Topic: Akyazi: Shake Up  (Read 22607 times)

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Offline Scottish Andy

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Akyazi: Shake Up
« on: June 06, 2008, 02:57:25 pm »
Hold onto your hats people, I actually have a second story on the go! One that I'll be able to post alongside my Rihannsu story. This and a couple of other stories (and RL issues) are the reasons I've not been on much at all recently. I've been hitting the writing pad quite extensively! As long as I can kick myself out the door to go to Starbucks, I get a couple of hours of writing/transcribing done each day, as well as taking up The Guv's mantle of "writing a few pages while on lunch at work".

Suffice to say, I am very pleased with my progress. Typically though, because I am writing it out, and this is what I'm mostly doing when I have the time, my transcribing is way behind. I don't want to douse my creative flames by trying to edit while still having the urge to write.

So, without further ado, here's the beginning of Scottish Andy in the 24th 1/2 Century!   :D


This is actually my third Akyazi story, and the main character has actually gone through a few name changes, though her appearance, character and ancestry as remained (mostly) as originally planned. The reason I'm putting it out first is because it is the first tale in the chronology. Along the same lines as my 'Rihannsu Scout Mission' (the latest chapter of which is out and desperately yearning for feedback *hint hint*), 'Shake Up' is a "gaining command, first mission" story. I've had to deal with a few new concepts from writing in the Classic Era, as well as a slightly different mentality driving the characters. We'll see how well I fare in that respect.

The story itself came about from some various half-remembered reasons, but mainly it was my research into ship commissioning/launching ceremonies, promotions, and an idea that struck me that changed a major factor in the main character and suddenly made them more interesting and engaging for me. I just had to sit down and start writing.

So, we'll see if you feel that enthusiasm too. Don't be shy about commenting!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 05:18:19 pm by Scottish Andy »
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The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Scottish Andy

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Akyazi: Shake Up - Chapter One
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2008, 03:10:07 pm »
Chapter One

“First Officer, please report to the Captain’s ready room.”

Commander Carin Oshima looked up from her game of tri-D chess at the summons over the ship’s intercom to give her opponent an apologetic look. She tapped her combadge and responded, “Oshima here. I’m on my way.”

The Caitian male shrugged it off with a smile and friendly wave. “Computer, record current positions and save game.” It chirped an audio acknowledgement of his instruction.

“We’ll pick this up again later, N’Trarr,” Carin promised him, “but I won’t keep you. Since I don’t know what he wants me for, I don’t know how long I’ll be.”

“Most kind, Commander. I’ll look forward to it,” he replied maintaining his smile despite the formality of his words.

She sighed. “N’Trarr, I’ve been telling you for close on three years now to call me ‘Carin’, especially on off-duty moments like this. Are you ever going to?” she asked with mock forlornness.

“I may,” he responded thoughtfully, his yellow eyes glinting with humour. “Such anticipation, however, gives you something to look forward to every day we serve together.”

She threw her hands up in a ‘why do I even bother’ gesture, to which he responded with a Caitian grin full of teeth. She smirked back at him and headed for the nearest turboshaft.


Carin arrived at the door to the captain's ready room and pressed the chime, which  dutifully opened a moment later. Striding up to his desk, she caught the reflection of a tall, striking Japanese woman with elegantly coiffed jet black hair piled up at the back of her head looking back at her from the room's expansive viewport. Her entrance brought Captain Arkady Asamov’s head up from his perusal of the information on his desk terminal screen, and his thoughtful look was immediately replaced by a pleased expression and he greeted his executive officer. “Ah, Carin. Thanks for coming. Take a seat, please.”

Carin nodded at him and sat in the indicated chair across from him, finding his choice of words slightly funny. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t have shown up. Off duty or not – and an XO was never actually ‘off duty’ on her own ship – the captain had requested her presence. She amused herself with scenarios of her refusing to show, citing ‘a fascinating chess game’ or ‘washing her hair’. It also reminded her that someone’s version of politeness or courtesy could just as easily be irritating for all that it was motivated by good intentions.

“No problem sir,” she responded after banishing her momentary wool-gathering. “I was caught in a sticky position in my chess game that I really need to think over before I commit to my next move. I was glad of a way out.”

“Glad I could help, then,” he smiled at her. “And on that note I’ve got something here that I want you to read.” So saying, he spun his screen around to face her and said, “Read it aloud, Commander.”

Puzzled, she nonetheless complied. “Stardate 45089.5. From: Admiral Peter David, Starfleet Personnel. To: Captain Arkady Asamov, CO USS Endeavour NCC-71805. Regarding: Commander Carin Oshima, XO of same…”

She paused briefly to query him. “Trying to get rid of me, Sir?”

The stocky, iron grey-haired and bearded Russian fireplug that was her CO adopted a stern demeanour. “Keep reading, Commander. That’s an order.” He spoiled the effect somewhat with an encouraging smirk.

Giving him an uncertain smile in return, she continued reading. “Captain, it is with great pleasure that I inform you of the results of the career review.” Carin’s heart began to beat faster and she got more excited as she kept reading. “It is the decision of this Review Board that we concur with your own assessment of this individual’s capabilities and potential. Their service record to date shows them to be properly qualified and this Board agrees with your predictions of their future career in the Service to which they have already shown such dedication.

“This, in conjunction with your personal endorsement!” she yelped in pleased surprise, “of this officer has led this Board to accept your recommendation to advance this officer to the rank of Captain in the Line Division of the Star Fleet!”

She was on her feet now, leaning over his desk as she continued to read, breathless with excitement and her eyes wide. She flashed him a look of pure joy and gratitude, and read the final few sentences with her voice slowly climbing in pitch.

“Effective as of this stardate, commissioned officer Carin Oshima is to consider herself promoted to the rank of Captain, with all the responsibilities and privileges thereof. This officer is of course free to decline this offer of promotion if they feel they are more needed in their current role and position. Should they accept you are authorised as Starfleet Command’s direct representative to grant this officer their Captain’s pips and order them to report ashore at Starbase 214 no later than stardate 45122.3 to assume their new post as Commanding Officer of the starship USS Akyazi…”

She tailed off there, speechless for some moments. When she looked back up at her captain he held out the velvet jewel box usually associated with a different tradition, its lid open to reveal two shiny new, solid gold rank pips.

They’ll look so damn good next to my other ones, she thought giddily.

“Congratulations, Captain Oshima,” he told her, black eyes shining with pride and satisfaction, and held out his hand over the desk.

Carin’s mouth flapped open and closed a few times without any sound coming out, but she grabbed his hand and pumped it delightedly.

Thank you, Sir!” she finally pushed out past her shock and surprise. “But why didn’t you tell me you’d recommended me for my captaincy?”

Letting go of her hand he came around his desk to her side as he replied. “Recommendations for promotion are not always accepted by the Brass, even ones from highly thought of captains like myself,” he told her without false modesty. “I didn’t want to get your hopes up just to have them dashed against the rocks of bureaucracy. Besides, I wanted to surprise you.”

“You certainly did that, Sir!” she told him, still wearing her slightly dazed grin.

He looked at her a little funny then. “You haven’t actually indicated whether you want these or not, Commander,” he teased, admonishingly waving the jewel box still waiting in his other hand. “Don’t tell me I have to send a flowery ‘thanks but no thanks’ note back to—”

Gimmie those!” she yelled and lunged for the box.


“…and so it is with equal measures of joy and sorrow that I take my leave of you this day,” Carin said to the assembled crowd in Endeavour’s vast main shuttlebay, which had been dressed up by Ship’s Services into a function hall for this event. “Sorrow because I am leaving behind such a fine ship and crew and many friends, and joy… well, that should be obvious.” She grinned at the light laughter and smiles that greeted her words.

“Not to keep you too long from the festivities of finally getting rid of me, let me just finish by saying that I’ll miss all of you. Yes, even you, N’Tarr!” The Caitian’s “Fffffttt!” was easily heard over the laughter her comment provoked. “It has been an honour and a pleasure serving with you all. Thank you.”

Some hearty applause and a few cheers greeted her stepping down from the small stage, and Captain Asamov himself handed her a crystal flute of sparking champagne, the real stuff in this case. Asamov held to a long-running personal tradition of toasting his officers with genuine bubbly, even it if wasn’t actually from France on Earth.

“Thank you, Sir,” she told him as she sipped on the 2367 Rachmananov from his homeworld on the New Paris Colony.

“Sounds like you’ve learned more that just command skills from me, Captain,” Asamov opined. “Asamov’s Public Speaking 101: Keep it short, to the point, and light.”

Carin smiled. “I’ve learned a lot from you, Sir, and I’m grateful. Thank you,” she told him quietly and sincerely, and offered her hand.

Asamov took it and returned her smile. “You’re welcome. And I keep telling you: call me ‘Arkady’. You don’t need to call me ‘Sir’ any more,” he playfully admonished her.

And that was something else she couldn’t quite wrap her head around – having this Starfleet legend as a peer. Asamov had been a starship captain for longer than Carin had been a Starfleet officer. Even before Wolf 359 his missions had been required reading at the Academy, and since then… Arkady Asamov and his ship held a singular distinction: that of surviving the Borg assault at the Battle of Wolf 359 with his ship still in one piece and active. Certainly, the Endeavour had been crippled and her offensive capability neutralised, but she’d still been in once piece, under command, and with power at the end of the day. When so many others had been utterly destroyed, wrecked, or had their entire crews killed, the magnitude of Endeavour’s luck could not be understated.

Despite losing scores of her eight hundred crew and requiring some nine weeks in the repair yards at Utopia Planitia, Asamov’s Endeavour had been christened as a “lucky” ship thereafter and her legend had only grown since. People fought to be assigned as one of her crew in much the same way as for the newer Galaxy-class explorers.

And this man in command of this ship and this crew had recommended and gotten her a promotion to captain. Simply put, she was overwhelmed.

“Sir… Arkady, I… I’ll do you proud,” was all she could think to say.

“I know you will, Carin. You already have, remember?” he made the point to her with raised eyebrows. “I wouldn’t have put you forward if I didn’t think you capable.”

His words warmed her and gave her confidence, and she smiled her continuing gratitude to her mentor of four years.

“Now, stop standing there trying to think of new and original ways to say ‘thank you’,” he scolded her mock-sternly, tugging on his short, well-kept beard. “Go say goodbye to your friends and reinforce in their minds how lucky you are and how wonderful I am.”

Carin laughed delightedly and continued to chuckle as he made shooing motions with his hands, his eyes twinkling. "Goodbye Sir, and thank you!

“See you around the galaxy, Captain,” he returned and saluted her with his champagne flute. He watched her get swallowed instantly by the hundreds-strong crowd. “Good luck, Carin,” he murmured as he took another sip of the excellent ’67 Rachmananov.


Many hours later, Carin tiredly stumbled into her temporary quarters in Starbase 214’s Officer Country, her head ringing still from the hubbub of her farewell party and the moderate quantities of real alcohol she’d indulged in there.

She really really wanted to go see her new ship right away, but had wisely decided not to show up and give her new crew a first impression of her as a sleepy drunk, even if it was only an in-port night watch.

It still didn’t reduce the urge she felt to go one iota, though. She was as excited as a five-year-old on Christmas Eve who knew she had to go to sleep for Santa to show up but just couldn’t calm down enough to let sleep take her. Struck with the appropriateness of the analogy down to almost the last detail, she went to the replicator and got a mild ‘over-the-counter’ sedative and a blood-scrubber to begin the work on cleansing her system of the booze she’d imbibed.

She stripped out of her uniform and lay tiredly on the bed, her mind still racing with thoughts of her ship, her officers, its tech specs, proposed mission priorities, and areas of operation.

Her last thought before the Sandman worked his narcoleptic magic on her was I don’t know I’m ever going to get to…
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 05:18:42 pm by Scottish Andy »
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline James Smith

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up - Introduction
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2008, 03:34:39 pm »
He looked at her a little funny then. “You haven’t actually indicated whether you want these or not, Commander,” he teased, admonishingly waving the jewel box still waiting in his other hand. “Don’t tell me I have to send a flowery ‘thanks but no thanks’ note back to—”

Gimmie those!” she yelled and lunged for the box.

I giggled


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Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2008, 09:46:34 pm »
A good start but needs more meat. I don't mean it to sound like I'm disappointed, cause I'm not. But considering that you have another new ship in your other story that also has yet to leave port on its first mission with a new CO...I'm sensing a pattern. I hope Akyazi launches more quickly.

I happily await more, however, and find a TNG setting refreshing. TOS/TMP is done to death on this site. I love em, but...dammit. [ANd yes, I realize that's what I write mostly in too, plan to rectify that eventually]

I need more for a better comment than this.

'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline kadh2000

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2008, 11:13:42 pm »
You know, my first thought was that it was about time somebody here started on a decent TNG era story.
"The Andromedans," Kadh said, "will never stop coming.  Not until they are all destroyed or we are."

Offline Scottish Andy

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Akyazi: Shake Up - Chapter Two
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2008, 11:20:10 pm »
Okay, here's another bite-sized section. In my old stories, these two would have been one chapter.

Chapter Two

Carin awoke bright and early with no trace of her hangover and feeling well rested. She was doubly glad of the sedative as she was quite sure without it she’d have spent the entire night tossing and turning, too excited to sleep. A quick but unhurried sonic shower started her morning ablutions, and a light breakfast later she was out the door in a freshly replicated uniform with every step taking her closer to her new command.

She took a turbolift up from the habitat section into the cavernous bulb-shaped dry-dock, but didn’t go directly to the bay where her ship was moored. Instead, she went to the nearest viewing gallery and peered into the twilight gloom of the enclosed dry-dock to locate her ship’s bay. She was a bit too far away to make out her ship in any real detail, but now that she had an idea of where everything was in relation to everything else, she was able to pick another viewing gallery that would give her a good look at the Akyazi.

As a deep-space scout cruiser, Carin suddenly realised that her Akyazi was a direct descendent and spiritual inheritor of the mission of her grandfather’s first command, and the thought warmed her. I’ll be following directly in the footsteps of Grampa Drew, she mused. I wonder if he’s gotten my video message yet? She would have liked to have her family, and especially her Grampa, here for the commissioning ceremony, but unfortunately the travel time from Neo Caledonia by civilian transport had been too long to make it without a direct, high-speed courier flight.

Even though she couldn’t actually see her very well from here, Carin still lingered to savour her first glimpse of her first ship. From here all that could be seen was a flat saucer poking out from behind four nacelles in a modern redesign of the venerable Constellation class, some of which were still in service; a tribute to how well they built ships back in the 23rd century.

The whole ship was barely two subjective inches across but Carin stared hard at her for over a minute before finally leaving and taking the turbolift to a better-positioned gallery.

On arrival there, Carin took slow, almost hesitant steps to the massive clearsteel window. At this busy sector of the starbase’s interior there were many ships being worked on, and several ship-spotters were in attendance. She ignored them and focused on the starship that was now hers as it slowly revealed itself to her the closer she got to the window.

This time the laterally elliptical saucer was in the forefront and the silver-blue finish of its short, wide upper surface was spread out before her, with two nacelles rearing above the aft edge on their solid-looking dorsal neck. Their lower twins were mostly hidden under the saucer and vertical superstructure from her viewpoint. Taken like this and as a whole, her ship suddenly put her in mind of the manta rays she’d seen while attending Starfleet Academy on Earth, though the image was somewhat spoiled by the four short nacelles instead of a long single tail.

Carin took in the lines of the Cheyenne-class and the overall impression her ship left her with was one of sleek agility. This was no massive, lumbering explorer-type ship with close on a thousand crew, but neither was she a stripped down, no-frills courier. The broad but shallow saucer gave plenty of room for her 250 crew, and while that crew didn’t have all the latest toys in embarrassing quantities, neither was she a Klingon prison barge.

Akyazi hung against the backdrop of the busy starbase as if impatient with all the fussing and eager to get out and away from it all. This was despite her warp engines being dark and exterior running and spotlights being off, but the blaze of her interior lights was bright and clear in the dim twilight of the dry-dock.

Carin took the time to commit her every line and detail to memory as she wouldn’t be seeing her ship from the outside for some time. Thus satisfied, she finally turned away and walked to the gangway to board her ship.


“Damnit Thelinar, our new captain is due here today! I’m surprised she’s not here already! She’s probably going to show up at any minute and the duty roster still hasn’t been worked out to anyone’s satisfaction!” Commander Terev chim Vokrak bellowed at Akyazi’s second officer as he paced quickly back and forth behind her in the conference room on Deck Two.

Lieutenant Commander Thelinar zh’Koral spun her chair to face her superior and narrowed her celery-green eyes at the bellicose Tellarite. “Don’t you ‘Damnit Thelinar’ me, you useless sack of wet pubes!” she snarled back at the first officer. “It’s you who keeps invalidating all our efforts in that area with nothing more helpful than a ‘not acceptable’ or ‘needs more work here’. If you’d stop rolling around the bridge like a gut-bellied warthog and actually contribute something to whatever you find unacceptable, we’d have locked this down days ago!”

Terev again fought to stop his cheeks ballooning out in pleasure at finding an alien cultured enough to indulge him in Civil Conversation, and blessed the Twin Moons for both putting Thelinar on the same ship as him on his last tour and for transferring her to this new ship with him for his next. He mostly succeeded in maintaining his attitude of perpetual belligerence, but to the Andorian it just looked as if he’d puffed himself up pompously.

“If you weren’t as addled as a two-year-old unhatched Gorn egg, you could have figured out what was wrong with it and what it was that I wanted without me needing to lead you along by the snout!” he complained in return.

You’re the Personnel Officer, you woolly-headed tick colony! This is supposed to be your task anyway!” she retorted pointedly.

“As Records Officer, you’re supposed to have valuable input on these matters. So come up with something valuable!”

“How about I shove some gold-pressed latinum up your—”

“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!” a voice roared from behind them. They both spun around and Thelinar jumped up from her seat to face the new arrival, only to cringe upon seeing the captain’s pips at her throat. “I asked you both a question,” the tall, pink-skinned captain – undoubtedly their new CO – stated in a far quieter and more dangerous-sounding voice.

Thelinar felt her antennae droop despite her best efforts to remain professional, but Terev brightly stepped into the fray with the bald truth.

“Ah, Captain, welcome aboard!” he told her as if she hadn’t just started chewing them out. Lina saw the Human’s face darken at being taken lightly, but fortunately for all Terev continued with what he should have said first. “The Lieutenant Commander was indulging in some Civil Conversation with me. I find it helps me relax, and I was feeling somewhat tense this morning.”

The Human captain blinked at that, though whether it was from trying to decide if she’d heard the term “Civil Conversation” before, the apparent opposite meaning of the words to what she’d just heard, or how such heated yelling could possibly be relaxing, Thelinar couldn’t tell.

It was apparently the former, as she asked, “That was… Tellarite Civil Conversation?”

Nodding first in affirmation then in understanding, Terev replied, “Your first time hearing it, no doubt, Sir. But let me introduce ourselves,” he continued, changing gears. “I’m Commander Terev chim Vokrak, First, Chief Science, and Personnel Officer of the Akyazi. This is Lieutenant Commander Thelinar zh’Koral, Second, Operations, and Records Officer of same.”

Lina bobbed her head in the Human fashion, nodding respectfully and trying not to let her acute embarrassment show any further.

“Captain Carin Oshima, new Commanding Officer of the Akyazi,” the newcomer stated firmly, with perhaps unconscious emphasis on ‘commanding’. “Tell me, Commander Terev, do other crew members aboard also… indulge your need for Civil Conversation?” she asked, trying and failing to keep all he wariness from her tone.

The Tellarite sighed melodramatically. “Unfortunately not, Captain. There are no others of my kind of sufficient status assigned to the Akyazi and only my Andorian friend here truly enjoys the exchange and is sufficiently skilful at it to make me feel any better about it.” Another sigh. “I have tried to engage others in the crew but they just don’t quite understand it the way Thelinar does.” He turned to acknowledge the Ops Officer and gave her a grateful bow.

Lina smiled back at her friend and superior officer, and dipped her own head in response. She could also see that the captain was mostly mollified now, but she still looked a little put out.

No doubt now embarrassed by her lack of cross-cultural knowledge and awareness, Lina thought with a combination of smugness and worry.

Carin was indeed having such thoughts. Now that she saw these two – who had been going at it as if they’d go for each other’s throats in another couple of seconds – were actually good friends and there wasn’t even a hint of lingering animosity as if from friends who had fallen out, she had no choice but to accept it for what it was claimed to be – a Tellarite Civil Conversation.

During her years so far in Starfleet, she hadn’t heard any of the Tellarites she’d served with have Civil Conversations. Starfleet interpersonal protocols were very strict in their equalitarian ‘respect for all beings’ stance. You treated a person who was a Technician Third Class with the same respect you’d give a person who happened to be a Fleet Admiral or you were immediately deep in hot water. Rank too was an inhibiting factor, as respect for the chain of command and your position in it was vital. Starfleet was not obsessed with military-style minutia such as bouncing coins off bunks – at least, not once out of the Academy – but discipline did have to be maintained, and yelling and screaming insults at one anther was not conducive to most races’ ideas of respect or normal conversance. Even between Tellarites on the same posting, there was usually sufficient caste, social status, and rank differences to prevent a genuine exchange even on off-duty moments, and other beings walking in on a Tellarite Civil Conversation usually felt offended or put out in some other way. This in turn hugely irritated the Tellarites, who were sick of aliens who couldn’t tell the difference between their “time honoured constructive insults” and genuinely improper verbal attacks on a person.

Carin got the impression that before long she would be able to tell the difference, but was equally sure that she wouldn’t enjoy the process. However, as a deeply embedded cultural trait of the Tellarite people it was off limits to shut down except in cases of conflict with Starfleet protocols for decorum and interpersonal relations.

She also wasn’t best pleased that this event had spoiled her coming aboard her first command, to find these two exact people, no less. But since Thelinar was obviously just embarrassed and Terev was just as obviously not taking any offence at her cultural insensitivity, she decided to consign the event to the Vault of Experience and make a fresh start.

Relaxing her stance and voice as much as possible, she began again. “Very well. So, was your… conversation about anything in particular, or just a releasing of tension?”

Terev handled that one too. “Sir, we were just trying to finalise a duty roster and shift assignments. We have a totally new crew, although some of us have obviously served together before,” he added with a chortle. “We have an abundance of staff who work at peak efficiency at a certain time of day, which results in some of these people being assigned shifts they’d prefer not to have.”

As a former first officer herself Carin was aware of this problem, but never having served on a newly commissioned vessel she’d never had to deal with it directly or to the extent of the entire crew. She was interested to know how Terev was handling it. She raised her eyebrows in further inquiry.

He shrugged. “We were just trying to come up with a rotation that satisfied the most number of people while still ensuring appropriate staffing levels.”

Thelinar finally spoke something that demonstrated some of her usual personality. “Minor problems only, Captain. After all, they’ll go where we tell them. But by making a genuine effort on their behalf we show that we’re taking their concerns seriously, and a crew that believes their command staff cares for them is a happier crew, Sir.”

Carin decided there that she liked her second officer. That statement struck the perfect balance of approachability and practicality for Carin, and she looked forward to seeing if her initial assessment of the willowy Andorian zhen would be as true as she hoped that her initial assessment of the stout Tellarite was just her own sour grapes.

Thinking of which, I really do want to know how a Tellarite of all people made it to command rank as a scientist on ships presumably full of aliens who didn’t appreciate Civil Conversation gambits either, she wondered, her curiosity lit. It couldn’t have been easy for him, even though Starfleet is a meritocracy. Not many share the social conventions of the Tellarites.

Aloud, she acknowledged her Ops Officer’s words. “Glad to hear you’re on top of things, Commanders. Now, I would like to call a senior officers’ briefing, just to get to know everyone and let everyone meet me too. However, I don’t want to disrupt any priority tasks to do so. The data Starfleet supplied me with showed nothing of major import remained to be done, but I know that such material are not always… complete,” she told them briskly. “Commander Terev, please schedule such a meeting and have all the department heads attend. Let me know when is suitable for later today, after the commissioning ceremony. In the mean time, I’ll have my belongings brought aboard and take a tour of the ship.”

“Aye Captain,” Terev acknowledged his orders. “There won’t be a problem with that but several of the department heads are on the starbase on various errands and tasks. I’ll have them report their ETAs.”

“Very good, Commander. Oh, if you feel the need for a private briefing before this meeting, let me know. Otherwise, I’ll see you there.”

“That’s probably a good idea, Captain. It will give me a chance to bring you completely onboard with our current status. If you can give me thirty minutes after the commissioning ceremony, we can meet in your ready room?”

“Agreed,” she nodded. “Well, if you’ll excuse me. Carry on.”

“Of course, Sir.”

“Aye, Captain.”

After the briefing room doors slid closed on their new CO, Thelinar sagged back into her chair. “Of all the times to come and see us! She seemed to handle it well, though…”

“Well yes, she did barge in on us,” Terev snorted, letting go of his ‘polite’ demeanour now his captain had left. “And yes, she recovered well but I get the feeling she’s unsure of me.”

“She has the right to barge in anywhere, you know, what with this being her ship now,” Lina replied dryly. “Besides, if you knew her visit was sooo imminent, why did you go off on a tear like that? Don’t tell me she made you that nervous?”

Terev scratched his furry head distractedly. “No. Well… sort of. This is my first tour as a first officer and I wanted everything to be perfect for my new captain. To prove it could be done and that I could do it. Thanks for your comment, by the way. It really helped the situation,” he added sincerely.

She looked at him understandingly. “Glad to help out, even if it was for someone who was promoted over me,” she teased him. “It also helped that it was the truth.”

He nodded again. “Okay, I have some tasks to attend to. I’ll see you again at the commissioning ceremony.”

“Yeah. She seems like a decent sort. It may even be fun.”
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 05:19:09 pm by Scottish Andy »
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The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)



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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2008, 04:33:58 pm »
“Gimmie those!” she yelled and lunged for the box.

That was funny. 

Having survived the Air Force for many years, the promotion reminded me of what some folks encountered, except the part where she lunged at the pips.   ;)

The scene with the commanders was tense and odd.  While I do expect officers that are close to act a bit more relaxed, this seemed to be way out there, until we find that this helps the Telerite.  I still think it's odd behaviour, but if that's their make up, so be it.

The only question I have is would a new captain come aboard completely unannounced?


Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2008, 10:35:31 pm »
While it might be odd for a CO to make it aboard completely unnannounced, I don't think it'd be totally impossable. My first act would be to board my ship in civilian attire and act as a visitor until someone tried to stop me. I'd judge the ship on how far I got. The computer in the turbolift might know who I am, but...

I liked this Chapter. Very good flow and reminded me of the better side of Season 1 TNG. TNG got better in Season 2, and was totally settled in by 3, but Season 1 had one thing that faded in the second. It had a crisp newness to it that was pretty cool. And even though were all familiar with how things operate and where it's pretty well going to go, you've established a spitting image of that crispness, while adding a personal chemistry to the characters that TNG DIDN'T have, and only in odd shining moments emulated. Riker could pull it off, but usually only with Data or a female character...odd, now that I type that that was the case. Picard just didn't seem capable of having or maintaining a friend. He was the perpetual commanding officer. I liked him...but did not want to be him.

Any who, I ramble on to say I like what's written, but hope that this story sees space soon. Lest it copy your other story.

'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2008, 02:17:03 pm »
Glad y'all liked the promotion scene! I was very pleased with that and I enjoyed writing it. Warm fuzzies and all.   :)

The scene with the commanders was tense and odd.  While I do expect officers that are close to act a bit more relaxed, this seemed to be way out there, until we find that this helps the Telerite.  I still think it's odd behaviour, but if that's their make up, so be it.

Yup, I tried to explain it in the scene because the new captain also had no idea what was going on, but I guess I wasn't as clear as I'd hoped. Ah well. This is way out there, and it was a Tellarite "Civil Conversation", a concept introduced by Judith and Garflield Reeves-Stevens in their book 'Prime Directive' as a way of explaining why the Tellarites we say were pointlessly argumentative. I'm using that convention. Give that section a re-read and see if you can "get" the explanation I give. I'm not sure how to put it in another way. Rest assured, this is going to be a major part of the story. How Tellarites get on in a "polite" Fleet.  :D

As for the captain coming on board unannounced, the Guv gave a good reason. Mine is this: Since she's coming straight in from another ship we have no confirmed time anyway. Plus, surprise inspections are a commander's perogative. Honestly, I never thought about it because of later events.

I liked this Chapter. Very good flow and reminded me of the better side of Season 1 TNG. TNG got better in Season 2, and was totally settled in by 3, but Season 1 had one thing that faded in the second. It had a crisp newness to it that was pretty cool. And even though were all familiar with how things operate and where it's pretty well going to go, you've established a spitting image of that crispness, while adding a personal chemistry to the characters that TNG DIDN'T have, and only in odd shining moments emulated. Riker could pull it off, but usually only with Data or a female character...odd, now that I type that that was the case. Picard just didn't seem capable of having or maintaining a friend. He was the perpetual commanding officer. I liked him...but did not want to be him.

Thanks, Guv! :woot:
I am going for that "new ship smell" here. These people don't know each other from Adam (or Eve), with a few exceptions. I'm going to be showing how people get to know each other, how their interpersonal dynamics work, how someone decides whether they'll like someone or not.
To rest the Guv's blood pressure, FYI: not all in this story.  ;)
I'm doing character pieces, as all the action in the world makes no difference to me if I don't care who's involved in the action. EG: Vin Diesel. All the ads blared: "Vin Diesel is... Triple-X!" I thought: "Vin Diesel is... Totally Irrelevant!" Still haven't seen a single VD movie ;D  (That actually starred him, anyway)

Thanks for your comments, Lads. More is coming. Others are also free to comment.
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2008, 09:17:54 pm »
I am loving this story thus far [even with so little posted]. My craving for it to 'go somewhere', however, is simply a craving to see your ship out of drydock...

Myself, I want all the Civil Conversion you can muster. It entertains the hell out of me. And character development is good, so long as it's not over done an too anxty.

Anyway, patiently awaiting more.

'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2008, 12:53:56 pm »
Looks good so far.  As Roger has stated, you grabbed the one good thing about TNG Season One and preserved it well.  So props toward the 'new starship smell'.

The crispiness is the best element so far.  I also, to this point, find this bunch a refreshing change from the crew of the Kusangi, though, as me and Roger have both said, you haven't had the ship pull out of spacedock yet.

Minor points are scene spacing as we already discussed, and this one glaring paragraph that just jumped out at me, quoted here with the preceding bit...

She threw her hands up in a ‘why do I even bother’ gesture, to which he responded with a Caitian grin full of teeth. She smirked back at him and headed for the nearest turboshaft.

* * *

The door chime brought Captain Arkady Asamov’s head up from his perusal of the information on his desk terminal screen. “Come,” he called to the door, which dutifully opened for him to admit a tall, striking Japanese woman with elegantly coiffed jet black hair piled up at the back of her head. Arkady’s thoughtful look was immediately replaced by a pleased expression and he greeted his executive officer. “Ah, Carin. Thanks for coming. Take a seat, please.”

Somehow, I don't like the way this works.  POV shifts from Carin, to her captain (for the sole purpose of describing Carin), and back again very rapidly and unnecessarily.  It could just be me, but I found it jarring, and would recommend you working in what she looks like some other way.

The only other point is pace.  So far, we're doing okay, moving along, captain's on her new ship and all that...but I know how you tend to bog down, and thus am preemptively warning against it.  Remember:  forward motion does not mean action.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2008, 09:09:20 am »
I've taken your suggestions onboard, and instead of jettisoning them right back out the airlock like any self-respecting writer would (:D), I've adjusted it to suit. Lemmie know if that reads better/more flowingly.
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2008, 06:00:42 pm »
Chapter Three

Carin stared into the mirror, scrutinising her dress uniform to ensure it was wrinkle, crease, and lint-free. Her tall, lithe figure was shown off decently in what really amounted to a dress, and her over-the-shoulder-length black hair had been rearranged from its usual elegantly arranged coils into a lustrous, wavy waterfall that fell freely around her face.

She was well aware that she was a beautiful woman by the standards of her own society and she was not adverse to showing that off in appropriate situations, such as this formal ceremony safely docked inside a starbase. The high-heeled shoes she was wearing accentuated her shapely, toned legs and boosted her usual 5’8” height to over five-ten.

Thus satisfied that her appearance was as perfect as she could attain with only forty minutes’ preparation, she left her quarters on the Akyazi and made her way to the crew lounge on Deck Seven, Forward. On this brand new ship it had yet to be named or even properly decorated, as that honour was hers as the ‘plank-owner’ captain. This tradition hearkened back to when these “off-duty, anyone can attend, come as you are” social spaces were first introduced on the old Excelsior-class ships. As was this tradition, the space would take on something of the personality of the new captain and reflect some of their background and upbringing, as well as the defining the tone of the crew’s daily routine as thought appropriate by said captain.

As she walked into the shallow but wide medium-sized room on the bottom deck of the saucer, she took in its dimensions and layout, as well as its acoustic properties with over a hundred people crammed into it. She decided in between other random, excited thoughts that something along the lines of her grandfather’s pub back on Neo Caledonia might fit in well.

She spotted Vice Admiral Da-Rhotereii near the podium that had been set up at the front of the room, before the windows that showed the interior of Starbase 214’s zero-g dry-dock. As she made her way through the press of people towards the Efrosian flag officer, she was delighted to see some of her close friends from the Endeavour in attendance. She gave them all a quick wave or nod as she encountered them.

“Ah, here she is, looking far prettier now than she ever did for me,” Captain Asamov mentioned to the admiral as an off-handed greeting to his former XO. The Efrosian squinted at her and waited for her to get close enough for his species’ notoriously incompatible-with-Human-normal visible light spectrum to give him a decent impression of her. Joining their personal space, she took in the Efrosian’s impressively white-maned appearance and decided it complemented her former captain’s more closely-cut silver mane quite well.

Having heard Asamov’s teasing comment to the admiral as intended, she ignored the older captain and retorted cuttingly, “I can assure you, Admiral, that my former commanding officer is exaggerating as usual. I always look this pretty for people whose opinions actually matter.”

The orange-skinned alien smiled and Arkady clutched a hand to his heart, signifying a mortal blow. “Oh dear, I do believe the promotion has gone to her head,” he fired back, smiling widely. “Just days ago she was all ‘Oh I’m not worthy, you’ll always be my favourite captain, blah blah blah…”

Carin shot him a look, at which he broke into chuckles. Carin and Da-Rhotereii joined in and the younger officer once again basked in the easy camaraderie she shared with her former captain.

“It’s good to see your confidence progressing, Captain Oshima,” the starbase and sector commander stated in his slightly gravely voice after they had subsided. “Captain Asamov speaks highly of you and tells me he’s expecting great things from you.”

Oh great! Way to set me up for a fall, Captain! she groused good-naturedly, again shooting him a look – which again he chuckled at, knowing exactly what was behind it.

“My former first officer’s feelings of performance anxiety aside,” he smiled at her with his irrepressible trademark smirk, “she’ll do fine as a captain. She has the skills – she had a great teacher after all – and she has the knowledge. She’ll be a great addition to resources, Sir.”

“Indeed, which is why we already have your first mission already waiting for you,” the admiral said evenly.

My first mission? I haven’t even officially taken command yet! she fretted, but was then immediately eager to get going. You’re really pushing hard, aren’t you Arkady? Wanting me to do well. Can’t say as I fault the intention, but maybe I would like some settling in time first?

It seemed as though Da-Rhotereii had heard her thoughts, or possibly read them off her face. “Do not worry, Captain. You will be given time to carry out a proper shakedown as this mission’s operational window only opens around stardate 45350. But your vessel has been marked for it, excepting any problems encountered during your shakedown.”

Carin nodded her understanding. 350 is… about three months from now. It’ll probably be our last test mission before gaining true ‘active’ Fleet status. “Can you tell me any more details about the mission, Admiral?” she requested.

The Efrosian shook his head in the Human manner. “Not yet, Captain. These details are being withheld until closer to the mission date. This is just an early notification so that you may keep your calendar clear.”

Carin nodded her understanding but justifiably felt a little teased. I have to wait three months now to find out. I just hope this is not going to feel like an itch I cannot scratch.

“Uh oh, here comes trouble,” Asamov observed, looking over Carin’s shoulder. She turned to see N’Trarr purposefully striding – “loping” might have been a little too much of an exaggeration – towards them, and Carin simultaneously smiled and sighed.

“Well, if he’s going to cause a disruption I think we should get the ceremony started before that happens,” Da-Rhotereii observed in turn, and immediately stepped up to the podium before either Human could correct his assumption.

“Your attention please,” the admiral stated, his commanding, gravelly voice easily carrying over the hubbub of the room, which quickly quietened.

“We are here to commission a new ship into the fleet, with a new captain and a new crew. It will be up to each and every one of you to ensure that these three components are combined into a single entity that is proud to call itself and be known as… a Federation Starship.”

Carin suddenly had to swallow a lump in her throat and blinked away suddenly moist eyes at the way the admiral had said those words. It was possible she was getting sentimental in her old age. It was equally possible she believed with all her being in the words just spoken, in the regard that the admiral bestowed upon the instruments of Federation policy and ideals. Or maybe it was just the excitement of the moment, getting her captaincy and her first ship within weeks of one another completely out of the blue. Whatever the case, Da-Rhotereii’s words resonated within her. That was beautiful, and emotive… yet so simple! Maybe that’s the definition of ‘profound’, she wondered.

“I know that very few of you won’t have heard speeches like this before, so I will shatter your expectations of admirals everywhere by keeping this short and not just talking to hear the sound of my own voice,” he continued dryly, to surprised chuckling from many. “I know you will do your ship, your Service, your nation, your species, your captain, your crewmates, and yourselves proud.”

Drawing himself up more formally, he stated loudly, “Attention to orders!”

The room stilled again and all present assumed a stance of attention.

“To: Captain Carin Oshima. From: Commander, Starfleet.

“Ma’am, you are requested and required to proceed with all due haste to Starbase 214 in the Grazer Sector before stardate 45122.3. There you are directed to report aboard the USS Akyazi, where you will assume command of said vessel and cause her to be made ready to put to space immediately upon her commissioning.”

Da-Rhotereii looked up from his PADD and removed his round, dark blue-lensed spectacles. Giving the room’s occupants a final sweep, he called out, “Captain Oshima.”

She stepped up beside him and stated, “Sir.”

Facing her now, the admiral asked her, “Do you accept command of, and responsibility for, this ship, her crew, and their actions?”

“Yes Sir, I do,” she responded crisply and with pride, though a voice at the back of her head commented, I now pronounce you Captain and Ship. You may kiss the bride. She fought to suppress an inappropriate smirk.

“Computer, transfer command codes to Captain Carin Oshima. Authorisation: Da-Rhotereii-Beta-Zero-Omicron-Eight-One-Espilon-Five.”

“Authorisation accepted. Command codes have been transferred. Captain Carin Oshima is now the commanding officer of the USS Akyazi,” the female voice of the ship’s computer intoned.

“Congratulations, Captain,” Admiral Da-Rhotereii told her, and offered her the ship’s dedication plaque, prepared beforehand with this stardate already cast onto it.

“Thank you, Admiral!” she replied enthusiastically as she took it and shook his now empty hand. Beside her, Captain Asamov started applauding her, and the rest of the room joined in. She turned to face the room at large and nodded and smiled. She suppressed hard the urge to hold the dedication plaque above her head and posing like she’d won a decathlon or something.

Once the applause died down, she spoke the traditional words of a starship plank-owner captain, only slightly modified from those of Earth’s wet navy days: “Crew of the Akyazi, man this ship and make her ready for space!”

“AYE-AYE, SIR!” the assembled crew shouted the traditional acknowledgement, and those slated for the first watch departed the room to assume their stations. The other two thirds of the crew – Beta and Gamma shifts – were free to remain and enjoy the reception, and there were a few envious looks directed from and to both groups.

Carin noted some of them and smiled. That’s the luck of the draw. Sometimes even when you want it and they don’t, you still don’t get it.

“Now if you’ll excuse me for a few minutes,” Carin called out to the room again, “I have a picture to hang on my bridge. I’ll be back soon for the cutting of the cake, so carry on!”

Her Endeavour crewmates grinned, as did some of her new crew, and Arkady’s lot variously patted her back, clasped her shoulder, and/or wrung her hand as she made her way to the turboshaft at the back of the room.

She made it through the press of the remaining majority of her crew and into the relative peace of the turbolift. “Bridge,” she ordered, while thinking Phew! As it whisked her there, she gazed down at the dedication plaque and gave into the sudden urge to spaz giddily with a tattoo of boot heels against the floor. Some might have called it a victory dance, but to the amused regard at the back of her mind, it was most definitely a spaz.

The lift reached its destination a few seconds later, barely giving her time to calm down again before she stepped off it and onto a quiet but imbued-with-purpose bridge. She’d been here before, earlier today when she’d taken her tour of the ship, but she took the time to survey it now that it was fully staffed with the Alpha shift

She admired the compact, efficient nature of her ship’s command centre. She’d always felt that the Endeavour’s bridge, almost identical to that of the Galaxy-class, was too roomy and arranged inefficiently. At the very least, it was arranged with a Klingon’s attention to ergonomics, she thought now as she compared her own to it.

On Akyazi’s bridge, she looked forward from the turbolift alcove in the aft bulkhead over her command chair, past the Ops and Conn stations to the main viewer, which showed the interior of Starbase 214’s cavernous drydock. Flanking the viewscreen at the forward end of the bridge were two sets of angled doors. The port door led into her ready room, the starboard to a ramp down to the offices and observation lounge/conference room on Deck Two.

On the left side of her command chair were the three science consoles. Science I and II were seated and facing aft, and III was a much smaller standing station facing forward over the Ops position. This arrangement was mirrored on the starboard side, though the aft facing seated stations were Communications and Engineering. The forward-facing standing position was Tactical.

The floor space was about half that of the Endeavour’s bridge, and she was pleased that all she had to do to see any station and its crewmember was swivel her chair in their direction. She’d hated having to crane her neck and twist her head off to look at Tactical/Comms, or getting up to walk all the way to the front of the bridge and back around up those damn inefficient ramps to get to the science/engineering stations at the back of the bridge.

In other words, she heartily approved of her bridge.

Pulling herself from her daydreaming, she found the spot on the aft wall of the turbolift alcove for the dedication plaque, and mounted it there with the magnetic fasteners. It seated itself with a soft but solid snick and she stood back to admire it and make sure it was on straight.

Yup, she opined, still smiling slightly. Now nothing will get that back off short of a complete power failure. Or the correct tool.

She turned again, walked the five steps to her command chair and carefully sat down in it, then scanned her officers. Terev was here pecking at Science III’s controls, along with one of his junior science officers at the Science I’s far more comprehensive wall station. A Trill by the look of the man’s spots, but his name escaped her for the moment. Thelinar sat at the Ops console, focused on its readings, and a Caitain female sat at the Conn. The black leonine mane that was cut shorter than Carin’s own hair obscured the charcoal-grey of her fur, but that was visible on her hands as she worked her own controls. Carin remembered her as Lieutenant K’Shabanarett, or K’Rett for short.

Of special interest to her was the Bolian lieutenant at the Tactical console. He was Hranok, formerly of the Saratoga, and a fellow survivor of the Borg attack at Wolf 359.

I’ll have to arrange a personal interview with him, Carin decided, noting the etched-in frown lines on the Bolian’s face as he pecked at his controls. He may not want to trade horror stories, but I definitely want to get to know him better. We may be able to work together to come up with new anti-Borg tactics and weaponry.

The Communications station was manned by a dark-skinned Vulcan lieutenant, and Engineering by a pale-skinned Human who could have come from Earth itself or be of any of the multitude of externally identical alien species. He ranked as a chief petty officer.

Having completed her visual survey of those who were likely to be her most common companions, she swung back around to address her first officer. “Mr. Terev, status report please.”

“Aye Captain,” he responded and launched straight into one. Clearly, he’d been waiting on that order. “The first watch has been set and all stations report manned and ready for departure. We are at Condition Green and all systems show fully operational. Starbase reports no imminent arrivals or departures except ours, so we are clear to leave at our discretion.”

“Thank you, Commander,” she acknowledged him courteously, and called on Thelinar next. “Ops, internal systems status?”

“All boards show green lights, no malfunctions. Shuttlebay is secure, computer datalinks are running well within capacity and tolerances. All systems are sure for warp speed.”

“Thank you. Tactical?”

“Weapons offline, shields down. Threat boards are clear and latest tactical and strategic updates have been received from Starfleet, Sir.”

Carin again noted the frown and his generally abrupt manner. Since she was asking for individual updates merely to get a base reading on how her new crew did their jobs, this is what she was trying to find: potential problems she could start working to fix right from the start of their time together.

“Very good,” was all she said in response and moved on to her other bridge crew. “Engineering?”

The human CPO swivelled his seat to face her and reported, “Power systems at start-up levels, power flow is nominal with no negative indicators,” the man said in an odd-sounding accent Carin wasn’t familiar with. I’ll peruse the personnel records after everything here is taken care of, she promised herself as the man completed his report, which amounted to the same as all the others: We’re ready to go, what else did you expect?

With Communications and Conn reporting similar sentiments, Carin created her first log entry as the captain of a starship.

“Captain’s Log, stardate 45122.3,” she began, savouring the words. “The commissioning ceremony went without a hitch as expected and the reception, continues though it is currently awaiting my return for the cutting of the commissioning cake.” At this, she noticed several ears prick up and shoulders twitch. Smiling slightly, she continued, “Starbase 214’s Dockmaster has cleared us for departure as soon as we are ready to leave, and I see no reason to delay any longer than the end of the reception since my officers report all is well with the ship and her crew.”

She debated for a second or two about putting her next statement into the official log or a personal one, but finally decided to go ahead with it. Starfleet undoubtedly realised their officers were people not robots, and personal opinions and feelings were accepted as part of the official record.

Plus, she did want to record a personal log and didn’t want to do it in public.

Suppressing a smirk but not disguising the smile in her voice, she ended her log entry. “As a reward for their diligence in getting the ship ready, I will make sure to save them each a piece of cake. End log.”

She caught smiles on the faces of her nearest crew and was glad she’d added that in. Standing, she instructed, “Communications Officer, please compile all reports and data that Starfleet has received for the last five standard years regarding events in this region of space and the races with influence here and cue it to my terminal.”

“Aye, Captain,” the Vulcan responded briefly.

She nodded and returned to the turbolift, which whisked her back to the send-off party she’d put on hold with her ‘urgent task on the bridge’.


Two hours later, Carin was in her ready room going through the updates her Commo had collected for her. The reception had gone well and ended about half-an-hour later with Carin escorting the Admiral and her former crewmates to the airlock back to the starbase. Fond farewells, congratulations and thanks were exchanged, and then her friends were gone and she was her own master at last. Leaving dock had been routine and uneventful, and the Akyazi was on her way to a nearby star system for some muscle stretching exercises at a leisurely warp four.

Carin had already gone through the personnel files of all her officers, but had decided to familiarise herself with her enlisted crew later on in the day after names had started running together and away from the faces that owned them. She had discovered the names of her other three bridge crew.

The Trill junior science officer was one Lieutenant Ardez Jenai, the ship’s botanist and head of the Planetary Sciences Department. He was 27 and had previously served on the Sprinfield-class surveyor Chandra.

Her Vulcan comms officer was one Lieutenant Savok, from the equatorial city of Tameh’Khar on Vulcan. This was his first posting from the Academy, but the sixty-year old man previously had a career as a theoretical researcher for one of Vulcan’s major interstellar communications companies.

The engineering CPO was really Human, and he was Grigoriy “Greg” Tedesco from the Human colony of Deneva. Still one of the garden spots of the galaxy, as a major botanical and agricultural centre many of the first colonists were from Earth’s “breadbasket” areas like Central Canada, the American Mid-West, and the Russian Steppes. Tedesco’s family was originally from Kansas State, but his accent had merged to combine its prairie twang with incongruous guttural Russian to give a definitely off-world sounding accent.

That was more information than she’d originally gone looking for, but being a child of mixed ethnicities herself this kind of thing caught her interest. While growing up, her mother’s family on Neo Caledonia had often remarked humorously on her mainly Japanese accent being overwhelmed by the strength of her Scottish burr on some words. Any word with an ‘r’ in it, for example came through with a fairly distinctive trill that was alien to the Japanese-speakers of her maternal grandparents. Years of schooling and Starfleet Academy had homogenised her accent, but she could speak Japanese, Federation Standard English, and Vulcan fluently. She could also make herself understood in the Andorian and Tellarite languages but had an apparently amusing accent in both, but her Caitian was atrocious.

Having sated her immediate interest on her crew, she took up the data on her area of operations to re-familiarise herself with what to expect. The Endeavour had served in the Federation-Klingon-Romulan border region as well as the major Federation-Cardassian border zone while she had served aboard, so she was already familiar with the main antagonists of the region. However, she was being assigned somewhat further “south”, or to rimward, of the UFP’s core sectors for her first command. As such, this also involved the Talarians as major players in the area. Not to mention the possible-but-unlikely influence of the even more rabidly territorial and xenophobic Tholians.

All of these races had on-again, off-again diplomatic relations with the Federation that had on several, though infrequent, occasions exploded into tense stand-offs or actual shots fired over claimed territorial or cultural violations perpetrated on them by the Federation.

Thus, care definitely had to be taken in this region as, while open conflict and actual war was not probable, she could still find herself getting shot at by any of these nations for what seemed like no apparent or sufficient cause. Especially with so many unclaimed systems between the officially recognised spheres of influence of these four powers to bicker over.

Another thought occurred to her as she was tallying up all the people who might end up shooting at her: the Klingons. With the recent strengthening of the Federation-Klingon Alliance – in which the Endeavour had played no small part – Klingon ships were freely allowed to transit Federation space on their own missions. The Klingons had a well-known antipathy for both the Cardassians and the Tholians, and could end up causing problems for her if any were in the area. She made a mental note to request the disposition of any Klingon units in the region if Savok had not already included such in his data.

With such priorities decided in her head, she settled down with her second mug of Vulcan mocha (sweet) into her comfortable desk chair and let the information she read to be soaked up by the hungry sponge that was her slightly Vulcan-enhanced brain.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 05:19:44 pm by Scottish Andy »
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Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2008, 09:27:19 pm »
Chapter Three

This tradition hearkened back to when these “off-duty, anyone can attend, come as you are” social spaces were first introduced on the old Excelsior-class ships.

*bows and heads off to Whiskers'*

--thu guv
'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2008, 11:19:10 am »
Yup, a nod to you, Mate. :D

I know nothing per say happened here, but any comments?
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The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
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- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2008, 02:42:16 am »
Moving along well so far.  Keep it coming.

"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2008, 08:14:31 am »
She's only a quarter Vulcan, so she's a "Vulcan-enhanced Human". :)
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The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2008, 11:33:22 am »
She's only a quarter Vulcan, so she's a "Vulcan-enhanced Human". :)

What I meant was that 'enhanced' is really the wrong word there.  The Vulcans have plenty of their own drawbacks.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2008, 11:57:07 am »
"Boosted" then, perhaps? She was raised with the Vulcan mind disciplines too, as she had a half-Vulcan father who was raised as a Vulcan. All this is character background, so I should have explained that in the text more. I will later..

What drawbacks do Vulcans have in the physicality of their brain and their mental techniques that you think enhanced is the wrong word? You'll have to convince me. :)
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The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2008, 12:07:53 pm »
"Boosted" then, perhaps?

Nah.  The thing is you're doing the whole 'superior elf' thing a bit there.  As you know it's a pet peeve of mine.  While it is true that Vulcans have all sorts of neat little mind tricks, we've also seen that humans, with the proper discipline, training, and possibly genetics, are capable of similar feats.

She was raised with the Vulcan mind disciplines too

This is more of a plus than simply having Vulcan ancestry.  Though this is also where the drawbacks come in.  Being raised Vulcan style, while it implies great mental discipline and powers of concentration, would also give her some Vulcan-style outlooks on life....and the Vulcans seem prone toward ossification, passivity, and an utter lack of tact. ;D

What drawbacks do Vulcans have in the physicality of their brain?

What advantages does their plain ol' 'no conditioning' brain have over a humans?  None that we've seen.

And for a nice example of this, compare a Vulcan to a Romulan, who is genetically the same but didn't grow up in an environment of Zen-like teachings and high gravity.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2008, 10:30:59 pm »
Given the diluted nature of her geneology, I'd have to agree with Andy with the use of 'enhanced'. She likely has some grouping or variation of Vulcan enhanced hearing and perhaps the feminine sense of smell. Their strength more than likely breeds from higher gravity, but to consistantly have said strength, it necessitate also having denser muscles too, like any Earth primate. They [the primates] must perform rigorously often [sounds perverted] and thus MUST have the denser material to start with.

Being only 1/4 Vulcan, the author reserves the creative liceanse to imply she didn't get the draw backs...such as the annoying breeding cycle [though it really doesn't sound that bad to my wife would not be in the mood that week and I'd die...]. Basically, Andy has created for himself that one thing he actually hates the most in writing Trek...

...the opportunity to say "It's that way because I say it is!"

So, yeah...I agree with 'enhanced'. I'd like to have it myself. Actually...repressed emotions interests me too, because my wife wouldn't have an edge in any argument then. No poonanner? Immaterial, my dear.

my 10 cents...

'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2008, 03:30:44 am »
Basically, Andy has created for himself that one thing he actually hates the most in writing Trek...

...the opportunity to say "It's that way because I say it is!"

Ahh, irony. ;D

I was just putting forth my general dislike of portraying Vulcans as superior in all fashions.  Comes from traumatic experiences reading mid-80's Trek novels.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Governor Ronjar

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2008, 10:50:02 pm »
Comes from traumatic experiences reading mid-80's Trek novels.


'It's a lot of hard work being a mean bastard...' --Captain Eric Finlander, CO USS Bedford (The Bedford Incident)

'Jaken...are you pretending to be dead?' --Lord Sesshomaru, Inuyasha.

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2008, 11:29:46 am »
Sorry for the long absence from the board and the delay in posting this section, but RL is a bear right now. Here's another bite of the apple. :)  Comments and such are as always welcome and encouraged.

Chapter Four

“Ah, Hranok. Come in and take a seat, please,” Captain Oshima greeted her tactical officer.

Hranok merely nodded and sat down opposite her desk. Carin sensed his desire to be elsewhere and had noted in the weeks since their launch that her Bolian tactical officer kept pretty much to himself. He had not engaged in the ship’s embryonic social scene and no one really seemed to talk to him on anything other than a professional basis. Her original wish for an “old soldiers’ war stories club” had died due to his antisocial behaviour, so she’d formulated a new approach for this meeting.

Still maintaining a friendly, businesslike demeanour, Carin addressed him as superior-to-subordinate rather than as colleagues. “Lieutenant, I have been working on a special project and I was hoping I could get your input on it,” she began.

 “I’m sure you know that I was first officer of the Endeavour under Captain Asamov. I don’t know if you’re aware that was also his first officer at Wolf 359, but this shared history between us is the reason I wanted this meeting with you. The Borg assault at Wolf 359 has had a profound effect on the Federation and Starfleet in particular due to the narrow margin of our victory and the complete ineffectiveness of our current weaponry and tactics – not to mention the few new ideas we’d managed to develop since Q first put the Enterprise into the Borg’s path nearly three years ago.

“I have taken it upon myself to develop new ideas, weapons, tactics, and defences for the next time we encounter the Borg. I believe that it is only a matter of time, and I want to be ready for them. As a fellow 359 survivor and a tactical officer by training, I want your input and ideas.”

As she spoke, Carin had watched Hranok’s eyes widen in surprise then narrow as he began to really pay attention to her words. She didn’t know why the Bolian was so withdrawn but she’d had her suspicions. She was glad to see a couple of them laid to rest at the interest in her tactical officer’s eyes. After a few seconds of silence, the captain asked, “What say you, Mr. Hranok? Are you willing to share your insights and ideas with me?”

Hranok returned his attention to her and immediately replied, “Yes, Captain. I would be pleased to assist you in any way on this special project.”

Carin was somewhat taken aback yet not entirely surprised at his intensity. That was as much enthusiasm as the Bolian had apparently shown to anyone since coming aboard, but it confirmed another deduction she’s made about him. She had feared that he’d completely withdrawn and been too traumatised by his experience to want to contribute, as it would involve him bringing up memories of the battle and going over it in exhaustive detail. That was apparently not the case, however, and she was glad to have him on board for this.

“I’m glad to hear that, Mr. Hranok. I will give you access to my files on this for you to digest.  I’ll give you a tenday to absorb the data and assess it from your own viewpoint. When you feel sufficiently confident, arrange a meeting with me and we’ll go over your findings and ideas. Feel free to make any suggestions and access Starfleet’s own records and data on the issue.”

Looking considerably more engaged than she’d ever seen him, Hranok nodded briskly. “I’ll look over it whenever I have a free moment, Captain. How soon I get back to you will depend on how much information there is.”

“Understood, Lieutenant. Remember, I’m looking for innovative suggestions and outside-the-box thinking. Do not feel intimidated about making radical or unusual proposals as long as you have some solid basis for making it. I will not dismiss anything out of hand. Everything will be simulated intensively to determine its validity.”

Hranok nodded. “Understood, Captain. I hope to have something for you considerably before a tenday, though.”

Carin gave him a measured stare. “Don’t rush things or try to impress me, Lieutenant,” she warned him. “I want considered, well thought out proposals. Don’t just suggest something for the sake of having something to suggest.”

“Message received, Captain,” the Bolian responded more slowly.

“Good,” she replied more easily. “I won’t keep you from your duties any longer, Lieutenant, but feel free to approach me for a brainstorming session,” she told him after getting up.

Hranok accepted his dismissal and also stood. He even shook the hand she offered across her desk. He looked almost eager to begin his task.

“Welcome aboard, Lieutenant,” she told him wearing a hint of a smile, her voice shaded to give the words multiple layers.

“Thank you, Captain,” Hranok replied wryly, acknowledging the double meaning. “I’m glad to be here.”


Hrankok left the captain’s ready room feeling slightly bemused. He had not been looking forward to that meeting, which is why he’d put it off for so long with the excuse of “other shipboard obligations”. The informal, even friendly suggestions his captain had originally started with had been, over the weeks, gradually rephrased into an actual order, so often had he deferred it. He’d thought his new captain had wanted to form some sort of social support group for Wolf 359 survivors, which is why he’d so assiduously avoided it. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about it after the regulation-mandated counselling sessions he’d unwillingly undergone.

Hranok’s resumed his station on the bridge and let his training take over as he pondered his captain’s words. Damn, I completely misread her intentions! he berated himself mildly. The only reason I’m still in the Fleet and I almost miss the opportunity!

He shook his head slightly and brought his mind back to his duties. He would be off-shift in three hours and was now looking forward to it most intensely.


“So, Commander, the shakedown is proceeding well, wouldn’t you agree?” Carin asked her Exec congenially three weeks later.

“Yes, Captain. The crew workups are showing them properly integrating and so far we’ve had no equipment problems that couldn’t be fixed with a few hours’ work.”

“I have to say, I’m very impressed with the New Aberdeen shipwrights. When I started serving aboard the Endeavour she was still fairly new, only a couple of years old, but she still had faults that had plagued her from launch.”

“Really?” Terev sounded surprised for a moment. “Of course, the Nebula is a massive and hugely complex ship. A bug hunt on one of those ships must be a time-consuming affair. I’ve never served aboard anything that big.”

“All it can take sometimes is a screwy line of code in an infrequently called function and somewhere clear across the ship a completely unrelated – or so you’d think – system hiccups at you. But as I said, we’ve got nothing of that nature popping up here – yet. The ship seems very well put together.”

“Aldebaran III is one of the Federation’s oldest colonies. They’ve had plenty of time to get it right. Their shipyards alone have been running for about 150 years,” the XO commented.

Carin shorted. “Hah! I’ve found that 150 years is about the right length of time for an institution to completely ossify. By that point the originally innovative procedures have been laid down as God’s Law, and Heaven help anyone who tries to do it differently!”

Terev snorted himself before chuckling softly. “So I see why you’re extra impressed then. That same God willing, our good fortune will continue.”

“As will our shakedown. It really does amaze me just how long it can take to test out every system aboard a starship and how it interacts with innumerable other systems,” Carin sighed.

“Three months does seem barely enough, and that is on top of the builder’s space trials,” her Exec agreed. “As it is, I’m just glad we can finally sign off on the warp engine field area interactions – though, no doubt, our esteemed Chief Engineer will come up with more testing ideas within the week.”

Carin grinned. “Traek of Vulcanis only took on this position because of the Cheyenne class’s unusual warp dynamics, as well you know Commander. Even more so than most Starfleet Chief Engineers, he’s going to consider the engines his own personal property.”

“Fortunately he’s a Vulcan, and as such there is little chance of him creating a fuss.”

“Hah!” Carin snorted again. “You must not have served with many Vulcans, Terev. Vulcans are amongst the most stubborn people I’ve ever met. I served with one who would debate you to the heat death of the universe as long as he thought himself correct, even with his superiors if they allowed it.”

Terev pressed his fingers against his temples in the universal sign for an impending headache. “If our chief engineer proves to be this… intractable, one hopes you would let him know it’s unacceptable? I get the feeling that such a personality coupled with Traek’s age and seniority over everyone except you would be a horrible combination.”

“Never fear, First Officer,” Carin grinned. “I’m trusting you to run your own departments, not abandoning you to them.”

“Most reassuring, Sir,” he responded gruffly. Carin saluted him with her mug of Vulcan mocha.

“Continuing our current theme of personnel issues, Captain, we’ve had a few more shift-swap requests that I’ve authorised,” Terev moved on with their meeting. “We’re still zeroing in on our ‘best fit’ duty roster, but I’d say this brings us almost to the end of the process.”

Handing her a PADD, he said, “Here’s a list of the people who’ve transferred from the various shifts…”


Terev left the captain’s ready room and entered the bridge proper. His beady eyes sought out the blue and white smudge that was the Ops Officer’s head even as his sensitive olfactory senses identified and localised Thelinar’s presence and position.

“Commander Thelinar, there are a few things I need to discuss with you. Call your relief to the bridge and follow me,” he ordered in clipped tones.

Thelinar’s antennae quivered slightly and she resisted the urge to sigh. “Aye, Sir,” she replied and tapped out a short message to her department in the depths of the saucer. Getting an acknowledgement that someone was on their way, she secured her console and followed her friend and superior officer off the bridge.

“Deck Four, Section Nine,” Terev ordered the turbolift, which swiftly and quietly whisked them off to the senior officers’ quarters. This confirmed the Andorian’s initial assessment: Terev needed a friend to vent to, after which he’d be able to face the crew with his “customary” Human-like good manners. As a coping mechanism it wasn’t the best and was prone to breakdown when circumstances prevented its indulgence, but at least he had a coping mechanism at all.

Moments later they were safely ensconced within the first officer’s quarters and Terev was able to let his guard down.

“I don’t think I’m doing myself any favours keeping up this charade, Lina,” he growled. “Our new captain is treating me just like any other Human, and I’m no longer sure that’s a good thing!”

“Planning on changing your career path then?” she asked pointedly. “This was your idea in the first place.”

“Fool, I know that!” he snorted in reply, and felt a ridiculous – or perhaps pathetic – rush of gratitude that she didn’t react in hurt resentment. “But I’ve finally gotten to command rank. I don’t need to ‘kiss as much ass’ anymore, as a Human would say – as well as ‘Rank Hath Its Privileges’.”

“This is your career path, old friend, and Tellarites have made it to Admiral before without resorting to adopting Human mannerisms. Even having to do so goes against the spirit and the laws of the Federation.”

“You expositing blue bug, I know this! I also know that this is my own choice. I’m now just questioning if it’s more of a strain to my personal equilibrium to continue dealing ‘politely’ with my crewmates or to endure the seemingly endless variety of hurt, annoyed, angry, and resentful reactions from these damnably thin-skinned humanoids!” he griped.

“You always were a sensitive soul,” Lina commiserated with a smirk.

A furry finger jabbed out at her. “Watch it! Just because you got passed over for promotion there’s no need to take it out on me!” he snapped, a grin tugging at his face.

“I didn’t get ‘passed over’, you furry shortarse,” she retorted good-naturedly. “I got usurped by a sneaky cheater who nuzzled hindquarters.”

Terev chortled contentedly, feeling his tension drain away.

“And now? What do you think you’ll do about crew relations?” she asked.

Terev mulled it over for a minute or so before finally responding. “I’m not yet sure. I’m thinking of trying both approaches to test the mud.”

“Oh?” Thelinar prodded when he fell silent.

“Well, since I am such a… ‘sensitive soul’ and don’t like causing genuine distress, I had thought about alternating my approach depending on the circumstances and person. I’ll let myself give out more honest reactions if I feel comfortable doing so, but continuing to be polite otherwise.”

Thelinar looked worried. “I don’t know about that, Terev. If you give extra consideration to those who are more easily offended, it gives them and possibly others an angle to use against you. Others may adopt ‘more offended’ reactions to get you to play nice with them. You’re setting yourself up for accusations of favouritism or discrimination if you use it on the same people, too.”

Terev considered it. “That is possible,” he conceded, “but Humans pride themselves on their ‘fairness’, which includes falling over themselves in accepting any stupid custom that bubbles to the surface. I’ve seen enough of that ‘male bonding’ slough they pull, where the closer you are to someone the ruder and crasser you can be, to know that it’s all accepted as ‘harmless fun’.

“Besides, if I think someone is trying to work an angle on me,” he grinned a nasty, wickedly amused grin, “then they’ll really get a snoutfull!”

Thelinar laughed back at the images his words brought to mind, then subsided. “Sounds to me you’ve got it all worked out, and you’re perfectly right about Humans. Just remember, I’m also right about them,” she cautioned. “I’m still not sure about the touchy-feely approach and I think that’ll backfire on you if you use it on the wrong thin-skinned people.”

“Ah, let them. It’s my cultural background and individual expression of it. They’ll not have a leg to stand on,” he retorted dismissively, then met his friend’s eyes.

Both of them broke into mischievous chuckles as they imagined situations that would allow the Tellarite to let off some stress and wind up the overly sensitive types what would undoubtedly surface at the same time.

“So, are you going to roar full-throated into this, or will you turn up the heat slowly?” Thelinar asked, blithely mixing her metaphors.

“I was initially thinking slowly, but your concerns have been noted. Plus, so few actually know me on this ship that I don’t see any reason not to go full bore. The crew will likely assume these past weeks have been a grace period to allow everyone to get settled in,” he told her.

“And here you go, about to unsettle everyone. You bad, nasty, inconsiderate snaphu,” Lina playfully admonished her friend.

“Stop it, Bluebug. You’re getting me aroused.”

The priceless look on her face made it well worth the effort it took to keep his face straight for the precious seconds needed to work the joke, before he burst out into belly-aching guffaws.

“You… You… Aaarrrggh!” the Andorian yelled, throwing her hands in the air, unable to come up with a rejoinder that wouldn’t make the Tellarite even more smug and insufferable.

“I’ll get you for that,” she shook her fist at him which, as expected, only made him laugh harder.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 05:17:45 pm by Scottish Andy »
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The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #24 on: September 04, 2008, 01:52:59 am »
Dealing with prejudice was one of the great themes of Trek.  I hope I can see that here?  Yea for a story with more than one main character. 
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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2008, 07:27:18 pm »
I love these two. An Andorian and a Tellarite engaging in Civil Conversation. Wonderful!

There are only 10 kinds of people in the world;
those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2009, 05:50:15 pm »
And after a massively long absence, I thought I'd better start publishing all the writing I've been doing! I added in an extra section at the start of Chapter Four so you can go back and read that; or since it's been so long re-reading the whole thing is probably a better option. :)

Comments are as always welcome and sought after.

Chapter Five

“Captain, incoming transmission from Starbase 214,” Lieutenant Savok reported from the communications station. “Vice Admiral Da-Rhotereii for you.”

“I’ll take it in my ready room, Lieutenant,” Carin responded, boosting herself out of her command chair and propelling herself towards the front of the bridge.

“Aye Captain,” the Vulcan acknowledged to the departing form.

Settling quickly behind her desk, Carin brought up her desktop comm. screen and accepted the transmission. “Oshima here, Admiral,” she announced firmly.

“Ah, Captain. We received your final shakedown report and are quite pleased that you have no need for additional yard work,” the Efrosian began. “As such, you can now consider yourself on full active duty.”

“Thank you, Admiral. The shipwrights at Aldebaran know their job. I am very impressed at the lack of problems we have encountered in our shakedown,” Carin responded, giving credit where it was due.

“I’m sure Quality Control at the New Liverpool shipyards will be very happy to hear that. Now, we have your first assignment, Captain.” Da-Rhotereii announced, changing gears abruptly. “As I indicated to you at the commissioning ceremony, the mission window is about to open. You are to proceed to the Argaya system in unclaimed space between the Federation and the Cardassian Union, to arrive on or after stardate 45350. Once there, you are to recover a long-range warp probe from the atmosphere of the gas giant Argaya B-VI. The full details of the mission and its expected profile are being transmitted to you now,” the Efrosian continued, “but we are not expecting trouble from the Cardassians on this one.”

“What information do we have on the disposition of Cardassian forces in the area, Sir?” she asked immediately. “We may not be expecting trouble, but that’s usually when it shows up.”

“Quite so, Captain,” Da-Rhotereii commented seriously. “Included in the briefing materials is Starfleet Intelligence’s latest data and estimates.”

“Thank you, Admiral. A question, if I may?” Getting a nod, she continued. “How freely is this information to be distributed?”

Da-Rhotereii looked at her with slight annoyance. “That too is covered in the materials, Captain, but you can brief your senior officers completely if you so wish. Now, if there is nothing else?”

Feeling slightly chastised, Carin shook her head. “No, Admiral that was all. We will be under way momentarily,” she told him in a professional tone.

“Very good. Starfleet, out.”

The screen blinked off and Carin exhaled loudly. Damnit, you old goat, I’m new at this! This is my first captain’s level mission briefing and I don’t know what’s in them beyond what my captain showed me!

She felt annoyed with herself for apparently irritating her new CO but was also annoyed at him for making her feel like she’d asked a stupid or redundant question.

Oh well. I’d rather ask when I have the chance than not and finding out later I needed to, she thought philosophically, letting her annoyance drain away. Tapping her com badge, she stated, “Captain to XO.”

“Terev here. Go ahead, Sir,” came the terse response.

“Set course for the Argaya system, warp five,” she ordered.

“Aye Captain.”

“Thank you, Commander,” she acknowledged and terminated the call. Okay, let’s see what he’s got us doing on our first time out. Bringing up the briefing materials on her desk terminal, she leaned forward and rested her chin on her steepled fingers as she read.


“Okay people, here it is,” Carin announced to her assembled senior staff a couple of hours later. “We have been tasked by Starfleet Command to retrieve a covert surveillance probe from an unclaimed system between Cardassian and Federation space.” Carin noted eyebrows going up, antennae twitching, and ears swivelling fully forward at her words. “The specifics are on your desk screens, so take a few moments to read up and we’ll proceed.”

“So we are actively engaged in espionage against the Cardassians,” Traek of Vulcanis stated a bare minute later, managing to convey an aura of disapproval without stooping to expression or inflection.

Carin caught the same disapproval coming from her chief medical officer and – surprising her – from her tactical officer as well. “That is correct, Commander,” she told her chief engineer. “After Captain Maxwell forced the issue last year, Starfleet Intelligence deemed it prudent to detail several stealthed surveillance probes to look into the border star systems to see what there was to find.”

“Spying on people often leads to the spies being caught and even greater distrust being generated between the involved parties,” Doctor Lalani stated frostily, her elegant brow furrowed with distaste and her normally soft voice sharp with disapproval.

Carin caught Hranok’s almost absent-minded nod of agreement and looks of varying degrees of approval and disbelief on the faces of the others at her stance.

“They are without question spying on us, and we know we haven’t any hostile intentions,” Thelinar retorted silkily. “It would be the utmost in foolish naivety to believe we can trust in the peaceful intentions of the Cardassians, and since they aren’t very forthcoming with information and the sharing of knowledge for the betterment of all, we have to make sure we don’t get caught out by them. Again. Like we did the last time.”

Nimira Lalani flushed at the Andorian’s tone and fired back, her English accent becoming more pronounced with her rising ire. “And it is the endless political and military-mindset games that engender, prolong, and escalate these situations to the point of a shooting match!”

Carin was going to let this go on, hoping to gain insight into the way her crew thought and worked together, but it was about to turn acrimonious. Imagine all the people, she thought ironically, quoting lyrics from an ancient song she’d heard playing in her grandfather’s pub back home. Aloud, she restored order.

“We’re not here to debate the policies and decisions of those above us,” she interjected clearly but mildly, and the opponents took the hint and settled down. Carin had indeed gotten a feel for some of the personalities here, but Intelligence missions were something of a sore spot for the more idealistic and pacifistic members of the Fleet so perhaps this wasn’t a fair reading.

“As I said, we are on a recovery mission. We will be headed for the Argaya system, where the probe was programmed to hide itself in the upper atmosphere of the gas giant Argaya B-VI. There are expected to be teraquads of data in the device after it spending nearly a year in Cardassian space, so we are to handle it carefully.

“The expected mission profile is merely to arrive at Argaya B-VI, transmit the recovery signal to locate the probe, retrieve it, and take it back to Starbase 214. All in all, a simple, straight-forward task.

“Who wants to know what’s going to go wrong?” she asked wryly.

Several smiles evidenced themselves around the table, with the expected exceptions of Traek and the still annoyed Doctor Lalani. Carin noted that Thelinar seemed perfectly at ease after their little tiff, and mentally grinned.

“On screen now is the location of the Argaya system and its position relative to the three spheres of influence. As you can see we will be in what is indisputably not Cardassian space, so we are hoping there will be no Cardassian presence at all on this mission. However, we will still be close enough to both Cardassian and Talarian space that a random encounter is not out of the question.”

“Are the Talarians even a threat at all?” Lieutenant K’Rett asked pointedly.

Hranok handled the conn officer’s almost rhetorical question, having familiarised himself with all this region’s belligerent races. “Individually, the Talarian cruisers are no threat to a full-sized Federation starship as long as we have either shields or warp drive. Their scouts don’t even rate. Generalising, it would take at least four cruisers together to offer any real danger to the Akyazi over a sustained battle, or eight to offer an imminent threat of destruction.”

“Thank you, Hranok,” Carin acknowledged her tactical officer as he went back to sipping his katheka. She could smell the aromatic beverage from half way up the conference table and found it rather enticing to her above-Human-norm sense of smell. I wonder if Thelinar introduced him to that? It might be a good ice-breaker to query her about Andorian coffee. As captain I may need a heftier jolt of joy juice than my own alien heritage can offer, she mused, flicking a glance at her cooling Vulcan mocha.

Vulcans didn’t believe in even naturally grown artificial stimulants such as coffee, preferring their mental disciplines to clear their mind and enhance their senses. Her old fall back was a good, strong, thick, Terran Israeli coffee, but it was so harsh sometimes that it abraded her throat. Carin decided to breach the topic to her ops officer at her next opportunity.

Pulling her mind back on track – and scolding herself for having let it wander at all during a briefing she was giving – Carin continued. “So, as Mr. Hranok explained, the Talarians are not a threat to the physical safety if the ship. However, that will not stop them from being a nuisance if they’re of a mind to be. Relations with them have been cordial in the ten years since the ceasefire, but there have been enough little incidents and spats between our ship commanders over what they see as their territory and our encroaching on it to highlight the need for caution.”

“Why is it that we are the only peoples who are not immediately enraged over territorial incursions by others?” Terev muttered grumpily.

Again, the reactions were varied in response to that statement. Some expressed exasperated agreement, which Carin agreed with though she kept her face neutral. Traek gave the Tellarite a blank look that she recognised as annoyance and affront at Terev’s lack of respect for the protocol of a briefing. Lieutenant Hranok and Doctor Lalani’s expressions conveyed disappointment and disapproval respectively at a mindset that thought forgiving transgressions and instead finding the reasons behind them was a bad way of doing things.

Admittedly, I also agree with Hranok and Lalani but that policy has lead other nations to think that they can push us around and get away with shooting at Starfleet without damaging relations with the Federation, Carin sighed inwardly.

She also had a few ways she could handle this. She didn’t want to become an overbearing martinet with her crew, stamping down hard on any and all protocol breaches, but neither did she want to be so easy-going that people just shot off their mouths whenever they felt like it. She further didn’t want to foster a certain mode of thought by openly siding with certain people on certain arguments. Expressing political views was one of the surest ways to divide a group and shut down or at least inhibit free discussion. Picking her course with care, she laid down her rules.

Thank you for your comments, Mr. Terev. They are of course always welcome and I encourage all of you to share your thoughts. However, if you could limit them to productive ideas during a briefing I’d appreciate that,” she stated pointedly, but not sharply, with a measured look at her XO which she then swept across her assembled officers.

“Ah, of course, Captain,” he responded somewhat sheepishly. “My apologies for the disruption.”

“No harm done, Commander,” she accepted the apology with a friendly tone but still fixing him with her pointed look. She watched as her words and actions sank in and the slight tension that had started to gather from Traek’s opening comments relaxed as boundaries were established.

Carin was pleased to see it. It let her know her senior staff were professionals and that she’d apparently adopted an approach that they respected and could abide by.

“Of further note with regards to the Talarians: since this is a covert recovery mission, we cannot let them see us in the act of recovery. If the opposition know we’ve been watching them the intelligence gathered is far less valuable. So if we do encounter anyone before we’re able to recover the probe, we have to either send them on their way properly reassured as to our good intentions or perform some sleight-of-hand and recover it when they’re not watching. We don’t want them telling the Cardassians.”

“That will pose a significant problem, Captain,” Thelinar stated immediately. “Many of these encounters do not end until both parties depart the vicinity. Do we have a cover story to either allow us to stay as long as necessary, or leave and return to find them still watching?”

Carin noted and was impressed by her ops officer’s keen intellect and practical outlook. “None have been suggested by Starfleet, but we are free to come up with whatever the circumstances will support,” she replied.

“Then with your permission, Captain, I’d like to take this opportunity to examine the data we have on this region and the Argaya system to compose some scenarios for our cover story,” the Andorian zhen declared forthrightly.

“Approved,” Carin stated, meaning it on multiple levels. Initiative too. Thelinar is going to be quite an asset, it seems. I’ll just need to see if her proposals are actually workable to confirm she has the talent to back up the sterling qualities she’s displayed so far.

“This brings us to the Cardassians themselves,” Oshima stated next. “Intelligence shows they have three vessels in the area, all Galor class. Mr. Hranok?”

Looking at the accompanying information on his desk screen, Hranok recited, “The Raklon, the Helkar, and the Tomar. The Raklon is a Galor Type Two, the others are Type Ones. The Type Ones are Cardassian Wars vintage, tactically equivalent to our Excelsior class of the time period. They are still in the original configuration of the class and have not been upgraded in over twenty years.” Looking up and sweeping his gaze around the table, he expounded on this datapoint. “The Cardassians have shown a proclivity for expending resources building new ships in the latest configurations rather than upgrading their older vessels to current standards, and Starfleet Tactical has put this down to a desire to have the older ships fill out support roles in the fleet rather than expending time and resources designing entirely new classes for those purposes, much like the Klingons did last century.

“The Type Twos are tactically equivalent to our New Orleans class. Indeed, it was the introduction of that class that prompted the Cardassians to upgrade their own ships. The Type Two was the state of the Cardassian art from around stardate 35000 until just last year, with the introduction of the Type Three.

“Both these configurations are tactically superior to the Cheyenne class, though the Type One is marginally so, and we have the advantage in manoeuvrability, acceleration, and top speed compared to all Galor-class variants.”

The Bolian’s words had a sobering effect on the gathering. It reminded everyone that they were no massively solid and protected explorer-type ship and that the front line warships of other interstellar powers could hurt them badly. To Carin, it underscored the need for caution.

“This is why I hope that the Cardassians will ignore us, but it’s also why I’m expecting to bump into them. I am quite sure the Cardassians would want to intercept an opponent they can actually chase off successfully,” she told her officers seriously.

“The thing to bear in mind here is that this is an unclaimed system we are entering and they cannot legally force us to leave. That hasn’t stopped them in the past, but with the ceasefire agreement barely two years old we can but hope they will show restraint. We cannot rely on or expect that, however.”

Nimira Lalani leaned forward and clasped her hands on the table. Her vivid blue eyes wide with worry she asked, “Captain, are you expecting to take us into battle?”

“No, Doctor, I am not,” Carin reassured her CMO. “As I said, circumstances dictate that the Cardassians exercise restraint so many light-years from their own recognised boundaries. However, we have witnessed that Cardassian restraint involves not engaging in an all-out battle, and they love to push our buttons.”

The attractive Indian woman with the gentle English accent did not appear overly reassured. “As long as you show some Human restraint, Captain, the situation – if one develops – won’t escalate into violence,” she suggested.

Quite the steel fist inside that velvet glove, Carin thought with some surprise, feeling respect and annoyance in equal measure for Lalani. “I’m fully aware of all my responsibilities, Doctor,” she replied, trying to keep her voice even.

Nimira heard the edge in there regardless and realised she’d maybe pushed too far. I’ve yet to see how she does things “for real”, after all, and no captain wants to be thought of as weak. Accepting Oshima at her word, she nodded and sat back in her chair.

As the briefing progressed, with more updates from Engineering and Science, Nimi pondered her new CO. I should have had the Counsellor attend so I could confer with him afterwards. It would have been good to get a trained psychiatrist’s first hand impressions of Captain Oshima.

She knew that many Starfleet officers were still uncomfortable with the presence of a counsellor aboard their ships, even after almost forty years of the practice. The very fact that Lieutenant M’Wrok hadn’t been invited to a mission briefing indicated to Nimira that Oshima was probably one of these officers.

I’ll speak with the captain about M’Wrok, she resolved, then returned her full focus to the end of the briefing.


“Captain, if I might have a word with you?” Nimira spoke up as the meeting dispersed. Normally she would merely have lingered to catch the captain’s attention but Oshima had gotten up quickly, as if to lead her officers out.

Oshima merely nodded and let the rest of her crew leave. Nimira realised that her captain was unsurprised by her request.

“What can I do for you, Doctor?” she asked in a chipper tone.

“Captain, I was wanting to intervene with you on behalf of Lieutenant M’Wrok, to request his inclusion in future mission briefings. I’ve often found that having a trained counsellor present adds value to the proceedings.”

As she spoke, she noted Oshima’s eyebrows rise in surprise for a second. Not what you expected me to say, Captain? What did you think I was going to talk about? Federation policy? Diplomatic relations? Morals and ethics?

Oshima assumed a frown but not before the doctor had caught a glimpse of distaste flash across her face at the mention of the ship’s counsellor. Nimira wondered what the distaste was for, the position or the person filling it. Or maybe even me for bring it up?

“Doctor, I’ve actually found quite the opposite. I’ve only found a counsellor to be useful in these kinds of briefings if they have specific knowledge of the species or events involved, or if they are telepathic and/or have other heightened senses,” Captain Oshima countered matter-of-factly, then proceeded to spell out her position even as she saw the doctor’s mouth open to argue.

No doubt learned that from our meeting just now, Nimi thought with dry humour.

“Since our ships’ counsellors are trained in general psychology and xenopsychology for the specific purpose of the wellbeing and treatment of their own crewmates, they are not likely to be trained in the psychology and motivations of our adversaries. I find it far more useful at these briefings to have a cultural specialist for the species involved,” she stated pointedly, “but your point is well taken. At the next meeting I’ll have the closest thing we’ve got to a Cardassian expert attend for their input. Thank you for your suggestion, Doctor.”

Nimira ignored the obvious but not explicit dismissal. Oshima seemed determined to get out the door, but she wasn’t done talking to her captain yet.

“With respect Sir, that was not my point.” Braving her captain’s suddenly sharp look, Nimira pressed on. “A trained and experienced counsellor often has general observations and suggestions that are quite helpful, but more specifically often come at the task in hand from a different viewpoint, making their input doubly valuable. When everyone present is from the ‘hard sciences’, command, tactical, and engineering departments, I think the input from the social sciences department is a necessary and regularly overlooked aspect to mission planning. I would urge you to think longer about this, Ma’am.”

Nimira had started off somewhat bluntly, thus earning her CO’s glare, but as she continued she managed to relax her voice and stance to a more friendly, persuading manner to help get her point across. Ending with the “Ma’am” was a bit of pure sugar-coating, but she felt it worth the risk.

Cocking her hip to the right, Oshima put her right arm across her belly and used it to prop up her left as she held her chin between her thumb and forefinger. Apparently assuming her “thinking” pose, she stayed silent and looked at Lalani steadily, her face expressionless. Nimira began to feel a little uncomfortable with such an unrelenting blank look, but before it could manifest itself in actual fidgeting, the captain finally replied.

“Doctor, I appreciate your input and I will consider your proposal,” she stated neutrally. “Dismissed.”

Having gotten as far as her CO was apparently willing to let her go, Nimira relented – for now. “Aye, Sir. Thank you for your time, Captain,” she replied, and headed for the door.

“I always have time for all my officers, Doctor,” Oshima told her in a far friendlier tone. “I trust the same is true for you? I may want to discuss this further with you after I’ve had more time to think your proposal though.”

Nimira was puzzled by the abrupt switch in mood, but nodded as they both walked up the ramp to the bridge. “Of course, Captain. I’m always available if you need my input on something.”

“Glad to hear it. Carry on, Doctor,” the captain said as they entered the bridge, then headed for her ready room.

“Aye, Sir,” the doctor replied, then made her way to the turbolift at the back of the bridge. As she descended through the ship to her own domain, Nimira wondered at the mood change.

Was it just for show, to maintain good relations with me as one of her senior officers? Or maybe it was that she had a problem with my proposal, but not with me personally. Nimira really hoped for the latter, and the strength of that feeling surprised her. If she’s able to separate the two we could have a real winner for a captain. I’ve known too many who couldn’t do that and their interpersonal relations suffered for it.

Shrugging slightly, she let the issue rest. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.


Carin had the door to her ready room slide shut and lock as she strode over to the large viewports behind her desk. The projected starfield it displayed while they are at warp was a soothing influence and it often helped calm her and organise her thoughts. She didn’t really need it this time, but it was also a very beautiful sight she never tired of.

Literally staring off into space, she went over her conversation with the doctor. I wonder why she was pushing so hard? It could be that this is her normal way of doing things, Carin supposed. After all, I didn’t have much contact with her during the shakedown. But she really wants a sodding counsellor there, and I can’t say as I totally accept the reasons she gave. And I really don’t want that sodding counsellor there. She sighed. Sodding counsellor, she repeated again, then grinned wryly at her reflection.

I know that a cultural specialist would be far better at coming at things from the “social sciences” viewpoint than the ship’s shrink, so why does she really want M’Wrok there? They analyse and support the crew’s wellbeing and mental state… does she just want them there to get a reading on the senior staff? As they do their jobs, as opposed to in a counselling session?

Carin didn’t like the sound of that. The doctor had better not be playing mind games with me, damnit. If she wants something, she should come out and ask for it. And when I refuse her, she should accept that and not try to do an end run around me by blowing smoke in my face. I’m the captain, and she has to do what I say!

Securing a Vulcan mocha (extra sweet) from her personal replicator, she settled into the chair behind her desk and let her eyes wander over the contents of “her” space.

Though she had decorated with knick-knacks and holos of her family and friends, and even considered having her pet brought aboard at some point in the future, there was a large blank wall that needed something placed there to draw the eye.

She remembered that Captain Asamov had a painting there of his ship’s namesake, the ancient British Royal Navy survey ship Endeavour. He said it was to remind him of the purpose of the Starfleet and the traditions it followed and emulated.

Carin decided that she’d have a picture of her ship there too. A portrait, in fact. Previously, a little bit of research had let her know that her own vessel was named after an advanced pre-Reformation Vulcan kingdom that had a socially evolved constitution and relatively peaceful relations with its neighbouring states. As such, it was on of the first regions on Vulcan to whole-heartedly adopt Surak’s reforms, and continued to serve as an example to the nations around it. However, she didn’t want to have a portrait of an ancient Vulcan society despite her Vulcan heritage. Rather, her grandfather had instilled into her an appreciation for starships, both in their physical form and in their symbolism. Since she thought her own ship was rather pretty, she wanted a dynamic, breathtaking portrait of the Akyazi where she could admire it.

Maybe I’ll wait until there is a suitable backdrop, then I’ll take a travel pod out and find a good angle or two or three for a holo, she mused, liking the idea more and more. Okay, yeah. That’s what I’ll do. We’ll see what wonders we find that I can pose her before and until them I’ll pick a pretty but basic CGI to replicate.

So decided, she brought her mind back to her briefing and the thoughts she’d had at the time. Getting back up to pace, she made her log entry.

“Captain’s Log, Stardate 45337.2. With the signing off on the final report of our shakedown cruise, Sector Command has placed us on full active duty status and with it comes our first real mission,” Carin began, excitement still noticeable in her voice despite her efforts to control it. “Starfleet has ordered us to the Argaya system close to the Cardassian border on a recovery mission. While not in Federation space, neither is it claimed by the Cardassians, allowing a no-man’s-land buffer zone between our nations. In this unclaimed, uninhabited system, the Akyazi is to recover a covert intelligence-gathering probe that Starfleet dispatched into Cardassian space following the Phoenix Incident last year. This long-range stealthed probe has toured the star systems behind the Cardassian border with the Federation looking for any signs of a military build-up or other preparations for war.

“While there have been several minor sabre-rattling confrontations between us during this time, there have been no incidents on either side to match the unauthorised jaunt by Captain Maxwell and a renewal of full-scale hostilities remains a remote possibility. That said, the Cardassians continue to regularly test our border patrols, exchanging witticisms or phaser beams as their own dispositions take them.”

Though it was difficult for her, she managed to say those last words evenly for the official record. Carin was well aware that it was subject to future review by senior officers, classes of cadets, and historians as the circumstances dictated. As such, she was careful in what she said and how she said it, lest it reflect badly on her or her affiliations.

On the flip side of this, however, she also knew that with thousands of log entries made every day by even just other captains alone, it was entirely probable that this log and millions like it would be stored unread until the storage medium itself failed due to old age. Which way its future went depended on how well she performed her duties. Blindingly successful, important missions would be studied just as assiduously as complete failures, but the daily routines of normal existence remained uncommented on.

She intended on making this mission one of the latter: a routine, successful mission.
She shook off her momentary musings and continued her entry. “The latest Fleet Intelligence briefings place three Galor-class Cardassian vessels in the area. With even the oldest of these vessels outgunning us I hope to avoid the Cardassians completely but even if that proves impossible I will not put my ship into harm’s way unless the probe is in imminent danger of discovery or destruction.

“We are currently en route at a comfortable warp five and expect to be at Argaya in three days. Computer, end log entry.”

The computer acknowledged with a beep and Carin’s first real mission log entry was consigned to the official record. She hesitated a few moments before finally deciding to make a note of her senior staff’s reactions during the briefing.

“Captain’s Personal Log, supplemental. Although somewhat of a skewed test, my officers displayed some of their core personalities at today’s meeting. Doctor Lalani in particular was…”
« Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 11:32:36 pm by Scottish Andy »
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2009, 11:12:56 pm »
Looking good, Andy.  Other than my usual quibbles, I'm enjoying it, and wondering if the over-analysis of the doctor's motives will lead to another 'Jerry Springer in SPACE!' situation like in Aftermath.

I know, I know, we couldn't have two command crews that were that dysfunctional, but hey, I can dream. ;D
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2009, 11:19:58 pm »
So... your saying that other people don't think this way? That it's just me?

I feel so alone...
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2009, 12:03:22 pm »
No, Andy, not alone... I tend to analyze things to death myself, and I'd probably be having the same thought process as Carin regarding the doctor and their conversation.

Really enjoying this one so far, Andy. Loved the Civil Conversation and, as the Guv put it, the 'new ship smell'.
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2009, 04:04:37 pm »
Ah. So it seems Larry is just a simple soul with uncomplicated thoughts. I feel better now.  :D  ;D  :angel:
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2009, 08:23:04 pm »
I like boobies.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Scottish Andy

  • First Officer of the Good Ship Kusanagi
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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2009, 08:37:23 pm »
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Scottish Andy

  • First Officer of the Good Ship Kusanagi
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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2009, 10:04:58 pm »
Yay! More story! YAY! It's the Muppet show! YAAAAAAYYY!!!!

Comments, critiques, suggestions, etc. are welcome, encouraged, and sought after. :)

Chapter Six

Bridge, CUS Raklon

“No sign of them yet?”

“Still nothing, Gul,” the tactical officer replied stoutly, even though his commander had asked him this almost a dozen times over the past two hours. Damor suppressed his agitation and performed another quick diagnostic of his equipment and followed it up with another long-range sweep of the passive sensors. Looking across at his commander, he recommended for the second time, “Gul, we might detect them sooner if we use our active scanners.”

Gul Evett frowned at his subordinate. “My reasoning still holds, Damor. I want to see them before they see us. I will not blunder around like a security officer looking for a thief in a dark building with a torch,” he rebutted his tactical officer’s suggestion. “Continue with passive sweeps only. No matter how many times I ask.”

This last was delivered with an amused tone. Damor smiled briefly and gave a respectful nod. “As you say, Gul.”

Evett returned to his command chair where his second in command waited to confer.

“What is it, Matec?”

The older Cardassian replied in low tones. “They should have been here two hours ago. Could our intelligence be wrong?”

“Such a thing is always possible, Matec,” Evett responded philosophically. “It is, however, far more likely that our guests are merely delayed. They’ve had to come a long way, after all, and a tenth of a warp factor at these distances can lead to days of difference.”

“Is this your way of telling me to be patient, Gul?” his second asked stonily. “After your pestering of Damor these two hours?”

“A point,” Evett commented, faintly amused.

“I sincerely hope our intelligence is better than having us sit here for days to—”

“Sensor contact!” Damor called out, shutting down the senior officers’ conversation instantly. “Federation warp signature… on course for this system. Speed is approximately warp five, ETA is five-point-two hours.”

Evett and Matec exchanged a look.

“At least it’s not a wait of days,” Evett commented dryly.

Matec snorted, then asked, “Silent running?”

Evett pondered that for some moments. “No,” he said at last. “I want this to look like our standard patrol. If we emerge from silent running to catch them in the act, they will know we have infiltrated their command structure. We have to pretend to play this one openly.”

“Understood, Sir. What are your orders?”

“Begin our own sweep of the system with standard active scanners. We are searching for sensor platforms like their Argus Array. Do not make extra effort to be noticed, but do not hide our efforts either.”

“As you say, Gul,” Matec acknowledged crisply and began issuing orders.

Bridge, USS Akyazi

 “Argaya system now within scanning range, Captain,” Terev reported from his now familiar spot at Science III.

“Let’s see it then,” Oshima replied, focusing her attention on the main viewer.

“On screen now,” the Tellarite acknowledged, and a binary star system with eleven planets appeared. Their intended destination, the gas giant Argaya B-VI, was on the far side of the star from their line of approach.

“Mr. Hranok, tactical scan please,” Carin instructed next.

“Scanning now, Captain,” he replied but was almost immediately interrupted by a beep from his console. “Power source detected in system… localised between the orbital tracks of Argaya B-III and B-IV, Sir. Database identifies it as Cardassian,” he added flatly. “More details will become available as we close.”

Oshima did not allow her expression to change upon hearing that most unwelcome news, but inwardly she was deeply annoyed. “Thank you, Mr. Hranok. Updates as you get them please.”

“Aye Sir.”

“Lieutenant K’Rett, ETA to system boundary?” she asked next.

“Four-point-six hours, present speed, Captain,” the Caitian woman responded instantly.

Carin noted and was pleased by her situational awareness. She noticed, again, that the huge helmet-like style of her mane K’Rett had cut above her shoulders barely moved even as she nodded. Despite that, it still managed to look natural and free. I’m really going to have to ask her how she does that, Carin made an amused mental note. “Very good. Time enough for a briefing then. We’ll wait until we have a little more information then assemble in the briefing room,” she ordered her senior staff.


A couple of hours later and everyone was seated at the large conference table in the Deck 2 briefing room – “everyone” this time including Counsellor M’Wrok, despite Carin’s misgivings. Bringing the meeting to order, Carin began.

“Okay people, as we should all now be aware, we have unwanted company at our destination. We’re here to explore her options before going up against them. The sensor profile fits the one we have on file for the Raklon but unfortunately we have no data on his crew, so we’ll be relying on the basic Cardassian psychological profile and adapting as we go.

“Commander Thelinar, since we will have to deal with them we need to go over what cover stories you’ve come up with for our recovery attempts.”

“Aye Sir,” the Andorian zhen nodded briskly and went on to outline her results. “Captain, our cover story options are quite limited, unfortunately. I’ve based the following options on the predicates that we must be physically present at Argaya B-VI and that the Cardassians will not leave the system until well after we do,” she began seriously, locking eyes with her captain and not sparing a glace for her fellow officers. Carin found this slightly odd but said nothing of it.

Thelinar continued. “Option One: We have need of a rare element for a science or medical project being run at Starbase 214. Argaya B-VI is the closest source of this compound to the starbase and we are here to collect a sufficient quantity of it. The advantage of this scenario is the short timeframe. We can directly approach the planet and collect the probe. The disadvantage is that with a precise objective identified the Cardassians can attempt to deny it to us and/or research it themselves to determine if we are telling the truth. Also, espionage efforts on their behalf may reveal that Starbase 224 has no such research project. While this might be long after our mission window, this gambit does expose the Federation to the risk of being caught out in a definite lie.” Not so much as twitching an antennae in the CMO’s direction, Thelinar stated, “This should be avoided, as it damages the Federation’s reputation and trustworthiness in the long term.”

Carin nodded as Terev stated, “Very well thought out, Lieutenant. Continue, please.”

Thelinar offered a brief nod to the XO. “Option Two: A full resource cataloguing scan of the entire system.”

Some groans evidenced at this but were abruptly stowed at a glance from Terev and a frown from their captain. A hint of a smile flickered across the second officer’s face and was gone.

“Quite. The disadvantage of this approach is the lengthy timeframe involved. The advantages, however, are many. One: We do not have to reveal any specific item of interest that the Cardassians can act upon. Two: The sheer length of time involved invites the chance that the Cardassians will give up and leave us alone, or become lax and allow us further opportunities. Three: Such a system scan is entirely benign and its successful completion will reassure – as far as is possible – the Cardassians of our good intentions. Four: We could actually tie this into our recent shakedown, saying that this is an easy first mission for our newly-commissioned ship.”

Carin’s interest peaked. “That is an excellent in-depth motivation,” she opined. “Good work, Commander. What else do you have for us?”

“Thank you Sir,” she replied before continuing. “Option Three: We are investigating the Argaya system for possible belligerent activity. We could be looking for a pirate base of operations, Talarian spy sensors or even a Cardassian presence.”

Terev spoke up on this option. “I like this idea, Captain. We could even go so far as to claim we’re investigating the presence of the Raklon himself in this system and question them. Put them on the defensive, and aggressively scan them, the planets, whatever we want.”

Warming to the topic, the Tellarite ploughed on with enthusiasm. “We could even scan for our probe, ‘find’ it, and claim that it’s theirs! We then ‘capture’ it and take it away with us!”

Carin pondered that a moment but Doctor Lalani piped up to shoot down Terev.

“Really, Commander Terev. Your plan is to wade in there and antagonise a species that is famed for not reacting well to such provocations?” she asked scornfully. “With our acknowledged inferiority if it comes to a battle—”

Carin’s eyes snapped onto the doctor at that, and she felt others around the table likewise bristle at the surgeon’s words.

“—do you really think that it is a sound plan? What if they don’t take kindly to your baseless accusations and decide to start shooting at us?”

The executive officer growled back, “Maybe they’ll finally get to feel what it’s like being on the receiving end of ‘baseless accusations’ and come away from the experience as wiser, more understanding Cardassians.”

Carin thought that Terev controlled his temper at being called on the carpet like that by a junior non-line officer very well indeed, but it was clear that she’d have to do something about Lalani. Every time she opened her mouth, people got their backs up. Resolving to speak to her after the briefing, she uttered but one word for the present.


Lalani read the rebuke in her captain’s eyes and, to her credit, actually heeded it. “My apologies,” she offered, swallowing her intended retort to Terev. She very distinctly didn’t specify who she was apologising to, but it sounded sincere enough to be accepted.

Carin merely held her gaze a moment longer before nodding and offering her own opinion. “While your idea does have some merit, Mr. Terev, I can see one immediate flaw. If we claim the probe is of Cardassian origin they will undoubtedly demand to see it at the least. While it is deliberately nondescript externally, the probe itself is packed with sensitive Federation technology. Even allowing them to scan it while it remains in our possession will reveal its origins, and if we’re professing to be open we cannot then deny them their chance to answer our ‘charges’. The fact that it is advanced Federation technology also precludes it being something we can claim belongs to the Talarians.”

Hranok spoke up into Terev’s discomfited silence. “However, Captain, that doesn’t preclude us from claiming it is of non-Cardassian origin. We wouldn’t have to show the Cardassians what we’ve found as we can state with authority that it is not of Cardassian design or construction.”

“Good point, Mr. Hranok, thank you,” Terev recovered himself adroitly.

“It is another option to be considered,” Oshima allowed neutrally. “Lieutenant Commander, do you have any further options for us?”

“No, Captain, those are the most plausible cover stories we have. Anything else requires too much emphasis on elements outwith our need to scan Argaya B-VI specifically,” Thelinar answered confidently. “The Cardassians are not known for taking the Federation’s word for anything.”

Oshima quirked a faint grin at her. “Quite. Thank you, Commander. I think that whatever cover story I end up implementing will depend on what kind of person my opposite number turns out to be.”

Addressing the table at large after taking in Thelinar’s pleased nod, Carin said, “Okay people, those are our range of cover stories. Within the framework of each, what courses of action do you see to complete our mission?”

Lieutenant Commander Stenn, their resident cultural expert of non-Federation species, stated evenly, “Captain, I recommend the solar survey approach. It offers the best chance of success without raising any suspicions on the Cardassian side. It also renders us the closest to being harmless or beneath their interest. I would also recommend contacting them before starting the survey,” the Vulcan sociologist said. “If we ignore them they will feel compelled to seek us out, and if we start scanning first it will look to them as if we are hiding something from them that they will then want to find as well.”

“Thank you, Commander,” Carin acknowledged the older man without expression. Seeing her tactical officer stir, she recognised him. “Mr. Hranok?”

“Captain, I would recommend the piracy patrol approach, and embellish it by hinting at intelligence suggesting this system is of particular interest to us,” the Bolian stated in his subdued manner. “In this way, I believe we can reveal the truth to the Cardassians while misleading them as to the whole truth. We can tell them that an intelligence tip off has informed us of a pirate probe hiding in the atmosphere of one of the system’s gas giants. With four of them we can even ask for the Cardassians’ assistance in searching for it. If they agree, we can have them search Argaya B-IV and B-X, so that if they are suspicious of one we suggest – or not – we lose nothing. We then search B-VI and have them search A-II. We recover our probe, thank them for their help, and leave.”

Carin was impressed by the Bolian’s plan and said as much. However, while it was a very attractive combination of ideas she could also identify many areas where it might not work out.

“In an ideal galaxy, I’d be happy to implement that plan, Mr. Hranok, but what if the Cardassians are adamant about choosing B-VI to scan? We couldn’t rescan it afterwards without causing… friction with the Cardassians. Plus, it does give the Cardassians something they can deny us.” She mulled it over, noting his frown at her critique of his plan. “I think I’d want to get a reading on the Raklon’s commander before committing us to that course of action, but it is definitely a worthy plan. Thank you, Mr. Hranok.”

“Captain,” he responded with a respectful nod.

“Second Officer? Of the options you outlined, which do you recommend?” Carin asked next.

Thelinar spoke up immediately. “Captain, because the Cardassian introduces a large unknown, I think we should keep our options open for as long as possible. In line with that, I recommend the solar survey approach. It will allow us at a later date the option of ‘confiding’ in the Cardassians that we really are looking for something in particular that is of no threat to them, with the further option of asking for their help in looking for it.”

Carin nodded thoughtfully. “Very well. Thank you, Commander.”

“Aye Sir.”

“Anyone else?” Carin asked again. “Doctor?”

Managing not to shade her words emotionally this time, Carin noticed, Nimira stated evenly, “I agree with Commanders Stenn and Thelinar, Captain.” However, it seemed that she couldn’t help but add, “As the guardians of the Federation’s ideals and laws, we should make every effort to adhere to them ourselves.”

Carin managed not to roll her eyes herself and fortunately no one else rose to the bait this time either. With a telling look at the doctor, however, Oshima shifted her attention to the ship’s counsellor, here at the CMO’s insistent request.

“Lieutenant M’Wrok?”

The Caitian junior officer managed not to cringe but his ears flicked nervously. His voice was smooth and even as he answered though, and his tail remained curled lazily around his right wrist. “Captain, I concur with the Lieutenant Commanders. Theirs seems to be the plan with the best chance of success in all areas.”

Carin controlled her expression at the shrink’s answer but thought Gee, that was worth waiting for. I’m so glad he’s here. Aloud, she asked further, “Do you have any insights into how the Cardassians might respond to your recommended course of action?”

M’Wrok looked distinctly uncomfortable at having to answer that, but he bravely stepped up to it. “Ah, no Sir. The Cardassians are not my area of expertise.”

“Understood, Lieutenant,” Carin told him gently, already regretting putting the young officer on the spot to make a point to her CMO. “However, if you have any suggestions, comments, or questions, don’t hesitate to speak up.”

“Ah, thank you, Captain. I… ah, I had been wondering about the Cardassian’s presence actually in the system,” he offered, his ears still flickering nervously. At the puzzled looks he was getting from his fellow officers, he elaborated more confidently, “Well, it seems to me that you are all expecting him to be there, possibly just because it’s where we are needed to be. But why is the Cardassian ship there, in a system light-years beyond their border?”

Carin’s puzzlement cleared up immediately. She’d already explained this in a previous briefing, but M’Wrok hadn’t been present for that. “The Cardassian border sensors no doubt picked us up heading for this area, perhaps even this system, and their Central Command pre-positioned their nearest ship to intercept us. We similarly monitor their ships on their side of the border with sensors like our Argus Array, Lieutenant,” she explained easily, not wanting the poor sod to feel stupid for asking the question.

“Oh, I understand that, Captain,” M’Wrok replied seriously. “But how often do our ships get intercepted by Cardassians in neutral space? Surely each side monitors tens of ship movements every day in each border sector. They – and even we, presumably – can’t intercept them all. Why were we chosen?”

To her own immense surprise, Carin found that his question stumped her. “That is a very good question, Lieutenant. Thank you. Anyone care to respond to that?” she asked the table at large.

“It could be merely as you said at our first mission briefing, Captain. They see we’re a scout cruiser instead of a heavy cruiser or explorer, and want the chance to chase us off,” Terev offered.

“While that would fit the Cardassian’s racial psychological profile, by having this occur in unclaimed space limits the usual options open to a Cardassian commander when responding to a perceived territorial violation,” Lieutenant Commander Stenn stated. “As provocation has not been offered in this instance – ‘provocation’ being as minor an event as a sensor scan across the border – the Cardassians would have to engineer a situation where they are justified in firing at us or otherwise forcing us to vacate the system. It does not fit their established patterns.”

“That does not preclude them from trying something new,” Thelinar pointed out reasonably. “Maybe this is what they are attempting; to form a new tactical doctrine.”

“It could also mean that they are expecting us there.”

That little photon grenade stopped the conversation cold as everyone looked to the tactical officer with varying levels of apprehension and shock.

“You mean our mission could have been leaked? That the Cardassians are aware of what we have to do in Argaya?” Terev demanded in angry disbelief.

“Yes, Commander. It could be that the Cardassians have a copy of our own actual mission orders.” Talking loudly to be heard over the hubbub that welled up, Hranok continued. “It is also possible – and far more likely in my opinion – that if this is the case, the Cardassians may only know that the Akyazi has been dispatched to Argaya for her first mission, and know of no other details.”

“Or any level of knowledge in between,” Thelinar commented. “Captain, we could have a security breach in Starbase 214’s administration.”

Carin was now aware of that possibility, but it was just as likely that her crew were succumbing to a more paranoid mindset that usually came along as an invisible passenger with intelligence missions. Deciding to put a lid on that right now, she stated, “While that is a distinct possibility, we will have no way of proving it one way or the other until the Raklon’s commander traps me in a verbal gambit. However, that is by no means a sufficient reason to say nothing or tell them everything. This could still be coincidence, new doctrine, or the Cardassians’ opportunity to show the galaxy that they can force Starfleet to bend to their will by meeting us with a stronger ship. Rather than being swallowed by paranoia, it is on those assumptions I shall proceed.”

“Shouldn’t we at least alert the starbase that they may have to look at their security protocols?” Thelinar asked, concern evident in her violet eyes. “If there is a leak, it may just be that the Cardassians have broken one of our subspace encryption codes, or hacked into a relay station. It doesn’t have to be a disguised spy or a suborned citizen passing secrets, Captain.”

Carin nodded. “Good point. Very well, I’ll contact the admiral and voice our concerns and try to keep it low key.” Changing gears, she announced, “Thank you all for your input, people; I believe this was most productive. I think we need to reconsider our options though, so let’s reconvene after we’ve had some time to digest this and decide if we should proceed differently than has already been outlined. We will enter the Argaya system at approximately 1537 hours, so final briefing at 1500. Doctor, if you could remain please, but the rest of you are dismissed.

“Aye, Sir, the assembled officers chorused and began filing out the door. The doctor and counsellor exchanged a glance before M’Wrok got to his feet and followed them out.

Once alone with her CMO, Carin pinned her to her chair with a hard, flat tone. “Doctor, while I appreciate your input and value your passion, I would also appreciate it if you could make your points without resorting to insulting your fellow officers. I may not stand on official protocol and professional decorum during ship’s meetings, but I demand that all my officers maintain a courteous attitude towards one another. Am I understood?”

Carin could see Nimira’s blaze with indignation at her rebuke from half way down the conference table. In a controlled tone, the CMO asked, “Permission to speak freely, Sir?”

Carin weighed the options, not really wanting to get into a yelling match but also not wanting to alienate a key member of her staff, either. Warily, she acquiesced. “Granted.”

“Captain, first of all I protest at you singling me out like this. Secondly, I was under the impression that these briefing sessions were to facilitate a free exchange of opinions, ideas, and options. If you wish me to correct this assumption and have me refrain, then please do so now,” the elegant Indian woman fired off, standing on her dignity.

Oshima blew out an exasperated sigh and got up to approach the doctor, who likewise rose from her chair to face her captain. Assuming a non-confrontational stance at a distance which respected Lalani’s personal space, Carin responded in milder tones.

“Firstly, Doctor, you are being singled out because it’s only you causing this. The others are merely responding to you. Secondly, you are free to share your opinions and ideas in a professional manner, and pouring scorn on someone else for holding a position contrary to yours is not professional,” Oshima stated with sudden hardness. Overriding Lalani’s outburst at this she continued, “If you want to set yourself up as the ship’s conscience, that’s fine. You’re perfectly free to do so. But we are not here to score points off each other for our respective political opinions. We are a crew, and we are here to work together to solve the problems and complete the tasks assigned to us. We do not do that by getting each other all defensive and feeling as if we cannot share our opinions without being harangued for it!” Carin’s eyes blazed as she said it and Nimira took note.

“If you cannot share your opinions without scoring points off your fellow officers in an official setting, then don’t share them. Am I understood, Doctor Lalani?”

“Captain, I wasn’t—”

“Am. I. Understood?”

“Yes, Captain,” Lalani grated out, but couldn’t stop protesting, “but I wasn’t scoring points!”

Oshima folded her arms and raised her left eyebrow. She then repeated verbatim and in precisely the tone Nimira had used the words she’d said to Terev’s adoption of Option Three.

To her complete surprise, Nimira found herself blushing, though it didn’t show well on her dusky skin.

Oshima had obviously caught her reacting in some way. She nodded tellingly, then stated, “Dismissed, Doctor.”

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, Nimi nodded back stiffly and headed for the door. She kept her eyes fixed firmly forward feeling the need to retreat to her own domain to re-evaluate.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2009, 10:28:31 pm by Scottish Andy »
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The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2009, 10:00:17 pm »
Good job.  The briefing was lengthy, talky, and...very TNG Fed, so that's probably what you were shooting for.  I liked the tactical options presented, though they didn't pick the one, say, Commander La'ra would employ. ;D

The ongoing friction between the doctor and the captain is nice, since both clearly believe themselves to be fully in the right.  Toward the end, I suspected Nimiria was at least seeing where Carin was coming from, though she seems, possibly, too proud to admit it.

Keep going.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2009, 02:17:27 pm »
Chapter Seven

Bridge, USS Akyazi

“Entering the Argaya system, Captain,” K’Rett announced quietly.

“Thank you, Lieutenant. Intercept course for the Raklor and bring us out of warp at 500,000km from him, then close to 50,000km on impulse. Drop to warp two now.”

“Aye-aye, Captain” the charcoal-furred Caitian acknowledged, and her fingers danced across her console as she obeyed her orders.

“Ensign Savok, hail them please. Let’s be neighbourly,” Oshima ordered next.

“Acknowledged, Sir.” A few moments later he updated, “They have accepted our hail, Captain.”

I suppose that’s Vulcan for “Hailing frequencies open”, Carin joked to herself. “Cardassian vessel, this is the USS Akyazi. We will be operating in this system over the next several hours and thought you would appreciate a friendly greeting.”

The bridge viewer’s image of the Galor-class cruiser was replaced by presumably its commander’s head, a fact that was confirmed by the Cardassian’s first words.

“Federation ship Akyazi, on behalf of the people of the Cardassian Union, I accept and return your greeting of friendship,” the giant head on the viewscreen replied. “To whom am I speaking?”

Carin was not fond of such a close and tight image of anyone’s face, but many ship commanders preferred it for obvious intimidation and information-denial purposes, so that an adversary couldn’t see what else was happening on their bridge. She put her immediate misgivings aside to answer.

“I am Captain Carin Oshima. Whom do I address?”

“Gul Evett of the Raklon, at your service Captain,” the charming Cardassian replied. “Now that the niceties of interstellar relations have been observed, would you mind explaining your presence in this system, Captain O-shee-ma?”

Well, that sure didn’t take long, Carin grumped inwardly. With very little personal information on this Gul Evett and him beating her to the ‘why are you here’ question, Carin was trapped. If she went with Hranok’s option and Evett was here specifically to intercept them, she’d be playing into their hands. So, Thelinar’s option it had to be.

Hating the words even as she said them, she nonetheless managed to sound completely open and sincere when she told him, “We are here to perform a survey of this system for the Federation.” Noting the immediately sceptical expression Evett assumed, she asked in turn, “And what is your purpose in this system?”

“We are on routine patrol of the unclaimed systems in this region, Captain O-shimah. However, I do find it far too convenient that Starfleet would show up in this system at the same time as we are here. There isn’t something else that you aren’t telling us, is there, Captain O-shimah?”

Carin felt her exasperation begin to rise already. Damn, there is just no way of getting around their intense paranoia, is there? We’ve been talking less than three minutes! Shrugging her shoulders and offering him a lop-sided grin, she said, “No, Gul Evett, there is nothing else. It just must be one of those innumerable coincidences that have littered history from the beginning of time.”

“Mmmm, quite,” the Cardassian replied sceptically. “You don’t find it strange that after my ship completes a sweep of this system for Federation spy devices that a Federation ship arrives on the scene?”

Carin made sure that her person gave no reaction to that startling but in essence predictable statement. A guilty start right about then would have been most detrimental. “Now that you mention it, yes it is a bit strange, Gul Evett. However, as you yourself just stated, this is a routine activity for you. How many other systems in the past month have you scanned for spy devices – and found none?” She let some sarcasm creep into her voice at that before smoothing it away. “Statistically speaking, you or one of your other ships would’ve inevitably encountered this exact situation at some point. I’m quite sure it has already happened,” she offered philosophically.

“Mmm,” Evett repeated, sounding thoughtful. “But why this system, Captain? I do hope you’ll forgive my questioning, but you see, I don’t believe in coincidences. Maybe,” he offered disingenuously, “you are here to repair, reactivate, or recover a spy device that is in danger of discovery?”

Carin felt safe in allowing some of her very real frustration to show. Exhaling lightly, she responded to his polite accusation in kind. “Gul Evett, again, you yourself just told me you’d completed your scan of the system. Since we are indeed still having this conversation instead of an angrier one, I can only assume that you found nothing. I find it highly likely that this is so for the precise reason of there being nothing here to find. No doubt just like in all the other systems that you and your fellow ship commanders continue to examine.”

Evett’s massively enlarged eyes on the main viewer’s extreme close-up narrowed and he tilted his head with increasing distrust. “Captain O-shimah, I find your answers evasive and even condescending,” he told the Federation starship captain. “I hope you will not force me to make an issue out of this situation.”

“Gul Evett, I can assure you that no condescension was intended. It’s just that explaining things over and over again in the face of endless accusations can become a tad wearying,” Carin replied sweetly.

The distrust in those hot yellow eyes was being replaced with the beginnings of anger, and his words reflected his embryonic change in mood. “Captain, do not toy with me. You will find that it will not improve your situation.”

“Gul Evett, are you… threatening me?” Carin asked with carefully measured disbelief, her eyes widening in a way her mother would have found comical.

“If Starfleet thinks it can do what it wants, annoy and insult its master’s neighbours, and that there will be no consequences to that, Starfleet is sorely mistaken,” Evett shot back, eyes glittering dangerously. “Do you think that, Starfleet?”

“Gul Evett, there is no need for hostilities,” Oshima attempted to soothe, seeing that Evett was becoming overly riled up. “My ship is a survey cruiser. This is an unmapped system. It is that simple.”

The Cardassian’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “I rather doubt that, Starfleet,” he sneered. “I’ve often heard the terms ‘survey’, ‘scout’, and ‘science vessel’ bandied about quite freely by the Federation when they actually mean ‘spy ship’. The Federation should have learned after all this time that we Cardassians are a very territorial people.”

His voice hardened then, taking on a dangerous edge. “We don’t like ‘snoopers’.”

“One of the things that the Federation has learned in its long… association… with the Cardassian Union,” Oshima returned silkily, “is that Cardassians are also very territorial about territory that isn’t actually theirs. As is the case here,” she finished pointedly.

Evett gave her a snake-oil smile. “Merely ensuring our borders stay inviolate, Starfleet.”

Carin was sure this son-of-a-salamander was calling her that just to needle her, and for some reason she wasn’t aware of, it was succeeding. Maybe it’s because he’s using it as an insult, she thought. Naturally, like he and his whole civilisation have been using it that way all through time. I have to wipe the Starfleet off my boot. Go Starfleet yourself. You Goddamn Starfleet.

“It seems like the inviolate nature of your borders only works one way, Gul, since you are, by your own admission, outside of your own space. Care to explain that?”

“Captain Oshima, were this your space, we would of course respect that as much as we want you to respect ours,” he told her with complete insincerity. “However, this is an unclaimed system outside of both our borders, and since close neighbours make for nervous neighbours, we’d like to keep this... buffer zone between us. To prevent future misunderstandings, as I’m sure you can appreciate.”

But if this were Federation space, you just told us you’d respect it and there’d be no “misunderstandings”! Carin groaned inwardly, then decided not to keep this opinion to herself.

Gul Evett’s black eyes flashed mockingly. “My dear Captain O-shimah,” he began, coating his words in so much oil that Carin was beginning to prefer being called merely “Starfleet”. “I do not have the time to explain interstellar policy to you. If Starfleet is not educating its captains before sending them to its many, many border areas, then misunderstandings are going to be frequent and inevitable – with unfortunate consequences soon to follow.”

That insufferable git just called me stupid and incompetent to my face! And in front of my crew! Me, a representative of a foreign, sovereign power that could crush his stupid nation if we were of a mind to! Where does he get off? Carin raged behind hot eyes.

Evett smirked on the viewscreen. Evidently, he was well pleased with himself for taking that shot.

“It seems to me,” Oshima glared daggers at him, “that you just don’t want the hassle of being legally ejected from an area when you’re found on the wrong side of your border – while maintaining your ‘right’ to hassle anyone who approaches it.”

Evett gave her a patently false smile. “Oh, Captain, Captain. You really do misunderstand us. It is so sad to see that our fellow ‘border guards’ on the other side are so… brainwashed, indoctrinated, and mistrusting.”

Carin sat there and endured it, even though she couldn’t stop grinding her teeth. She needed to make him leave or they couldn’t send the signal to the powered-down and sensor-transparent probe to localise it and bring it aboard. If he was aware of it, he’d know she as lying instead of merely believing it with all his societal conditioning and what passed for a heart.

Oh, sod this. Let’s actively scan these planets and find the damn thing. I’m through playing games with this arrogant snot.

“Believe what you will then, Gul. I am here to survey this system. I shall do so now. Have fun sitting there and watching us. Akyazi, out.”

Being on the ball, Lieutenant Savok cut the channel immediately. Unfortunately, it wasn’t anywhere near soon enough for Carin’s injured pride and dignity. She just hoped that her bridge crew weren’t laughing up their sleeves at her. It’d take a few more months and some real trials before she’d be able to judge accurately if they were with her or merely under her.

Not letting her discomfort show now that the major irritant was personally absent, she gave her orders in a normal voice. “Lieutenant K’Rett, lay in a course for the nearest planet and engage at half impulse. Commander Terev, begin scanning once we arrive in orbit. Perform a standard resource-cataloguing survey.”

Showing a level of tact uncommon for a Tellarite, Terev merely responded, “Planetary survey, aye Sir.”

K’Rett also said nothing about her captain losing her argument with the Cardassian, and acknowledged her orders. “Half impulse to Argaya-IV, aye Sir. ETA at orbital insertion is twelve minutes,” the dark-furred felinoid responded crisply.

“They’re hailing us, Captain,” Savok spoke up again.

Carin slowly rotated her chair to face her Vulcan comm. officer. Establishing solid eye contact with him, she stated slowly, “Ignore them.”

The Vulcan didn’t react and merely nodded his acknowledgement, but Carin noticed Hranok’s eyes widen slightly at her tone. He looked as if he might say something but subsided when he noticed his captain’s inquisitive look. He said nothing further even when Savok’s console bleeped again with the Cardassians repeating their hail. Or the next three times they did.

After another few minutes of silence, Carin swung her chair back to face the main viewer just in time to get an update from her conn officer.

“The Cardassians are following us, Captain. Correction, they’re intercepting us!” K’Rett spoke up, the tension evident in her voice.

Oshima snapped out to Hranok, “Confirm our shields are up at full strength.”

Since both of them could see the shield graphic, he correctly assumed she wanted to verify it by other means. A couple of pokes at his tactical console later, he reported, “Confirmed, Sir.”

“Status of Cardassian weapons?” she asked next.

“Unchanged. Phasers disarmed, torpedoes offline,” Hranok reported after another moment.

“As soon as that changes, arm our own weapons in kind,” Oshima ordered next. “Match their escalation but don’t exceed it.”

“Aye, Captain,” Hranok acknowledged with a troubled look.

Carin noted it before turning to face forward again. “Lieutenant K’Rett, if he does arm his weapons, maintain our course. If he fires on us though, don’t wait for my order. Engage evasive manoeuvres and full impulse to open range. Plot a course out of this system at warp three, using Argaya-IV to shield us as much as possible. Since the Cardassians may decide to chase us, also plot an elliptical course further into unclaimed space that curves back around to Argaya. Once in the clear we can go to a tenth warp factor faster than the Cardassians, and have them follow us and drag them out of position before doubling back at max warp to recover our probe.”

The Caitian woman nodded her understanding and started working her navigational controls to select and program in likely courses.

 “Okay, stay alert everyone. Depending on what the Cardassians do next this is either going to be irritating and boring or dangerous and hectic.”

She got a few looks at that, but didn’t know the crew well enough yet to decipher them properly. Just going on general feel, though, they weren’t complimentary. Hmph. Everyone’s a critic. They probably think I’m being too aggressive and will probably provoke the incendiary Cardassians. Why does nobody ever worry about provoking the Federation? she sighed inwardly, wondering what happened to this opinion among the people at her briefings. She spotted Terev making a move towards her and stilled her announcement to the crew to hear what he had to say.

“What is it, Commander?” she asked him quietly.

Equally quiet, the Tellarite asked in return, “You really think this will come to an exchange of fire?”

“I’m afraid so, Commander. I don’t want it to, but it’s entirely down to that Gul over there,” she said, indicating the main viewer displaying the Cardassian ship moving to cut them off. “We’re here to get that probe so we can’t just leave. It is extremely unlikely that they’ll find it, but the probe will still be here waiting for us. They’ll be watching for us coming back, and doing so will prove we had a less-than-scientific interest in the system in the first place.”

Terev couldn’t fault her logic there, but asked, “Is it really necessary to match their escalations, Sir? They outpower and outgun us, and if we don’t intend to fire…”

Carin nodded her understanding of his concerns. “I’m not going to engage in an all-out do-or-die battle to recover this probe, Commander. At the first sign of this developing into a fully-fledged fight instead of mere posturing then we’re out of here,” she told him, much to his relief. “However, as a broad generalisation I’ve found the Cardassians to mix Klingon and Romulan characteristics in their behaviour. Like the Romulans, the Cardassians like to bandy words and engage their wit while dealing in hidden plots and secret plans. However, they’re also not shy about blazing away at their opponent just to get their attention or make a point. It’s this latter behaviour I’m preparing against. If they see we’re ready to respond with force, they’ll think twice about attacking us.”

“Whereas the Klingons would and often do take that as a direct challenge,” Terev responded, showing that he followed her line of thought. He was relieved that his new captain was one who’d explain her orders instead of remaining an enigma and expecting everyone to just follow her orders and immediately trust her implicitly.

“Quite,” she answered with a small grin. “Anything else?”

“No Sir, that was all,” he responded and headed back to his station at the Science III console.

Satisfied that she’d allayed his fears, she opened an intra-ship channel with her eye still on the approaching Galor-class. “Attention all hands, this is the Captain. Be prepared for combat manoeuvring. Our Cardassian ‘friend’ may get annoyed with us. Captain out.”

“Cardassian ship re-entering weapons range,” Hranok updated. “Weapons still offline.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant,” Carin acknowledged him, then addressed her Operations Officer. “Commander Thelinar, if this does lead to us exiting the system and doubling back, I doubt we’ll have time to bring the probe aboard via the shuttlebay. Prepare to beam it aboard into the cargo bay as soon as it is within range.”

The Andorian zhen didn’t take her eyes off her console but crisply responded, “Aye Sir.”

“Cardassian vessel pulling alongside us now, pacing us at fifty thousand kilometres, bearing 240 mark 50,” Tactical reported a few minutes later. “They are directing high-power scans at us.”

“Jam their scans, Mr. Hranok. No point letting them get a good look at us,” she replied.

As Hranok did his captain’s bidding, he worried about its results. The Cheyenne class had been around long enough for the Cardassians to get a good look at them and observe their capabilities. All that this scanning and jamming was doing was escalating their battle of nerves further, bring it ever closer to an actual battle of starships.

Task completed, he looked at the back of his new captain’s head and frowned again.

Bridge, CUS Raklon

“But they deliberately taunt us!” Glinn Matec whispered fiercely. “They make flimsy excuses for their presence and parade up and down our border like a regimental band, proclaiming for all the galaxy to hear that they can go anywhere they want and we can’t stop them!”

Gul Evett stared coldly at his second-in-command in rebuke for his outburst, low-key though it was. “Matec, I haven’t had cause to doubt your intelligence yet. Don’t give me a reason now.”

Matec stiffened angrily, but took it like a Cardassian. “My… apologies, Sir. Dealing with Federation arrogance makes my blood boil.”

Evett gave his second a sardonic grin. “Oh, I understand your frustration. Indeed, I share in it. Just don’t let it make you act like a Klingon.”

Much of Matec’s anger dissipated at that and he even managed a small smile at the comparison. His Gul nodded approvingly, so he asked then, “What can we do here, Gul? We cannot make them talk to us if they don’t want to, and even less can we make them tell the truth if they do talk to us.”

“I have been given complete freedom of action by the Central Command,” Evett told his second in command, gesturing lazily with one hand. “However, what I do depends on what they do, and I am not to reveal that we were expecting them.”

“This much is good.” A short silence blanketed the bridge, before the first officer vented his feelings again. “This quality, above all the other things, is what I hate about the Federation; their damn hypocrisy!” he quietly snarled. “They try to convince you with all their being that they’re peaceful, non-interfering, respecting other cultures’ rights and heritage, then spy on us to make sure we ‘behave’ ourselves – by their standards! And if you’re not, that prized ‘non-interference’ goes right out the airlock!”

Evett nodded knowingly to his second while inwardly he was deciding to look into Matec’s history and see what he could unearth. Many officers Evett had served with thought the same way, but Matec’s intensity and the particular vein his diatribe had taken pointed to an actual event or direct experience about what he spoke.

He regarded his recently-assigned second thoughtfully. Older than Evett by some years yet still his subordinate, Matec was old for his rank. Perhaps it used to be higher? Evett wondered idly. Yes, definitely worth looking into. Later.

“We are in position, Gul Evett,” his helmsman spoke up.

“No reaction from the enemy ship,” his tactical officer reported.

Matec fumed at his side, but held his peace.

“Let’s play this out to the bitter end, shall we?” Evett said, a statement more than a question. “Arm weapons.”
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The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #36 on: April 26, 2011, 04:46:36 pm »
*Self-serving BUMP*

Wow, there is a lot of this one here. There's also a couple more Chapters that look like they're ready to post, but I have to check to be sure. I'll do that tonight, but for now: food!
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Scottish Andy

  • First Officer of the Good Ship Kusanagi
  • Lt. Commander
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  • Posts: 1086
  • Gender: Male
  • New and improved.
    • Starbase 23
Akyazi: Shake Up - Chapter Eight
« Reply #37 on: April 26, 2011, 07:23:02 pm »
As promised! I discovered that I do indeed have another chapter ready to be published. So, here it is.

Comments and feedback are, as ever, desperately hoped for.


Chapter Eight

Bridge, U.S.S. Akyazi

“Cardassian ship is arming phasers and torpedoes!” Hranok reported suddenly. “Arming ours as instructed.”

Oshima’s previously impassive face twisted in annoyance before she could smooth her features again, but she did prevent herself from twitching nervously. Damnit, are they going to force a confrontation? Why are they so desperate to know why we’re here? Carin suddenly felt the press of the 250 lives she was responsible for a lot more keenly.

“Maintaining course as ordered, Captain,” K’Rett offered. “Orbital insertion in two minutes.”

“Polar orbit, Lieutenant. Stand by on evasive…” the captain cautioned.

Bridge, C.U.S. Raklon

“Enemy ship is arming weapons also!” Tactical Officer Damor reported even before their own torpedoes were loaded. “No change in target course or speed.”

“At least we know they’re taking us seriously,” Evett murmured.

“But not seriously enough,” Matec grated back, continuing his slow burn.

“Have they locked their weapons onto us?” Evett asked Tactical.

“No, Sir. Their weapons are armed and ready, but they are scanning us with standard active sensors only. They do not have target lock.”

“As yet, neither do we. I must admire this one’s stubbornness, Matec. She seems determined not to let us dictate terms to her, even though our vessel is superior.”

“Bah, more Federation arrogance, Gul,” his second opined. “They think we wouldn’t dare attack them and are flaunting what we cannot do while indulging in this ridicule.”

The Gul pondered that for a few moments before responding. “No, I think not, Matec. If that truly were the case, she wouldn’t have armed her own weapons. This one is worried,” Evett realised. “Worried we may actually fire on her.”

He found a glimmer of reluctant agreement in his second’s eyes but the older man said nothing.

Evett turned to his comm. officer. “Hail them. And don’t stop hailing until you get a response this time.”

Bridge, U.S.S. Akyazi

“Entering polar orbit now, Captain,” Lieutenant K’Rett reported, her voice firm but tense.

“Intensive scans already in progress, Sir. Estimating two-point-four hours to complete molecular scanning of the gas giant’s composition,” Terev reported in much the same manner.

“Thank you,” Oshima acknowledged their reports wearily.

The continuous, insistent beeping of the communications console attracted everyone’s attention, if not their eyes. The tension in the air thickened as the crew wondered why their new captain preferred continuing the escalation to talking. It seemed pretty obvious that if the Cardassians weren’t answered they’d start shooting.

Carin pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, but then realised something. Motioning her Exec to her side, she asked him, “Is it just me, or is that gul showing far more restraint than is usual for his species?”

Terev blinked. “Now that I think on it… I have to agree, Captain. Normally the span between a Cardassian arming weapons and firing them is measured in milliseconds. Gul Evett must really want to talk to you.”

“He probably just wants to keep insulting me since he was so good at it the first time around,” she responded wryly. “It must be my winning personality.”

Terev snorted his amusement and she noted a lightening in their personal tension somewhat.

“Do you think he’s under orders not to shoot, since he’s so atypically insistent on talking?” she queried her Exec.

Terev considered that one. “That’s a distinct possibility, Sir. While we’re all aware of the Cardassians’ reputation for belligerence and overly free nature with their weapons, each instance usually has some reason behind it tied into their famed territoriality. Border violations, trespassing, active scans into their territory, or other similar presumptions are the usual excuse for resorting to their phasers.”

“But in our case, we’ve not actively scanned over their border, we’re still light-years from their border, and they’ve admitted they’re outside their own jurisdiction,” Carin rejoined. “They’ve got nothing to point to if the Federation Council protests any initiated hostilities.”

“Agreed. Admittedly, though, it could just be that Gul Evett is unusually restrained and he’s under no such orders,” Terev reminded her.

“Quite,” she noted in unhappy concurrence. “We’ll just have to make sure we give him no such justification either way.” Addressing her tactical officer again, she ordered, “Lieutenant Hranok, do not under any circumstances fire first, no matter the provocation. Further, even if they fire a ‘warning shot’, do not return fire. Wait for my express order before doing so.”

“Aye-aye, Captain,” the Bolian responded with more enthusiasm than he’d shown since encountering the Cardassian.

So, that’s it. He doesn’t want a trigger happy CO, Carin divined. Well, we’ve both already had enough experience of battle for any lifetime, so maybe that’s where it’s coming from. That he’s still a tactical officer instead of leaving the Fleet or changing career as so many others did speaks volumes for him. Maybe he’s trying to be his crew’s conscience? As if Doctor Lalani wasn’t enough, she thought with rueful humour.

It was worthy of further thought, so she filed it away for later consideration at a more appropriate time. She swung back to face the main viewer and their constant companion, the insistent bleeping of a repeated hail nagging away in the background.

There’s really noting more to say, Carin thought unhappily. I want him to go away so I can do something hidden, and he wants to know why we’re here, suspecting something untoward. He doesn’t believe my survey mission line and I can’t leave without the probe. Further talking will only give him the opportunity to catch me in my lie – or, she thought with another wry grin, will let him insult me further.

It beeped again. Carin sighed, but then a slow smile broke out on her face. Maybe it’s time for a new approach… Speaking up, she ordered over her shoulder, “Open the channel, Lieutenant. Let’s hear what new insults he’s come up with.”

Again, a lightening of the tension. Slight, but noticeable. Okay, don’t let myself be taken too seriously. Duly noted. Someone who’s too stiff is liable to snap and get others hurt.

Gul Evett’s massive face once again replaced the image of his ship. She didn’t like the trade. Before he could say anything though, she spoke brightly to him. “Starship Akyazi, Captain Oshima speaking. How can I help you?”

Evett’s opening words halted before they were spoken and his mouth snapped shut. His eyes narrowed and took on a flinty look.

Uh-oh. Overdid that, Carin realised, a thought which was promptly confirmed by Evett.

“One hopes that you aren’t taking us lightly, Captain,” he told her coldly. “Mockery of a representative of a sovereign power leads to bad relations, and I don’t think your superiors would take too kindly to my filing a protest with your government for your high-handed treatment of me.”

Carin fought the urge to laugh in his face at his sheer effrontery. Wiping her own voice and face clear of warmth and expression, she replied in a neutral, flat tone. “I agree wholeheartedly, Gul Evett, which is why if you’re just calling to further insult me, I think we can just agree not to talk to each other.”

“I insulted you, Captain?” Again, the snake oil smile. “I can assure you that no offence was meant by my earlier words. If you took affront at them, well, I think that just speaks to your own character.”

Gotcha, she thought gleefully. “I can only agree with you again, Gul. My, aren’t we getting along just splendidly now. No offence was meant by my words either. If you think I was mocking you, well… I believe you know the rest,” she finished neutrally but with a pointed look at him.

Dark amusement flickered through the Cardassian’s eyes. “Quite. However, since we are now getting along ‘just splendidly’, would you care to tell us why you’re really here?”

Carin sighed theatrically and said, “Oh, very well. We are on a secret mission in this system, as advertised by our warping in here with all our lights and sensors blazing. We’ve been assigned to search this system for Talarian spy sensors, and capture any we find.”

Bridge, C.U.S. Raklon

“Oh, that is just so much hafla dung!” Matec snapped out, unable to stay silent. “She’s toying with us!”

Evett shot a glare at his second, but it was obvious the Human had heard him.

“Me? I can assure you and your officer there that this is really why we are here. It may look like we’re just performing a resource cataloguing sweep of a gas giant, but we’re also scanning for Talarians. Have you seen any?”

Evett felt the urge to massage his forehead but resisted performing such a blatant giveaway of his frustration. Ignoring her question, Evett glared at his opposite number with grudging respect. She’d come back from the stinging humiliation he’d dealt her with enthusiasm. “We will not be taken lightly, Captain O-shee-mah,” he grated out, having trouble pronouncing her odd Terran name. “Tell me why you are here!”

The Human female looked at him pityingly, which only enraged him further. “Gul Evett. We have told you repeatedly why we are here. You have made it abundantly clear that you don’t believe us and will only accept an admission of espionage as our sole reason for being here. I even gave you one, but you don’t accept that either. So, let me make this easier for all of us.”

She leaned forward in her command chair and enunciated her next words very clearly. “We are not here to spy on you. We are not spying on you. My ship has just been launched and as an easy first mission we are here, in a star system we’d thought was sufficiently far from our mutual border to preclude any misunderstandings between us, to scan these planets to test my ship’s systems. That is why we are here and these are my final words on the matter.”

She sat back in her chair and gestured expansively. “Now, if you have something else to discuss, I’ll be happy to oblige you as far as I can. Until then, this planet is giving us some simply fascinating data which I want to examine. So fascinating, in fact, that I want to have a meeting with my science teams to discuss it. So if you don’t mind, Gul Evett, I’m going to do exactly that. Akyazi, out.”

The channel closed on the earnest face of the Human to be replaced by a close-up image of the ungainly and fragile-looking Starfleet ship. Evett sat and smouldered in silence for almost a minute before finally sharing his thoughts.

Fine,” he grated out. “If this is how she wants to play the game out, then we’ll oblige her,” he sneered. “Matec!”

“Sir!” his second snapped out.

“Maintain 50,000km distance from our target but bring us directly abeam of it. Note the targets of its scanners and direct our sensors there also. I want to see what they see when they see it. Begin a permanent sensor record for later analysis. Observe them closely and match any course corrections they make to maintain our position relative to them.”

“As you command, Gul,” Matec acknowledged firmly and relayed the orders.

As his ship repositioned itself, Evett growled, “We’re going to follow them every step of the way along their ‘system survey’. If they’re going to do anything it will be under our close scrutiny. We’ll either know what they really came for, or force them to leave without it!”

Bridge, U.S.S. Akyazi

“‘A meeting with your science teams’, Captain?” Terev asked with mild incredulity.

Carin looked up at her science officer and grinned. “Applied psychology, Commander,” she replied impishly. “There’s a widely held belief out there that Starfleet ships are run by committee and that we have meetings at the drop of a hat.” She shrugged, but at his indignant look broke into a grin. “I’m merely playing to these preconceptions.”

Terev nodded his understanding. “So, no meeting then?”

Carin looked sheepish. “Actually, yes we’re having a meeting now.”

Her Exec grinned widely at her, and she returned it with an embarrassed smile. “Call the senior staff to the conference room on Deck Two. We have to figure out what we’re going to do next.”

“Aye Sir,” he responded as she stood up. She was halted in her egress by a report from Tactical.

“Captain, the Raklon is changing position. He’s pulling up alongside us from his earlier position at bearing 240 mark 50. He’s maintaining his distance for now but he’s also redirecting his scans to match ours,” Hranok told her.

The captain and XO shared a look, then Carin let out an unhappy sigh. “I was afraid of that. It looks like they’re settling in for the long haul, breathing down our necks every step of the way.”

“That will be a problem,” Terev agreed, sharing his superior’s resigned frustration.

“Okay, call that meeting and let’s hear some options,” Carin stated decisively, then headed for Deck Two right away.

Terev remained on the bridge and tapped his combadge. “Attention: senior staff to the conference room.”

Carin was there seconds later and paced briefly to organise her thoughts while waiting for the others to arrive. Terev showed great perception in remaining on the bridge to wait on the other senior staffers and give his captain her thinking time, she thought with a smile as, minutes later, everyone filed in and took their places.

Once they were all settled, she began the meeting. “Okay people, we have a sticky situation and I want your input on how to best handle it. Firstly, Mr. Terev will bring you all up to speed. Commander?”

Terev acknowledged his CO and proceeded to fill everyone in on all the details on their dealings with the Raklon and his crew.

“So, that is the situation as it now stands,” Carin rounded off her Exec’s words several minutes later. “We still need to recover the probe and we’ve already played the ‘system survey’ and ‘Talarian spy’ cards. As little as they believe it now, they’ll believe it even less if we leave and have to come back, so I want to hear suggestions.”

Chief Engineer Traek spoke up first. “Captain, if the Cardassians are following our movements this closely, perhaps we should lead them out of the system at moderate warp speeds then simply return at maximum warp speed to recover the probe and leave before that can catch up to us.”

Remembering her Vulcan social conventions, Carin didn’t waste time in complimenting his suggestion. “The success of that manoeuvre depends heavily on the Cardassians actually following us far enough out into space to give us adequate time, not to mention doing so would confirm their suspicions of our ulterior motives – since this time we actually have them.”

“We also need to consider that there are two other Cardassian ships in the area,” Terev put in. “The Raklon may be willing to follow us as far as we want to lead them if they can call in a ship to watch Argaya.”

Traek merely nodded, his suggestion having been logically refuted.

Hranok suggested, “If we don’t want them to see us recover the probe, can we blind them? Disable their sensors in some way?” Seeing the looks he was getting from some of his colleagues, he quickly added, “Not by firing on them, of course, but… ‘accidentally’, somehow?”

Terev looked thoughtful at that. “That’s a possibility… gas giants can contain many unstable elements in their atmospheres. We could try to isolate one here or at Argaya B-VI and ‘accidentally’ scan it with the ‘wrong’ type of sensor beam. We could reconfigure the main deflector to—”

A snort from the head of the table abruptly cut off the science officer. 

Terev stared at his captain with his eyes wide. “Sir… you don’t approve of my plan?” he asked angrily.

Oshima waved him off and coughed a little. “Forgive me, Commander. I must have swallowed at the wrong moment. Please, go on.”

The Tellarite hesitated a moment longer, unsure if he was being mocked or not. Carin nodded encouragingly, so he finally completed his suggestion.

“As I was saying… we could modify the main deflector to emit a ‘scanning beam’ specifically tailored to the element we’re trying to ignite. It would explode and temporarily blind their sensors so we could transmit our code and locate and recover the probe. We can even offer to help repair their sensor array.”

“How would we stop ourselves from being similarly blinded? And if that is possible, how do we explain that little fact to the Cardassians?” Doctor Lalani objected. “If we blind them but not ourselves, I rather doubt they’ll accept our ‘it’s an accident’ line.”

“The Doctor raises a good point, Mr. Terev,” Carin opined. “Do you have a good answer for her?”

The Tellarite fell silent, mulling it over, but Hranok took up the gauntlet for him. “We can say that our sensors are specially hardened against this kind of thing, and even search Federation records for similar circumstances we can point to,” he stated, but then fell silent for a few moments. “Or, we could say that it did blind our sensors as well! It would give us the perfect reason to delay in orbit of Argaya B-VI if we do it there, so we can recover the probe, then leave early for ‘proper’ repairs as soon as we’ve ‘temporarily fixed’ them.”

“An excellent plan, Mr. Hranok. My compliments,” Carin told him, impressed with his idea and his deviousness. Others weren’t so admiring, however.

“An ‘excellent plan’ that involves masses of out-and-out lying, not to mention actually damaging the Cardassian ship, and having a high chance of either not working or working too well,” CMO Lalani commented flatly, clearly keeping control of her tone. “What happens if this ‘excellent plan’ destroys the Cardassian ship? Or damages or even destroys us? Or both?” she demanded pointedly.

My, she’s on a roll today, Carin observed humorously. In all honesty she was not enamoured of the plan herself, but it was a valid option. Carin was waiting, however, to see if someone would come up with her favoured plan or even one that was better that hadn’t occurred to her.

Terev, meanwhile, responded to Lalani’s concerns. “Doctor, if we find an element we can use for the plan, it will be precisely and carefully computer modelled and simulated before approval is actually given. We’re aiming for a specific result here, not just tossing a photon grenade down a dilithium mine and hoping for the best,” he reassured her. “If we get the go-ahead for this plan, it will be as controlled as we can possibly make it.”

Nimira sat back again, looking reassured at the precautions outlined but still looking unhappy with the plan in general. Carin shared her misgivings, but not to the extent the CMO obviously did.

“Anyone else have a suggestion? Now’s the time for it,” Carin next inquired of the room at large. A few moments of silence passed, as if her staff were still absorbing the Hranok-Terev Plan – as she had now labelled it in her head – and Carin was about to move on when her second officer spoke up.

“Captain, I think I have a way that combines the basic concepts of all these plans for a far less dangerous, provocative, or morally ambiguous solution.”

Carin had to suppress a smile at the CMO’s reaction to Thelinar’s words, even though the second officer never spared her a glance. The two women just did not get along well. Aloud, she prompted the Andorian, “Go on, Commander.”

“Yes Sir. Just to restate the obvious, the facts of the situation are these: we have to recover the probe unobserved and the Cardassians are watching our every move and are not leaving our side. Thus we have to distract the Cardassians to recover the probe. We do this by letting the Cardassians follow the Akyazi all around the system as we perform our survey, and—”

In that moment, Carin knew Thelinar had hit upon her own idea and was again impressed by the Andorian zhen.

“—we send our cargo shuttle to collect the probe unseen.”

“That’s not practical!” Terev objected immediately. “The Cardassians are watching our every move.”

“Not quite, Sir,” Thelinar responded. “The Cardassians are close, yes, but they’re looking where we’re looking. They’re not looking at us.”

“That’s with their active sensors, Lieutenant Commander,” Terev argued. “Their passive sensors will easily detect a shuttle launch, after which they’ll most definitely look at us.”

“They would detect a normal shuttle launch, yes Sir,” Thelinar agreed, then countered, “but passives won’t detect it if we distract their active sensors with a sudden intensive scan ahead of us, combined with a low overflight of one of these moons on the light side, and – most importantly – if we just drop an unpowered shuttle out of the shuttlebay,” she finished, obviously with the extra detail to forestall another objection from Terev.

It worked, and the Tellarite sat back to consider her plan thoughtfully.

“There’s obviously some specifics that need to be defined, but it sounds like you’ve already thought most of this through, Lieutenant Commander,” Carin told her warmly, the addressed the room again. “Okay people, any other suggestions?”

A few more moments of silence ended with half-a-dozen shaken heads or their cultural equivalents.

“Very well. Terev and Hranok, work together to flesh out your concept and determine if it is a workable plan. If it is, I want an operational proposal on my desk in two hours. We’re going to hold your plan as a backup option, just in case.”

Her science and tactical officers nodded their acknowledgement.

“Lieutenant Commander Thelinar, yours is the primary plan. I want a full operational proposal on my desk in one hour, ready to implement immediately afterwards.”

Thelinar practically beamed. “Aye, Captain. You’ll have it.”

“That’s all, people. Dismissed.”

Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Grim Reaper

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2011, 08:22:30 am »
Damn I was hoping there was more. So GIMME MORE ;).

Back to reviewing: You have to explain the motives of the CMO before the end of the "episode" imho else she'll become a caricature. I like the rest, but want to see more before forming a specific opinion.
Snickers@DND: If there is one straight answer in that bent little head of yours, you'd better start spillin' it pretty damn quick, or I'm gonna take a large, blunt object, roughly the size of Kallae AND his hat and shove it lengthwise up a crevice of your being so seldomly cleaned that even the denizens of the nine hells would not touch it with a 10-feet rusty pole

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2011, 02:45:08 pm »
Review: not my area of interest.  I'm not a fan of TNG fic.  I can't really say why. 
this sig was eaten by a grue

Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2011, 05:41:17 pm »
Reread this story from the beginning, and I really enjoyed it. I always love 'new ship, new crew' stories, and this one is quite well done. You've done a good job of making each character stand out right away, and as I apparently noted a couple years ago (:D) I particularly like the relationship between Thelinar and Telev, and the use of Tellarite Civil Conversation. Also, I find myself wondering just how many problems the doctor is going to cause down the line. (For the record, Kieran would completely agree with Oshima's sentiments regarding counselors in crew briefings. ;) )

The technobabble aspect of your stories can be a bit off-putting at times, but so far in this one there seems to be a pretty good balance. The briefing prior to Akyazi's arrival in-system could have been a tedious scene, but I found it quite enjoyable, actually. The interplay between the characters kept things moving nicely, and it managed to avoid the overtones of a lecture that so many briefing scenes, some of mine included, end up devolving into.

For my own part, I've actually started to get a lot more interested in TNG stories than I was even just the last time I was here. Enough to make me want to throw Kieran forward in time to the TNG era, though I realize that's hardly an original idea these days. :D In any case, I'll definitely be keeping track of this one.
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #41 on: May 04, 2011, 08:23:56 am »
Damn I was hoping there was more. So GIMME MORE .

Back to reviewing: You have to explain the motives of the CMO before the end of the "episode" imho else she'll become a caricature. I like the rest, but want to see more before forming a specific opinion.

Thanks Grim! Ask and ye shall receive. More coming in a matter of days only. As for t he CMO's motivations, they are no more developed than what is stated in the story at present. She thinks her captain may a little to eager go go up against the Cardassians; she is a pacifist; and as a doctor she doesn't want to see injuries and deaths from pointless/avoidable battles. Basically, she has principles and is not afraid to speak out. However, like a lot of people with strongly held principles/opinions, she has a hard time keeping them to herself. ;)

Review: not my area of interest.  I'm not a fan of TNG fic.  I can't really say why.

I completely understand, Rommie. This is my first TNG fic and the reason for this is that I had little interest in that era for writing until fairly recently (the last  year or so before beginning this story). Maybe if you give it a chance you'll like it; I plan on specifically avoiding everything about TNG eps that I didn't like.

Reread this story from the beginning, and I really enjoyed it.

Thanks Kieran! I'm pleased my characters' personalities are already fleshed out for you to this degree. And yes, one of the main focusses of this story will be Tellarite social interactions. I didn't realise that there was technobabble in my stories; technical detail perhaps, but not a bunch of made up words trying to sound technical. But yes, I do like to explain -- or perhaps over-explain -- every aspect of my stories that I feel need clarified.
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline KOTH-KieranXC, Ret.

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2011, 11:00:07 am »
Well. Technobabble might not be the most precise word. It might be more accurate to say that I've noticed at times an abundance of technical detail. ;)
"One minute to space doors."

"Are you just going to walk through them?"

"Calm yourself, Doctor."

Offline Captain Sharp

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #43 on: December 01, 2011, 12:38:05 am »
I'll give this a bump.

Hey, Andy. Haven't been on here in a while, figured I'd start with your stuff. I like where this one's going.

I particularly like that both captains are dancing about the reasons they are there for, nowing full well that their opposite number knows they know. Nice play on that.

I like the by-play between captain and doctor, but after that last briefing, I'd have taken the doctor aside and ironed her out. Your CO is probably more tollerant than I, however.

Anyway, as this site is telling me in fiery pink letters, this hasn't been posted on in 120 days. I hope you're still pluggin away on it. I want to see how this one ends up.



"You wanna tell me why there's a statue of you here lookin' like I owe him something?"

"Wishin' I could, Captain. "

Offline Scottish Andy

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2012, 02:26:29 pm »
Hey Guv,

I just realised that I had not responded to your reply; for someone always yelling about feedback and not getting it, such is unacceptable and I apologise. Especially when you do me the great honour of reading and/or commenting on my stuff first. My thanks to you for that, Good Sir.

(My language is getting more flowery; I put it down to having started reading Shakespeare and Dickens.)

This story does indeed contunue. Where it continues to however, bothers me. <snip> ... so inspiration failed and I was unbable to continue.


You know what? I like talking to you, Guv. You make me think. :) And I think I've just found the 'proper' continuance of this tale, which I have just <snipped> lest it spoil said ending.

Where it continued to used to bother me. Now I have a far better ending to the story!

I thank you again, Sir. :)
Come visit me at:

The Senior Service rocks! Rule, Britannia!

The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Captain Sharp

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Re: Akyazi: Shake Up
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2012, 05:57:30 pm »
I bow to your great compliment, sir!

You also give me the same gift.

Keep it comin!



"You wanna tell me why there's a statue of you here lookin' like I owe him something?"

"Wishin' I could, Captain. "