no i think win95/98 is the worsed one as far as i can remember
Problem with both of them was Explorer.exe.. I replaced Explorer as the shell in Windows 95 (the least stable other than Millenium) with Litestep, and then kept Windows 95 up and running until it reached it's limit of 69 days when it rebooted itself. (Problem in the core kernal).
98's Explorer was more stable, but if you replaced it with Litestep as well, it also became more stable.
But I also agree with Raven.. my laptop is also running Windows 2000.

My work laptop is running XP, and they'll have to drag me kicking and screaming to use Vista at work. Because I know it's going to break a lot of the stuff that I use on a daily basis.
And when they push to replace XP on the remote sites, all of a sudeen they're going to have some serious problems with printers, apps, and applications. (Some of their apps still need DOS printer support, not to mention serial support).
My personal opinion: XP has problems, Vista is garbage, and Windows 2000 is the best option if it's available. So Windows versions (in order of my preference) Windows 2000, Windows 98SE (with Litestep), Windows XP, Windows 95 (with Litestep), Windows 98SE (w/o Litestep), Windows Vista SP1, Windows 95 (w/o Litestep), Windows Vista Gold.
Add in PCLinuxOS w/Wine to the mix as a sub for Windows 98SE (with Litestep).