I'm for Speed 8.. mainly since I'm just so used to it.. all my skirmish have been 8, so its just seemed natural to me.. allows a bit more time to set up all your weapons and stuff right in the begining as well with plenty of time to spare for engagement 
Speed 8 of course is longer to get through being in the early era, but it does almost go by too quickly in Adv and Late era for me at times.
I use Key mapping for my ships.
go into a mission, set up power config, weapon buttons, initial start speed, ECM, ECCM, Shield Reinforcement, and on most ships, Overloads..
Once you have your stuff set up for your ship.. hit Shift+Scroll Lock and the game will save your settings..
Your ship will default to your saved setting when you hit red alert.
You have to do this for each ship you get.. but once it is saved, you can forget about it..
Take for example.. F-CC
You set it up and save preferences.
You can leave the Forge and get on Boneyard (same shiplist) and get the F-CC .. your settings will still be there as well.
Changing shiplists, you have to reconfigure your ships.
but it is a big time saver.. and at speed 9, you hit R, then lock on to target, turn your ship.. get a drink, come back and start the fight
0 maintainence on your part until you get into the thick of it.