Topic: Love to the California Supreme Court...  (Read 6482 times)

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Offline Centurus

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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2008, 06:49:00 am »
I shall impart some wisdom bestowed upon me by my Political Science professor.

First, he loves to tell the following joke:

"One day there's this man that goes to this witch doctor and begs him for help.  He tells the witch doctor that he's had this curse on him that's been slowly killing him for 15 years.  The witch doctor says that he might be able to help him, but he needs to know the exact words of the curse when it was originally cast.  The man tells the witch doctor that the original words to the curse were: Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

But, my professor loves to remind me of the following:  Marriage is grand, divorce is a hundred grand.

However, as I pointed out to him, there is a reason why divorce is so expensive.  Because it's worth it.
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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #21 on: May 27, 2008, 12:04:59 pm »

I thank you for your wishes of good luck.  Your message is one of the reasons why I have been a part of this community for all these years.  Most of the time, we here see past our differences and truly wish each other the best.  We can ask for nothing better.  Thank you.

You are a fine Southern Man of integrity Will. :) Judge is right, its times like this that make me proud to be a member here.

Judge, you and I may not see eye to eye on alot of things, but we have known each other for a long time. Its always good to see both sides of any issue, even if you dont agree. Youre right, we can ask for nothing better. Youre very welcome.

I think the same about you, Mike. I can respect most people's positions on here because they come from an honest belief. You may not agree with their positions, but you have to respect them.

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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #22 on: May 27, 2008, 01:27:56 pm »

I thank you for your wishes of good luck.  Your message is one of the reasons why I have been a part of this community for all these years.  Most of the time, we here see past our differences and truly wish each other the best.  We can ask for nothing better.  Thank you.

You are a fine Southern Man of integrity Will. :) Judge is right, its times like this that make me proud to be a member here.

Judge, you and I may not see eye to eye on alot of things, but we have known each other for a long time. Its always good to see both sides of any issue, even if you dont agree. Youre right, we can ask for nothing better. Youre very welcome.

I think the same about you, Mike. I can respect most people's positions on here because they come from an honest belief. You may not agree with their positions, but you have to respect them.

 I'm not trying to wave a flag here. But thats what makes this Country Great. And some thing other Country's will never achieve.
 The civility, to accept other peoples beliefs. Religious or other wise.

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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #23 on: May 27, 2008, 09:01:02 pm »

I thank you for your wishes of good luck.  Your message is one of the reasons why I have been a part of this community for all these years.  Most of the time, we here see past our differences and truly wish each other the best.  We can ask for nothing better.  Thank you.

You are a fine Southern Man of integrity Will. :) Judge is right, its times like this that make me proud to be a member here.

Judge, you and I may not see eye to eye on alot of things, but we have known each other for a long time. Its always good to see both sides of any issue, even if you dont agree. Youre right, we can ask for nothing better. Youre very welcome.

I think the same about you, Mike. I can respect most people's positions on here because they come from an honest belief. You may not agree with their positions, but you have to respect them.

That is classy no matter how you look at it.

I tip my hat to you sir.

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Offline TheJudge

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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2008, 01:15:17 am »
Okay, deep breath now that the June 2008 primary election is out of the way. It's time to look forward to the November 2008 election. With the California Supreme Court decision in place and getting ready to go in effect within two weeks, a ballot initiative has qualified to change the California Constitution in order to expressly limit marriage to being 'between one man and one woman'. The Field Poll organization finished a poll shortly after the Supreme Court decision, and the results surprised even me.  - This is a link directly to the field poll results.  It makes for some fascinating reading.  Bottom line(s) indicate that the ballot initiative against gay marriage has some serious problems.  In California, the general rule is that if an intiative has less support than opposition at the beginning they have a tough battle to win approval.  Where a ballot initiative has greater than 50% opposition, the chances of it passing are slightly more than a snowball's chance of surviving entry into hell.

(Field Poll is one of the most reliable polls in California politics)

Their question was:

“Do you favor or oppose changing the California State Constitution to define marriage as
between a man and a woman, thus barring marriage between gay and lesbian couples?”
(among California registered voters)


Favor  40%  Oppose  54%  No Opinion:  6%

Those are some pretty solid numbers.  (They also show 51% of registered voters favoring marriage laws applying equally to same-sex couples).  As you might expect, firm opposition comes from Republican and self-identified Christian voters.  What I didn't expect was that Non-Partisan voters support the Supreme Court Decision by 4 points more than Democratic voters.  More figures show that Gay Marriage enjoys more than 50% support among people ages 18-49.  Not until ages 50-64 does it drop below 50%, and then only to 47%.  The largest opposition group comes from those 65 or older, who are the most consistent voters.

That right there would normally give me some considerable cause for concern in an election cycle, if not for one thing:  Barack Obama is going to be the Democratic Nominee for President.  Senator Obama consistently turns out voters in the 18-49 age group in record high numbers.  Those voters turned out in February for him, and in California can be expected to turn out in huge numbers for the General Election.  They are also largely opposed to the anti-gay marriage ballot initiative and can be reasonably expected to vote no when they get turned out by the Obama campaign and the California Democratic Party (incidently, the CDP has already endorsed gay marriage in their Platform for 2008  - which yours truly helped write and will be taking a position on the ballot initiative at their June E-board meeting in San Francisco). 

At the same time, John McCain's support in California is anemic at best.  With an enganged Democratic turnout and a disengaged Republican turnout, this ballot intitiative could very well go down in flames.  I'm optimistic we can end up with a spread like:  Yes:  44%  No: 56%

I've not always been the biggest fan of gay marriage, and I've not been a fan of winning gay marriage through the court systems, but the Perfect Storm brewing here in California is more than enough to satisfy me.  As is too often the case, the first battles have to be won in the court system, but I believe in order to achieve true victory, the war must be won at the ballot box.

In 5 months, when the People speak, the war here in California might well and truly be won . 
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Offline Dash Jones

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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2008, 02:13:12 pm »'re getting less then a month.  Haven't you learned anything about the horrors of marriage?  It's all fun and games until the wedding day...

Of course this comes from a single guy.

In reality, good luck, and if you really want to get married I suppose it's better to get married sooner, than take chances on what will happen later.

Couple things real quick. First, regarding legislation, California is way ahead of the supreme court of the state. Twice now the state legislature has passed a bill granting same-sex marriage as part of the statutes of the state. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed it, both times referencing this court case and the potential resolution by the courts as being 'preferable'. (On a side note, he's already stated 'it's done', that he will support and enforce the court decision and that he opposes the November ballot issue).

The biggest danger we face is a November ballot proposition currently being reviewed by the Secretary of State office. It will define marriage as between one man and one woman in the state constitution (something Proposition 22 didn't do - putting it in the state constitution). Now, before the supreme court ruling, polling put the proposition behind 42 oppose to 41 support (in California, 90% of the time a proposition begins with more oppose than support, it fails). Unscientific polling by media outlets since the ruling are coming up with surprisingly consistent numbers. (given that both sides are freeping these polls).

The most common results are 42-43 % support for gay marriage, 12-17% support for 'civil unions' only, and 41% oppose gay marriage period. With the ballot initiative coming up in November, it's going to be a fight, but 95% of elected state democratic representatives have voted for gay marriage bills in the last three years. The Governor has publicly opposed the anti-gay marriage ballot initiative, and the Democratic Party has put support for gay marriage into its party platform for 2008, which means the party itself will be spending a few hundred thousand opposing the ballot intiative. If we can keep our current margins, and get 60% of those that support civil unions to vote "NO" on the ballot iniative, we will win.

Also in our favor is that voting "YES" on the iniative will take something away from people that they have already, and makes our argument stronger to oppose the initiative.

Since we are now discussing some Politics in this thing anyways...I know this isn't Hot and Spicy, but I see laws phrased that way not just targeted at Gays, but also others beyond those who have Homosexual preferences, such as those at that Locale in Texas.  In a way it's phrased NOT only to target those who have different sexual preferences, but also those who have different marriage preferences due to religion (hence treading that line of freedom of Religion)., inclusive of those FLDS, as well as certain Hindu sects(who I believe typically follow US law anyways, but what about the guy that immigrates from India and already has more than one wife), and some Arab Muslims (not necessarily Muslims, because I see the polygamy in Islam as more of something allowed, but normally pursued by Arab and North African Descent).

I won't pursue much more discussion on it since this is Ten Forward, and everything is much more relaxed in discussions here, but it is interesting with the implications and effects it will have with that specific wording (ONE man and ONE woman) regardless of one's opinion of Gay Marriage, and into the religious realm.
"All hominins are hominids, but not all hominids are hominins."

"Is this a Christian perspective?

Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


We have whale farms in Jersey.   They're called McDonald's.

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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #26 on: June 04, 2008, 02:36:16 pm »
Good luck, Judge.  I wish you as much happiness as can be had.
"Dialogue from a play, Hamlet to Horatio: 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.' Dialogue from a play written long before men took to the sky. There are more things in heaven and earth, and in the sky, than perhaps can be dreamt of. And somewhere in between heaven, the sky, the earth, lies the Twilight Zone."
                                                                 ---------Rod Serling, The Last Flight

Offline TheJudge

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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #27 on: June 04, 2008, 03:16:37 pm »
Actually, the wedding date is being moved to July 2nd, 2009.  We just don't have the time due to DNC Convention in August and special projects coming up between now and then. 
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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2008, 12:09:02 am »
Actually, the wedding date is being moved to July 2nd, 2009.  We just don't have the time due to DNC Convention in August and special projects coming up between now and then. 

Well, just put it in the schedule of the convention.  If nothing else, the food would already probably be catered in so would cut the costs.
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2008, 02:45:55 am »
He's got a point there Judge.  Saving money is always good.
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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #30 on: June 09, 2008, 02:50:25 am »
Yeah, well July 2nd is our date so we're sticking with it.  Just spent the weekend in Dallas with a bunch from the Gay Author's website.  Had a lot of fun, especially at the Alamo ticket counter where the word 'husband' was used when Alamo wanted to charge us an extra $10 per day for the addition 'unrelated' driver.  When the phone call was being placed to Alamo Headquarters (CDP/DNC contract with them), the charge disappeared all of a sudden.


Then there was the kiss in the middle of the Six Flags over Texas theme park.  Was quite unplanned really. He was going back to the hotel room, leaving me with all the 18-21 year old boys in our group and wanted to remind them that I was taken.  Totally forgot we weren't in California where people barely blinik an eye at two guys kissing...

It was a fun weekend, overall.  We've even got pictures if I can find that site again.   :laugh:  (Just a first name is Dan).  The restaurant was Trail Dust in Arlington, just a short drive away from Six Flags.

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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2008, 05:17:24 am »
Then there was the kiss in the middle of the Six Flags over Texas theme park.  Was quite unplanned really. He was going back to the hotel room, leaving me with all the 18-21 year old boys in our group and wanted to remind them that I was taken.  Totally forgot we weren't in California where people barely blinik an eye at two guys kissing...

 :laugh:  yeah, you would get some interesting stares in my neck of the woods also. :o
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Offline Centurus

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Re: Love to the California Supreme Court...
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2008, 06:09:17 am »
Over in my neck of the woods, which is south of you Judge (in the same state), depending on what parts of the woods, you'd either get my family being shocked and a whole bunch of other stuff, or you'd be hearing whistles and cat calls and suggestions of getting a room from some of my buddies from my theater days.

Either way, as long as ya keep it PG-13, it's all good.
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