Topic: AOTK4: Rules  (Read 24254 times)

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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AOTK4: Rules
« on: May 27, 2008, 07:54:08 pm »
AOTK4:  The Strange Trip home . . .

Start date:  May 21, 2008
Start time:  Approx 12 PM Eastern time. Server hosted by Pestalence_XC on Warp Core
Server Stardates:  2265-2285
Server will run for 30 days


Step0. Turn Anti-Virus off

Step1.   Install OP

Step2.   Patch to 2552 -

Step3.  Install Dynaverse Directory Server patch -

Step4.  Install OP+ 4.0 - <--- OP+ v4.0 Models

or <--- OP+ v4.0 No Models

Step5.  Install the below (Frey mirroed it on XC FTP)

AOTK 4 Setup

Unzip and run the exe file to install (allow DOS window to close on its own).

This will install clean and uninstall clean.

On Uninstall, if the DOS window prompts you to change a file.. type Y and hit enter.

Step6.  Make sure your DirectX is current version.. for a full install to refresh all DirectX files and system registry entries for DirectX -

DirectX March 7, 2008 Redistributable

To install, run the exe file, it will ask you to extract to a folder (best to make new folder) - After extraction, go into folder where you extracted to and run setup.exe - after installing, delete folder

Step7.  For D2 stability, it is recommended to play with AV turned off to reduce the chance of dropping packets and to play with Firewall disabled so that there are no errors with gateway ports and the game.

General Rules

-  One ship per pilot

- If you are in a PvP and die, stay there in the battle till the match is over.

- If a mission causes all players to drop, then all those players must attempt to log back on and retry the mission at least once allowing the player with a slower connection to draft. If this player is known to cause drops or lags, this player must not be on the front lines drafting, being drafted and causing connection issues. It isnt fair to anyone else. They need to do missions elsewhere. Make sure your Firewall is OFF!

- If the server goes down and players are still in a mission, VC period ends, or the server concludes, it still counts. Once the server comes back up, the losing team at the request of the winning team is obliged to be drafted and disengage to properly reflect the DV change on the map if possible.

- During some missions, a player's name may not be indicated on their ship. If you suspect you are playing against a human, type a greeting in the chat.  All other human players are required to immediately respond with a text chat greeting and identify the ship they are in. Some missions drop hosts and clients. In suspected situations, a player has the right to ask if their opponent(s) is still present and that player(s) is required to immediately respond with a text chat greeting.

- If you disengage or are destroyed in a game and there are others still fighting, you may not leave the game until the match is finished.

Forfeiting Missions:

Do to unfinished game code we suffer from the following issues and I would like everyone to follow the following protocol otherwise, these issues may causes SERIOUS errors in the database and lead to CPU overload and eventual server burps:

- You are NEVER allowed to forfeit a mission under ANY circumstances on the map during a mission draft or a mandatory mission choice.

- If you are drafted you MUST accept the mission. You are NOT ALLOWED to logoff or FORFEIT. EVER.

- If your navigator is incompetent and has wandered into an enemy hex and you receive a mandatory mission, you may logoff and relog on as long as you do not do this repeatedly. You are NOT ALLOWED to FORFEIT a mission.

- DO NOT park your ship anywhere near the front lines and go AFK. You will cause forfeits this way. Logoff the server till you come back as you may take up a player slot.

- Do not EVER ALT-F4 out of a bugged mission. In case of a buggy mission, the attacker must fly off the map and then ESC FORFEIT in battle to get it to close. Occasionally the defender may also need to exit the map and ESC Forfeit in battle. The attacker is defined by the side that is in a hex controlled by the enemy at the time of the draft. The defender is defined as the side that is in their own home space at the time of the draft.

Redraft rule:

-  If a player drops while a missions is loading, the remaining players should fly off the map and attempt to redraft the mission.  It is best to have the player with the worst connection draft in these cases as it will be the most stable.

Account Creation Guidelines:

- Chat channels don't work properly if you setup your character name to begin with a number or include spaces in your name or any non-letter or number symbol other than a dash - or underscore _
- Hexx/SAC will mess up his chat because of the / he added to his character name. Instead he should use: Hexx-SAC the Underscore or Dash symbol in place of the forward slash.
- Only non letter or numeric symbols are the dash - or the underscore. _ DO NOT put spaces in your name or start your name with anything other than a letter.

Wild Geese and server resets

-   There are no Wild Geese on this server.   I would ask the players to switch sides if there is s blowout one way or the other.   If there is a blowout (and this is entirely up to my discretion), I will pause the server until the players balance out the sides.

I reserve the right to "bribe" people for switching sides to balance the server.  This again is entirely my discretion.


-   All Bases are destructible.  As such, there are no restrictions as to where they can be placed.
-   Since Bases do not appear in the shipyards reliably, players are allowed to have them place via a DB edit with the PP subtracted from their account.   The placement of the base shall be posted in the forums for all to see as base placement is announced on the news of the server.


- If you draft or are drafted into a PvP in a hex that has no Allied or Neutral hexes adjacent to it at the time of the draft, then you may not disengage and must fight to the death.

Disengagement/Destruction Rule

- If you are forced to Disengage in a PvP match, then you are banned from the hex you either took the mission in or were drafted for 60 Minutes. If your ship was destroyed then you are banned from that hex for 30 Minutes.
- If you draft or are drafted while moving out of an area you have been banned in, the mission is to be played out normally, but any outcome for purposes of disengagement/destruction is voided and the banned time from the previous mission and hex doesnt begin until the current mission concludes.

PvP Kill VC Points

AOTK4 will be going back to the direct Points for kills system.   Below is the scorecard:

Battleship:     20 Points
CVA/DN/I-CCX:    10 Points
CA X-ship/BCV/BCS:      7 points
BCH:      5 Points
CL X-ship:   4 Points
CA:                2 point (This includes the F-CS/F-CS+)
Specialty ships (regardless of move cost): 3 points
Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost:  1 point *

* Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost are worth 0 points when flying solo.

Points for run-offs (new from AOTK3)

Capital ships under some circumstances are worth VCs when run off the map.  If a capital ship disengages in an even-number engagement (or if they have numerical superiority) they are worth the below VC points:

Battleship:     10 Points
CVA/DN/I-CCX:    5 Points
CA X-ship/BCV/BCS:      4 points
BCH:      3 Points
CL X-ship:   2 Points

The numbers for determining “even-numbered” is at the START of the mission.  If you’re in a BB and your wingman dies it’s NOT a 2v1! 

Map VCs . 

Any of the 7 Center Dilithium/Nip Planets:  20 VC points  (With Line of Supply)
Any opposed captured planet:                       10 VC points (With Line of Supply)

Fleeting Rules:

- No Capital Ships are allowed to fly together.  Capital ships are: all BCH, DN, & BB hulls, CVDs (16 fighter CA carriers), and CA-hulled X-ships.
- CA X and CL X ships are not allowed to fly together.  DDX ships can fly with one other X-ship in a 2 or 3-ship fleet.
- In a Three player fleet, one of the three must be in a line or command cruiser class ship.  A line ship is defined as any ship that is not a command or special class type ship, vanilla in other words.
- Only one Mauler, Carrier, Capital and Fast ship per fleet.  "Multi-Classed" ships, ie, those that fit 2 or more of the restricted roles, count as the one allowed version of any/all roles it fills (so a BCV / BCS / CVA fills the Capital & carrier slots, Mauler DNs are capital & mauler, DNLs are capital & fast, DVLs are capital, fast, and carrier, etc.)
- Only 3 PPDs per fleet unless all PPDs are on the same ship.  (This was Jahkle’s rule from PBR, the 1 PPD-ship rule is too restrictive).
- If illegal ship combos are in a fleet by accident, their opponent may choose which offending ship must immediately disengage, and the disengagement penalty is voided for the disengaging ship, but they must stay in spectator mode till the battle concludes.   EXCEPTION:  If you draft on a Planet or base where people are re-supplying, you fight whatever is drafted.  If you draft 3 DNs while they are re-supplying, you gotta fight them.   This only applies to ships of the same race, if you draft 3 Fed DNs on an ISC planet they are illegal and have to withdraw.

Keep What You Capture.

- If you captured an enemy ship in PvP, you get to fly it... if of course your RM doesn’t confiscate it and fly it himself.  This will be done with an offline Database edit.
- Captured ships have to follow standard fleet and CnC restrictions.

***** EDIT ******
Due to flatfile limitations (and time available), this rule is suspended for the duration of the server.
- Pestalence_XC -

Legendary Crews.

Captains who manage 10 confirmed live players kills in the same type ship as described below without dying will be awarded a Legendary Crew with these restrictions:

Kills must be made in a Command Heavy Cruiser and or Heavy Cruiser Line type ship using the same account name.
Legendary Crewed ships are upgraded according to their ship path and carry over to the X era. Contact your SC for a refit when available for assignment.
If a Legendary ship is lost in battle, it is gone, period.
If it is lost due to mission bugs or anomaly, contact your SC and appropriate actions may be taken.
Kills made with live allies will be split evenly among all captains. ie; 1/3 or 1/2 of a kill.
Legendary Crewed non X-ships do not count as a capital or specialty ship for fleeting purposes.
Legendary Crewed X-ships do count toward X-ship CnC.
Legendary Crewed ships are NOT transferable to another player.
Legendary Crews may not switch to another ship or race.   

Kills are counted separate for each race also. 
   ie; If DH kills 5 in an F-CC+ and 5 in and I-CAW he's still short 5 kills in his Fed account. 
On the same token, the count will not get reset if you die in another ship or as another race. 
   ie; If Dib kills 9 in a K-D7C then dies while flying a K-D5D or a Rom ship, he's only 1 kill away from having a Legendary Klingon Crew in the D7C.

Benefits of a legendary crew:
   Increased turn mode and +1 HET for the Legendary Navigator.
   2 extra Labs for the Legendary Science Officer.
   4 more APR power and +5 spares for the Legendary Engineer.
   5 extra marines for Legendary Marine officer.

Complete lists of the legendary ships can be obtained by your SC.
Only TWO Legendary Crewed ships may be earned by each side during the course of the campaign, not including the ones piloted by the Supreme Commanders.


- Full Tenders with 3+ PF’s may carry no more than 1 Leader, and 1 Special PF, the others must be vanilla.
- Players using Casual Tenders with only 2 PF’s may recover but not re-launch them and the PF's must be vanilla.
- Hydran Heavy Stinger fighters (H-St-S(heavy), H-St-T(Heavy), H-ST-Tm(Heavy) are substituted for PFs.
- Hydran ships designated with an 'h' are allowed 2, but the OM and IDh are allowed 4.

PF Flotillas

- All races except Hydran have PF Flotillas.
- Designations of x-PF(Flt) identify it as the flight leader.
- Each leader may carry 2 dissimilar special PF's and two vanilla PF's.
- PF Flotillas may not fleet with CARRIERS.
- The x-PF(Flt) leader PF acts as a ship, i.e., PlaD will not fire at it and all PF's are destroyed when the PF(Flt) leader is killed. No way around that.
- PF Flotillas are not worth any VC's unless they have a wing in a PvP in which case they are worth 1 PVP point if the PF(Flt) leader is destroyed.
- PF(Flt) Leaders may NEVER recall their PF's once launched.
- All PF(Flt)'s have been given an extra hull and ED to make them a slight bit tougher.

Fighter CnC

- F-14 ftrs, if deployed, are limited to use only on the F-BCV, F-DVL, and F-CVA (2 squads max).
- F-15 ftrs, if deployed, are limited to use only on the F-CVS and F-BB.
- These fighters are model represented and distinguishable from regular Fed ftrs, courtesy of Thu11s.

- H-St-X are only allowed on X ships.

*Note* SFB Fighters with PlaD were converted to PhoF, "plasma mini-bolts", and a Ph3 360`.

Capital Ships: Battlecruisers, Dreadnoughts, and Battleships:

We will be using the “points at a time system” that was used on AOTK2.   Each side will have 10 Capital ship points that can be fielded at a time (I reserve the right to increase this at any time if the player population suddenly explodes).  Below is the breakdown as to what each ship costs to field:

BCH/BCV:     2 Points
DN:      3 Points
CVA:      4 Points  (includes the F-DVL)
BB:      8 Points
Super BB:   10 Points (B11K)

Battleship activation:  All BBs by default will be restricted.  BBs can be unrestricted at the cost of 10 VC points.  Each side will start with 10 VC points in the bank to they will be able to unlock at least 1 BB or they can choose to not spend the points to add to their score.

Maximum X Ships on at the same time:

- Each side gets 3 X points in 2281. This is increased to 6 in 2282.  X points are in addition to capital ship points.
- If you fly an X ship, you must rename your ship adding an 'X' at the end of your ship name.

I-CCX/K-C7X = 6
CLX = 2
FFX and DDX =  Free

« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 11:31:21 pm by FA_Frey_XC »
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2008, 07:58:12 pm »
Please note the below, its different from AOTK3!

Points for run-offs (new from AOTK3)

Capital ships under some circumstances are worth VCs when run off the map.  If a capital ship disengages in an even-number engagement (or if they have numerical superiority) they are worth the below VC points:

Battleship:     10 Points
CVA/DN/I-CCX:    5 Points
CA X-ship/BCV/BCS:      4 points
BCH:      3 Points
CL X-ship:   2 Points

The numbers for determining “even-numbered” is at the START of the mission.  If you’re in a BB and your wingman dies it’s NOT a 2v1!
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Lepton

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2008, 08:05:56 pm »
"Oh, dear?!  My head exploded again from reading Dynaverse rules.  Can you bring the bucket??"

System Specs:

Dell Dimension E521
AMD64x2 5000+
ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB GDDR3

Offline Lepton

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2008, 08:14:24 pm »
Is it clear to everyone else what constitutes a line ship for these rules, because it isn't clear to me??

System Specs:

Dell Dimension E521
AMD64x2 5000+
ATI Radeon HD 4850 512MB GDDR3

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2008, 08:43:43 pm »
"Oh, dear?!  My head exploded again from reading Dynaverse rules.  Can you bring the bucket??"

Here ya go...
Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2008, 10:38:59 pm »
Is it clear to everyone else what constitutes a line ship for these rules, because it isn't clear to me??

Clear as mud.
The smell of printer ink in the morning,
Tis the smell of programming.

Offline knightstorm

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2008, 11:21:53 pm »
Is it clear to everyone else what constitutes a line ship for these rules, because it isn't clear to me??

Clear as mud.

A line ship is any command variant or non specialty ship smaller than a bch.  Diehard gave a list of line ships last time.  I'll modify when I find it.  Sorry, I can't find it.

My mistake, it was Dizzy in Slave Girls VII.  I apologize for any offense to either of you guys for getting your posts confused.  It was over a year ago.  What Dizzy and Diehard consider to be line ships might vary, but this should give you some idea.,163374054.msg1122794909.html#msg1122794909
Line Ship List:


    Federation   FF   F-FLG
    Federation   FF   F-FLG+
    Federation   FF   F-FLGR
    Federation   FF   F-FFG
    Federation   FF   F-FFGR
    Federation   FF   F-FFL
    Federation   FF   F-FFL+
    Federation   FF   F-FFLR
    Federation   FF   F-FFB
    Federation   FF   F-DD
    Federation   FF   F-DD+
    Federation   FF   F-DDL
    Federation   FF   F-DDL+
    Federation   FF   F-DW
    Federation   CL   F-CL
    Federation   CL   F-CL+
    Federation   CL   F-CLR
    Federation   CL   F-NCL
    Federation   CL   F-NCL+
    Federation   CL   F-NCLR
    Federation   CA   F-CAR
    Federation   CA   F-CAR+
    Federation   CA   F-CAR+R
    Federation   CA   F-NCA
    Federation   CA   F-NCM
    Federation   CA   F-NAL


    Gorn   FF   G-FF
    Gorn   FF   G-FF+
    Gorn   FF   G-DD
    Gorn   FF   G-DD+
    Gorn   FF   G-DDF
    Gorn   FF   G-BDD
    Gorn   FF   G-BDD+
    Gorn   CL   G-HDD
    Gorn   CL   G-HDD+
    Gorn   CL   G-CL
    Gorn   CL   G-CL+
    Gorn   CL   G-CLF
    Gorn   CA   G-CA
    Gorn   CA   G-CA+
    Gorn   CA   G-BC
    Gorn   CA   G-CM
    Gorn   CA   G-CS


    Hydran   FF   H-HN
    Hydran   FF   H-LN
    Hydran   FF   H-LN+
    Hydran   FF   H-KN
    Hydran   FF   H-KN+
    Hydran   FF   H-DWF
    Hydran   FF   H-DWH
    Hydran   CL   H-HR
    Hydran   CL   H-HR+
    Hydran   CL   H-TR
    Hydran   CL   H-TR+
    Hydran   CL   H-LNH1
    Hydran   CL   H-LNH2
    Hydran   CL   H-LNH3
    Hydran   CL   H-LNHM1
    Hydran   CL   H-LNHM2
    Hydran   CL   H-LNHM3
    Hydran   CL   H-MNG
    Hydran   CL   H-TAR
    Hydran   CA   H-RN
    Hydran   CA   H-RN+
    Hydran   CA   H-RGR
    Hydran   CA   H-DG
    Hydran   CA   H-DG+
    Hydran   CA   H-MHK
    Hydran   CA   H-CHY
    Hydran   CA   H-IRQ
    Hydran   CA   H-IRF


    ISC   FF   I-FF
    ISC   FF   I-FFW
    ISC   FF   I-DD
    ISC   FF   I-DDW
    ISC   FF   I-DDZ
    ISC   FF   I-DDL
    ISC   FF   I-DDLZ
    ISC   FF   I-DDG
    ISC   FF   I-DDGZ
    ISC   FF   I-DW
    ISC   CL   I-CL
    ISC   CL   I-CLW
    ISC   CL   I-CLY
    ISC   CL   I-CLZ
    ISC   CL   I-CM
    ISC   CL   I-CMP
    ISC   CL   I-CMZ
    ISC   CL   I-CW
    ISC   CA   I-NCA


    Klingon   FF   K-F5
    Klingon   FF   K-F5K
    Klingon   FF   K-F5KR
    Klingon   FF   K-F5B
    Klingon   FF   K-F5Y
    Klingon   FF   K-F5W
    Klingon   FF   K-FWK
    Klingon   CL   K-D5
    Klingon   CL   K-D5K
    Klingon   CL   K-D5KR
    Klingon   CL   K-D5F
    Klingon   CL   K-D5FK
    Klingon   CL   K-RKL
    Klingon   CL   K-RKLY
    Klingon   CA   K-D6
    Klingon   CA   K-D6B
    Klingon   CA   K-D6K
    Klingon   CA   K-D6KR
    Klingon   CA   K-D7
    Klingon   CA   K-D7B
    Klingon   CA   K-D7K
    Klingon   CA   K-D7KR
    Klingon   CA   K-D5W
    Klingon   CA   K-DWN
    Klingon   CA   K-DDW


    Lyran   FF   L-FF
    Lyran   FF   L-FF+
    Lyran   FF   L-FFp
    Lyran   FF   L-FFF
    Lyran   FF   L-DD
    Lyran   FF   L-DD+
    Lyran   FF   L-DDp
    Lyran   FF   L-DDF
    Lyran   FF   L-DW
    Lyran   FF   L-DW+
    Lyran   FF   L-DWp
    Lyran   FF   L-DWPp
    Lyran   FF   L-DWF
    Lyran   CL   L-CL
    Lyran   CL   L-CL+
    Lyran   CL   L-CLp
    Lyran   CL   L-CLF
    Lyran   CL   L-CW
    Lyran   CL   L-CW+
    Lyran   CL   L-CWp
    Lyran   CL   L-CWPp
    Lyran   CL   L-CWF
    Lyran   CA   L-CA
    Lyran   CA   L-CA+
    Lyran   CA   L-CAp
    Lyran   CA   L-CAF
    Lyran   CA   L-NCA
    Lyran   CA   L-NCAF
    Lyran   CA   L-CAL
    Lyran   CA   L-CALF


    Mirak   FF   Z-FF
    Mirak   FF   Z-FF+
    Mirak   FF   Z-FFR
    Mirak   FF   Z-FFK
    Mirak   FF   Z-FFKR
    Mirak   FF   Z-FH
    Mirak   FF   Z-FH+
    Mirak   FF   Z-FHR
    Mirak   FF   Z-DD
    Mirak   FF   Z-DDR
    Mirak   CL   Z-CL
    Mirak   CL   Z-CL+
    Mirak   CL   Z-CLR
    Mirak   CL   Z-CM
    Mirak   CL   Z-CM+
    Mirak   CA   Z-CA
    Mirak   CA   Z-CS
    Mirak   CA   Z-NCA
    Mirak   CA   Z-BC
    Mirak   CA   Z-BCR


    Romulan   FF   R-SNA
    Romulan   FF   R-SNAR
    Romulan   FF   R-SNB
    Romulan   FF   R-SEA
    Romulan   FF   R-KF4
    Romulan   FF   R-K5R
    Romulan   FF   R-K5RB
    Romulan   FF   R-SKA
    Romulan   CL   R-SPA
    Romulan   CL   R-SPA+
    Romulan   CL   R-KFR
    Romulan   CL   R-KDR
    Romulan   CA   R-KR
    Romulan   CA   R-KRB
    Romulan   CA   R-K7R
    Romulan   CA   R-K7RB
    Romulan   CA   R-FHA
    Romulan   CA   R-FHK
    Romulan   CA   R-RGK
    Romulan   CA   R-KWR
« Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 12:06:06 am by knightstorm »

Offline Braxton_RIP

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2008, 02:45:43 am »
I'm making a sticky out of that post...
Old Geezer

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Braxton's Fleet:

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2008, 08:37:47 am »
"Start date:  May 21, 2008
Start time:  Approx 12 PM Eastern time or whenever the heck Braxton can start it as it’s going to be run on THOR"

Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2008, 09:19:19 am »
typo. may 21st is 31st (saturday) as per other thread with start date.
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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2008, 03:36:08 pm »
Captains who manage 10 confirmed live players kills in the same type ship as described below without dying will be awarded a Legendary Crew with these restrictions:

Kills must be made in a Command Heavy Cruiser and or Heavy Cruiser Line type ship using the same account name....

This should read "Kills must be made in a Command Heavy Cruiser and or Heavy Cruiser Line type ship or smaller..."

In a Three player fleet, one of the three must be in a line or command cruiser class ship...

Thats retarded. Restrictions on too many Command variants in a mission is one thing, making people have one present is another. Command ships are rare so more often than not a strike group will operate with a designated leader for that mission.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2008, 05:57:24 pm »
Captains who manage 10 confirmed live players kills in the same type ship as described below without dying will be awarded a Legendary Crew with these restrictions:

Kills must be made in a Command Heavy Cruiser and or Heavy Cruiser Line type ship using the same account name....

This should read "Kills must be made in a Command Heavy Cruiser and or Heavy Cruiser Line type ship or smaller..."

Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2008, 06:00:10 pm »

Thats retarded. Restrictions on too many Command variants in a mission is one thing, making people have one present is another. Command ships are rare so more often than not a strike group will operate with a designated leader for that mission.

We've done this on 3 or 4 servers already (granted it's been a Year since we had a real campaign).   It's the same rule from PBR only we've expanded it to Command ships to make it more flexible.  Long ago when we adapted the PBR fleeting rules for D2 we decided that the "Line" rules for the 3rd ship in a fleet was a little too restrctive, this makes it more flexible.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Corbomite

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2008, 08:19:37 pm »
Captains who manage 10 confirmed live players kills in the same type ship as described below without dying will be awarded a Legendary Crew with these restrictions:

Kills must be made in a Command Heavy Cruiser and or Heavy Cruiser Line type ship using the same account name....

This should read "Kills must be made in a Command Heavy Cruiser and or Heavy Cruiser Line type ship or smaller..."


So if I kill a CA/CC in a CL it means nothing? Or does this rule mean I only get credit for CA and above?

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2008, 08:31:53 pm »
You would get 2 kill pts in that scenario.
It would NOT, however, count towards a Legendary-crewed ship.
Since the Leg ships are restricted to a CC only, you have to pilot that hull class at least, thus the crew becomes "Legendary" through experience with that particular type of ship.

Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

Offline Corbomite

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2008, 08:36:32 pm »
You would get 2 pts in that scenario.

PvP Kill VC Points

Battleship:     20 Points
CVA/DN/I-CCX:    10 Points
CA X-ship/BCV/BCS:      7 points
BCH:      5 Points
CL X-ship:   4 Points
CA:                2 point (This includes the F-CS/F-CS+)
Specialty ships (regardless of move cost): 3 points
Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost:  1 point *

* Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost are worth 0 points when flying solo.

Thats for VC's right? The special crew bonus is what I'm asking about. "10 confirmed kills" against what? Flying what?

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2008, 08:40:48 pm »
lol, I rethought the wording of my post and modified it while you posting your reply... ;)
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2008, 08:43:21 pm »
You would get 2 pts in that scenario.

PvP Kill VC Points

Battleship:     20 Points
CVA/DN/I-CCX:    10 Points
CA X-ship/BCV/BCS:      7 points
BCH:      5 Points
CL X-ship:   4 Points
CA:                2 point (This includes the F-CS/F-CS+)
Specialty ships (regardless of move cost): 3 points
Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost:  1 point *

* Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost are worth 0 points when flying solo.

Thats for VC's right? The special crew bonus is what I'm asking about. "10 confirmed kills" against what? Flying what?

Yes, these are for VCs.   To get a "Legendary" crew you must get 10 confirmed Kills (NOT points) without dying while flying a Line/Command Heavy cruiser.   Nobody has done this on a server since we cam up with the idea BTW . . .
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Corbomite

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2008, 08:58:21 pm »
You would get 2 pts in that scenario.

PvP Kill VC Points

Battleship:     20 Points
CVA/DN/I-CCX:    10 Points
CA X-ship/BCV/BCS:      7 points
BCH:      5 Points
CL X-ship:   4 Points
CA:                2 point (This includes the F-CS/F-CS+)
Specialty ships (regardless of move cost): 3 points
Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost:  1 point *

* Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost are worth 0 points when flying solo.

Thats for VC's right? The special crew bonus is what I'm asking about. "10 confirmed kills" against what? Flying what?

Yes, these are for VCs.   To get a "Legendary" crew you must get 10 confirmed Kills (NOT points) without dying while flying a Line/Command Heavy cruiser.   Nobody has done this on a server since we cam up with the idea BTW . . .

Ok then, thats clear enough. I'm a little mystified as to why it is restricted to those classes of ships though. If I can consistantly kill CA's in a CL for example, it seems to me that that is more legend worthy than killing any old thing in a CA/CC hull. So correct me if I'm wrong ,but 10 live CA kills in a CL = No Love, but 10 live FF kills in a CA = I'm Captain Kirk?

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: AOTK4: Rules
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2008, 09:08:50 pm »
You would get 2 pts in that scenario.

PvP Kill VC Points

Battleship:     20 Points
CVA/DN/I-CCX:    10 Points
CA X-ship/BCV/BCS:      7 points
BCH:      5 Points
CL X-ship:   4 Points
CA:                2 point (This includes the F-CS/F-CS+)
Specialty ships (regardless of move cost): 3 points
Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost:  1 point *

* Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost are worth 0 points when flying solo.

Thats for VC's right? The special crew bonus is what I'm asking about. "10 confirmed kills" against what? Flying what?

Yes, these are for VCs.   To get a "Legendary" crew you must get 10 confirmed Kills (NOT points) without dying while flying a Line/Command Heavy cruiser.   Nobody has done this on a server since we cam up with the idea BTW . . .

Ok then, thats clear enough. I'm a little mystified as to why it is restricted to those classes of ships though. If I can consistantly kill CA's in a CL for example, it seems to me that that is more legend worthy than killing any old thing in a CA/CC hull. So correct me if I'm wrong ,but 10 live CA kills in a CL = No Love, but 10 live FF kills in a CA = I'm Captain Kirk?

I think it was because of the time consuming task of making all those Mods, as well as to give player incentive to fly a CA/CC rather than Capitol ships and specialty ships.
And considering the rule about 3 player fleets, CC/CA classes will be useful for fleeting requirements anyway.
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead