Topic: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab  (Read 29256 times)

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Offline knightstorm

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #60 on: July 07, 2008, 12:20:16 pm »
In the time of Leonidas, there were over 10,000 Spartan males.  By the time of the Macedonians, there were less than 1000.  Slaves did do a portion of the fighting with the Spartans serving as an officer corp.

Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #61 on: July 07, 2008, 12:24:06 pm »
I WAS an evolutionist, but I found that if I looked at the theory of I mean evolution from a diffrent perspective, I found that it sounded so..................idiotic. There are over 110 ways to age the Earth and most say the Earth is no older then 10,000 years old, Carbon 14 is one of the 7 or so ways that say it's older than that. Which is supporting the Scientific Method? The majority or minority? I'm no longer a eviloutionist and I will never be one again, I also think that your "evidence" is not convincing enough.  Also, wow, the Spartan population became that low, but I bet that went out with a bang though.
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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #62 on: July 07, 2008, 12:38:44 pm »
In the time of Leonidas, there were over 10,000 Spartan males.  By the time of the Macedonians, there were less than 1000.  Slaves did do a portion of the fighting with the Spartans serving as an officer corp.

One could argue that wasn't a Spartan army.
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #63 on: July 07, 2008, 12:40:27 pm »
You're right about that. When the 300 Spartans held off the Persian army at Thermopyle, they thought they had trouble with only 300, try 10,000 later on, not so good. Also, Spartan boys weere taken at age 7, not 12.

1.  The children were sent to the Sparta's military academy, agoge, at the age of 7.  At the age of 12 they were paired with a mentor, who was also their lover. 

2.  At Thermopolae, it was not 300 Spartans.  It was 300 Spartans, 700 Thesbians, and 6,000 Greeks from other city states.

I WAS an evolutionist, but I found that if I looked at the theory of I mean evolution from a diffrent perspective, I found that it sounded so..................idiotic. There are over 110 ways to age the Earth and most say the Earth is no older then 10,000 years old, Carbon 14 is one of the 7 or so ways that say it's older than that. Which is supporting the Scientific Method? The majority or minority? I'm no longer a eviloutionist and I will never be one again, I also think that your "evidence" is not convincing enough.  Also, wow, the Spartan population became that low, but I bet that went out with a bang though.

What methods say the earth is no older than 10,000 years.

One reason for their declining birth rate may have been the fact that Spartan males preferred young boys to their wives, and were not fulfilling their duty to maintain the population.  After they lost the Corinthian wars, they kind of faded into obscurity.

Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #64 on: July 07, 2008, 12:41:27 pm »
I knew, about a battialion I think. But still, a formidable foe. Also, thanks for that bit off info.
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #65 on: July 07, 2008, 12:43:05 pm »
In the time of Leonidas, there were over 10,000 Spartan males.  By the time of the Macedonians, there were less than 1000.  Slaves did do a portion of the fighting with the Spartans serving as an officer corp.

One could argue that wasn't a Spartan army.

Yet that's the army that would have been fighting at Leuctra.

Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #66 on: July 07, 2008, 12:47:40 pm »
I guess I still have much to learn from them.
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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #67 on: July 07, 2008, 12:56:27 pm »
I WAS an evolutionist, but I found that if I looked at the theory of I mean evolution from a diffrent perspective, I found that it sounded so..................idiotic.

LOL... 'eviloution' [sic] is idiotic? I've never heard of any reputable scientific source claiming the Earth is anything less than a billion years old. Sounds like you've got a bad case of ID poisoning...
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Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #68 on: July 07, 2008, 01:01:13 pm »
Look it up online. I will not be fooled again by things like eviloution, and what is ID poisining?
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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #69 on: July 07, 2008, 01:10:25 pm »
Heh. I've studied it at both the high school and college levels. Not only is it a highly plausible and probable theory, but there's plenty of evidence in the world to support it. I've found the only people that reject evolution as vehemently as you have a preexisting bias against it, for whatever reason...

ID = the so-called intelligent design 'theory'. Take it from there.
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Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #70 on: July 07, 2008, 01:29:53 pm »
So, you think life is one big mistake? I sided with ID'ers because many teachers who sided with ID got crucified by you eviloutionists,  evoloution is also the founding stone of nazism and communism, and I HATE both nazis and commies.
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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #71 on: July 07, 2008, 01:51:02 pm »
And no wonder, considering that ID is not science. It has no place in the classroom, and any teacher foolish enough to try and throw out an established cornerstone of scientific knowledge in order to teach what is basically religious propaganda should have been canned.

Your last comment proves that you know nothing about fascism or communism. They are political ideologies, not scientific schools of thought. Yes, they rejected religious thought, but that doesn't mean evolution is a cornerstone of that fascist/communist belief system. You're linking the two not because an actual connection between them exists, but because you find them both objectionable, and therefore they MUST be connected to each other. Which is not the case.
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Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #72 on: July 07, 2008, 01:57:44 pm »
*shakes head because of your ignorance* . Hitler was an evoloutionist, look what he did to those "inferior" races. Karl Marx was a Christian then was taught evoloution, not long afterwords, he founded communism. What does that say? Beshides, ID is a person's views, what happened to the freedom to teach freely? Don't answer that. Beshides, give me a really solid piece of evidence that will stand up to me? I know things that you'll probably never learn in an evoloution supporting school.
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #73 on: July 07, 2008, 02:16:26 pm »
*shakes head because of your ignorance* . Hitler was an evoloutionist, look what he did to those "inferior" races. Karl Marx was a Christian then was taught evoloution, not long afterwords, he founded communism. What does that say? Beshides, ID is a person's views, what happened to the freedom to teach freely? Don't answer that. Beshides, give me a really solid piece of evidence that will stand up to me? I know things that you'll probably never learn in an evoloution supporting school.

Hitler and his cronies took basic language from evolution, and genetics, and twisted them for their own use.  Also, find me evidence that Marx formulated communism because of the theory of evolution.  We could give you evidence, but you would just dismiss without looking at it objectively.  Why don't you give me evidence for intelligent design.

Offline Spartan-039

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #74 on: July 07, 2008, 02:23:48 pm »
got a DvD on it, but I loaned it to someone, I'm getting it back Wensday. It tells all about flaws in your theory, or should I say religion. Ya'll take so dang seriously I can't help but compare your eagerness to defend it to the Muslims, we say one bad word about it and the DSTs (Darwin Shock Troopers)  are on the march. I was a victim of your kinds eagerness to defend it, I was publicly shamed and almost got knifed in the back thank you very much.
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Offline knightstorm

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #75 on: July 07, 2008, 02:30:53 pm »
got a DvD on it, but I loaned it to someone, I'm getting it back Wensday. It tells all about flaws in your theory, or should I say religion. Ya'll take so dang seriously I can't help but compare your eagerness to defend it to the Muslims, we say one bad word about it and the DSTs (Darwin Shock Troopers)  are on the march. I was a victim of your kinds eagerness to defend it, I was publicly shamed and almost got knifed in the back thank you very much.

My religion is Christianity.  I however do not take the book of Genesis literally, and recognize that God in his greatness can create a universe that is governed by natural laws.  Evolution is one of those laws.  It is only theoretical in the sense that we are still trying to learn how it works.  Also, your DVD probably doesn't shoot down the flaws in evolution, but in its false interpretation of evolution.  Give me the name of it, so I can look it up.  I'll try to see if I can find a transcript of it.

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #76 on: July 07, 2008, 02:31:50 pm »
*shakes head because of your ignorance* . Hitler was an evoloutionist, look what he did to those "inferior" races. Karl Marx was a Christian then was taught evoloution, not long afterwords, he founded communism. What does that say? Beshides, ID is a person's views, what happened to the freedom to teach freely? Don't answer that. Beshides, give me a really solid piece of evidence that will stand up to me? I know things that you'll probably never learn in an evoloution supporting school.

Hitler and his cronies took basic language from evolution, and genetics, and twisted them for their own use.  Also, find me evidence that Marx formulated communism because of the theory of evolution.  We could give you evidence, but you would just dismiss without looking at it objectively.  Why don't you give me evidence for intelligent design.

Knightstorm, ya took the words right out of my mouth...

Hitler's practices came out of a twisted amalgamation of nationalism, genetics, and the need for a scapegoat. He needed someone to blame Germany's problems, and the 'inferior' were as good a target as any. Hitler was a racial supremacist, not a hardcore 'evolutionist'.

There's plenty of evidence out there to support evolution if you can approach it with an open mind. Have you ever even read On the Origin of Species? Heard of Darwin's finches? The color shift of peppered moths in England during the Industrial Revolution? There's plenty out there.

And you 'shake your head from *my* ignorance'... Dude, you're 15. You've got what, two-three years of high school left? Then college? There's a lot for you to learn yet still.

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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #77 on: July 07, 2008, 02:35:59 pm »
got a DvD on it, but I loaned it to someone, I'm getting it back Wensday. It tells all about flaws in your theory, or should I say religion. Ya'll take so dang seriously I can't help but compare your eagerness to defend it to the Muslims, we say one bad word about it and the DSTs (Darwin Shock Troopers)  are on the march. I was a victim of your kinds eagerness to defend it, I was publicly shamed and almost got knifed in the back thank you very much.

The people that peddle ID and try to push unscientific 'theories' into our schools are just as bad. You compare people who believe in evolution to Muslims? LOL... we're not the ones that are trying to create a society governed and controlled by religion.
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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #78 on: July 07, 2008, 02:46:19 pm »
The "fight or flight" instict may have some effect on the human race's evoulution, in some parts of the world.

For instance, the Gauls and Franks were a warrior race, thousands of years ago, who fought a lot with each other or other tribal races.

Now those with big balls would be more inclined to fight, and run the probable risk of death in battle, where as those who were less well endowed would chose to run away as fast as their legs would carry them, probally aided by the lack of sizable gonads.

I don't think that this is plausible as every race in the world today is descended from warring tribes.  Would  you say the Scots, Irish or English don't have fighting genes?  They have been on the recieving end of invasions since before the Romans and still they are fighters when they need to be.  As are their descendents in other parts of the world such as North America. 

Let us not forget those of us of Spanish descent.  And by that I mean any group such as Puerto Ricans, Equadorians, Mexicans, Cubans, those areas of the world that were once held and colonized by Spain.

We're normally 1 of 2 kinds of people.  Fighters, or lovers.  If we couldn't win in bed, we'd get drunk and gang up on everyone. 

Granted, Spain isn't exactly a power anymore in most respects, but Latinos around the world are too hot headed, and in some cases too stupid, to run from a fight until they realize well into the fight that they aren't gonna win.  And even then, those of us that are truly stupid will still fight.
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Re: Bacteria make major evolutionary shift in the lab
« Reply #79 on: July 07, 2008, 02:49:38 pm »
The fighting gene is still alive and kicking in the UK population.... Brits and Paddies are both well known the world over for violence especially after excess drinking.... :(

Currently, we have an epidemic of drunken street brawling, fights that end in serious bodily harm or death, etc..... and that even includes women as perpetrators!!

It is a shame that we don't have the US system of bar room fighting where no actual punches are thrown, just to guys standing nose to nose throwing more and more medically impossible threats at each other until the original reason for the dispute is lost, drinks are bought and both end up drinking together.

In the UK, nobody ever stands "in someone's face" as the nose breaking and instantly concussing "Glaswegian Kiss" is a notorious result.

The Roman historian and biographer to Julius Caeser wrote of the Britons, "All they, the Britons, like to do is drink to excess and fight amongst themselves"..... how little has changed in 2,000 years.

However, it was this gentic trait of always spoiling for a good fight that allowed Britain to own 48% of the world's land mass and have the planet's biggest undefeated empire in history. Name a nation on this planet and at sometime in history, Britain has been at war with it.

Violence outside bars and clubs is a huge problem for the government over here, at the moment.

The Spartan practice of "Rogering" new recruits ensured that the possibilty of giving away a sneak attack on unsuspecting Persians with a loud fart was impossible.

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