Macro is a change of one species to another, do you see that happenening now a days? THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY MONKEYS IF IT WAS TRUE! Micro is changes in one species to suit it to current lifestyle and threats, example, the six-linned skinks in my backyard have long legs while the ones in my frontyard have shorter ones, there are more trees up front, which means they have those legs because they don't need to run far to get to cover, while the ones in the back run very fast to get away from predators (and collectors). Also, why didn't I think of this yesterday, we should create a mental hospital just for people like you Centurus. WE really don't need you loose and causing mayham in the world. 
My God, I should have known smacking someone so young with my rubber chickens would have caused serious brain damage. But, you're new to this place, so I'll give ya a break.
*puts his arm around the young spartan, then points over to a building in the far corner* See that building? She's got 15 floors, state of the art facilities, and the best of the best of the best doctors and staff in the universe. Everyone here on dug deep into their pockets till it hurt, then they dug further, just to have that facility built. They all then ganged up on me and dragged me into it. I was to be the first, and sole patient that mental institution would have.
In under one day, half the staff quit (or were vaporized when they had to do my laundry, who knows), and the other half committed themselves to the asylum the next day. But only after they kicked me out and banned me.
Since then, they just let me roam free as nature intended. I think they feel I'm less of a threat being a free ranged nutcase rather than a caged nutcase.
*smacks Spartan-039 with a rubber chicken and turns him into Screech from Saved By The Bell*