Topic: Timing Question Concerning Storyline Missions in Single Player  (Read 1435 times)

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Offline Beeblebrox

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Just for fun (and because my wife is out of town for three days) I thought I'd play the EAW missions in the OP Enhancement package.  The first few missions come up ok but after that I don't seem to ever get to a point where I get the next storyline campaign.  I'm playing the custom campaigns so maybe that's making a difference.  Still, the campaign date is 2282 and I don't think I've gotten another mission for nearly 10 game years.
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Offline Pestalence_XC

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Re: Timing Question Concerning Storyline Missions in Single Player
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2008, 12:32:30 am »
Possible that you didn't complete a mission correctly.. It is a known bug .. usually if you restart the campaign and finish the mission differently (your last mission) it may start working correctly.. also missions work off your Prestige Points, but from what you are saying, Prestige is not a problem... However you may want to try moving towards ISC space and see if the missions start triggering again.. also some of the missions won't have a must play on it, and if you skip a hex that generates a campaign mission, then the campaign breaks.. dunno why.
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Offline Beeblebrox

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Re: Timing Question Concerning Storyline Missions in Single Player
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2008, 10:26:03 am »
Possible that you didn't complete a mission correctly..

How do you mean "correctly"?  I've gotten mission complete results for all the campaign missions I've flown so far.  The only one that might qualify is the one where you have to take medical supplies to a colony that has been blockaded by the ISC.  Since none of the races (except the Federation) can negotiate their way through the mission I've just been grabbing my shield freighter with a tractor beam and flying hell bent for leather.  I make for the colony at full impulse, complete my primary goal, then I break for the system's edge and make my escape.  I've mosty been ignoring the secondary goals since they tend to be beyond what I can manage while also protecting my freighter lifeline.

...if you skip a hex that generates a campaign mission, then the campaign breaks..

How can I tell if a particular hex generates a mission?  I thought the mission ladder was controlled by the amount of prestige you'd gotten or was a function of how much game time had passed.

Thanks for the tips.
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Offline Tulwar

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Re: Timing Question Concerning Storyline Missions in Single Player
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2008, 11:45:32 am »
I've had my campaigns become corrupted over time.  I'm not sure all of them were quite right to begin with, but I've been using modded shiplists.  I know that seemingly unrelated things can interfer with one another.  I'm always been careful to wipe my saved games before modding.  I think Pesty pointed out some cash files to someone who replaced their monitor.  There are undoubtedly others that relate to the .MCT files.  A clean install of the game might be your best bet.  I generally don't get "The War Criminals" when playing Romulan.

Another thing the campaigns to in OP is give you long stretches with out missions, and then a whole lot, right in a row.  I do think the .MCT files are a little buggy, or at least fragile.  Changing the shiplist while you have a campaign saved is a good way the screw something up.
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