm still not sure how because my parents were still in elementary school.

I can provide some insight.  You see, in a couple years, you would have said something deserving of being smacked by a rubber chicken, however I smack you a bit too hard and send you back in time.

While in the past, you decide to try and prevent JFK's assassination, but because I sent you back only with a Polka music CD, and not a very good one by the way, you accidentally shoot JFK, and then are sent back to the present with the timeline unchanged. 

However, you managed to earn an enormous amount of frequent flyer miles and you take a trip around the world.

You sent me a postcard about it. 


Flaws in your theory

1. I have faced the terror of Manbearpig and lived.  Your rubber chicken does not have power over me.

2. While this statement is on the edge of H&S, I do not consider Kennedy to be a good president, and blame him for almost starting a nuclear war with Russia.  If I was in the past, I would not have tried to stop the assassination because that would give him another chance to almost get my parents killed, and erase me from existence.

Offline Centurus

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #102 on: July 07, 2008, 05:58:42 pm »
So what's the truth of the JFK assaination?

I did it.  I'm still not sure how because my parents were still in elementary school.

I can provide some insight.  You see, in a couple years, you would have said something deserving of being smacked by a rubber chicken, however I smack you a bit too hard and send you back in time.

While in the past, you decide to try and prevent JFK's assassination, but because I sent you back only with a Polka music CD, and not a very good one by the way, you accidentally shoot JFK, and then are sent back to the present with the timeline unchanged. 

However, you managed to earn an enormous amount of frequent flyer miles and you take a trip around the world.

You sent me a postcard about it. 


Flaws in your theory

1. I have faced the terror of Manbearpig and lived.  Your rubber chicken does not have power over me.

2. While this statement is on the edge of H&S, I do not consider Kennedy to be a good president, and blame him for almost starting a nuclear war with Russia.  If I was in the past, I would not have tried to stop the assassination because that would give him another chance to almost get my parents killed, and erase me from existence.

Manbearpig?  Must be related to Lisa Lampinelli.

I've seen worse posts in H&S, so trust me, you're alright for the most part.

But hey, you gotta admit, it was a nice storyline.  I particularly liked the polka CD part.  It was so stupid, it was right.
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Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #103 on: July 07, 2008, 05:59:31 pm »
Still, Kenndy's assination is one of the biggest mysteries of our country. Next, Area 51, anything funny to say Centurus?
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #104 on: July 07, 2008, 06:01:07 pm »
Still, Kenndy's assination is one of the biggest mysteries of our country. Next, Area 51, anything funny to say Centurus?

Yeah.  Ever since the failed experiments with the Tribble Torpedo, I'll never outsource our R&D work to Area 51 ever again.  I should have listened to Punisher and outsourced to his Area 52.
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Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #105 on: July 07, 2008, 06:04:21 pm »
I am the Punisher. * gets out a mningun and readys the armored Mustang*
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #106 on: July 07, 2008, 06:06:06 pm »
I am the Punisher. * gets out a mningun and readys the armored Mustang*

No, Punisher is the Punisher.  You're more like mini-Punisher with the Hot Wheels bike.
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Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #107 on: July 07, 2008, 06:11:48 pm »
I got a rocket launcher in the trunk as well. It's a Jackhammer, gotta love Halo.
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #108 on: July 07, 2008, 06:14:38 pm »
I got a rocket launcher in the trunk as well. It's a Jackhammer, gotta love Halo.

*looks at the rocket launcher and notices the label*  Fisher Price.  Hmmm......
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Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #109 on: July 07, 2008, 06:24:01 pm »
* takes back the launcher pulls the trigger and two rockets launch, Spartna looks back at the spent canister and sees a label that says, heat-seeking* Aw crap............Run. *Spartan and CEnturus take off running*
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #110 on: July 07, 2008, 06:27:04 pm »
* takes back the launcher pulls the trigger and two rockets launch, Spartna looks back at the spent canister and sees a label that says, heat-seeking* Aw crap............Run. *Spartan and CEnturus take off running*

*wonders why Spartan is running, and who he's running with, shrugs, looks at the rockets, grabs them in mid air, and walks back to his quarters and brings along some white wine and A-1*
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Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #111 on: July 07, 2008, 06:30:52 pm »
*Spartan stops running, looks at Centurus in his quarters and is weirded out*
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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #112 on: July 07, 2008, 06:31:41 pm »
As for Area 51, I do believe it exists.  But that's a belief rather than a hardcore fact, unless of course you know someone who currently is assigned to Area 51.  But if you do, and you state you do, you run the risk of government involvement in the most negative ways cause they'd want to keep that covered up as much as possible.  Why else would they go through so much effort to make alot of Area 51 believers seem like screwballs that speak to God on a ham radio that doesn't work.

It does exist. It's just called something else...Groom Lake.

We test most of our new aircraft there. B-2 , F-117, stuff like that.

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Offline Centurus

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #113 on: July 07, 2008, 06:33:00 pm »
*Spartan stops running, looks at Centurus in his quarters and is weirded out*

Hey, there's nothing wrong with a grown man liking Barry White and pouring A-1 over live rockets*
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #114 on: July 07, 2008, 06:34:40 pm »
As for Area 51, I do believe it exists.  But that's a belief rather than a hardcore fact, unless of course you know someone who currently is assigned to Area 51.  But if you do, and you state you do, you run the risk of government involvement in the most negative ways cause they'd want to keep that covered up as much as possible.  Why else would they go through so much effort to make alot of Area 51 believers seem like screwballs that speak to God on a ham radio that doesn't work.

It does exist. It's just called something else...Groom Lake.

We test most of our new aircraft there. B-2 , F-117, stuff like that.

Groom Lake.....isn't that where Dick Clark gets his replacement parts made?
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Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #115 on: July 07, 2008, 06:37:10 pm »
Sometimes I worry about you Centurus.......... What about the wine, care to share?
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #116 on: July 07, 2008, 06:39:49 pm »
Sometimes I worry about you Centurus.......... What about the wine, care to share?

Everyone worries about me.  But these days everyone worries that I'll actually become sane.  Trust me, it's not a pleasant thought.

And you've never heard of having white wine with explosive munitions?
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Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #117 on: July 07, 2008, 06:49:08 pm »
No...........why? I just want to use it to drink my worries away. O'Mally and his universal domination quest is one of them.
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #118 on: July 07, 2008, 06:50:31 pm »
No...........why? I just want to use it to drink my worries away. O'Mally and his universal domination quest is one of them.

*shows Spartan a picture of Kathy Bates and walks away, and hears Spartan's eyes scream in pain and explode*
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Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #119 on: July 07, 2008, 06:55:25 pm »
*Spartan pops up again behind Centurus, taps him on the shoulder and shows him his friend, the evil robotic carrots of doom.*
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