Wow, interesting. A friend pointed me back at this site - feel like I haven't been here in ages.
Sure seems like you have quite a bit of help coming in from the community on this one. A thought or two I had from the fellow who mentioned ST: Supremacy. I like the idea of open source - a lot of what was stated - however, that may not be available for SFC4. As I recall, ADB picked up the license to do SFB on the cheap - before Paramount figured out what they had in their inventory. The rights to do SFC at all was sort of a miracle in that the groups finally agreed to do anything and not continue to argue. I do not know, at all, what happened to the SFC1/2/OP/3 rights although I remember the names of some of the people who had full code access (like Mags!)...but I suspect they're still locked up a little between ADP & Paramount. I wouldn't even be surprised if Activision (or their successor) still had a piece.
Second, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole SFC4 project weren't much more than a tweak/update of one of the earlier generations of the series. Basically, they work. Why reinvent the wheel if you've got something that meets the technical criteria. I've always felt that's been why the modding community did so well with this game...and how things like simply re-writing the shiplist worked.
That doesn't mean vast sections wouldn't be updated/altered. Flatfile databases just plain stink for performance - I believe that was the point of the late conversion attempt to using MySQL for the Dynaverse play.
Keep in mind, these are just my guesses from information that was current...oh...4 or 5 years ago.
Sadly, my relevant credentials are limited to having been a Taldren beta tester (and then one of the few in the Activision Visioneer program)...
I have no idea if I'll make the time to play this game, however, I can guarantee I'll buy the darn thing just to support the effort. I can't even guess how many thousand(s) of hours I put into playing back when these games were live.
I do have one request/suggestion. I suspect you're probably already on this. My opinion was that EAW and then OP was pretty much complete from a SFB point of view. The only real missing component was the Dynaverse. Yeah, it's there - and it works - we all remember the problems. Loved it when it was up - but frankly, the dynaverse really was just an enhancement of the campaign/single player system.
This is the area where the game would shine - this is the point that would re-sell me on the game. Design and build a multiplayer campaign system along the lines of the best community driven efforts (not dynaverse) - I mean the actual campaigns. Remember Starlance? GamerZ? Design a system that allows the flexibility of providing that kind of campaign mode AND then the option of a much more dynamic Dynaverse type approach.