Topic: 9 volts and timers and breadboards oh my!  (Read 3617 times)

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9 volts and timers and breadboards oh my!
« on: November 25, 2008, 09:05:23 pm »
I had thought about using a 12 volt wall adapter at 1.5 or 2 amps,  however, a 9 volt will run 10 LEDs on a 555 timer.

 A 555 timer will output 200 milli-amps.

10 LEDs, each needing  20 milli-amps = 200 

10 navigational LEDs will take up the 555 timer ideally. This leaves the 4 strobe lights to deal with which is another 80 mA. I expect to wind up using a 556 timer (which is 2 555s in one chip) output 2 x 200 mA.

Remaining constant on lights could be done with a few 9 volts hooked up in parallel for the needed current.

I'm just too short of time but I have the 555 timer onthe breadboard now with an LED and I'm happy with the on/off rate for the navs.
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