The fighting gene is still alive and kicking in the UK population.... Brits and Paddies are both well known the world over for violence especially after excess drinking....

Currently, we have an epidemic of drunken street brawling, fights that end in serious bodily harm or death, etc..... and that even includes women as perpetrators!!
It is a shame that we don't have the US system of bar room fighting where no actual punches are thrown, just to guys standing nose to nose throwing more and more medically impossible threats at each other until the original reason for the dispute is lost, drinks are bought and both end up drinking together.
In the UK, nobody ever stands "in someone's face" as the nose breaking and instantly concussing "Glaswegian Kiss" is a notorious result.
The Roman historian and biographer to Julius Caeser wrote of the Britons, "All they, the Britons, like to do is drink to excess and fight amongst themselves"..... how little has changed in 2,000 years.
However, it was this gentic trait of always spoiling for a good fight that allowed Britain to own 48% of the world's land mass and have the planet's biggest undefeated empire in history. Name a nation on this planet and at sometime in history, Britain has been at war with it.
Violence outside bars and clubs is a huge problem for the government over here, at the moment.
The Spartan practice of "Rogering" new recruits ensured that the possibilty of giving away a sneak attack on unsuspecting Persians with a loud fart was impossible.