I also have read about Neaderthal and Java man, Neanderthal was a really, really old man and Java man was actually a pigs tooth.
That claim was made about the 1st Neanderthal skeleton found. They claimed it was an old arthritic man with rickets. Of course that doesn't explain the other skeletons with the same characteristics. Some of those skeletons were of children and didn't match the symptoms claimed for them. It also doesn't explain the DNA extracted from Neanderthal teeth which is NOT human. Closer than chimp DNA but definitely not human.
Though there really is scientific controversy over Java man it has nothing to do with pigs. The "pigs tooth" controversy was Nebraska man. While it isn't considered a hoax it was a mistake made and revealed by scientists.
You can believe what you want, but don't try to say that ID is not a possibiblity.
Read up on Pastafarianism. Why it was created and why by the definition used by ID of what constitutes a scientific theory it would have to be taught alongside ID as "science".
Also, I agree with you Nemesis, some Latinos are very quick to pull the trigger.
Which I never said.
By nature I myself am a berserker with a hair trigger temper. I however spent a lot of my life learning to controll it. There are people of all ethnic backgrounds with such tempers and I would not single out any one this way.
There's also the matter of that God invented whiskey to prevent the Irish from ruling the world.
A very inappropriate comment as is the Latino comment (falsely) attributed to me. Don't repeat this behaviour. Racist comments are not acceptable here.
As you have been told stick to science and technology.