Topic: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone  (Read 13863 times)

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Herr Burt

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DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« on: March 11, 2003, 06:24:59 pm »
Wow, I'm still alive.  All-righty then, best-beloved, let's talk about escorts.


With all the (SFB-style) fighers available in DOE, I've found that escorts are going to be absolutely essential for all navies.  We all know that escorts in the past have created lots of controversy and most of us remember why.  I've no desire to go back to THAT flame!

But what to do?  I'm sticking to my plans to take as many rules server-side rather than player-side as possible, so I've taken a different approach than building a complex set of CnC rules.  Rather than restrict access to escorts based upon flagship and rank, I've expanded access to everyone.  I have also added several escorts to every hull class of all three fleets.


The key to my solution were the Gorn and Romulan escorts.  Who wants to fly a Gorn and Romulan escorts as a solo ship?  No one with any sense!  Taldren's incomplete coding of the Plasma-D weapons system means that Gorn and Romulan escorts trade off most (if not all) of their heavy firepower to gain escort abilities.  The key to solving the escort "problem" was making Federation escorts work with the same philosophy as the other two fleets.

Thus, all Escort Ship G-racks have been converted to full defensive loads.  In SFB, the G-rack was a single, dual-use missile system that usually carried two reloads of offensive drones and a single reload of defensive drones.  If you expected a lot of defensive work, you could alter this ratio.  Whatever your ratio,  however, you always had to work in *either* offensive or defensive mode for an entire turn.  Taldren eased their modeling by giving Fed and Klingon ships with G-racks two weapons systems instead of one, and thus allowed G-rack ships to perform both funcitons simultaneously.  Taldren's offensive system came with two reloads and their defensive one with a single reload.  I've merged these back into a single system (as in SFB) with a full three defensive loads.

Note again, this is for Escorts Only! So don't get your panties in a knot over the rest of the Fed fleet.

The other change I have made for escorts is deleting things like the Federation NEC (which served on the Fed/Klink border) and instead introducing escorts like the Federation NER, which was the same ship refitted to serve on the Romulan border.  

Now everyone's escorts operate the same, and they are freely available at all times.  They will be very good at their intended purpose and will be generally  poor at any other.

*If you want escorts, buy as many as you can find!  No restriction.
*  If you lose your capital ship, don't worry about it!  There is no longer any need for a rule that requires you to stay off the front until you are back in a real warship.  Any "cheese" arguements have been pre-empted.  Feel free to fly as wingman for any friends who need an escort, or do whatever else you like.

Experimentation with this philosophy over the weekend gave results I was pleased with.  It did, however, lead me to the one CnC rule which will be in force during Day of the Eagle.  With SFB-style fighters, I feel the following rule is needed: No player may have more than one carrier of any kind within their fleet.

A carrier is any ship capable of carrying fighters, and on the Eastern Front this designation should cause no confusion.  While drogues are puchased in the fighter interface, they are NOT fighters and do not make their ships carriers.  What is a carrier and what is not should be as complicated as a brick, but feel free to toss bricks my way if you are ever feeling confused.  

There.  Now, back to my flameproof bunker.

-Herr Burt the Hider  


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2003, 06:44:07 pm »
Is it too late to make this a Vanilla server?   AOTK was the cheesiest server I have ever seen.  Let's not make future servers worse.


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2003, 06:51:42 pm »
<J'inn runs in with his spectating equipment>

Now this is more like it!!



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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2003, 07:22:20 pm »

Is it too late to make this a Vanilla server?   AOTK was the cheesiest server I have ever seen.  Let's not make future servers worse.  

Plenty of whine too. ;-)


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2003, 07:41:56 pm »
Well for a start there aren't enough rules. Where are the advanced rules for co-op missions with carriers executed in the Holdfast between the hours of 12 AM and 6 AM AEST.

Otherwise what's to say except "Bring it on"?  


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2003, 08:17:15 pm »


Is it too late to make this a Vanilla server?   AOTK was the cheesiest server I have ever seen.  Let's not make future servers worse.  

Plenty of whine too. ;-)  

Come on Kroma, Like the Gorn BCH ain't tough enough!  


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2003, 08:33:30 pm »
Here we go again...


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2003, 08:34:56 pm »

I like the tweaked shiplist.  It is, after all, an experiment.  4P worked well, and I hope this one does also.  You've provided a run-down (for the most part) for the Rom ships.  Can you do the same for the Gorn and Federation?

Please ignore the comments from DH123 who, based upon his Taldren forum join date of 2/27/03, is undoubtedly some n00b who just bought the game and normaly spends his time on the SFC3 Act-B server and wandered over here by mistake.  

Sorry DH ... couldn't resist.  That plus J'inn paid me.

Cmdr. Krotz

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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2003, 08:50:01 pm »



Is it too late to make this a Vanilla server?   AOTK was the cheesiest server I have ever seen.  Let's not make future servers worse.  

Plenty of whine too. ;-)  

Come on Kroma, Like the Gorn BCH ain't tough enough!    

I for one think that Herr Burt's approach to matters have been well thought out, and his answers to this point have been quite cogent   , and the BCH is simply a non-factor in the era in-question.  


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2003, 09:12:12 pm »

I like the tweaked shiplist.  It is, after all, an experiment.  4P worked well, and I hope this one does also.  You've provided a run-down (for the most part) for the Rom ships.  Can you do the same for the Gorn and Federation?

Yes details please. hmmmm....>Gorn CV or CVS I pray.

Please ignore the comments from DH123 who, based upon his Taldren forum join date of 2/27/03, is undoubtedly some n00b who just bought the game and normaly spends his time on the SFC3 Act-B server and wandered over here by mistake.  

He's probably a 15 year old n00b Fed too.


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2003, 09:57:51 pm »


I like the tweaked shiplist.  It is, after all, an experiment.  4P worked well, and I hope this one does also.  You've provided a run-down (for the most part) for the Rom ships.  Can you do the same for the Gorn and Federation?

Yes details please. hmmmm....>Gorn CV or CVS I pray.

Please ignore the comments from DH123 who, based upon his Taldren forum join date of 2/27/03, is undoubtedly some n00b who just bought the game and normaly spends his time on the SFC3 Act-B server and wandered over here by mistake.  

He's probably a 15 year old n00b Fed too.  

Errm... to save you from LOTS of flames.... check the petition sigs guys....  anything but a n00b there that's for sure
What do you think DH stands for anyway???


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2003, 10:01:59 pm »

Please ignore the comments from DH123 who, based upon his Taldren forum join date of 2/27/03, is undoubtedly some n00b who just bought the game and normaly spends his time on the SFC3 Act-B server and wandered over here by mistake.  


That Act-A thank you very much!!!  


Herr Burt

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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2003, 10:19:22 pm »

Errm... to save you from LOTS of flames.... anything but a n00b there that's for sure

A wink is as good as a nod to a blind bat.  These people know who is whom, they're just having a little fun.  

Kroma:  The G-CV is present and accounted for.  As are the HDV, and G-8, G-10, G-18, and G-20  fighters.  You'll also see a few new escorts.

The Feds will get the addition of the Medium Carrier, several escorts, INDIVIDUAL PHOTON HARDPOINTS, F-14's, F-15's, F-16's, F-18's, and A-10's.  The Romulan border versions of the DE and NEC (the DER and NER) appear.

Other ships appear, as do drogues, and most ships have had the 'B' put back into their SFC.  But this is a huge list and I don't have the time to detail it now.  I'm gone for the next couple of days.  Shiplists (no matter how calm) always have flames, and I'd rather that happen when I'm around to listen and respond to concerns of the players.

So, again, be patient.    The balloon goes up next Friday.  Or else I eat dirt.

-Herr Burt  

Rob Cole

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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2003, 10:24:13 pm »

What do you think DH stands for anyway???  

Heh too easy! Richard Head?????


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2003, 10:27:59 pm »
I believe you mean Richard Cranium.


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2003, 10:29:28 pm »


Errm... to save you from LOTS of flames.... anything but a n00b there that's for sure

A wink is as good as a nod to a blind bat.  These people know who is whom, they're just having a little fun.  

Kroma:  The G-CV is present and accounted for.  As are the HDV, and G-8, G-10, G-18, and G-20  fighters.  You'll also see a few new escorts.

The Feds will get the addition of the Medium Carrier, several escorts, INDIVIDUAL PHOTON HARDPOINTS, F-14's, F-15's, F-16's, F-18's, and A-10's. The Romulan border versions of the DE and NEC (the DER and NER) appear.

Other ships appear, as do drogues, and most ships have had the 'B' put back into their SFC.  But this is a huge list and I don't have the time to detail it now.  I'm gone for the next couple of days.  Shiplists (no matter how calm) always have flames, and I'd rather that happen when I'm around to listen and respond to concerns of the players.

So, again, be patient.    The balloon goes up next Friday.  Or else I eat dirt.

-Herr Burt  

Oh great. You tell me about this after I already promised to fly Bruce.    


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2003, 10:35:35 pm »
So Rich or whomever you are  , you going to fly those sweet cheese F-14 Tomcats or just leave them in the hanger as a matter of principle.  

Makes me almost want to fly fred.


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2003, 10:59:23 pm »


What do you think DH stands for anyway???  

Heh too easy! Richard Head?????  

Die Herburtt  


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2003, 12:36:31 am »

<J'inn runs in with his spectating equipment>

Now this is more like it!!


Pops my head in quickly to take a look... oh my, llok at all those A-10 Heavy Fighters being churned out of the shipyards...

Did some mention G-racks??

But oh wait, there's more... I dont't believe it... escorts have been mentioned too!!
Pulls up an esky beside J'inn who thoughtfully is sitting at a safe distance.

"Pass me the binoculars."


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Re: DOE Flame thread #2: Easy Escorts Everywhere for Everyone
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2003, 03:12:58 am »
Re fighters: is there going to be any attempt at having SFB fighter complements or is everyone just going to load up with all F14s, or plasmaF Gladiators etc, rather than F14s only being on the CVA, and Roms having a 50/50 split between plasmaF armed fighters and plasmaD armed fighters? Are the Gorn fighters going to be plasma armed or drone armed?