Did I mention the Gorn fighter will still be pink in your honor?
Hey, Pink is a great warrior color, my warhammer 40,000 troops are pink. Nothing strikes fear in the enemy more then an ocean of pink comming at you.
You haven't seen the Gorn Dreads from GW5 have you?
Oh, good grief. Still with the pink fighters and ships. And here I was hoping we had finally mothballed all those Queen Kroma ships.

It is mouth-balled NOT mothballed. Now report to my cabin immediately for your re-indoctrination into the ways of the Reptilian Diva, and wear the pink short-shorts.
I certainly will not. Besides, they bind. I mean.........what I really meant to say was that I refuse to wear those little pants you handed out several years ago. I, sir, am a Gorn warrior of the highest repute. I do not "dally" about with such items.
<now which drawer did I put my backup tequila bottle> You are going to single-handedly drive me to increase my drinking again.
Will the Gorn Confederation never live down that "Queen for a Day" idea? I will need to send out the Templars to "guide" some of our lost children again.

Where's crusty 'ole S'cipio when you need him?