Topic: BSG 4.0  (Read 13775 times)

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Re: BSG 4.0
« Reply #40 on: June 19, 2008, 06:56:20 am »
The series as a whole borrows some of the story elements of the original: Baltar's betrayal, survival of Galactica & Pegasus, human exodus, etc.. Now keep in mind the still unexplained disappearance and return of Thrace. The original serious had the intervention of higher powers ("ship of lights"), Apollo's disappearance and the discovery of other humans along the trail to Earth (Eastern & Western Alliance planet). I think they are dipping into those elements again.

Perhaps the Colonial Gods are real and are the meddling higher powers behind Thrace's return with a sparkling new Viper that points to "Earth" as described at the temple on Kobol. Thrace inferred that the star field they saw from the temple would be the same as seen from Earth. What if it actually was meant to provide just a stepping stone to a planet from where the Gods would leave a new pointer and issue a new warning such as the Eastern & Western Alliance planet, although this time the warning is a destroyed planet as would have happened if the ICBMs had really flown back in the original serious. :huh:
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Offline Vipre

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Re: BSG 4.0
« Reply #41 on: June 19, 2008, 07:43:44 am »
Thrace inferred that the star field they saw from the temple would be the same as seen from Earth. What if it actually was meant to provide just a stepping stone to a planet from where the Gods would leave a new pointer and issue a new warning such as the Eastern & Western Alliance planet, although this time the warning is a destroyed planet as would have happened if the ICBMs had really flown back in the original serious.

Not bad but didn't she base that on Pithia's description which went something to the effect of, "When they arrived on Earth they looked up and in the sky saw their brothers" a reference to the constellations. The image in the temple was the night sky displaying them and she recognized the connection with the descriptuion.

Anything's possible, but with so few episodes left it seems like it'd be kind of hard to have an "Eastern & Western Alliance planet" style plot, deal with the other cylons (they weren't all killed when the hub was destroyed were they?), find the fifth cylon and tie everything up with the discovery of "the real" Earth.
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Offline dragoon

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Re: BSG 4.0
« Reply #42 on: June 19, 2008, 09:58:50 am »
Also, in that Episode, it seems that it's the first time we've seen colonials with what they think is direct information on Earth itself.

Not quite, the first time they saw what they think is direct information on Earth itself was the constellations at the Temple of Athena I believe on Kobol itself. Thats why Adama tells Gaeta to take his time verifying that they are in their correct spots.

Surely this means that there was contact between Earth and Kobol before the 12 tribes left. And it seems to me, that Earth might already have been established before the 13th left Kobol too. So to me it discounts the idea of Earth not being the point of origin within this BSG's mythos.
Can't leave breadcrumbs to somewhere you've never been so yeah either someone left Kobol settled Earth then returned to the 12 colonies with the "prophecies" of Pithia leaving clues to it's location on the return trip or Earth was the starting point and Kobol was second.

What I meant about the colonials understanding of Earth, is that it was the first time we've seen info they've had from before the escape from Caprica et al.
The Hybrid also said that they should not follow Kara.... as far as I can see, that's exactly what they have all done.

The viper was pointing the way to Earth, but then, so was the arrow of Apollo, and the Temple of Jupiter and the Ionion Nebula etc.... this world could be another guide to that place, another stepping stone.

I don't think it would take much to make it so. You just need them to find a temple or sealed documents saying the world is called Terra, and that some kind of cataclysm is occurring, and we've decided to return to humanities birth place... .Earth. This would cause major upset for the colonials because they think they originated on Kobol.... and I think it would then be a good lead to the idea that the Colonials were the Kobol version of Cylons, and they caused the destruction, and that the 12 tribes were based on 12 models of Cylons that existed. Where as the 13th tribe were the surviving Humans who fled back to Earth. So all of this has happend before and it will again......
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Offline manitoba1073

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Re: BSG 4.0
« Reply #43 on: June 21, 2008, 02:43:17 am »
ofcourse to me the sun looked a little to close for it to be earth  ;)

Offline dragoon

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Re: BSG 4.0
« Reply #44 on: June 21, 2008, 05:45:06 am »
ofcourse to me the sun looked a little to close for it to be earth  ;)

Good point... I noticed that the sun seemed a bit too bright, but didn''t pay it enough attention.... what with being shocked etc.  ;D
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Re: BSG 4.0
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2008, 03:32:33 pm »
ofcourse to me the sun looked a little to close for it to be earth  ;)

Good point... I noticed that the sun seemed a bit too bright, but didn''t pay it enough attention.... what with being shocked etc.  ;D

Well, maybe due to air burst Nukes the upper Atmosphere has thined down and the sun looks brighter and closer (not being filtered out as much)
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Offline manitoba1073

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Re: BSG 4.0
« Reply #46 on: June 22, 2008, 01:22:54 am »
ofcourse to me the sun looked a little to close for it to be earth  ;)

Good point... I noticed that the sun seemed a bit too bright, but didn''t pay it enough attention.... what with being shocked etc.  ;D

Well, maybe due to air burst Nukes the upper Atmosphere has thined down and the sun looks brighter and closer (not being filtered out as much)

 Just a tiny flaw to that. When you see the sun you are above the atmosphere out of any interference.

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Re: BSG 4.0
« Reply #47 on: June 22, 2008, 05:44:45 pm »
Just theorizing, but I see three possible outcomes:

1. The Cylons beat Galactica to Earth and wiped it out.  :smackhead:

2. It's not Earth.  :lol:

3. The writers ran out of ideas and just decided to rip off "Planet of the Apes", which will lead to lynch mobs outside their houses for ripping them off for 4 years.  :2gun:

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Re: BSG 4.0
« Reply #48 on: June 23, 2008, 12:39:14 pm »
I see it as that they found Earth post WW III... Now they have to decide where to go or if to settle and rebuild the Earth.. will the Cylons and Humans continue their truce, and what about the other faction of the Cylons.. are they on their way also (remember that the Hybrids are interconnected)

And finally, the #5 of the final 5 cylons still has to be announced.

BUT we have to wait until Jan of 09, I think, to find out.
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Re: BSG 4.0
« Reply #49 on: July 04, 2008, 06:32:21 pm »
What happened in their WW III? Also, I think I like the third option you gave Father Ted..........*gets a noose ready*............. er...uh, I said nothing.
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