Topic: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings  (Read 26343 times)

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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2008, 11:27:38 pm »
  Mod chooser is nice, when I tried to put it on my system myself (awhile back) it would error and not work.  But the enhancement pack put it on nice and quick and now it works.  I am a happy little camper.  As time has gone on, most of my quirks for OP has been worked out, some just seemed to fix themselves, others took alittle work.
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2008, 12:32:43 am »
nope wasnt alting out of missions using the same set up i have  have had for years xpsp2 also the second time it happened i wasnt the only one on the server. The first time i was comming out of the ship yard when it happened.

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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2008, 03:38:48 am »
I had to alt a couple times from bugs, but my sound for effects is not there; causing some weirdness every so often...

I'm going to uninstall/reinstall and see if it clears up... never had this issue before.
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2008, 05:44:31 pm »
Completely locked up on very first mission, a 3v3 patrol. Mirak flying versus Lyran AI with a pirate thrown in. Didn't get mission title. Was a "*patrol" on mission selector.  I couldn't even alt-4 out and had to reboot.
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2008, 10:31:32 pm »
Appears to be down at the moment..  :-\
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2008, 11:45:10 pm »
Well, will say it is alot harder then the other ones.  I keep drawing two Lyran BC's in most missions against my Hydran Light Cruiser.  The darn fighters can't decied which one to attack so they split firepower up.

The worst part is that in most missions you go up against mulitiple larger ships, and they almost never slap in an AI to help out.  But when they do, the enemy AI ignores them and keeps pounding on me, even when you run way back behind the friendly ship.
Taking some getting used to, guess I should have picked a race I am better at but wanted to practice Hydran (I am getting practice alright, haven't been blown up yet, not since the first time trying to cross 10 hexes to find a base, but have been turned into flying scrap metel a few times).  It is one to keep working at, and hopefully find a wingman sometime.

Will say, 'tis interesting.
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #26 on: May 16, 2008, 12:26:42 am »
Well, will say it is alot harder then the other ones.  I keep drawing two Lyran BC's in most missions against my Hydran Light Cruiser.  The darn fighters can't decied which one to attack so they split firepower up.

The worst part is that in most missions you go up against mulitiple larger ships, and they almost never slap in an AI to help out.  But when they do, the enemy AI ignores them and keeps pounding on me, even when you run way back behind the friendly ship.
Taking some getting used to, guess I should have picked a race I am better at but wanted to practice Hydran (I am getting practice alright, haven't been blown up yet, not since the first time trying to cross 10 hexes to find a base, but have been turned into flying scrap metel a few times).  It is one to keep working at, and hopefully find a wingman sometime.

Will say, 'tis interesting.

 that is so true, so much so that my body and fender man "BOB" is starting to grumble something about a raise  ;D

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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2008, 01:32:09 am »
that is so true, so much so that my body and fender man "BOB" is starting to grumble something about a raise  ;D

 :D yep, I have spent anough points on body work on my light cruiser, that I could have bought a nice big ship with it.  But then, there isn't anything bigger then a light cruiser in the shipyard to buy.
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2008, 01:33:57 am »
Cool.. the server is back up.. I was away today.. had to get a new desk.. my old one is just too small.. I will be taking the server offline for a few hours tonight in order to set up my new desk.. then I will start it back up.. I am intending to have a 2nd box going that will be dedicated to the server..

the box is a Core 2 Duo at 1.86 Ghz with 1 GB ram and will be running either Vista 32 bit or XPSP 3.. the spare HDD I have is small, so the only thing I will be able to do is install the OS, get all the updates, update DirectX, and load the server kit on it.. after that, it will pretty much be at its limit.. the HDD is very old.. I stripped it from a Pent II system.. 1.86 GB total capacity. But it is a 5400 RPM drive with 16 MB cache.. It is more than enough to run the server kit.. I am in process of getting a better HDD for it, but if it works, it works.

So Until I get that box up and going.. the server will remain on my main box.

I do apologize for not getting back sooner to restart it.. but it is up and going now.

I do have a request. Please list the name of the mission script and what kind of terrain you are in if the server crashes again.

I may have to pull the script.
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #29 on: May 16, 2008, 01:38:42 am »
that is so true, so much so that my body and fender man "BOB" is starting to grumble something about a raise  ;D

 :D yep, I have spent anough points on body work on my light cruiser, that I could have bought a nice big ship with it. But then, there isn't anything bigger then a light cruiser in the shipyard to buy.

That is the point.. you have to build your economy to get bigger ships.. to build economy, you have to conquer sectors..

There are plenty of 100 Economic value hexes on the map.. but then you have to work at taking them..

Like I stated.. you will have to work for every bit of space you can get.. Your ship is now a real value to you and you will learn how to really manage your ships controls and how to take on superior firepower.

I would suggest to build PP fast.. run Convoy Raids and Capture the Freighters for the Bonus PP.. it is a fast and somewhat easy way to get into a bigger ship when they become available for your race.
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2008, 01:41:17 am »
Up again.. awesome :)  thanks!
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2008, 01:45:37 am »
that is so true, so much so that my body and fender man "BOB" is starting to grumble something about a raise  ;D

 :D yep, I have spent anough points on body work on my light cruiser, that I could have bought a nice big ship with it. But then, there isn't anything bigger then a light cruiser in the shipyard to buy.

That is the point.. you have to build your economy to get bigger ships.. to build economy, you have to conquer sectors..

There are plenty of 100 Economic value hexes on the map.. but then you have to work at taking them..

Like I stated.. you will have to work for every bit of space you can get.. Your ship is now a real value to you and you will learn how to really manage your ships controls and how to take on superior firepower.

I would suggest to build PP fast.. run Convoy Raids and Capture the Freighters for the Bonus PP.. it is a fast and somewhat easy way to get into a bigger ship when they become available for your race.

True, but there always seems to be a BC guarding those darn freighters.  :(  Makes it tough, I can go after freighters and the BC with wreck me, or I can go after the BC and anough of the Freighters will get away that you get 0 PP.  I'm working at it.

Oh as I said earlier, you are true to hardcore, when I started in this game, I was in an empty Hydran hex, 10 hexes away from any other Hydran hex or base.  Was tough trying to get to a hex that might have a base in it to repair.  So far, it is an interesting server.  Will make you get better, or make you quit.  I am shooting for better, ATM.
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2008, 01:50:47 am »
Imagine the new skills you will develop playing on this server.. then think about when you apply it to PVP. You won't fear someone in a bigger ship like you did in the past. You will know you can tackle it if the right tactics are applied. And those in bigger ships won't underestimate the punch that a smaller ship can produce and they will have to consider alternate ways of flying their ship in order to preserve it or reduce damage being done.

The purpose of the server is to challenge what you were use to in playing the game. Make it harder and increase your skill.

The server kit allows for even higher settings.. just think.. in a years time.. you might just be able to take on DN's in a Frig and come out victorious.. Imagine the impact that would have in PVP..
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2008, 01:56:49 am »

True, but there always seems to be a BC guarding those darn freighters. :( Makes it tough, I can go after freighters and the BC with wreck me, or I can go after the BC and anough of the Freighters will get away that you get 0 PP. I'm working at it.

Oh as I said earlier, you are true to hardcore, when I started in this game, I was in an empty Hydran hex, 10 hexes away from any other Hydran hex or base. Was tough trying to get to a hex that might have a base in it to repair. So far, it is an interesting server. Will make you get better, or make you quit. I am shooting for better, ATM.

It is strange that you did not start on the Hydran Homeworld..

How many others have this happened to.. I may have to check the map and make sure there is not any errors on Homeworlds...

This is definately something that needs to be looked into with this map. If anyone else has had this problem.. or if it is just Hydran players are having this problem.. please let me know.
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2008, 06:32:37 am »
Just my luck, pulled a Pal as an AI ship on a convoy raid, went smooth as silk, and the HC Server dropped out before I got back out of the game.  I'll beat it yet.
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2008, 07:31:11 am »
I would suggest to build PP fast.. run Convoy Raids and Capture the Freighters for the Bonus PP.. it is a fast and somewhat easy way to get into a bigger ship when they become available for your race.

At times I've been faced with three dred carriers in my I-CMP, but I usually get a dred as an ally too, if I get one. I've tried three Convoy Raids and each one put me up against an H-ID and five fully weaponed Frigates going speed 10, with nary a Freighter in sight. The convoy ships have 6 - 14 Marines aboard so the quick hit and capture is out. I haven't been able to win that mission yet what with trying to fend off the ID and 16 fighters and not get whacked bad by a "Freighter" with 2 - 4 PH-G's.

I've found that the "Patrol*" missions do not affect the DV in allied space, i.e. you can't boost DV with them, but they are cool missions and give great payouts so I wouldn't want them pulled. The Diplomatic Delivery mission was getting irritating until I discovered you could bypass the enemy ship and drop the diplomat off at the planet and disengage. It gives you an Astounding Victory  ::), an easy 100 PP and raises the DV so its ok.

I started out on a 10 DV Planet with 10 Econ. I would hope that wasn't our "Homeworld"!  ;D
« Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 09:19:45 am by Corbomite »

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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #36 on: May 16, 2008, 08:06:32 am »
Just my luck, pulled a Pal as an AI ship on a convoy raid, went smooth as silk, and the HC Server dropped out before I got back out of the game. I'll beat it yet.

That was my fault.. I was adjusting hardware on my system and the server kit didn't like it..

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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2008, 08:20:26 am »
I just had the lock up problem Dax described. It was a nebula hex in a Patrol* mission. I-CMP, L-DNLp+, L-DNPp vs H-DG+ and 2x H-ID. We traded some fire and it just froze. I had to Ctrl+Alt+Del to get out.

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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #38 on: May 16, 2008, 04:32:12 pm »
Just my luck, pulled a Pal as an AI ship on a convoy raid, went smooth as silk, and the HC Server dropped out before I got back out of the game. I'll beat it yet.

That was my fault.. I was adjusting hardware on my system and the server kit didn't like it..

NO prob, I accept any quirks that are out there, as long as I have a server to play on.
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Re: Hardcore XC server going up with new settings
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2008, 05:31:16 pm »
OK.. I am personally testing scripts now.. There was me and Lear on the server just now.. I pulled Met_10PatrolEnemy as the server just crashed out on me in middle of mission. I am not sure which mission Lear took.. however since The Forge was having problems with Patrol scripts, I decided to start there.

I have Mission True Name enabled so please take note of the mission you are going in before you launch .. that way if you do have an error, then we can track specific scripts.

I will test again

However the suspect mission scripts are Met_7Patrol, Met_10Patrol, Met_10PatrolEnemy, Met_17PatrolEnemy, and Met_17Patrol

These are the ones I need tested out..

Met_10PatrolEnemy has already been pulled temporarly.. I will put it back in tonight and test it when no one else is online.
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