Well I always knew better then to try a pay-to-play game, and I'm sorry but this was my first.
I paid $50 for it in the store, it took a long time to install, even longer time to patch. I tried to login with the provided CD key and 30 days "free" game time as promised on the box. I was rather disappointed to find that they want a minimum of $15 more just to be able to play. What happened to my free 30 days? Worse yet, the only options besides credit cards are only available in $30 units. So, if they wanted $80 for the game why didn't they say so on the box?
Not only that, I have to pay an additional $40 dollars and endure a 15GB download if I want to play it against my friends on servers worldwide? Supposedly that deal includes 30 days game time too... yeah right.
I think I'm taking it back to the store. The CD Key is probably invalid now though, as I entered it on the site but did not pay up. I already paid.
Not good value at all, I paid $50 and while it kept me busy for a while waiting for the installation and patch some time, and I got to hear a sample of what might be a nice soundtrack in the intro menu, but I got zero play time whatsoever, and a $50, 32GB white elephant on my hard disk. I think I'll start reclaiming that space now, at least I know I can get that back.
I should have known better.
My punishment for neglecting SFC I guess.