Topic: Retirement  (Read 8249 times)

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Offline Kreeargh

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« on: May 24, 2008, 12:20:17 am »
I have been thinking about retirement for a few months i feel that my game model work is sub par for this and many other community's {to many picky got to be perfect ppl} so i will retire for a period to ether learn more or quit for good. Quit for good is more likely though because of the # of modelers out there these days that can make wonders of 3d. Its hard to learn more when you have to support a family on a dime  :-\ . I will be making models for those few that request them but general model's released by me will end as of now for the foreseeable future. He he :P not like any one cares but i have to post this info. sorry admins delete post when necessary.
Time for life!

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2008, 12:49:49 am »
Listen!!! I don't know why you have this defeatist perspective. If you don't think that your work is worth your time and effort to do then, by all means, stop. If you like making models, then you should keep doing it. Make them for you and share them with others. I have models of yours in my game. I have the Archangel and the carrier with the docked fighters sticking out the sides (hornet, I think?). Do I have a lot of Wicked Zombie and Atrahasis models in my game (The guys who everyone likes their models. ;))? Yeap, I sure do. Keep working on your craft and you can't help but get better.

Look at my WIP thread on the FDNL. Almost nobody likes what I've done to the saucer. Personally, I think that the saucer came out great. I'm gonna leave it as it is and anyone who wants to can DL it.

I maintain Desty Nova's site. Most of the models on that site have had very few DLs since I got it back up. Desty (Adam Turner) does virtually all of the CG work for ADB. It's a good thing he didn't decide he was going to quit because not everyone here liked his models.

I guess you can do what you want, obviously, but you shouldn't just quit unless you don't want to make models for yourself anymore.
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Offline I, Mudd.

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2008, 06:46:45 am »
Take a break, man.

I HAVE to take  breaks after a flurry of activity ... (mostly from OCDs and other RL issues ... lol) ... but this isn't a job. Do something else for a little bit and come back refreshed. Hiatus. Ciesta. Whatever YOU want to do. This isn't about satisfying fans or winning a popularity contest, it's about doing something you like for you first.

... Now you know.



*** Oh ... and if I were a completely digital being, I'd take any of Desty Nova's models as warbrides .. his work rocks! ***



Offline Raven Night

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2008, 07:47:07 am »
Kreeargh, I think you should keep at it at your own pace. Let me post a pic of my former work to inspire you....

Note...I just learned how to texture about a year ago. Here is an example of my work (couldnt do textures about two years back. This should prove to you that everyone starts by making, well, lousy meshes. It is the only way to learn.

Presenting....drum roll please.....the Klingon garbage scow!!!!!

God my meshes used to be real junk. Now they are just sort of junk.
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Offline GotAFarmYet?

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2008, 08:25:56 pm »
Well I am picky about the things I do but so what that is my problem not yours.
Which also translated means "if you have a problem with it, it your problem you deal with it"

It is not your modelling skills that need the work most of your models look fine from a 3d presepective.
If you want a item to work on go with Mapping. Learn to map them so that the details you want usually buried in the side of a ship get the space on the texture you need to make it work.

If you are talking about wanting to improve your abilities to make textures talk to some one who does them, find out what they use and how they use the built in tools. Mostly if you like to draw really detailed things you can texture as good as anyone else, it takes time to do but so does everything else.

Last point and except for the first one the only other one that matters, which is do you like doing this? if yes keep going if no then stop and do something you enjoy. Its your time use it to your advantage, doing something you want to.

Hell I learned to texture because A I liked to draw and it followed something I liked, and B I was broke and it was a good way to spend allot time cheaply
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Offline atheorhaven

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2008, 01:30:51 am »
Here's my two cents on it..

I've said this to about six people in this community.  If you're doing this for others, you're doing it for the wrong people.

My meshing isn't the best, I'd even say somewhat below average for the community.  I use some shortcuts, and if someone were to disassemble one of my meshes, they'd cry.  I really don't claim to be the best mesher, but they do their job well enough I guess.

My textures are better, but probably aren't the best in the community either.

But I do it to scratch an itch.  I do these to make art as best as I can, for myself and others if they want them.  And ultimately, I do these because I want to see if I can do them and bring them to life.

If I can contribute to the community and give someone something that someone wants, fantastic.  If I release something that noone except me wants, hey.. at least I scratched that itch and got it out.

But I'll bet that you'd miss it.  What you've released shows me that you enjoy what you do.  I took some time off a while back myself, and I felt much better after it.  But I felt, and still feel, the urge to do stuff.. to get things out, and to do art.  And to me, that's what this is.

Here's what I'd suggest.. take a week off and don't touch any meshes.  Do everything else that you'd do.. but stay away from texturing and meshing.  And I'll guarantee that after two weeks.. you'll start really missing it.  Max'll call, your meshes'll call... ideas will bubble up, things will surface and dive and surface and dive.

But, most importantly.. if you do retire.. retire for you.  If you keep on, do things that you want to do.  My TARDIS is something I wanted to do, and do right.  Other things got put on hold when I restarted it.  The console and K-9 didn't have to be done, but I wanted to see if I could do it.  Getting the textures right is important to me.  But, again, if others like it.. awesome.  :D

If you approach it this way, you'll get a lot less pressure being put on you, and if you follow your own release schedule, you'll have even less.  If you need to do things for your family, then do it.  This is a hobby, and family comes first.  My own release schedule has slid meeting my family's needs.. (my wife is doing some heavy gardenning right now, and my releases have been waiting until planting is done).  ;)

But, family and your needs first.. we'll hang on until you can release stuff.. no worries.  :D
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

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Offline markyd

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2008, 07:29:37 am »
I agree with atheorhaven...   

make models for personal pleasure first  :-*


Offline Chrystoff

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2008, 04:24:41 pm »
If you enjoy modeling, by all means keep doing it! Besides, there are those, like me, who can't model at all, and who look up to you and all the other modelers. Trust me; lots of people admire your work and skill!

Offline Sandman3D

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2008, 11:17:24 pm »
Hey, don't quit. Look how often I've had tp leave for a long period due to r/l issues...I always come back because it's fun. I'm one of those who feel my stuff is below average, but I keep going because I enjoy it, and there are those who still d/l my stuff (go figure ::) ). Just remember to keep doing it for yourself...and I love ur stuff btw.

Keep on truckin!! ;D
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Offline Kreeargh

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2008, 12:04:10 am »
Hey, don't quit. Look how often I've had tp leave for a long period due to r/l issues...I always come back because it's fun. I'm one of those who feel my stuff is below average, but I keep going because I enjoy it, and there are those who still d/l my stuff (go figure ::) ). Just remember to keep doing it for yourself...and I love ur stuff btw.

Keep on truckin!! ;D
I miss your wips dude keep them coming if you can  :thumbsup:   Maybee thats what i need to do  ::) make a autobot he he.
Ive always made stuff for the most part (- 5 or 10 models) that I wanted to do or i thought it would be fun to try so for the do it for myself thing I'm OK about my bigest bitch about my stuff is lack of improvemet over the last 2 years I keep trying but nothing seems to improve. It doenst help that i dont know detail tricks.  My poly count keeps getting higher and higher with less accuracy and detail , i don't know if I'm just getting burnt out or actually loosing what skills i have. And God don't get me complaining about my texture and design ability's those haven't improved at all since 2005 ::). If it wasn't for Unknown Warriors inspiration, the guys at Olympus mods and high poly cgi  at sfm i don't think i would have made crap in the last 3 years. I cant say i wont quit yet but i will release atleast 2 more "LOL finished ship packs" not shure if they will be ported to sfc though they might have to many errors sfc wont like.
Time for life!

Offline Terradyhne

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2008, 02:22:48 am »
don't quit i say, take a rest and don't push yourself into a corner of beeing not good enough because someone don't like your work.
i have a similar problem sometimes but in this community there are good people that hold you up and i think there are more that tell you to stay and that like your work than those that don't.
most of us do their work since they have fun to do it.  ;)
sometimes their are even those guys that are a bit missinformed and depend their thoughts to much on what other think and thats worth it to show them that you don't give up.  ;)
the only thing your models lag is good texturing but thats not only your problem, i have this problem to because i hate to make textures and i think you have a similar problem, that you have the most fun with making the model and than not much time or patience to make a good texture.
even if you wan't to get out as much as possible models in time, keep it slow and invest enough time into all parts of a model and it will improof with time.
i think your models are worth to wait for for the most people here and always remember that their are much people that have their own thoughts how something should look  like, you can't always do it right for all people.

even sorry for my bad english writing  :angel:

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2008, 08:06:57 am »
You are right Kreeargh, people are a lot pickier now. It used to be that people were greatful for anything they could get, but now with faster computers and graphics programs that take the skill out of the art, everyone expects 10,000 K + models with multiple 1024 x 1024 textures. The "know-it-all" fifth graders who cannot type complete sentences in standard English are the most annoying, demmanding professional quality that you can only get out of $4,000 programs, and high-end work stations, or. . . LOTS of time. I understand, if you are an artist, wanting to contribute, the whole point is to have an audience. I think the audience you were building for has moved on.

I like your style. It would be a shame for the community to lose you. Don't retire, just don't make SFC a priority. You won't be able to stay away for too long. You'll get an idea, be inspired and start a wip. Don't get discouraged if it takes you a long time, that is just the way it is. Your kids and your job are certainly much more important. Maybe, if your kids are interested, some day you can pass your skills on to them.

Offline Wicked Zombie

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2008, 11:21:20 am »
I'll skip the usual speech about quitting and doing things for yourself since that's already been covered. However, if it's your skills you want to improve there are plenty of modelers here who would gladly offer advice and even in-depth tutoring - myself included. Not everyone has the free time to spend doodling around with the software and techniques, figuring things out as they go. My guess is that's the reason you feel your work has stagnated, not having time to learn and "goof off" and hone your abilities. Obviously there's nothing wrong with that as modding shouldn't be anyone's priority in life so you shouldn't feel frustrated because of it.

So if you want advice, suggestions, someone to annoy...feel free to pester one of us. :flame:
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Klingon Texture Tutorial - Aztec Summary

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Offline Akira_Commander567

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2008, 07:43:51 pm »
You retire, I'll kick your @$$ from one side of the galaxy to the other and you won't knowe what hit you. >:(
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2008, 07:47:15 pm »
I'll skip the usual speech about quitting and doing things for yourself since that's already been covered. However, if it's your skills you want to improve there are plenty of modelers here who would gladly offer advice and even in-depth tutoring - myself included. Not everyone has the free time to spend doodling around with the software and techniques, figuring things out as they go. My guess is that's the reason you feel your work has stagnated, not having time to learn and "goof off" and hone your abilities. Obviously there's nothing wrong with that as modding shouldn't be anyone's priority in life so you shouldn't feel frustrated because of it.

So if you want advice, suggestions, someone to annoy...feel free to pester one of us. :flame:

*grabs a pester sign*
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Offline Akira_Commander567

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2008, 07:51:00 pm »
Hey, I'm not one to be pestered, I blow stuff up for the heck of it, don't hesistate to think I won't blow you up.
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Offline Sandman3D

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2008, 06:28:16 pm »
Just a side note to what I've already said...I've felt the same way, many many times due to my texturing, but the thing that gets me through are all the great texturers who re-do the texture are mediocre, but when they get redone the models really "pop". :P I know ur meshes are very good, so don't worry about that, and as for textures, anyone who doesn't like em can redo em...and if they dont have the skill to redo em, they ask someone who does. ;D

Also, you might do like i did and try ur hand at making a high poly model...they're fun and give you some skill ups. :thumbsup:
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Offline Akira_Commander567

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2008, 04:32:11 pm »
You could make a little variation in your models, you could build a model from a race and give it the marks of another race, example, a bird of prey with hydran markings.
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Offline Greenvalv

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2008, 07:19:40 pm »
I have been thinking about retirement for a few months i feel that my game model work is sub par for this and many other community's {to many picky got to be perfect ppl} .
Here's some simple yet effective advice: SCREW THEM!!!

Offline Centurus

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Re: Retirement
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2008, 07:32:06 pm »
I'm a mediocre kitbasher, and I haven't done anything lately worth showing off.

Plus, I haven't been able to learn to mesh.  Learned a couple things here and there, but I can't make a ship from scratch yet.

And I've been at it for 4 years.

And to top it all off, the only thing I retired from was sanity.  Then again some say I was never sane to begin with.
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